/// <summary> /// loads /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server file /// </summary> public void LoadEtcDefaultConfigFile() { this.newEtcDefaultConfig = null; IOController.Log(this, "LoadEtcDefaultConfigFile enter", Flag.debug); if (OsIsUnix) { if (this.settings.IsDHCPServerInstalled) { if (File.Exists("/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server")) { IOController.Log(this, "LoadEtcDefaultConfig", Flag.debug); ReadConfigFileDelegate readConfigFileDelegate = new ReadConfigFileDelegate(ProcessConfigFile); IAsyncResult readConfigFileDelegateResult = readConfigFileDelegate.BeginInvoke("/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server", processEtcDefaultConfigFile, null); } else { IOController.Log(this, "FileNotFoundException /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server", Flag.error); throw new FileNotFoundException("/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server" + " not found."); } } else { IOController.Log(this, "DHCP Server not installed", Flag.error); throw new System.Exception("DHCP Server not installed"); } } else { IOController.Log(this, "System in not a Unix environment", Flag.error); throw new System.Exception("System in not a Unix environment"); } }
/// <summary> /// initialises a bash process in shellProc /// </summary> public void InitShell() { IOController.Log(this, "OS: " + Environment.OSVersion.ToString(), Flag.status); if (Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix")) { this.OsIsUnix = true; // initialize bash process this.shellProc = new Process(); this.shellStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); this.shellStartInfo.FileName = "/bin/bash"; this.shellStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; this.shellStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; this.shellStartInfo.Arguments = "-c \"whoami\""; this.shellProc.StartInfo = this.shellStartInfo; this.shellProc.Start(); // check if application was started with su privilleges string username = this.shellProc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); username = Regex.Replace(username, @"\s+", ""); if (username == "root") { this.UserIsSU = true; } else { this.UserIsSU = false; } } else { this.OsIsUnix = false; } }
/// <summary> /// edites the config of /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server to set the seletc interface /// </summary> /// <param name="ar"></param> private void processEtcDefaultConfigFile(IAsyncResult ar) { IOController.Log(this, "processEtcDefaultConfigFile entered", IOController.Flag.debug); AsyncResult aResult = (AsyncResult)ar; ReadConfigFileDelegate readConfigFileDelegate = (ReadConfigFileDelegate)aResult.AsyncDelegate; ArrayList filecontent = readConfigFileDelegate.EndInvoke(ar); IOController.Log(this, "processDefaultConfigFile filecontent: " + String.Join(",", filecontent), Flag.debug); newEtcDefaultConfig = new ArrayList(); newEtcDefaultConfig.Add("#configfile /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server modified by GM4D"); foreach (string line in filecontent) { string trimmedline = line.Trim(); if (trimmedline.StartsWith("#INTERFACES")) { trimmedline = "INTERFACES=\"" + this.settings.OverviewSelectedInterfaceName + "\""; } else if (trimmedline.StartsWith("INTERFACES")) { trimmedline = "INTERFACES=\"" + this.settings.OverviewSelectedInterfaceName + "\""; } newEtcDefaultConfig.Add(trimmedline); } IOController.Log(this, "newEtcDefaultConfig created:\n" + string.Join("\n", newEtcDefaultConfig), Flag.debug); }
/// <summary> /// adds a new HoatNIC to the arraylist /// </summary> /// <param name="nic">interface as HostNIC</param> public void AddInterface(HostNIC nic) { this.interfaces.Add(nic); IOController.Log(this, "Added Interface at " + (this.interfaces.Count - 1) + ":\n" + nic.ToString() + "\n", IOController.Flag.status); if (InterfaceAddedEvt != null) { InterfaceAddedEvt(this.interfaces, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("InterfaceAdded")); } }
/// <summary> /// loads DHCP setting from file with filename /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">path and filename as string</param> public void LoadSettingsFile(String filename) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { IOController.Log(this, "LoadSettingsFile filename: " + filename, Flag.status); ReadConfigFileDelegate readConfigFileDelegate = new ReadConfigFileDelegate(ProcessConfigFile); IAsyncResult readConfigFileDelegateResult = readConfigFileDelegate.BeginInvoke(filename, parseConfig, null); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(filename + " not found."); } }
/// <summary> /// makes backup of /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server and writes new /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server file /// </summary> /// <param name="ar"></param> private void writeEtcDefaultConfigFileComplete(IAsyncResult ar) { if (OsIsUnix) { shellStartInfo.Arguments = "-c \"gksudo cp /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server.bak;gksudo mv " + Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString() + "/gm4d-isc-dhcp-server /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server\""; shellProc.Start(); IOController.Log(this, "new /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server applied " + shellProc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(), Flag.debug); shellProc.WaitForExit(); } else { throw new System.Exception("System is not a Unix environment"); } }
/// <summary> /// retrieves selected interface from /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server file /// </summary> public void GetSelectedInterfaceFromEtcDefault() { IOController.Log(this, "GetSelectedInterfaceFromEtcDeafult enter", Flag.debug); this.settings.SelectInterface(0); if (OsIsUnix) { if (this.settings.IsDHCPServerInstalled) { if (File.Exists("/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server")) { ArrayList filecontent = ProcessConfigFile("/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server"); IOController.Log(this, "ProcessConfigFile returned: filecontent: " + String.Join(",", filecontent), Flag.debug); foreach (string line in filecontent) { string trimmedline = line.Trim(); if (trimmedline.StartsWith("INTERFACES")) { IOController.Log(this, "found INTERFACES entry " + trimmedline, IOController.Flag.debug); if (trimmedline.Length > 13) { string foundInterfaceId = trimmedline.Remove(0, 11); foundInterfaceId = foundInterfaceId.Trim('"'); IOController.Log(this, "getting index for " + foundInterfaceId, Flag.debug); for (int i = 0; i < this.settings.Interfaces.Count; i++) { IOController.Log(this, ((HostNIC)this.settings.Interfaces[i]).Id + " ?= " + foundInterfaceId, Flag.debug); if (((HostNIC)this.settings.Interfaces[i]).Id == foundInterfaceId) { IOController.Log(this, "found matching interface id " + foundInterfaceId + " index " + i, Flag.status); this.settings.SelectInterface(i); break; } } } } } } else { IOController.Log(this, "FileNotFoundException /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server", Flag.error); } } else { IOController.Log(this, "DHCP Server not installed", Flag.error); } } }
/// <summary> /// sets a static host ip /// </summary> public void SetNewHostIp() { if (OsIsUnix) { SaveSettingsFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString() + "/dhcpd.gm4d"); shellStartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("-c \"gksudo ifconfig " + ((HostNIC)this.settings.Interfaces[this.settings.SelectedInterfaceIndex]).Id + " " + this.settings.NewHostIP + " netmask " + this.settings.NewHostSubnetMask + "\""); shellProc.Start(); IOController.Log(this, "SetNewHostIp " + shellProc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(), Flag.debug); shellProc.WaitForExit(); GetHostInfo(); } else { throw new System.Exception("System is not a Unix environment"); } }
/// <summary> /// restarts the dhcpd service /// </summary> public void RestartDHCPServer() { if (OsIsUnix && this.settings.IsDHCPServerRunning) { SaveSettingsFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString() + "/dhcpd.gm4d"); shellStartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("-c \"gksudo service isc-dhcp-server restart\""); shellProc.Start(); IOController.Log(this, "RestartDHCPServer " + shellProc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(), Flag.debug); shellProc.WaitForExit(); GetDHCPServerStatus(); } else { throw new System.Exception("System is not a Unix environment"); } }
/// <summary> /// processes the content of the dhcpd.leases file /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <returns></returns> private ArrayList ProcessDhcpdLeasesFile(string filename) { IOController.Log(this, "ProcessDhcpdLeasesFile filename: " + filename, Flag.debug); if (!File.Exists(filename)) { IOController.Log(this, filename + " does not exist", Flag.error); return(null); } using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(filename)) { string input; ArrayList filecontent = new ArrayList(); while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { filecontent.Add(input); } return(filecontent); } }
/// <summary> /// saves the configuration and copies it to the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file. /// Afterwards the interface in the /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server is updated and the dhcpd service is restarted. /// </summary> public void ApplySettingsToDHCPServer() { if (OsIsUnix) { SaveSettingsFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString() + "/dhcpd.gm4d"); shellStartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("-c \"gksudo mv " + Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString() + "/dhcpd.gm4d /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf\""); shellProc.Start(); IOController.Log(this, "ApplySettingsToDHCPServer " + shellProc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(), Flag.debug); shellProc.WaitForExit(); this.ApplySelectedInterface(); if (this.settings.IsDHCPServerRunning) { this.RestartDHCPServer(); } } else { throw new System.Exception("System is not a Unix environment"); } }
// region for interface selection #region interface selection //################################################################### interface selection /// <summary> /// selects the inface with the given index /// </summary> /// <param name="i">index of the interface</param> public void SelectInterface(int i) { if (i < Interfaces.Count) { IOController.Log(this, "SelectInterface called index:" + i, IOController.Flag.debug); HostNIC nic = (HostNIC)Interfaces[i]; this.HostIP = nic.IPAddress; this.HostSubnetMask = nic.SubnetMask; this.HostSubnet = nic.SubnetIdentifier; this.HostHasStaticIp = nic.StaticIPAddress; this.HostGateway = nic.Gateway; this.SelectedInterfaceIndex = i; this.SelectedInterfaceID = nic.Id; IOController.Log(this, "SelectInterface ID" + nic.Id, IOController.Flag.debug); this.OverviewSelectedInterfaceName = nic.Name; IOController.Log(this, nic.ToString(), IOController.Flag.status); } else { IOController.Log(this, "SelectInterface IndexOutOfRange index:" + i, IOController.Flag.error); } }
/// <summary> /// takes a filename, reads in the text content of file and returns contents as ArrayList of lines /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <returns>filecontent as string</returns> private ArrayList ProcessConfigFile(string filename) { IOController.Log(this, "ProcessConfigFile entered", IOController.Flag.debug); IOController.Log(this, "ProcessConfigFile filename: " + filename, Flag.status); if (File.Exists(filename)) { using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(filename)) { string input; ArrayList filecontent = new ArrayList(); while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { filecontent.Add(input); } return(filecontent); } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(filename + " not found."); } }
/// <summary> /// reads the content of the dhcpd.leases file /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> public void ReadDhcpdLeasesFile(object obj) { IOController.Log(this, "ReadDhcpdLeasesFile start", Flag.debug); string filename = obj.ToString(); if (OsIsUnix) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { IOController.Log(this, "ReadDhcpdLeasesFile filename: " + filename, Flag.debug); ReadDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate readDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate = new ReadDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate(ProcessDhcpdLeasesFile); IAsyncResult readDhcpdLeasesFileResult = readDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate.BeginInvoke(filename, parseDhcpdLeasesFile, null); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(filename + " not found"); } } else { throw new System.Exception("System is not a Unix environment"); } }
/// <summary> /// initialises the file watcher to track change sin the dhcpd.leases file /// </summary> public void InitiateDhcpdLeasesFileWatcher() { if (OsIsUnix) { if (!File.Exists("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases")) { shellStartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("-c \"gksudo touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases\""); IOController.Log(this, "initiateDhcpdLeasesFileWatcher create dhcpd.leases " + shellProc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(), Flag.debug); shellProc.WaitForExit(); } if (File.Exists("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases")) { IOController.Log(this, "initiateDhcpdLeasesFileWatcher file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases is present", Flag.debug); // create a new FileSystemWatcher this.DhcpdLeasesFileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); string path = Path.Combine("/", "var", "lib", "dhcp"); // set path this.DhcpdLeasesFileWatcher.Path = path; // watch for changes in LastAccess and LastWrite times this.DhcpdLeasesFileWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; // only watch a specific file this.DhcpdLeasesFileWatcher.Filter = "dhcpd.leases"; // add event handler this.DhcpdLeasesFileWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnDhcpdLeasesChanged); // start watching. this.DhcpdLeasesFileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases not found"); } } else { throw new System.Exception("System is not a Unix environment"); } }
/// <summary> /// is called by the file watcher is the dhcpd.leases file changes /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void OnDhcpdLeasesChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) { IOController.Log(this, "OnDhcpdLeasesChanged: " + e.FullPath.ToString(), Flag.debug); this.ReadDhcpdLeasesFile(e.FullPath); }
/// <summary> /// retrieves information about the host computer such as network interfaces, IP addresses etc. and stores the information in settings /// </summary> public void GetHostInfo() { NetworkInterface[] nics = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); IPGlobalProperties properties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties(); NetCalcTool nct = settings.HostNetCalcTool; // loop through all network interfaces foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in nics) { //check if interface is loopback if (adapter.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback) { //skip if loopback continue; } //check if adapter is up if (adapter.OperationalStatus != OperationalStatus.Up) { //if not up skip this interface continue; } //create new HostNIC HostNIC nic = new HostNIC(); //get name, id, hardware address, interface type nic.Name = adapter.Name; nic.Id = adapter.Id; nic.MacAddress = adapter.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString(); nic.Type = adapter.NetworkInterfaceType.ToString(); //get ipv4 status nic.Ipv4Enabled = adapter.Supports(NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv4); if (adapter.Supports(NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv4)) { nic.StaticIPAddress = !adapter.GetIPProperties().GetIPv4Properties().IsDhcpEnabled; // get gateway addresses and set first if present GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection gateways = adapter.GetIPProperties().GatewayAddresses; if (gateways.Count > 0) { nic.Gateway = gateways[0].Address.ToString(); } // get unicast addresses foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation unicastIPAddressInformation in adapter.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses) { // check if ipv4 address if (unicastIPAddressInformation.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { // set ip adress nic.IPAddress = unicastIPAddressInformation.Address.ToString(); // get subnet mask String snetMask; try { // IPv4Mask not implemented in mono at current state snetMask = unicastIPAddressInformation.IPv4Mask.ToString(); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { IOController.Log(this, "failed to get subnetmask with unicastIPAddressInformation.IPv4Mask, using workaround", Flag.status); // workaround to get subnetmask in unix environment with mono using the custom SubnetMask class snetMask = ""; snetMask = SubnetMask.GetIPv4Mask(adapter.Name); } nic.SubnetMask = snetMask; } } //try to get the dns addresses of adapter try { IPAddressCollection dnsAddresses = adapter.GetIPProperties().DnsAddresses; if (dnsAddresses.Count >= 1) { nic.PrimaryDNS = dnsAddresses[0].ToString(); } if (dnsAddresses.Count >= 2) { nic.SecondaryDNS = dnsAddresses[0].ToString(); } } catch (Exception e) { IOController.Log(this, "failed to get DNS server addresses " + e, Flag.error); } //calculate network id try { nct.calculate(nic.IPAddress, nic.SubnetMask); nic.SubnetIdentifier = nct.NetworkId; } catch (Exception e) { IOController.Log(this, "failed calculate network address " + e, Flag.error); } } //add NIC to settings settings.AddInterface(nic); } }
/// <summary> /// takes the filecontent from IAsyncResult und parses DHCP settings to the settings object /// </summary> /// <param name="result">takes an IAsyncResult containing the file content as string</param> public void parseConfig(IAsyncResult result) { AsyncResult aResult = (AsyncResult)result; ReadConfigFileDelegate readConfigFileDelegate = (ReadConfigFileDelegate)aResult.AsyncDelegate; ArrayList filecontent = readConfigFileDelegate.EndInvoke(result); IOController.Log(this, "parseConfig filecontent: " + String.Join(",", filecontent), Flag.debug); StaticLease staticLease = null; this.settings.StaticLeases.Clear(); foreach (string line in filecontent) { // clean line from tabs, break, whitespaces etc. string cleanline = Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", " "); cleanline = cleanline.Trim(); // check for valid tags if (cleanline.StartsWith("default-lease-time")) { int endindex = cleanline.IndexOf(";"); int startindex = 19; int tmp; if (int.TryParse(cleanline.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex), out tmp)) { this.settings.DefaultLeaseTime = tmp; } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("max-lease-time")) { int endindex = cleanline.IndexOf(";"); int startindex = 15; int tmp; if (int.TryParse(cleanline.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex), out tmp)) { this.settings.MaxLeaseTime = tmp; } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("subnet")) { string[] strArr = cleanline.Split(' '); System.Net.IPAddress tmp; if (strArr.Length > 1) { if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(strArr[1], out tmp)) { this.settings.Subnet = tmp.ToString(); } if (strArr.Length > 3) { if (strArr[2].Contains("netmask")) { if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(strArr[3], out tmp)) { this.settings.SubnetMask = tmp.ToString(); } } } } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("range")) { string[] strArr = cleanline.Split(' '); System.Net.IPAddress tmp; if (strArr.Length > 1) { if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(strArr[1], out tmp)) { this.settings.IpRangeStart = tmp.ToString(); } } if (strArr.Length > 2) { strArr[2] = strArr[2].TrimEnd(';'); if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(strArr[2], out tmp)) { this.settings.IpRangeEnd = tmp.ToString(); } } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("option")) { string[] strArr = cleanline.Split(' '); System.Net.IPAddress tmpIp; if (strArr.Length > 2) { switch (strArr[1]) { case "routers": strArr[2] = strArr[2].TrimEnd(';'); if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(strArr[2], out tmpIp)) { this.settings.Gateway = tmpIp.ToString(); } break; case "domain-name-servers": strArr[2] = strArr[2].TrimEnd(';'); strArr[2] = strArr[2].TrimEnd(','); if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(strArr[2], out tmpIp)) { this.settings.PrimaryDNS = tmpIp.ToString(); } if (strArr.Length > 3) { strArr[3] = strArr[3].TrimEnd(';'); if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(strArr[3], out tmpIp)) { this.settings.SecondaryDNS = tmpIp.ToString(); } } break; default: break; } } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("host")) { staticLease = new StaticLease(); string[] strArr = cleanline.Split(' '); if (strArr.Length > 1) { staticLease.DeviceName = strArr[1]; } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("hardware ethernet")) { int endindex = cleanline.IndexOf(";"); int startindex = 18; staticLease.MACAddress = cleanline.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex); } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("fixed-address")) { int endindex = cleanline.IndexOf(";"); int startindex = 14; staticLease.IPAddress = cleanline.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex); } if (staticLease != null && cleanline.Contains("}")) { staticLease.ID = (this.settings.GetStaticLeases().Count + 1).ToString(); this.settings.AddStaticLease(staticLease); staticLease = null; } } if (SettingsFileLoadedEvt != null) { SettingsFileLoadedEvt(this, new EventArgs()); } }
/// <summary> /// is called when settings file save is complete /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> public void SaveSettingsToFileComplete(IAsyncResult result) { IOController.Log(this, "File saved", Flag.status); }
/// <summary> /// Run all neccassary functions to gather information at the start of the application and reports progress. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void init(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; worker.ReportProgress(1); try { // initialize a bash instance in the IOController this.ioController.InitShell(); } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "InitShell " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(20); try { if (!ioController.GetGksudoInstallStatus()) { // check if gksu is installed IOController.Log(this, "gksu not installed ", IOController.Flag.error); } } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "GetGksudoInstallStatus " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(30); try { // get information about the host computer this.ioController.GetHostInfo(); } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "GetHostInfo " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(40); try { // get status of isc-dhcp-server installation this.ioController.GetDHCPServerInstallStatus(); } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "GetDHCPServerInstallStatus " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(50); try { // get running status of isc-dhcp-server this.ioController.GetDHCPServerStatus(); } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "GetDHCPServerStatus " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(60); try { // get the inface selected in the /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server file this.ioController.GetSelectedInterfaceFromEtcDefault(); } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "GetSelectedInterfaceFromEtcDeafult " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(70); try { if (settings.IsDHCPServerRunning) { // load the setting from the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd/conf file if dhcp server is running this.ioController.LoadSettingsFile("/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"); } } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "LoadSettingsFile " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(80); try { // create the filewatcher to track changes in the /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd. leases file this.ioController.InitiateDhcpdLeasesFileWatcher(); } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "InitiateDhcpdLeasesFileWatcher " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(90); try { if (settings.IsDHCPServerRunning) { // read in existing leases if dhcp server is running this.ioController.ReadDhcpdLeasesFile("/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases"); } } catch (Exception exc) { IOController.Log(this, "ReadDhcpdLeasesFile " + exc.Message, IOController.Flag.error); } worker.ReportProgress(100); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800); }
/// <summary> /// parses the leases from the filecontent of the dhcpd.leasses file /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> private void parseDhcpdLeasesFile(IAsyncResult result) { IOController.Log(this, "parseDhcpdLeasesFile start", Flag.debug); System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <String, DhcpdLease> dhcpdLeasesList = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <String, DhcpdLease>(); DhcpdLease dhcpdLease = new DhcpdLease(); try { AsyncResult aResult = (AsyncResult)result; ReadDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate readDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate = (ReadDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate)aResult.AsyncDelegate; ArrayList filecontent = readDhcpdLeasesFileDelegate.EndInvoke(result); this.settings.DhcpdLeases.Clear(); //IOController.Log(this, "parseDhcpdLeasesFile finished EndInvoke", Flag.debug); foreach (string line in filecontent) { string cleanline = Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", " "); cleanline = cleanline.Trim(); if (cleanline.StartsWith("lease")) { dhcpdLease = new DhcpdLease(); int endindex = cleanline.IndexOf("{") - 1; int startindex = 6; dhcpdLease.IPAddress = cleanline.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex); } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("hardware ethernet")) { int endindex = cleanline.IndexOf(";"); int startindex = cleanline.IndexOf("hardware ethernet") + 18; dhcpdLease.MACAddress = cleanline.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex); } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("client-hostname")) { int endindex = cleanline.IndexOf(";") - 1; int startindex = cleanline.IndexOf("client-hostname") + 17; dhcpdLease.DeviceName = cleanline.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex); } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("starts")) { string[] strArr = cleanline.Split(' '); if (strArr.Length > 3) { strArr[3] = strArr[3].TrimEnd(';'); dhcpdLease.LeaseStart = strArr[2] + " " + strArr[3]; } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("ends")) { string[] strArr = cleanline.Split(' '); if (strArr.Length > 3) { strArr[3] = strArr[3].TrimEnd(';'); dhcpdLease.LeaseEnd = strArr[2] + " " + strArr[3]; } } else if (cleanline.StartsWith("binding state")) { string[] strArr = cleanline.Split(' '); if (strArr.Length > 2) { strArr[2] = strArr[2].TrimEnd(';'); dhcpdLease.LeaseState = strArr[2]; } } else if (cleanline.Contains("}")) { dhcpdLeasesList[dhcpdLease.MACAddress] = dhcpdLease; //IOController.Log(this, "found dhcpdLease: " + dhcpdLease.ToString(), Flag.debug); } } } catch (Exception e) { IOController.Log(this, "parsing failed " + e.ToString()); } this.settings.DhcpdLeases = dhcpdLeasesList; IOController.Log(this, "Active Leases found:\n" + string.Join("\n", dhcpdLeasesList.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()), Flag.status); }