public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.loadPictureBox(); this.currentColor = Color.Black; selectedShapeButton = penButton; sf = new ShapesFactory(); }
public void parse(Graphics gr, string input) { try { Console.WriteLine(input + " was the input"); var inputArray = input.Split(' '); string shapeType = inputArray[0].ToLower(); if (this.baseValidator.validate(inputArray)) { string[] inputArgs = inputArray[1].Split(','); int[] args = Array.ConvertAll(inputArgs, Int32.Parse); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] << ARGS", string.Join(", ", args)); if (!this.shapeValidator.validate(shapeType)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid shape passed"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Generated " + shapeType + " Shape !!!!!"); ShapesFactory factory = new ShapesFactory(); Shape c = factory.getShape(shapeType); c.set(Color.Black, args); c.draw(gr); } } else { baseValidator.errorMessage(); } } catch (SystemException e) { MessageBox.Show("Error while parsing the data. Please try again"); } }