public void Action(Card dealer_upcard, CardSet[] player_hands, int active_hand_index, List<ActionEv> actions) { ActionInfo info = new ActionInfo() { hand_index = active_hand_index, player_cards = player_hands[active_hand_index], action_evs = actions.ToArray() }; action_history.Add(info); }
// seen_cards include active_hand's cards public override ActionType GetAction(CardSet seen_cards, Card dealer_upcard, CardSet[] player_hands, int active_hand, List<ActionType> available_actions) { List<ActionEv> actions = GetActions(seen_cards, dealer_upcard, player_hands, active_hand, available_actions); ActionType best = actions[0].Action; if (best == ActionType.Split) { split_count++; } else if (best == ActionType.Double) { hand_doubled[active_hand] = true; } else if (best == ActionType.Surrender) { surrendered = true; } action_count++; return best; }
// splits the active hand to two new hands public void Split(Card card1, Card card2) { Hand[] split_hands = ActiveHand.Split(card1, card2); hands.Add(split_hands[0]); hands.Add(split_hands[1]); }
private void RemoveCount(Card card) { card_counts[card.PointValue - 1]--; }
public void Add(Card card) { card_set.Add(card); AddCount(card); }
public CardSet(Card[] cards) : this(cards.Length) { this.Add(cards); UpdateCount(); }
private void AddCount(Card card) { card_counts[card.PointValue - 1]++; }
public void AddCard(Card card) { cards.Add(card); }
public void Remove(Card card) { if (card_set.Remove(card)) RemoveCount(card); }
private List<ActionEv> Evaluate(Card upcard, Hand hand) { shell.StandardInput.WriteLine(upcard.PointValue); shell.StandardInput.WriteLine(hand.Count); foreach (Card card in hand) shell.StandardInput.WriteLine(card.PointValue); string line = ""; List<ActionEv> actions = new List<ActionEv>(); while (true) { line = shell.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); if (line.StartsWith("done")) break; ActionEv action_ev = new ActionEv(); string[] param = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); action_ev.Ev = double.Parse(param[1]); if (param[0] == "Surrender") action_ev.Action = ActionType.Surrender; else if (param[0] == "Hit") action_ev.Action = ActionType.Hit; else if (param[0] == "Stand") action_ev.Action = ActionType.Stand; else if (param[0] == "Double") action_ev.Action = ActionType.Double; else if (param[0] == "Split") action_ev.Action = ActionType.Split; else Console.WriteLine("BIG F*****G UPS!!!!!"); actions.Add(action_ev); } actions.Sort(delegate(ActionEv ae1, ActionEv ae2) { return ae2.Ev.CompareTo(ae1.Ev); }); /*Console.WriteLine("Upcard: " + upcard + " Hand: " + hand); foreach (ActionEv ae in actions) Console.WriteLine(ae.Action + " " + ae.Ev); Console.ReadKey();*/ return actions; }
public override void DealCard(Card card) { primary.DealCard(card); secondary.DealCard(card); }
public List<ActionEv> GetActions(CardSet seen_cards, Card dealer_upcard, CardSet[] player_hands, int active_hand, List<ActionType> available_actions) { ValidateActions(player_hands[active_hand], available_actions); Shoe tmp_shoe = shoe.Copy(); tmp_shoe.Remove(seen_cards); Eval.CacheDealerProbs(dealer_upcard.PointValue, tmp_shoe.ToArray()); List<ActionEv> actions = new List<ActionEv>(); foreach (ActionType a in available_actions) { double ev = GetActionEV(tmp_shoe, player_hands[active_hand], a, dealer_upcard); actions.Add(new ActionEv() { Action = a, Ev = ev }); } actions.Sort(delegate(ActionEv ae1, ActionEv ae2) { return ae2.Ev.CompareTo(ae1.Ev); }); game_logger.Action(dealer_upcard, player_hands, active_hand, actions); return actions; }
private double GetActionEV(Shoe tmp_shoe, CardSet active_hand, ActionType action, Card dealer_upcard) { Hand hand = new Hand(active_hand); SHand shand; int soft_total = hand.SoftTotal(); if (soft_total <= 21 && hand.HasAce()) { shand.Total = soft_total; shand.Soft = true; } else { shand.Total = hand.HardTotal(); shand.Soft = false; } int[] shoe_counts = tmp_shoe.ToArray(); int upcard = dealer_upcard.PointValue; switch (action) { case ActionType.Stand: return Eval.StandEv(shand, upcard, shoe_counts); case ActionType.Hit: return Eval.HitEv(shand, upcard, shoe_counts); case ActionType.Double: return Eval.DoubleEv(shand, upcard, current_bet, shoe_counts); case ActionType.Split: return Eval.SplitEv(active_hand[0].PointValue, upcard, current_bet, max_splits - split_count, shoe_counts); case ActionType.Surrender: return Eval.SurrenderEv(); } return -1; }
// seen_cards include active_hand's cards public abstract ActionType GetAction(CardSet seen_cards, Card dealer_upcard, CardSet[] player_hands, int active_hand, List<ActionType> available_actions);
public void Remove(Card card) { total--; counts[card.PointValue - 1]--; }
// splits this hand to two new hands public Hand[] Split(Card card1, Card card2) { Hand[] hands = new Hand[] { new Hand(), new Hand() }; hands[0].AddCard(cards[0]); hands[1].AddCard(cards[1]); hands[0].AddCard(card1); hands[1].AddCard(card2); //hands[0].Bet =; //hands[1].Bet =; if (cards[0].IsAce() && cards[1].IsAce()) { hands[0].from_aces = true; hands[1].from_aces = true; } this.split = true; return hands; }
public void Hit(Card card) { cards.Add(card); hit_count++; }
public void Double(Card card) { cards.Add(card); doubled = true; }
public override void DealCard(Card card) { card_counter.RemoveCard(card.PointValue); }
public void Add(Card[] cards) { card_set.AddRange(cards); foreach (Card card in cards) AddCount(card); }
public void Add(string cards) { string[] split = cards.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { Card c = new Card(split[i]); Add(c); } }
public virtual void DealCard(Card card) { }