//public dash_board dum2 = dash_board.getInstance(); //private static Main_Form instance; //Function creates only one instance of the form //public static Main_Form getInstance() //{ // if (instance == null || instance.IsDisposed) // instance = new Main_Form(); // else // instance.BringToFront(); // return instance; //} //Checks if ovftool is installed properlly or not private void Main_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OvfClass ovf = new OvfClass(); String chk = ovf.compute("-h"); if (chk.Substring(chk.Length - 4, 4) == "erro") { menuStrip1.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("The software cannot find the OVF Tool\nPlease make sure if the OVF Tool is installed in the default location."); } }
private void btnrun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { progressBar1.Value = 0; label7.Text = "0%"; btnlog.Visible = false; String eul_chk = "", log = ""; if (txtsrc.Text == null || txtsrc.Text == "Drag and drop source file" || txtsrc.Text == "source location") { MessageBox.Show("Please browse or drag and drop source file"); } else if (txttrg.Text == "" || txttrg.Text == "Target") { MessageBox.Show("Please browse the target location"); } else if (txt_f_n1.Text == "" || txt_f_n1.Text == "Enter File Name") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the save as file name"); } else if (cmbtrg.Text == "Select extension" || cmbtrg.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the extension for conversion"); } else if (chklog.Checked && cmblog.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the logging level"); } else { UseWaitCursor = true; if (chklog.Checked)//Checks whether the logs option is enabled { log = @"--X:logFile=" + filename + " --X:logLevel=" + cmblog.Text + " "; s = log + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + " " + txttrg.Text.Trim() + "\\" + txt_f_n1.Text.Trim() + "." + cmbtrg.Text.Trim(); //String s=@"\"vcloud\:\/\/[email protected]:[email protected]/cloud/org/m211057782-9439/?vdc=m211057782&org=M211057782-9439&vappTemplate=test&catalog=SG_Catalog" \"C:\Users\gayatrib\Desktop\exp\""; } else { s = txtsrc.Text.Trim() + " " + txttrg.Text.Trim() + "\\" + txt_f_n1.Text.Trim() + "." + cmbtrg.Text.Trim(); //String s=@"\"vcloud\:\/\/[email protected]:[email protected]/cloud/org/m211057782-9439/?vdc=m211057782&org=M211057782-9439&vappTemplate=test&catalog=SG_Catalog" \"C:\Users\gayatrib\Desktop\exp\""; } txtsynx.Text = s; OvfClass ovf = new OvfClass(); eul_chk = ovf.eula_chk("--eula \"" + txtsrc.Text + "\"");//checking whether the manifest file has enduser licence agreement if (eul_chk != null) { if (log == "") { s = " --acceptAllEulas " + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + " " + txttrg.Text.Trim() + "\\" + txt_f_n1.Text.Trim() + "." + cmbtrg.Text.Trim(); } else { s = log + " --acceptAllEulas " + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + " " + txttrg.Text.Trim() + "\\" + txt_f_n1.Text.Trim() + "." + cmbtrg.Text.Trim(); } EULA f16 = new EULA(eul_chk, s, s, log);//Opens a new form to show the end user's licence agreement f16.Show(); } else { txtres.Text = "Please Wait"; if (!backgroundWorker1.IsBusy) { // This method will start the execution asynchronously in the background backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } } }
//private static OVF_UpldVCD instance; ////Function creates only one instance of the form //public static OVF_UpldVCD getInstance() //{ // if (instance == null || instance.IsDisposed) // instance = new OVF_UpldVCD(); // else // instance.BringToFront(); // return instance; //} private void btnrun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { progressBar1.Value = 0; label9.Text = "0%"; btnlog.Visible = false; if (txtsrc.Text == "openFileDialog1" || txtsrc.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Browse the source file"); } else if (txtui.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the username"); } else if (txtpwd.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the password"); } else if (txtdtn.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the destination URL"); } else if (txtcat.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Enter the catalog name"); } else if (txtapp.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Enter the application name"); } else if (chklog.Checked && cmblog.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the logging level"); } else { //Pulling organization name if (txtorg.Text == "" || txtorg.Text == " ") { output = orgcall(); if (output == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please make sure URL is proper with a '/' at last "); } else { txtorg.Text = output.ToUpper(); } } //pulling VDC name if (txtvdc.Text == "" || txtvdc.Text == " ") { vcd = vcdcall(); if (vcd == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please make sure URL is proper with a '/' at last "); } else { txtvdc.Text = vcd.ToLower(); } } url = funrem(); if (chklog.Checked)//Checks whether the logs option is enabled { log = @"--X:logFile=" + filename + " --X:logLevel=" + cmblog.Text + " "; s = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; } else { s = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; } txtsynx.Text = dis; OvfClass ovf = new OvfClass(); eul_chk = ovf.eula_chk("--eula \"" + txtsrc.Text + "\""); if (eul_chk != null) { if (log == "") { s = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; } else { s = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + txtvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + txtcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; } EULA f16 = new EULA(eul_chk, s, dis, log); f16.Show(); } else { txtres.Text = "Please wait"; if (!backgroundWorker1.IsBusy) { // This method will start the execution asynchronously in the background backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } } }
private void btnrun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { progressBar1.Value = 0; label9.Text = "0%"; btnlog.Visible = false; if (txtdhi.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the destination host ID"); } else if (txtds.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the datastore name"); } else if (txtun.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the username"); } else if (txtpwd.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the password"); } else if (chklog.Checked && cmblog.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the logging level"); } else { if (chklog.Checked)//Checks whether the logs option is enabled { log = @"--X:logFile=" + filename + " --X:logLevel=" + cmblog.Text + " "; s = log + "-ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://*****:*****@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); dis = log + "-ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://<username>:<password>@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); } else { s = "-ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://*****:*****@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); dis = "-ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://<username>:<password>@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); } //String s = "-ds=" + txtds.Text.Trim() + " \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://*****:*****@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); // ovftool -ds=vsanDatastore "C:\Users\schandramoul\Downloads\t1.ova" vi://root:[email protected] txtsynx.Text = dis; OvfClass ovf = new OvfClass(); eul_chk = ovf.eula_chk("--eula \"" + txtsrc.Text + "\"");//checking whether the manifest file has enduser licence agreement if (eul_chk != null) { if (log == "") { s = "--acceptAllEulas -ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://*****:*****@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); dis = "--acceptAllEulas -ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://<username>:<password>@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); } else { s = log + "--acceptAllEulas -ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://*****:*****@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); dis = log + "--acceptAllEulas -ds=\"" + txtds.Text.Trim() + "\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" " + "vi://<username>:<password>@" + txtdhi.Text.Trim(); } EULA f16 = new EULA(eul_chk, s, dis, log);//Opens a new form to show the end user's licence agreement f16.Show(); } else { txtres.Text = "Please wait"; if (!backgroundWorker1.IsBusy) { // This method will start the execution asynchronously in the background backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } } }
//private static OVF_UpldVCD_ondem instance; //public static OVF_UpldVCD_ondem getInstance() //{ // if (instance == null || instance.IsDisposed) // instance = new OVF_UpldVCD_ondem(); // else // instance.BringToFront(); // return instance; //} private void btnrun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtsrc.Text == "openFileDialog1" || txtsrc.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Browse the source file"); } else if (txtui.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the username"); } else if (txtpwd.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the password"); } else if (txtdtn.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the destination URL"); } else if (cmbcat.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the catalog name"); } else if (cmbvdc.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the VDC"); } else if (txtapp.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Enter the application name"); } else if (chklog.Checked && cmblog.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the logging level"); } else if (txtorg.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the org name"); } else if (cmbcat.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select the Catalog name"); } else if (cmbvdc.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select VDC name"); } else { url = funrem(); if (chklog.Checked) { log = @"--X:logFile=C:\Users\Public\upload.log --X:logLevel=" + cmblog.Text + " "; s = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; } else { s = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; //ovftool--sourceType = "OVF" "C:\Users\schandramoul\Desktop\trial\dep.ovf" "vcloud://[email protected]:[email protected]?vdc=SG_VDC&org=59f0cba9-c9f0-4466-b9a2-4a17cb9523e6&vappTemplate=SG1_temp&catalog=SG_Catalog_ondem" } txtsynx.Text = dis; OvfClass ovf = new OvfClass(); eul_chk = ovf.eula_chk("--eula \"" + txtsrc.Text + "\""); if (eul_chk != null) { if (log == "") { s = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; } else { s = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://" + txtui.Text.Trim() + ":" + txtpwd.Text.Trim() + "@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; dis = log + "--sourceType=\"OVF\" --acceptAllEulas \"" + txtsrc.Text.Trim() + "\" \"vcloud://<username>:<password>@" + url + "?vdc=" + cmbvdc.Text.Trim() + "&org=" + txtorg.Text.Trim() + "&vappTemplate=" + txtapp.Text.Trim() + "&catalog=" + cmbcat.Text.Trim() + "\""; } EULA f16 = new EULA(eul_chk, s, dis, log); f16.Show(); } else { txtres.Text = "Please wait"; if (!backgroundWorker1.IsBusy) { // This method will start the execution asynchronously in the background backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } } }