public static void testCallHistory() { GSM testGSM = new GSM("Vibe Shor z90", "Lenovo", 199.99m, "Joro", new Battery("Chinese", 208.5f, 13.8f, BatteryType.LiPol), new Display("1920x1080", "16M")); testGSM.AddCall(new Call(DateTime.Now, "+359898987413", 85)); testGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2016, 03, 17, 15, 43, 27), "+359898257413", 185)); testGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2016, 03, 18, 15, 43, 27), "+3598981234563", 560)); testGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2016, 02, 18, 15, 43, 27), "+359898987413", 85)); Call longestCall = testGSM.callHistory[0]; foreach (var call in testGSM.callHistory) { Console.WriteLine(call); if (longestCall.Duration < call.Duration) { longestCall = call; } } Console.WriteLine(testGSM.CallsPrice()); testGSM.RemoveCall(longestCall); Console.WriteLine(testGSM.CallsPrice()); testGSM.PrintCallHistory(); testGSM.ClearCalls(); testGSM.PrintCallHistory(); }
public static void TestAddCalls(GSM testPhone) { testPhone.AddCall(new DateTime(2014, 12, 21, 8, 3, 14), "Pesho", 14); //add some calls testPhone.AddCall(new DateTime(2014, 12, 21, 8, 43, 12), "Gosho", 218); testPhone.AddCall(new DateTime(2014, 12, 21, 18, 14, 43), "Stamat", 32); testPhone.AddCall(new DateTime(2014, 12, 21, 12, 54, 53), "Hasan", 5); }
static void Main() { Battery myBattery = new Battery("B. M.", 15, 56, BatteryType.NiMH); Battery myBattery1 = new Battery("B. M.", 17, 68, BatteryType.LiIon); Battery myBattery2 = new Battery("B. M.", 16, 69, BatteryType.NiCd); GSM gsm = new GSM("S6", "Samsung", 500.03m, "Pesho", myBattery); Console.WriteLine(gsm + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(GSM.IPhone + "\n"); GSM gsm1 = new GSM("S1", "Samsung", 100.09m, "Pesho", myBattery); GSM gsm2 = new GSM("S2", "Samsung", 200.09m, "Pesho", myBattery1); GSM gsm3 = new GSM("S3", "Samsung", 300.09m, "Pesho", myBattery2); GSM gsm4 = new GSM("S4", "Samsung", 400.09m, "Pesho", myBattery1); List <GSM> gsmList = new List <GSM>() { gsm1, gsm2, gsm3, gsm4 }; foreach (var telephone in gsmList) { Console.WriteLine(telephone); } DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2008, 8, 29, 19, 27, 15, 18); DateTime date2 = new DateTime(2014, 8, 30, 19, 22, 15, 18); DateTime date3 = new DateTime(2014, 9, 15, 10, 12, 14, 44); CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; Call call1 = new Call(date1, date1, "+359878864612", 120); Call call2 = new Call(date2, date2, "+359871164612", 820); Call call3 = new Call(date3, date3, "+359872264612", 320); gsm.AddCall(call1); gsm.AddCall(call2); gsm.AddCall(call3); var calls = gsm.GetCalls(); gsm.DisplayCallsInfo(); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal price of the calls in the history is {0} BGN\n", gsm.CallPrice()); var longestCall = calls.OrderByDescending(x => x.CallDurationInSeconds).First(); gsm.DeleteCall(longestCall); Console.WriteLine("Phone call deleted"); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal price of the calls in the history is {0} BGN\n", gsm.CallPrice()); gsm.ClearCallHistory(); gsm.DisplayCallsInfo(); }
static void Main() { Battery myBattery = new Battery("B. M.", 15, 56, BatteryType.NiMH); Battery myBattery1 = new Battery("B. M.", 17, 68, BatteryType.LiIon); Battery myBattery2 = new Battery("B. M.", 16, 69, BatteryType.NiCd); GSM gsm = new GSM("S6", "Samsung", 500.03m, "Pesho", myBattery); Console.WriteLine(gsm + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(GSM.IPhone + "\n"); GSM gsm1 = new GSM("S1", "Samsung", 100.09m, "Pesho", myBattery); GSM gsm2 = new GSM("S2", "Samsung", 200.09m, "Pesho", myBattery1); GSM gsm3 = new GSM("S3", "Samsung", 300.09m, "Pesho", myBattery2); GSM gsm4 = new GSM("S4", "Samsung", 400.09m, "Pesho", myBattery1); List<GSM> gsmList = new List<GSM>() { gsm1, gsm2, gsm3, gsm4 }; foreach (var telephone in gsmList) { Console.WriteLine(telephone); } DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2008, 8, 29, 19, 27, 15, 18); DateTime date2 = new DateTime(2014, 8, 30, 19, 22, 15, 18); DateTime date3 = new DateTime(2014, 9, 15, 10, 12, 14, 44); CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; Call call1 = new Call(date1, date1, "+359878864612", 120); Call call2 = new Call(date2, date2, "+359871164612", 820); Call call3 = new Call(date3, date3, "+359872264612", 320); gsm.AddCall(call1); gsm.AddCall(call2); gsm.AddCall(call3); var calls = gsm.GetCalls(); gsm.DisplayCallsInfo(); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal price of the calls in the history is {0} BGN\n", gsm.CallPrice()); var longestCall = calls.OrderByDescending(x => x.CallDurationInSeconds).First(); gsm.DeleteCall(longestCall); Console.WriteLine("Phone call deleted"); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal price of the calls in the history is {0} BGN\n", gsm.CallPrice()); gsm.ClearCallHistory(); gsm.DisplayCallsInfo(); }
public static void Main() { GSM myGSM = new GSM( "Asha 205 ", "Nokia", "Nikolay Kostadinov", 120m, "Nokia", 200, 10, 4, 65000u); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 1; i < 50; i++) { Call call = new Call("+359886630111", (uint)rnd.Next(45, 200)); myGSM.AddCall(call); } Console.WriteLine(GSM.Iphone4S); DisplayCallHistory(myGSM); Console.ReadKey(); DeleteMaxDurationCall(myGSM); DisplayCallHistory(myGSM); }
public static void TestCalls() { //Add few calls. sagem.AddCall(new Call("31.3.2015 9:08:33", "+413 334 123", 60)); sagem.AddCall(new Call("3.05.2015 22:45:00", "+359 123 120", 112)); sagem.AddCall(new Call("2.03.2015 03:15:09", "+359 124 554", 122)); sagem.AddCall(new Call("10.03.2015 06:05:12", "+359 125 098", 2)); //Display the information about the calls. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Call-list info: "); DisplayCalls(); //Assuming that the price per minute is 0.37 calculate and print the total price of the calls in the history. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Total price:"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), "{0:C2}", sagem.Account(0.37M))); //Remove the longest call from the history and calculate the total price again. int indexOfMaxDuration = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sagem.CallHistory.Capacity; i++) { if (sagem.CallHistory[i].Duration > indexOfMaxDuration) { indexOfMaxDuration = i; } } sagem.DeleteCall(sagem.CallHistory[indexOfMaxDuration]); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Reduced call-list info: "); DisplayCalls(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Total price after the remove:"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), "{0:C2}", sagem.Account(priceOfMinute))); Console.WriteLine(); //Finally clear the call history Console.WriteLine("Clearing the call history:"); sagem.DeleteCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Displaying the resulting call history:"); DisplayCalls(); }
public void Functionality() { Gsm.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2016, 06, 09, 12, 00, 05), "0888 88 88 88", 100)); Gsm.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2016, 06, 06, 13, 04, 10), "0777 77 77 77", 200)); Console.WriteLine(Gsm.CallHistory); Console.WriteLine("Total price: {0} BGN", Gsm.GetPrice(PricePerMinute)); Gsm.RemoveLongestCall(); Console.WriteLine( "Total price after removing longest call is {0} BGN", Gsm.GetPrice(PricePerMinute)); Gsm.ClearHistory(); Console.WriteLine(Gsm.CallHistory); }
public static void GenerateCallHistory() { // Create an instance of the GSM class GSM myGSM = new GSM("G2", "LG", 560m, "Pesho", new Battery("Li-Po", 790, 16, BatteryType.LiIon), new Display(5.2, 16000000)); //Add few calls myGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 3, 10, 20, 53, 20), "0881234567", 65)); myGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 3, 9, 15, 25, 47), "0889876543", 130)); myGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 3, 7, 11, 47, 10), "0891112223", 239)); myGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 2, 28, 19, 37, 32), "0988854321", 167)); // Display the information about the calls myGSM.PrintCallHistory(); // Assuming that the price per minute is 0.37 calculate and print the total price of the calls in the history decimal totalPriceOfCalls = myGSM.CalculateCallsPrice(0.37m); Console.WriteLine("Total price of calls in the history: {0:0.00}", totalPriceOfCalls); // Remove the longest call from the history and calculate the total price again Call longestCall = myGSM.CallHistory[0]; foreach (Call call in myGSM.CallHistory) { if (call.Duration > longestCall.Duration) { longestCall = call; } } myGSM.DeleteCall(longestCall); totalPriceOfCalls = myGSM.CalculateCallsPrice(0.37m); Console.WriteLine("Total price of calls in the history after removing the longest call: {0:0.00} \n", totalPriceOfCalls); // Finally clear the call history and print it myGSM.ClearCallHistory(); myGSM.PrintCallHistory(); }
public static void Calls() { GSM myGsm = new GSM("One X", "HTC", 800, "Georgi", new Battery("Li/Ion", 200, 7), new Display(4.7, 160000000)); myGsm.AddCall("0878182854", 213); myGsm.AddCall("0898625311", 51); myGsm.AddCall("0898694325", 118); foreach (var item in myGsm.GetCallHistory) { Console.WriteLine("Call to: "+item.phoneNumber); Console.WriteLine("Duration: "+item.duration); Console.WriteLine("Date: "; Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Total price: {0}", myGsm.TotalPriceOfCalls(0.37)); //Remove the longest call int max=0; int index=0; foreach (var item in myGsm.GetCallHistory) { if (item.duration > max) { max = item.duration; index = myGsm.GetCallHistory.IndexOf(item); } } GSM.callHistory.RemoveAt(index); Console.WriteLine("Total price: {0}", myGsm.TotalPriceOfCalls(0.37)); //Clear all history and print it myGsm.ClearAllCallHistory(); foreach (var item in myGsm.GetCallHistory) { Console.WriteLine("Call to: " + item.phoneNumber); Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + item.duration); Console.WriteLine("Date: " +; Console.WriteLine(); } }
public static void TestCallHistory() { var battery = new Battery("Moqta firma za baterii", "Moqt model bateriq", 100, 150, BatteryType.LiIon); var display = new Display("Moqta firma za displejove", "Moqt model display", 5.6, "1900 x 600"); var gsm = new GSM("Moqta firma", "Moqt model", battery, display, "Az sym owner", 1900); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { gsm.AddCall(new Call(DateTime.Now.ToString(), i, "087830" + i)); } gsm.RemoveLastCall(); Console.WriteLine(gsm.CallBill(1)); gsm.ClearCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine(gsm.CallBill(1)); }