예제 #1
        public static Tuple<String, FrameAnimation> LoadFromXML(string filename)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(filename); //Load XML doc.


            string name = "0";
            bool looping = false;

            var nameattrib = doc.Root.Attribute("name");

            if (nameattrib != null)
                name = nameattrib.Value;

            var loopattrib = doc.Root.Attribute("looping");

            if (loopattrib != null)
                    looping = bool.Parse(loopattrib.Value);

            FrameAnimation anim = new FrameAnimation(name, looping);


            var frames = doc.Root.Element("frames");

            if (frames != null)
                foreach (var frame in frames.Elements("frame"))
                    string id = "";
                    string texture = "";
                    Rectangle drawarea = Rectangle.Empty;
                    Vector3 offsets = Vector3.Zero;
                    Vector2 origin = Vector2.Zero;

                    var idattrib = frame.Attribute("id");

                    if (idattrib != null)
                        id = idattrib.Value;

                    var textureattrib = frame.Attribute("texture");

                    if (textureattrib != null)
                        texture = textureattrib.Value;

                    var drawareaattrib = frame.Attribute("drawarea");

                    if (drawareaattrib != null)
                        String drawareastring = drawareaattrib.Value;

                        String[] split = drawareastring.Split(',');

                        if (split.Length == 4)
                            bool success = true;

                            int x;
                            int y;
                            int w;
                            int h;

                            if (!int.TryParse(split[0], out x) && success)
                                success = false;

                            if (!int.TryParse(split[1], out y) && success)
                                success = false;

                            if (!int.TryParse(split[2], out w) && success)
                                success = false;

                            if (!int.TryParse(split[3], out h) && success)
                                success = false;

                            if (success)
                                drawarea = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

                    var xoffsetrightattrib = frame.Attribute("xoffsetright");

                    if (xoffsetrightattrib != null)
                        offsets.X = int.Parse(xoffsetrightattrib.Value);

                    var xoffsetleftattrib = frame.Attribute("xoffsetleft");

                    if (xoffsetleftattrib != null)
                       offsets.Z = int.Parse(xoffsetleftattrib.Value);

                    var yoffsetattrib = frame.Attribute("yoffset");

                    if (yoffsetattrib != null)
                        offsets.Y = int.Parse(yoffsetattrib.Value);

                    var originattrib = frame.Attribute("origin");

                    if (originattrib != null)
                        String originstring = originattrib.Value;

                        String[] split = originstring.Split(',');

                        if (split.Length == 2)
                            bool success = true;

                            float x;
                            float y;

                            if (!float.TryParse(split[0], out x) && success)
                                success = false;

                            if (!float.TryParse(split[1], out y) && success)
                                success = false;

                            if (success)
                                origin = new Vector2(x, y);

                    DrawData drawdata = new DrawData(id, texture, drawarea, offsets, origin);


                    var hitboxes = frame.Element("hitboxes");

                    if (hitboxes != null)
                        foreach (var hitbox in hitboxes.Elements("hitbox"))
                            String hbid = "";
                            Rectangle hbrect = Rectangle.Empty;
                            int hbleftoffset = 0;
                            BoundingType hbtype = BoundingType.Body;

                            var hbidattrib = hitbox.Attribute("group");

                            if (hbidattrib != null)
                                hbid = hbidattrib.Value;

                            var hbrectattrib = hitbox.Attribute("rectangle");

                            if (hbrectattrib != null)
                                String hbrectstring = hbrectattrib.Value;

                                String[] split = hbrectstring.Split(',');

                                if (split.Length == 4)
                                    bool success = true;

                                    int x;
                                    int y;
                                    int w;
                                    int h;

                                    if (!int.TryParse(split[0], out x) && success)
                                        success = false;

                                    if (!int.TryParse(split[1], out y) && success)
                                        success = false;

                                    if (!int.TryParse(split[2], out w) && success)
                                        success = false;

                                    if (!int.TryParse(split[3], out h) && success)
                                        success = false;

                                    if (success)
                                        hbrect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

                            var hboffsetleftattrib = hitbox.Attribute("leftoffset");

                            if (hboffsetleftattrib != null)
                                hbleftoffset = int.Parse(hboffsetleftattrib.Value);

                            var hbtypeattrib = hitbox.Attribute("boundingtype");

                            if (hbtypeattrib != null)
                                BoundingType.TryParse(hbtypeattrib.Value, out hbtype);

                            BoundBox box = new BoundBox(hbrect, hbleftoffset, hbtype);

                    anim.AddDrawData(drawdata.ID, drawdata);


             var cycle = doc.Root.Element("cycle");

             if (cycle != null)
                 foreach (var node in cycle.Elements("node"))
                     string id = "";
                     int timetillnext = 0;

                     var idattrib = node.Attribute("frame");

                     if (idattrib != null)
                         id = idattrib.Value;

                     var ttnattrib = node.Attribute("timetillnext");

                     if (ttnattrib != null)
                         timetillnext = int.Parse(ttnattrib.Value);

                     AnimNode animnode = new AnimNode(anim, timetillnext);


                     Vector2 velocity = Vector2.Zero;
                     bool xsmooth = false;
                     bool ysmooth = false;

                     var velocityelement = node.Element("velocity");

                     if (velocityelement != null)
                         float x = 0;
                         float y = 0;

                         var xattrib = velocityelement.Attribute("x");

                         if (xattrib != null)
                             x = float.Parse(xattrib.Value);

                         var yattrib = velocityelement.Attribute("y");

                         if (yattrib != null)
                             y = float.Parse(yattrib.Value);

                         velocity = new Vector2(x,y);

                         var xsmoothattrib = velocityelement.Attribute("xsmooth");

                         if (xsmoothattrib != null)
                             xsmooth = bool.Parse(xsmoothattrib.Value);

                         var ysmoothattrib = velocityelement.Attribute("ysmooth");

                         if (ysmoothattrib != null)
                             ysmooth = bool.Parse(ysmoothattrib.Value);

                         animnode.SetVelocity(velocity, xsmooth, ysmooth);


                     var rotationelement = node.Element("rotation");

                     if (rotationelement != null)
                         float radians = 0f;
                         bool smoothrot = false;

                         var radianattrib = velocityelement.Attribute("radians");

                         if (radianattrib != null)
                             radians = float.Parse(radianattrib.Value);

                         var smoothrotattrib = velocityelement.Attribute("radians");

                         if (smoothrotattrib != null)
                             smoothrot = bool.Parse(smoothrotattrib.Value);

                         animnode.SetRotation(radians, smoothrot);

                     //Load custom XML.

                     animnode.CustomXML = node.Element("CustomXML");


            return new Tuple<string, FrameAnimation>(name, anim);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a bounding box to the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box">The box to add.</param>
 public void AddBoundingBox(BoundBox box)