internal void ShowDlgSolution(int id) { FormClosedEventHandler handler = null; if (((this.DlgSolution == null) || this.DlgSolution.Disposing) || this.DlgSolution.IsDisposed) { this.DlgSolution = new GPG.Multiplayer.Client.SolutionsLib.DlgSolution(this, id); if (handler == null) { handler = delegate (object s, FormClosedEventArgs e) { this.DlgKeywordSearch = null; }; } this.DlgSolution.FormClosed += handler; this.DlgSolution.Show(); } else { this.DlgSolution.LookupSolution(id); this.DlgSolution.BringToFront(); } }
public FrmMain() { WaitCallback callBack = null; MessageEventHandler handler = null; EventHandler handler2 = null; EventHandler handler3 = null; this.components = null; this.WebURL = null; this.IsGPGNetPatching = true; this.mNotFound = ""; this.IsLatestVer = false; this.mPatchFileName = ""; this.mServerGameVersion = null; this.mLastSelectedGame = null; this.mIsSupComVersionEnforced = null; this.mIsSupComPatching = false; this.DlgUpdate = null; this.SupComPatchThread = null; this.FriendsLoaded = false; this.FriendContainers = new BoundContainerList(); this.FriendContainerLookup = new Dictionary<string, TextContainer>(); this.ActiveDialogRequests = new List<string>(); this.FriendRequests = new MappedObjectList<FriendRequest>(); this.AwaitingLogin = true; this.ContinueLoading = null; this.LadderViews = new Dictionary<int, FrmLadderView>(); this.mGameMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); this.mLastMoveItem = null; this.mConfigSleepRate = 0x493e0; this.mFirstConfig = true; this.mLastMOTD = ""; this.mLastProcessList = ""; this.mConfigThread = null; this.mConnected = true; this.mShuttingDown = false; this.CancelFade = false; this.HasFadeStarted = false; this.IsFading = false; this.TargetFade = 0.0; this.FadeIncrement = 0.0; this.StayActive = false; this.mIsActiveWindow = false; this.mWelcomePage = null; this.mRanInitializeChat = false; this.mHeightDiff = 0; this.mWidthDiff = 0; this.mLastX = 0; this.mLastY = 0; this.mLastMouseX = 0; this.mLastMouseY = 0; this.mLastWidth = 0; this.mLastHeight = 0; this.mIsMoving = false; this.mIsResizing = false; this.mStartResizing = false; this.RESIZE_RECT = 40; this.mResizeRect = new Rectangle(); this.FirstPaint = true; this.mIsMaximized = false; this.mRestore = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); this.MinimizeLoc = new Point(-32000, -32000); this.MinimizeSize = new Size(640, 500); this.StatusTimer = null; this.mActiveDialogs = new List<DlgBase>(); this.mActiveWindow = null; this.DlgAbout = null; this.DlgOptions = null; this.DlgUserFeedback = null; this.FrmStatsLadders = new List<FrmStatsLadder>(); this.DlgGameKeys = null; this.DlgEmotes = null; this.DlgSelectChannel = null; this.DlgKeywordSearch = null; this.DlgSearchResults = null; this.DlgSolution = null; this.DlgSearchReplays = null; this.DlgTeamGame = null; this.DlgSelectGame = null; this.DlgActiveEfforts = null; this.DlgContentManager = null; this.mSearchingForAutomatch = false; this.mLastStatus = ""; this.mCalcGridHeight = false; this.ToolstripSizeChanged = false; this.mCustomPaint = new List<ToolStripItem>(); this.mLastCheckTime = DateTime.Now; this.mDlgWorldMap = null; this.mSelectedTab = null; this.mGameLinkClickTime = DateTime.Now; this.ChatRowPoints = new Dictionary<int, Rectangle>(); this.ChatRowHeights = new Dictionary<int, int>(); this.mFirstChatDraw = true; this.SelectedEmote = null; this.LastTick = 0; this.Divider = 1; this.CurrentFrame = 1; this.EmoteCount = 0; this.CountEmotes = true; this.PaintPending = false; this.mSelectedParticipantView = null; this.UIQueue = new ThreadQueue(true); this.IsSortingChatroom = false; this.IsSynchronizingChatroom = false; this.ChatSyncTimer = null; this._AddUser = null; this._UpdateUser = null; this._RemoveUser = null; this.mSelectedChatParticipant = null; this.ChatContainerLookup = new Dictionary<string, TextContainer<StatusTextLine>>(); this.ChatContainers = new BoundContainerList<StatusTextLine>(); this.RefreshData = false; this.BetweenChannels = false; this.mMainChatrom = ""; this.ChatroomQueue = new ThreadQueue(true); this.mLastChatTimes = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable()); this.mLastChatContent = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable()); this.mChatLines = new BindingList<ChatLine>(); this.PlayerChatEffects = new Dictionary<string, ChatEffectBase>(); this.mSpeakingTimers = new Dictionary<string, StateTimer>(); this.AwayTimer = new StateTimer(); this.SelfLeaveTimer = new StateTimer(); this.LastAction = DateTime.Now; this.mChatHistory = new LinkedList<string>(); this.HistoryIndex = -1; this.SelectingTextList = false; this.PMTargets = new List<string>(); this.mPrivateChats = new Dictionary<string, FrmPrivateChat>(); this.PlayerProfileForm = null; this.ClanLoaded = false; this.ClanContainers = new BoundContainerList(); this.ClanContainerLookup = new Dictionary<string, TextContainer>(); this.ClanRequests = null; this.ClanInvites = null; this.ClanProfileForm = null; this.mBeforeGameChatroom = ""; this.mIsInGame = false; this.StatusButtonRankedGameCancel = new SkinStatusButton(); this.mGameName = ""; this.mGameURL = ""; this.mHostName = ""; this.mSupcomGameManager = null; this.mPassword = ""; this.mFirstRankedSupcomGame = true; this.PlayNowMatch = false; this.mAutoStatus = Loc.Get("<LOC>Searching for game "); this.LastGameChallenges = new Dictionary<int, bool>(); this.LadderInvitePending = false; this.mCanDirectChallenge = true; this.mDirectChallengePlayer = ""; this.AllowDirectChallenge = true; this.BeforeTeamGameChatroom = null; this.mTeamAutomatchExit = false; this.InviteAccepted = false; this.InvitePending = false; this.PendingJoinFrom = null; ThreadID = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; if (new DlgLogin().ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (callBack == null) { callBack = delegate (object p) { GameInformation.LoadGamesFromDB(); new QuazalQuery("RemoveSpaceSiegeGame", new object[0]).ExecuteNonQuery(); ConfigSettings.LoadSettings(DataAccess.GetQueryData("GetAllConfigs", new object[0])); try { DataList queryData = null; queryData = DataAccess.GetQueryData("GetTOSPrompt", new object[0]); if ((queryData != null) && (queryData.Count < 1)) { DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("CreatePlayerInfo", new object[0]); queryData = DataAccess.GetQueryData("GetTOSPrompt", new object[0]); } if ((queryData != null) && (queryData.Count > 0)) { if (Convert.ToInt32(queryData[0]["term_of_service_prompt"]) > 0) { if (new DlgTermsOfService(this, queryData[0]["url"]).ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ThreadQueue.Quazal.Enqueue((VGen0)delegate { DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("SetTOSPrompt", new object[] { 0 }); }, new object[0]); this.ContinueLoading = true; } else { this.ContinueLoading = false; } } else { this.ContinueLoading = true; } } else { AuditLog.WriteLine("Unable to find Terms of Service agreement.", new object[0]); this.ContinueLoading = true; } } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorLog.WriteLine(exception); this.ContinueLoading = false; } }; } ThreadQueue.QueueUserWorkItem(callBack, new object[0]); while (!this.ContinueLoading.HasValue) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (this.ContinueLoading.Value) { if (ConfigSettings.GetBool("DoOldGameList", false)) { if (((User.Current.IsAdmin || (GameInformation.SelectedGame.GameID == -1)) || (GameKey.BetaKeys.Count > 0)) || ((GameKey.BetaKeys.Count < 1) && (new DlgNoBetaKey(this).ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK))) { this.AwaitingLogin = false; } else { User.Logout(); this.ContinueLoading = false; this.AwaitingLogin = false; } } else if (((User.Current.IsAdmin || (GameInformation.SelectedGame.GameID == -1)) || (GameInformation.SelectedGame.CDKey != "")) || (new DlgNoBetaKey(this).ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)) { this.AwaitingLogin = false; } else { User.Logout(); this.ContinueLoading = false; this.AwaitingLogin = false; } } else { Application.Exit(); this.AwaitingLogin = false; } } else { this.AwaitingLogin = false; if (OnCancelLoad != null) { OnCancelLoad(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } if (((User.Current == null) || base.Disposing) || base.IsDisposed) { if (OnCancelLoad != null) { OnCancelLoad(this, EventArgs.Empty); } base.Close(); } else if (!(!this.ContinueLoading.HasValue ? false : this.ContinueLoading.Value)) { if (OnCancelLoad != null) { OnCancelLoad(this, EventArgs.Empty); } base.Close(); } else { Exception exception; this.InitializeComponent(); this.InitializePlugins(); this.SetToolTips(); this.gpgChatGrid.IsCheckingExpand = false; DlgMessage.RegistermainForm(this); DlgSupcomTeamSelection.sFrmMain = this; if (this.GatheringDisplaycontrol is SkinGatheringDisplay) { (this.GatheringDisplaycontrol as SkinGatheringDisplay).MainForm = this; } this.ResetLobby(); base.ShowInTaskbar = false; IntPtr handle = base.Handle; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.SetSkin(Program.Settings.SkinName); this.StyleApplication(this, null); this.StyleChatroom(this, null); base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; User.LoggedOut += new EventHandler(this.LogoutLobby); this.SetRegion(); this.PopulateLadderMenuItems(); this.InitStatusDropdown(); this.ChatFiltersChanged(); this.SetLogo(this); this.ciChat_TeamInvite.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(this.miArrangedTeamsPopup_DrawItem); this.skinDropDownStatus.Enabled = false; this.textBoxMsg.Properties.MaxLength = 300; this.GatheringDisplaycontrol.Popup += new EventHandler(this.comboBoxGatherings_Popup); this.CheckControl(this); Messaging.NetDataRecieved += new NetDataEventHandler(FrmMain.Messaging_NetDataRecieved); Messaging.MessageRecieved += new MessageEventHandler(this.Messaging_MessageRecieved); Messaging.CommandRecieved += new MessageEventHandler(this.Messaging_CommandRecieved); if (handler == null) { handler = delegate (MessageEventArgs e) { this.ParseCustomCommand(e.Command, e.CommandArgs); }; } Messaging.CustomCommandRecieved += handler; if (handler2 == null) { handler2 = delegate (object s, EventArgs e) { base.Invalidate(false); }; } base.SizeChanged += handler2; if (handler3 == null) { handler3 = delegate (object s, EventArgs e) { if (this.ActiveWindow != null) { this.ActiveWindow = null; } }; } base.Activated += handler3; base.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseDown); this.pbTop.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseDown); this.pbTopLeft.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseDown); this.pbTopRight.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseDown); this.pbBottomRight.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseDown); base.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseUp); this.pbTop.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseUp); this.pbTopLeft.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseUp); this.pbTopRight.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.this_MouseUp); this.gvChat.RowSeparatorHeight = Program.Settings.Chat.Appearance.ChatLineSpacing; this.BindToSettings(); this.PreLoadChat(); while (this.AwaitingLogin && (!base.Disposing && !base.IsDisposed)) { Thread.Sleep(100); } ThreadQueue.Quazal.Enqueue(typeof(DataAccess), "GetQueryData", this, "OnGetConfigs", new object[] { "GetAllConfigs" }); ThreadQueue.Quazal.Enqueue(typeof(DataAccess), "GetQueryData", this, "AddMenuItems", new object[] { "GetMenuItems" }); try { ThreadQueue.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate (object state) { DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("SetIP2", new object[] { User.HashPassword(DlgLogin.LastPass) }); DlgLogin.LastPass = ""; }, new object[0]); } catch (Exception exception1) { exception = exception1; ErrorLog.WriteLine(exception); } ThreadQueue.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate (object state) { DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("AcceptAllLadderChallenges", new object[] { User.Current.ID }); }, new object[0]); if (User.Current.IsAdmin) { this.miTranslate.Visible = true; } if (AccessControlList.HasAccessTo("PatchAdmins")) { this.miTools_LocPatches.Visible = true; this.miTools_LocPatches.Enabled = true; } if (AccessControlList.HasAccessTo("PrizeWinners")) { this.miGame_RedeemPrize.Visible = true; this.miGame_RedeemPrize.Enabled = true; } try { this.CreateGameList(); this.RefreshGameList(); } catch (Exception exception2) { exception = exception2; } } }
internal void ShowDlgSolution(Solution solution) { FormClosedEventHandler handler = null; if (((this.DlgSolution == null) || this.DlgSolution.Disposing) || this.DlgSolution.IsDisposed) { this.DlgSolution = new GPG.Multiplayer.Client.SolutionsLib.DlgSolution(this, solution); if (handler == null) { handler = delegate (object s, FormClosedEventArgs e) { this.ActiveDialogs.Remove(this.DlgKeywordSearch); this.DlgKeywordSearch = null; }; } this.DlgSolution.FormClosed += handler; this.DlgSolution.Show(); } else { this.DlgSolution.AddSolution(solution); this.DlgSolution.BringToFront(); } }