partial void Merge(UpgradeComponent entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { var upgradeComponent = dto.UpgradeComponent; if (upgradeComponent == null) { return; } var flags = upgradeComponent.Flags; if (flags != null) { entity.UpgradeComponentFlags = this.upgradeComponentFlagCollectionConverter.Convert(flags, upgradeComponent); } var infusionUpgradeFlags = upgradeComponent.InfusionUpgradeFlags; if (infusionUpgradeFlags != null) { entity.InfusionUpgradeFlags = this.infusionSlotFlagCollectionConverter.Convert(infusionUpgradeFlags, upgradeComponent); } entity.Suffix = upgradeComponent.Suffix; var infixUpgrade = upgradeComponent.InfixUpgrade; if (infixUpgrade != null) { entity.InfixUpgrade = this.infixUpgradeConverter.Convert(infixUpgrade, upgradeComponent); } entity.Bonuses = upgradeComponent.Bonuses; }
partial void Merge(Trinket entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { var trinket = dto.Trinket; if (trinket == null) { return; } var infusionSlots = trinket.InfusionSlots; if (infusionSlots != null) { entity.InfusionSlots = this.infusionSlotCollectionConverter.Convert(infusionSlots, trinket); } var infixUpgrade = trinket.InfixUpgrade; if (infixUpgrade != null) { entity.InfixUpgrade = this.infixUpgradeConverter.Convert(infixUpgrade, trinket); } int suffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(trinket.SuffixItemId, out suffixItemId)) { entity.SuffixItemId = suffixItemId; } int secondarySuffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(trinket.SecondarySuffixItemId, out secondarySuffixItemId)) { entity.SecondarySuffixItemId = secondarySuffixItemId; } }
partial void Merge(GatheringTool entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { int defaultSkinId; if (int.TryParse(dto.DefaultSkin, out defaultSkinId)) { entity.DefaultSkinId = defaultSkinId; } }
partial void Merge(Weapon entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { int defaultSkinId; if (int.TryParse(dto.DefaultSkin, out defaultSkinId)) { entity.DefaultSkinId = defaultSkinId; } var weapon = dto.Weapon; if (weapon == null) { return; } entity.DamageType = this.damageTypeConverter.Convert(weapon.DamageType, state); int minimumPower; if (int.TryParse(weapon.MinimumPower, out minimumPower)) { entity.MinimumPower = minimumPower; } int maximumPower; if (int.TryParse(weapon.MaximumPower, out maximumPower)) { entity.MaximumPower = maximumPower; } int defense; if (int.TryParse(weapon.Defense, out defense)) { entity.Defense = defense; } var infusionSlots = weapon.InfusionSlots; if (infusionSlots != null) { entity.InfusionSlots = this.infusionSlotCollectionConverter.Convert(infusionSlots, weapon); } var infixUpgrade = weapon.InfixUpgrade; if (infixUpgrade != null) { entity.InfixUpgrade = this.infixUpgradeConverter.Convert(infixUpgrade, weapon); } int suffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(weapon.SuffixItemId, out suffixItemId)) { entity.SuffixItemId = suffixItemId; } int secondarySuffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(weapon.SecondarySuffixItemId, out secondarySuffixItemId)) { entity.SecondarySuffixItemId = secondarySuffixItemId; } }
partial void Merge(CraftingRecipeUnlocker entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { var consumableDto = dto.Consumable; if (consumableDto == null) { return; } int recipeId; if (int.TryParse(consumableDto.RecipeId, out recipeId)) { entity.RecipeId = recipeId; } }
partial void Merge(DyeUnlocker entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { var consumable = dto.Consumable; if (consumable == null) { return; } int colorId; if (int.TryParse(consumable.ColorId, out colorId)) { entity.ColorId = colorId; } }
partial void Merge(SalvageTool entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { var tool = dto.Tool; if (tool == null) { return; } int charges; if (int.TryParse(tool.Charges, out charges)) { entity.Charges = charges; } }
partial void Merge(ImmediateConsumable entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { var consumableDto = dto.Consumable; if (consumableDto == null) { return; } entity.Effect = consumableDto.Description; double duration; if (double.TryParse(consumableDto.Duration, out duration)) { entity.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration); } }
partial void Merge(Bag entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { var bag = dto.Bag; if (bag == null) { return; } int size; if (int.TryParse(bag.Size, out size)) { entity.Size = size; } int noSellOrSort; if (int.TryParse(bag.NoSellOrSort, out noSellOrSort)) { entity.NoSellOrSort = noSellOrSort == 1; } }
partial void Merge(Armor entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { int defaultSkinId; if (int.TryParse(dto.DefaultSkin, out defaultSkinId)) { entity.DefaultSkinId = defaultSkinId; } var armor = dto.Armor; entity.WeightClass = this.weightClassConverter.Convert(armor.WeightClass, armor); int defense; if (int.TryParse(armor.Defense, out defense)) { entity.Defense = defense; } var infusionSlots = armor.InfusionSlots; if (infusionSlots != null) { entity.InfusionSlots = this.infusionSlotCollectionConverter.Convert(infusionSlots, armor); } var infixUpgrade = armor.InfixUpgrade; if (infixUpgrade != null) { entity.InfixUpgrade = this.infixUpgradeConverter.Convert(infixUpgrade, armor); } int suffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(armor.SuffixItemId, out suffixItemId)) { entity.SecondarySuffixItemId = suffixItemId; } int secondarySuffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(armor.SecondarySuffixItemId, out secondarySuffixItemId)) { entity.SecondarySuffixItemId = secondarySuffixItemId; } }
partial void Merge(Backpack entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { int defaultSkinId; if (int.TryParse(dto.DefaultSkin, out defaultSkinId)) { entity.DefaultSkinId = defaultSkinId; } var backpack = dto.Backpack; if (backpack == null) { return; } var infusionSlots = backpack.InfusionSlots; if (infusionSlots != null) { entity.InfusionSlots = this.infusionSlotCollectionConverter.Convert(infusionSlots, dto); } var infixUpgrade = backpack.InfixUpgrade; if (infixUpgrade != null) { entity.InfixUpgrade = this.infixUpgradeConverter.Convert(infixUpgrade, dto); } int suffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(backpack.SuffixItemId, out suffixItemId)) { entity.SuffixItemId = suffixItemId; } int secondarySuffixItemId; if (int.TryParse(backpack.SecondarySuffixItemId, out secondarySuffixItemId)) { entity.SecondarySuffixItemId = secondarySuffixItemId; } }
partial void Merge(Item entity, ItemDTO dto, object state) { ItemChatLink chatLink = new ItemChatLink { Quantity = 1 }; int itemId; if (int.TryParse(dto.ItemId, out itemId)) { entity.ItemId = itemId; } entity.Name = dto.Name; entity.Description = dto.Description; int level; if (int.TryParse(dto.Level, out level)) { entity.Level = level; } entity.Rarity = this.itemRarityConverter.Convert(dto.Rarity, dto); int vendorValue; if (int.TryParse(dto.VendorValue, out vendorValue)) { entity.VendorValue = vendorValue; } var gameTypes = dto.GameTypes; if (gameTypes != null) { entity.GameTypes = this.gameTypesConverter.Convert(gameTypes, dto); } var flags = dto.Flags; if (flags != null) { entity.Flags = this.itemFlagsConverter.Convert(flags, dto); } var restrictions = dto.Restrictions; if (restrictions != null) { entity.Restrictions = this.itemRestrictionsConverter.Convert(restrictions, dto); } int iconFileId; if (int.TryParse(dto.IconFileId, out iconFileId)) { entity.IconFileId = iconFileId; } // Set the icon file signature entity.IconFileSignature = dto.IconFileSignature; // Set the icon file URL const string IconUrlTemplate = @"{0}/{1}.{2}"; var iconUrl = string.Format(IconUrlTemplate, dto.IconFileSignature, dto.IconFileId, "png"); entity.IconFileUrl = new Uri(iconUrl, UriKind.Absolute); var skinnable = entity as ISkinnable; if (skinnable != null) { int defaultSkinId; if (int.TryParse(dto.DefaultSkin, out defaultSkinId)) { skinnable.DefaultSkinId = defaultSkinId; chatLink.SkinId = defaultSkinId; } } var upgrade = entity as IUpgradable; if (upgrade != null) { chatLink.SuffixItemId = upgrade.SuffixItemId; chatLink.SecondarySuffixItemId = upgrade.SecondarySuffixItemId; } entity.ChatLink = chatLink.ToString(); }