private void GenerateTableRows()
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in ConfigManager.programMap)
                var checkbox = new GUIControlWrapper <CheckBox>();
                checkbox.control.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                checkbox.control.Name            = $"{pair.Key}";
                checkbox.control.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(ProgramCheckbox_CheckedChanged);

                var nameInput = new GUIControlWrapper <TextBox>();
                nameInput.Text = pair.Key;
                nameInput.control.Name   = $"{pair.Key}_name";
                nameInput.control.Enter += new EventHandler(Name_Focused);
                nameInput.control.Leave += new EventHandler(Name_Changed);

                var pathInput = new GUIControlWrapper <Label>();
                pathInput.Text           = pair.Value;
                pathInput.control.Click += new EventHandler(BrowseFile_Clicked);
                pathInput.control.Name = $"{pair.Key}_openpath";

                table.Controls.Add(checkbox.control, 0, -1);
                table.Controls.Add(nameInput.control, 1, -1);
                table.Controls.Add(pathInput.control, 2, -1);

                table.RowCount += 1;
        // Generates a Form Control of specific type T with the given parameters; makes instantiating new Controls easier to read
        public static GUIControlWrapper <T> CreateControl <T>(int width, int height, int xPosition, int yPosition, AnchorStyles anchor = 0, int fontSize = 9) where T : System.Windows.Forms.Control, new()
            var newControl = new GUIControlWrapper <T>(width, height);

            newControl.SetPosition(xPosition, yPosition);


            newControl.control.Font = newControl.ConstructFont(fontSize);
