static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); tabs = new FormTabs(); Application.Run(tabs); }
public static void returnToMain(FormTabs form) { if (form.TabOverall.SelectedTab == form.TabJoinConf) { form.LstJoinBuddy.Items.Clear(); form.LstJoinFav.Items.Clear(); form.AvatarList.Images.Clear(); form.AvatarList.Images.Add(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("Images//locked.jpg")); form.FirstJoinFav = true; GUI_Forms.FormTabs.removeJoinBackButton(Program.tabs); form.TabOverall.SelectedTab = form.TabMainMenu; form.ActiveControl = form.BtnMainJoinConf; } else if (form.TabOverall.SelectedTab == form.TabSettings) { form.TabOverall.SelectedTab = form.TabMainMenu; form.ActiveControl = form.BtnMainJoinConf; } else if (form.TabOverall.SelectedTab == form.TabCamera) { Program.multiLateration.closePort(); Program.servoPort.closePort();; form.TabOverall.SelectedTab = form.TabMainMenu; form.ActiveControl = form.BtnMainJoinConf; } /* not used, kept in case wanted else if (this.TabOverall.SelectedTab == TabResSet) { this.TabOverall.SelectedTab = this.TabSettings; this.ActiveControl = BtnSettingsCamera; if (initialSetup == true) { // create a writer and open the file TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("C:\\VS MGC STB\\mgcstb\\GUI_Forms\\firstSetup.txt"); // write a line of text to the file tw.WriteLine("Initialised = true"); // close the stream tw.Close(); } }*/ else if (form.TabOverall.SelectedTab == form.TabCreate) { Program.servoPort.closePort(); Program.multiLateration.closePort(); form.TabOverall.SelectedTab = form.TabMainMenu; form.ActiveControl = form.BtnMainJoinConf; } else if (form.TabOverall.SelectedTab == form.TabCreatePrivate) { form.LstCreatePrivateInvite.Items.Clear(); form.AvatarList.Images.Clear(); form.AvatarList.Images.Add(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("Locked.jpg")); form.TabOverall.SelectedTab = form.TabMainMenu; form.ActiveControl = form.BtnMainJoinConf; } }
public static void InitResolution(FormTabs form) { // Check Resolution Int32[] Res = new Int32[2]; int numModes = resolutionSettingsHelper.NumEnumModes(0); string[] modes = new String[numModes]; modes = resolutionSettingsHelper.EnumModes(0); Int32[] GoodRes = new Int32[modes.Length]; Int32 j = 0; Boolean Hz60 = false; for (int i = 0; i < numModes; i++) { if (modes[i] != null) { Res = findResModeXXbitYYHz(modes[i], 32, 60); if (Res[0] != 0 && Res[1] != 0) { GoodRes[j] = i; j++; Hz60 = true; } } } if (Hz60 == false) // probably a SCART TV { for (int i = 0; i < numModes; i++) { if (modes[i] != null) { Res = findResModeXXbitYYHz(modes[i], 32, 25); if (Res[0] != 0 && Res[1] != 0) { GoodRes[j] = i; j++; } } } } for (Int32 s = j; s < GoodRes.Length; s++) { if (GoodRes[s] == 0) GoodRes[s] = -1; } Int32 modeToUse = 0; for (Int32 k = 0; k < GoodRes.Length; k++) { if (GoodRes[k] != -1) modeToUse = GoodRes[k]; } Console.WriteLine("Mode to use: " + modeToUse); if (Hz60) { Data.constants.WIDTH = findResModeXXbitYYHz(modes[modeToUse], 32, 60)[0]; Data.constants.HEIGHT = findResModeXXbitYYHz(modes[modeToUse], 32, 60)[1]; } else { Data.constants.WIDTH = findResModeXXbitYYHz(modes[modeToUse], 32, 25)[0]; Data.constants.HEIGHT = findResModeXXbitYYHz(modes[modeToUse], 32, 25)[1]; } Double AR = (Double)Data.constants.WIDTH / (Double)Data.constants.HEIGHT; if (AR > 1.35) { Data.constants.isWidescreen = true; } else { Data.constants.isWidescreen = false; } Data.constants.resMode = modeToUse; if (Data.constants.HEIGHT < 1024) { Data.constants.Font = "Small"; } else if (Data.constants.HEIGHT >= 1024 && Data.constants.HEIGHT < 1200) { Data.constants.Font = "Medium"; } else if (Data.constants.HEIGHT >= 1200) { Data.constants.Font = "Large"; } changeResolution(form); }
private static void removeJoinBackButton(FormTabs form) { foreach (Control backButton in form.TblJoin.Controls) { if(backButton.Text == "Back") { form.TblJoin.Controls.Remove(backButton); backButton.Dispose(); } } }
// Set All Control Font Sizes private static void setFontSizes(float TitleSize, float PrimarySize, float SecondarySize, FormTabs form) { string fontName = "Impact"; FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; // Title Fonts form.LblSplash.Font = new Font(fontName, TitleSize, fontStyle); form.LblJoinTitle.Font = new Font(fontName, TitleSize, fontStyle); form.LblCameraTitle.Font = new Font(fontName, TitleSize, fontStyle); form.LblResSet.Font = new Font(fontName, TitleSize, fontStyle); form.LblSettings.Font = new Font(fontName, TitleSize, fontStyle); // Primary Fonts form.BtnMainJoinConf.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnMainCreate.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnMainSettings.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnCreatePub.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnCreatePriv.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnResSetSCARTTV.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnResSetMONITOR.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnResSetLCDTV.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnSettingsChangeRes.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.LblSettingsFontSize.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnSettingsCamera.Font = new Font(fontName, PrimarySize, fontStyle); // Secondary Fonts form.BtnMainExit.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.LblCameraPositioning.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnCreateExit.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnCameraExit.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnResSetFont.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnResSetMain.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnInConfLeave.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.LblInConfConfInfo.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnCreatePrivCont.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.BtnSettingsBack.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.LblJoinStatus.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.LblCreatePriv.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); form.LblCreatePublic.Font = new Font(fontName, SecondarySize, fontStyle); }
private static void resizeScreen(int Width, int Height, FormTabs form) { form.Location = new Point(0, 0); form.Size = new Size(Width, Height); form.TabOverall.Size = new Size(Width + 10, Height + 10); form.TabOverall.Location = new Point(-5, -5); }
private static void changeResolution(FormTabs form) { resolutionSettingsHelper.setRes(0, Data.constants.resMode); resizeScreen(Data.constants.WIDTH, Data.constants.HEIGHT, form); if (Data.constants.Font == "Small") { setFontSizes(Data.constants.FontSmall[0], Data.constants.FontSmall[1], Data.constants.FontSmall[2], form); } else if (Data.constants.Font == "Medium") { setFontSizes(Data.constants.FontMed[0], Data.constants.FontMed[1], Data.constants.FontMed[2], form); } else if (Data.constants.Font == "Large") { setFontSizes(Data.constants.FontLarge[0], Data.constants.FontLarge[1], Data.constants.FontLarge[2], form); } Cursor.Position = new Point(Data.constants.WIDTH, (Int32)(0.8 * (Double)Data.constants.HEIGHT)); }