public static List <LstPermiso> getLstPermisosByIdRol(Int64 pId) { List <LstPermiso> lista = new List <LstPermiso>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select IdPermiso from lstpermisoRol where IdRol=@pId order by Id asc", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { LstPermiso item = new LstPermiso( 0, null, true, _reader.GetInt32(0), 0, PermisoDAL.getPermisoById(_reader.GetInt32(0)) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static Detfactura getDetfacturaById(Int64 pId) { Detfactura item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from detfactura where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Detfactura( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetDecimal(2), _reader.GetDecimal(3), _reader.GetString(4), _reader.IsDBNull(5)?null:_reader.GetString(5), _reader.GetInt64(6), _reader.GetInt64(7), ProductoDAL.getProductoById(_reader.GetInt64(7)), MatricdetfacDAL.getMatricdetfacByIdDetFactura(_reader.GetInt64(0)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static List <Evaluacion> getEvaluacionByIdDetCurso(Int64 pIdDetCurso) { List <Evaluacion> lista = new List <Evaluacion>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from evaluacion where IdDetCurso=@pIdDetCurso order by Id asc", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdDetCurso", pIdDetCurso); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Evaluacion item = new Evaluacion( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetString(4), _reader.GetInt64(5), CalificacionDAL.getCalificacionesByEvaluacion(_reader.GetInt64(0)) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static Matricula getMatriculaById(Int64 pId) { Matricula item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from matricula where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Matricula( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetInt32(3), _reader.GetString(4), _reader.GetInt64(5), _reader.GetInt64(6), EstudianteDAL.getEstudianteById(_reader.GetInt64(6)), CuotaDAL.getCuotasByIdMatricula(_reader.GetInt64(0), 50), DetMatriculaDAL.getDetsmatriculaByIdMatricula(_reader.GetInt64(0), 2) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static Empleado getEmpleadoByDuiNit(string Dui,string Nit) { Empleado item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select e.* from empleado as e inner join persona as p on p.Id=e.IdPersona where Dui=@Dui or Nit=@Nit", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dui", Dui); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Nit", Nit); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Empleado( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), CvDAL.getCvById(_reader.GetInt64(0)), _reader.GetInt64(4), PersonaDAL.getPersonaById(_reader.GetInt64(4)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return item; }
public static List <Cuota> getCuotasByIdMatricula(Int64 pIdMatricula, int pLimit) { List <Cuota> lista = new List <Cuota>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from cuota where IdMatricula=@pIdMatricula and Total <Precio order by Id asc limit @pLimit", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdMatricula", pIdMatricula); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLimit", pLimit); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Cuota item = new Cuota( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetDecimal(2), _reader.GetDecimal(3), _reader.GetInt64(4) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static List <Detmatricula> getDetsmatriculaByIdMatricula(Int64 pIdMatricula, int pLimit) { List <Detmatricula> lista = new List <Detmatricula>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from detmatricula where IdMatricula=@pIdMatricula order by Id asc limit @pLimit", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLimit", pLimit); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdMatricula", pIdMatricula); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Detmatricula item = new Detmatricula( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetInt64(2), _reader.GetInt64(3), EncargadoDAL.getEncargadoById(_reader.GetInt64(3)) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static List <Libro> getLibros(int pLimit) { List <Libro> lista = new List <Libro>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from libro order by Id asc limit @pLimit", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLimit", pLimit); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Libro item = new Libro( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetInt32(4), _reader.GetInt32(5) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static Useremp getUseremp(string pLogin, string pPass) { Useremp item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from useremp where Login=@pLogin and Pass=md5(@pPass)", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLogin", pLogin); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pPass", pPass); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Useremp( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetInt64(4), ContratoDAL.getContratoById(_reader.GetInt64(4)), AcsSucursalDAL.getAcsSucursalesByIdUser(_reader.GetInt64(0)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static List <Dia> getDiasByIdCurso(Int64 pIdCurso) { List <Dia> lista = new List <Dia>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from dias where IdCurso= @pIdCurso order by Id desc", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdCurso", pIdCurso); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Dia item = new Dia( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetInt64(4) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static List <Producto> getProductosReservados(Int64 pIdPersona, int pLimit) { List <Producto> lista = new List <Producto>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from producto as p right join detfactura as df " + " on df.IdProducto=p.Id right join factura as f on f.IdPersona=p.Id where f.IdPersona=@pIdPersona " + " and (df.Total+df.Descuento)<p.Precio order by Id asc limit @pLimit", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLimit", pLimit); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdPersona", pIdPersona); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Producto item = new Producto( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), Decimal.Round(_reader.GetDecimal(2), 2) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static List <Detcurso> getDetscursoByIdCurso(Int64 pIdCurso) { List <Detcurso> lista = new List <Detcurso>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from detcurso where IdCurso=@pIdCurso and Estado='A' order by Id asc", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdCurso", pIdCurso); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Detcurso item = new Detcurso( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetInt64(3), _reader.GetInt64(4), LibroDAL.getLibroById(_reader.GetInt64(3)) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static List <Persona> searchPersonaNoParametro(string pText, int pLimit) { List <Persona> lista = new List <Persona>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from persona where Upper(Nombre) like '%" + pText.ToUpper() + "%' order by Id asc", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLimit", pLimit); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Persona item = new Persona( _reader.GetInt64("Id"), _reader.GetString("Nombre"), _reader.GetString("Dui"), _reader.GetString("Nit"), _reader.GetString("Direccion"), (_reader.IsDBNull(4)) ? null : _reader.GetString("FechaNac")); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public Userest getUserestById(int pId) { Userest item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from userest where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Userest( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetString(4), _reader.GetInt64(5), _reader.GetInt64(6), EstudianteDAL.getEstudianteById(_reader.GetInt64(6)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static bool insertCurrentYear() { bool result = true; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { _con.Open(); MySqlTransaction _trans = _con.BeginTransaction(); try { MySqlCommand cmdInsertYear = new MySqlCommand("Insert into year (Desde,Hasta) values (CONCAT(YEAR(now()),'-01-01'),CONCAT(YEAR(now()),'-12-31'))", _con, _trans); if (cmdInsertYear.ExecuteNonQuery() <= 0) { result = false; } if (result) { _trans.Commit(); } else { _trans.Rollback(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(result); }
public static AcsSucursal getAcsSucursalById(Int64 pId) { AcsSucursal item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from acssucursal where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new AcsSucursal( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetInt32(2), _reader.GetInt32(3), _reader.GetInt64(4), RolDAL.getRolById(_reader.GetInt32(3)), SucursalDAL.getSucursaloById(_reader.GetInt64(4)), LstPermisoDAL.getLstPermisosByIdAcs(_reader.GetInt64(0)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static bool InsertSucursalConf(Sucursal item) { bool result = true; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { _con.Open(); MySqlTransaction _trans = _con.BeginTransaction(); try { MySqlCommand cmdInsertSucursal = new MySqlCommand("Insert into sucursal (Nombre,Direccion) values (@Nombre,@Direccion)", _con, _trans); cmdInsertSucursal.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Nombre", item.Nombre); cmdInsertSucursal.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Direccion", item.Direccion); if (cmdInsertSucursal.ExecuteNonQuery() <= 0) { result = false; } if (result) { _trans.Commit(); } else { _trans.Rollback(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(result); }
public static Cuota getCuotaByMonth(Int64 pIdMatricula, int pMonth, int pYear) { Cuota item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from cuota where IdMatricula=@pIdMatricula and month(FhRegistro)=@pMonth and year(FhRegistro)=@pYear ", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdMatricula", pIdMatricula); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pMonth", pMonth); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pYear", pYear); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Cuota( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetDecimal(2), _reader.GetDecimal(3), _reader.GetInt64(4) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static List <Useremp> getUsersemp() { List <Useremp> lista = new List <Useremp>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from useremp", _con); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Useremp item = new Useremp( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetInt64(4), ContratoDAL.getContratoById(_reader.GetInt64(4)), AcsSucursalDAL.getAcsSucursalesByIdUser(_reader.GetInt64(0)) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static Empleado getEmpleadoById(Int64 pId) { Empleado item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from empleado where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Empleado( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), CvDAL.getCvById(_reader.GetInt64(0)), _reader.GetInt64(4), PersonaDAL.getPersonaById(_reader.GetInt64(4)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return item; }
public static Evaluacion getEvaluacionById(Int64 pId) { Evaluacion item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from evaluacion where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Evaluacion( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetString(4), _reader.GetInt64(5), CalificacionDAL.getCalificacionesByEvaluacion(_reader.GetInt64(0)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static List <Calificacion> getCalificacionesByEvaluacion(Int64 pIdEvaluacion) { List <Calificacion> lista = new List <Calificacion>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from calificacion where IdEvaluacion =@pIdEvaluacion order by Id asc limit @pLimit", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdEvaluacion", pIdEvaluacion); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Calificacion item = new Calificacion( _reader.GetInt32(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetInt64(3), _reader.GetInt64(4) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static Egreso getEgresoById(Int64 pId) { Egreso item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from egreso where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Egreso( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetString(3), _reader.GetDecimal(4), _reader.GetString(5), _reader.GetInt64(6) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static Cv getCvByIdEmpleado(Int64 pId) { Cv item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from cv where IdEmpleado=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Cv( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetInt32(3), (byte[])_reader[4], _reader.GetInt64(5) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static Persona getPersonaById(Int64 pId) { Persona item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdBuscarPersona = new MySqlCommand("select * from persona where Id=@pId", _con); cmdBuscarPersona.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdBuscarPersona.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Persona( _reader.GetInt64("Id"), _reader.GetString("Nombre"), _reader.GetString("Dui"), _reader.GetString("Nit"), _reader.GetString("Direccion"), (_reader.IsDBNull(4)) ? null : _reader.GetString("FechaNac") ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static LstPermiso getLstPermisoById(Int64 pId) { LstPermiso item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from lstpermiso where Id=@pId", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new LstPermiso( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetInt32(2) == 1?true:false, _reader.GetInt32(3), _reader.GetInt32(4), PermisoDAL.getPermisoById(_reader.GetInt32(3)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static Year getCurrentYear() { Year item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { _con.Open(); try { MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from year where YEAR(Desde)= YEAR(now())", _con); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Year( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2) ); } if (item == null) { insertCurrentYear(); getCurrentYear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static Detcurso getDetCursoById(Int64 pId) { Detcurso item = null; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmdGetItemById = new MySqlCommand("select * from detcurso where Id=@pId and Estado='A';", _con); cmdGetItemById.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pId", pId); MySqlDataReader _reader = cmdGetItemById.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = new Detcurso( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetString(1), _reader.GetString(2), _reader.GetInt64(3), _reader.GetInt64(4), LibroDAL.getLibroById(_reader.GetInt64(3)) ); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }
public static List <Year> getYears(int pLimit) { List <Year> lista = new List <Year>(); using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select * from year order by Id desc limit @pLimit", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLimit", pLimit); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Year item = new Year( _reader.GetInt64(0), _reader.GetDateTime(1).ToString("yyyy"), _reader.GetString(2) ); lista.Add(item); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(lista); }
public static decimal getTotalFacturasNoParametro(string pText, Int64 pIdSucursal, int pLimit) { decimal item = 0; using (MySqlConnection _con = new Conexion().Conectar()) { try { _con.Open(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand("select sum(df.Total)-SUM(df.Descuento) from producto as prod right join detfactura as df on df.IdProducto=prod.Id " + " right join factura as f on f.Id=df.Id right join persona as per on per.Id=f.IdPersona where (per.Nombre like '%" + "" + "%' or " + "prod.Nombre like '%" + "" + "%' or df.Concepto like '%" + "" + "%' or df.Total like '%" + "" + "%' or " + "f.Total like '%" + "" + "%' or f.Observacion or f.NFactura like '%" + "" + "%'" + ") and f.IdSucursal=@pIdSucursal and f.Estado='C' order by f.Id asc", _con); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIdSucursal", pIdSucursal); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLimit", pLimit); MySqlDataReader _reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { item = _reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : _reader.GetDecimal(0); } _reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _con.Close(); throw ex; } finally { _con.Close(); } } return(item); }