AppInfo[] ApplicationsFor(IEnumerable<string> types) { List<AppInfo> app_infos = new List<AppInfo> (); List<string> existing_ids = new List<string> (); foreach (string type in types) foreach (AppInfo appinfo in AppInfoAdapter.GetAllForType (type)) { if (existing_ids.Contains (appinfo.Id)) continue; if (!appinfo.SupportsUris) continue; if (ignore_apps != null && ignore_apps.Contains (appinfo.Executable)) continue; app_infos.Add (appinfo); existing_ids.Add (appinfo.Id); } return app_infos.ToArray (); }
public static bool FileIsMpeg(string filepath) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(filepath).Replace(".", "").ToLower(); var extensions = new List<string> (MpegRemuxer.EXTENSIONS); return extensions.Contains(extension); }
private bool reload_covers() { if (Timeline != null) { Timeline.Pause (); } HideAll (); Show (); if (covers != null && covers.Count != 0) { Console.WriteLine("ClutterFlow - Reloading Covers"); // the old current index int old_target_index = CurrentCover!=null ? covers.IndexOf (CurrentCover) : 0; // the newly calculated index int new_target_index = 0; // whether or not to keep the current cover centered bool keep_current = false; List<ClutterFlowBaseActor> old_covers = new List<ClutterFlowBaseActor> ( SafeGetRange (covers, old_target_index - HalfVisCovers - 1, visibleCovers + 2)); foreach (ClutterFlowBaseActor actor in covers) { if (actor.Data.ContainsKey ("isOldCover")) { actor.Data.Remove ("isOldCover"); } actor.Index = -1; if (old_covers.Contains (actor)) { actor.Data.Add ("isOldCover", true); } } ResetLetterLookup (); List<ClutterFlowBaseActor> persistent_covers = new List<ClutterFlowBaseActor>(); covers = actor_loader.GetActors (this); covers.ForEach (delegate (ClutterFlowBaseActor actor) { if (actor.Data.ContainsKey ("isOldCover")) { persistent_covers.Add (actor); } if (CurrentCover==actor) { keep_current = true; } UpdateLetterLookup (actor); }); InvokeLetterLookupChanged (); if (covers.Count == 0) { InstallEmptyActor (); if (old_covers.Contains (EmptyActor)) { EmptyActor.Show (); return false; } keep_current = true; } //recalculate timeline progression and the target index if (covers.Count > 1) { if (keep_current) { new_target_index = CurrentCover.Index; } else { if (persistent_covers.Count==0) { new_target_index = (int) Math.Round(Timeline.Progress * (covers.Count-1)); } else if (persistent_covers.Count==1) { new_target_index = persistent_covers[0].Index; } else { new_target_index = persistent_covers[(int) (((float) persistent_covers.Count * 0.5f) - 1.0f)].Index; } } } TargetIndex = new_target_index; Timeline.JumpToTarget (); //Console.WriteLine ("Timeline progress set to " + Timeline.Progress + " Timeline.RelativeTarget is " + Timeline.RelativeTarget); List<ClutterFlowBaseActor> truly_pers = new List<ClutterFlowBaseActor> (); List<ClutterFlowBaseActor> new_covers = new List<ClutterFlowBaseActor>(SafeGetRange(covers, new_target_index - HalfVisCovers - 1, visibleCovers + 2)); foreach (ClutterFlowBaseActor actor in persistent_covers) { if (actor != null) { if (actor.Data.ContainsKey ("isOldCover")) { actor.Data.Remove ("isOldCover"); } if (new_covers.Contains (actor)) { truly_pers.Add (actor); new_covers.Remove (actor); old_covers.Remove (actor); actor.Show (); } } } foreach (ClutterFlowBaseActor actor in old_covers) { if (actor != null) { actor.Data.Remove ("isOldCover"); } } /*Console.WriteLine ("old_covers contains " + old_covers.Count + " elements:"); foreach (ClutterFlowBaseActor cover in old_covers) Console.WriteLine("\t- " + cover.Label.Replace("\n", " - ")); Console.WriteLine ("persistent_covers contains " + truly_pers.Count + " elements"); foreach (ClutterFlowBaseActor cover in truly_pers) Console.WriteLine("\t- " + cover.Label.Replace("\n", " - ")); Console.WriteLine ("new_covers contains " + new_covers.Count + " elements"); foreach (ClutterFlowBaseActor cover in new_covers) Console.WriteLine("\t- " + cover.Label.Replace("\n", " - "));*/ System.EventHandler update_target = delegate (object o, System.EventArgs e) { Timeline.Play (); InvokeCoversChanged(); }; Behaviour.FadeCoversInAndOut (old_covers, truly_pers, new_covers, update_target); } else { Console.WriteLine("ClutterFlow - Loading Covers"); ResetLetterLookup (); covers = actor_loader.GetActors (this); covers.ForEach (UpdateLetterLookup); InvokeLetterLookupChanged (); TargetIndex = 0; Timeline.JumpToTarget (); if (covers==null || covers.Count==0) { InstallEmptyActor (); Behaviour.UpdateActors (); Behaviour.FadeInActor (EmptyActor); } Timeline.Play (); InvokeCoversChanged (); } return false; }
public void Show(Connection connection, LdapEntry entry, bool showAll) { displayAll = showAll; conn = connection; currentDN = entry.DN; currentAttributes = new NameValueCollection (); // FIXME: crashes after an apply if I don't re-create the store; store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof(string)); store.SetSortColumnId (0, SortType.Ascending); tv.Model = store; // store.Clear (); allAttrs = new List<string> (); LdapAttribute a = entry.getAttribute ("objectClass"); for (int i = 0; i < a.StringValueArray.Length; i++) { string o = (string) a.StringValueArray[i]; store.AppendValues ("objectClass", o); currentAttributes.Add ("objectClass", o); string[] attrs = conn.Data.GetAllAttributes (o); if (attrs != null) { foreach (string at in attrs) if (!allAttrs.Contains (at)) allAttrs.Add (at); } else { Log.Debug("Could not retrieve any attribute for objectClass " + o); } } LdapAttributeSet attributeSet = entry.getAttributeSet (); // Fedora Directory Server supports an Access Control Item (ACI) // but it is not listed as "allowed attribute" for any objectClass // found in Fedora's LDAP schema. if (showAll && conn.Settings.ServerType == LdapServerType.FedoraDirectory) { LdapEntry[] acientries = conn.Data.Search( currentDN, LdapConnection.SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*", new string[] {"aci"} ); if (acientries.Length > 0) { LdapEntry acientry = acientries[0]; LdapAttribute aciattr = acientry.getAttribute("aci"); if (aciattr != null) if (attributeSet.Add(aciattr) == false) Log.Debug ("Could not add ACI attribute."); } } foreach (LdapAttribute attr in attributeSet) { if (allAttrs.Contains (attr.Name)) allAttrs.Remove (attr.Name); if (attr.Name.ToLower() == "objectclass") continue; try { foreach (string s in attr.StringValueArray) { store.AppendValues (attr.Name, s); currentAttributes.Add (attr.Name, s); } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { // FIXME: this only happens with gmcs store.AppendValues (attr.Name, ""); Log.Debug ("Show attribute arugment out of range: {0}", attr.Name); Log.Debug (e.Message); } } if (!showAll) return; foreach (string n in allAttrs) store.AppendValues (n, ""); }