예제 #1
        static IntPtr RegisterProperty(GType type, string name, string nick, string blurb, uint property_id, GType property_type, bool can_read, bool can_write)
            IntPtr    declaring_class = type.GetClassPtr();
            ParamSpec pspec           = new ParamSpec(name, nick, blurb, property_type, can_read, can_write);

            g_object_class_install_property(declaring_class, property_id, pspec.Handle);
예제 #2
        static void AddProperties(GType gtype, System.Type t, bool register_instance_prop, ref bool handlers_overridden)
            if (register_instance_prop)
                IntPtr    declaring_class = gtype.GetClassPtr();
                ParamSpec pspec           = new ParamSpec("gtk-sharp-managed-instance", "", "", GType.Pointer, ParamFlags.Writable | ParamFlags.ConstructOnly);
                g_object_class_install_property(declaring_class, idx, pspec.Handle);

            foreach (PropertyInfo pinfo in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
                foreach (object attr in pinfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PropertyAttribute), false))
                    if (pinfo.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                        throw(new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("GLib.RegisterPropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the property expects one or more indexed parameters", pinfo.Name, t.FullName)));

                    if (!handlers_overridden)
                        IntPtr       class_ptr     = gtype.GetClassPtr();
                        GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(class_ptr, typeof(GObjectClass));
                        gobject_class.get_prop_cb = GetPropertyHandler;
                        gobject_class.set_prop_cb = SetPropertyHandler;
                        Marshal.StructureToPtr(gobject_class, class_ptr, false);
                        handlers_overridden = true;
                    PropertyAttribute property_attr = attr as PropertyAttribute;
                    try {
                        IntPtr param_spec = RegisterProperty(gtype, property_attr.Name, property_attr.Nickname, property_attr.Blurb, idx, (GType)pinfo.PropertyType, pinfo.CanRead, pinfo.CanWrite);
                        Type   type       = (Type)gtype;
                        Dictionary <IntPtr, PropertyInfo> gtype_properties;
                        if (!Properties.TryGetValue(type, out gtype_properties))
                            gtype_properties  = new Dictionary <IntPtr, PropertyInfo> ();
                            Properties [type] = gtype_properties;
                        gtype_properties.Add(param_spec, pinfo);
                    } catch (ArgumentException) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("GLib.PropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the return type of the property is not supported", pinfo.Name, t.FullName));
예제 #3
        void InitForProperty(GType gtype, string name)
            IntPtr p_name   = Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(name);
            IntPtr spec_ptr = g_object_class_find_property(gtype.GetClassPtr(), p_name);


            if (spec_ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("No property with name '{0}' in type '{1}'", name, gtype.ToString()));

            ParamSpec spec = new ParamSpec(spec_ptr);

            g_value_init(ref this, spec.ValueType.Val);
예제 #4
        protected internal static GType RegisterGType(System.Type t)
            GType gtype             = GType.RegisterGObjectType(t);
            bool  is_first_subclass = gtype.GetBaseType() == gtype.GetThresholdType();

            if (is_first_subclass)
                IntPtr       class_ptr     = gtype.GetClassPtr();
                GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(class_ptr, typeof(GObjectClass));
                gobject_class.constructor_cb = ConstructorHandler;
                gobject_class.get_prop_cb    = GetPropertyHandler;
                gobject_class.set_prop_cb    = SetPropertyHandler;
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(gobject_class, class_ptr, false);
            AddProperties(gtype, t, is_first_subclass);
            ConnectDefaultHandlers(gtype, t);
            InvokeTypeInitializers(gtype, t);
            AddInterfaces(gtype, t);
예제 #5
        public static N BaseOverride <N>(this AbiStruct class_abi, GType gtype, string fieldname) where N : Delegate
            N unmanaged = null;

            unsafe {
                IntPtr raw_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
                while (raw_ptr == IntPtr.Zero && GType.IsManaged(gtype))
                    gtype = gtype.GetThresholdType();
                    var abi_ptr = (IntPtr *)(((long)gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long)class_abi.GetFieldOffset(fieldname));
                    raw_ptr = *abi_ptr;

                if (raw_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    unmanaged = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer <N>(raw_ptr);

예제 #6
        static GstMiniObjectClass GetClassStruct(GLib.GType gtype, bool use_cache)
            if (class_structs == null)
                class_structs = new Hashtable();

            if (use_cache && class_structs.Contains(gtype))
                return((GstMiniObjectClass)class_structs [gtype]);
                IntPtr             class_ptr    = gtype.GetClassPtr();
                GstMiniObjectClass class_struct = (GstMiniObjectClass)Marshal.PtrToStructure(class_ptr, typeof(GstMiniObjectClass));
                if (use_cache)
                    class_structs.Add(gtype, class_struct);
예제 #7
 private void OverrideHandlers(bool ctor, bool properties)
     OverrideHandlers(gtype.GetClassPtr(), ctor, properties);
예제 #8
        static IntPtr RegisterProperty(GType type, string name, string nick, string blurb, uint property_id, GType property_type, bool can_read, bool can_write)
            IntPtr declaring_class = type.GetClassPtr ();
            ParamSpec pspec = new ParamSpec (name, nick, blurb, property_type, can_read, can_write);

            g_object_class_install_property (declaring_class, property_id, pspec.Handle);
            return pspec.Handle;
예제 #9
        static void AddProperties(GType gtype, System.Type t, bool register_instance_prop, ref bool handlers_overridden)
            if (register_instance_prop) {
                IntPtr declaring_class = gtype.GetClassPtr ();
                ParamSpec pspec = new ParamSpec ("gtk-sharp-managed-instance", "", "", GType.Pointer, ParamFlags.Writable | ParamFlags.ConstructOnly);
                g_object_class_install_property (declaring_class, idx, pspec.Handle);

            foreach (PropertyInfo pinfo in t.GetProperties (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) {
                foreach (object attr in pinfo.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (PropertyAttribute), false)) {
                    if(pinfo.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                        throw(new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("GLib.RegisterPropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the property expects one or more indexed parameters", pinfo.Name, t.FullName)));

                    if (!handlers_overridden) {
                        IntPtr class_ptr = gtype.GetClassPtr ();
                        GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass) Marshal.PtrToStructure (class_ptr, typeof (GObjectClass));
                        gobject_class.get_prop_cb = GetPropertyHandler;
                        gobject_class.set_prop_cb = SetPropertyHandler;
                        Marshal.StructureToPtr (gobject_class, class_ptr, false);
                        handlers_overridden = true;
                    PropertyAttribute property_attr = attr as PropertyAttribute;
                    try {
                        IntPtr param_spec = RegisterProperty (gtype, property_attr.Name, property_attr.Nickname, property_attr.Blurb, idx, (GType) pinfo.PropertyType, pinfo.CanRead, pinfo.CanWrite);
                        Properties.Add (param_spec, pinfo);
                    } catch (ArgumentException) {
                        throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("GLib.PropertyAttribute cannot be applied to property {0} of type {1} because the return type of the property is not supported", pinfo.Name, t.FullName));
예제 #10
        static void AddInterfaces(GType gtype, Type t, ref bool handlers_overridden)
            foreach (Type iface in t.GetInterfaces ()) {
                if (!iface.IsDefined (typeof (GInterfaceAttribute), true))

                GInterfaceAttribute attr = iface.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (GInterfaceAttribute), false) [0] as GInterfaceAttribute;
                GInterfaceAdapter adapter = Activator.CreateInstance (attr.AdapterType, null) as GInterfaceAdapter;
                if (!handlers_overridden) {
                    IntPtr class_ptr = gtype.GetClassPtr ();
                    GObjectClass gobject_class = (GObjectClass) Marshal.PtrToStructure (class_ptr, typeof (GObjectClass));
                    gobject_class.get_prop_cb = GetPropertyHandler;
                    gobject_class.set_prop_cb = SetPropertyHandler;
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr (gobject_class, class_ptr, false);
                    handlers_overridden = true;

                if (!iface.IsAssignableFrom (t.BaseType)) {
                    GInterfaceInfo info = adapter.Info;
                    info.Data = gtype.GetClassPtr ();
                    //FIXME:  overiding prop is done inside the init of interface adapter
                    // not sure that it is the good solution but
                    // it is the only one I found without exception or loop
                    g_type_add_interface_static (gtype.Val, adapter.GType.Val, ref info);
                foreach (PropertyInfo p in iface.GetProperties ()) {
                    PropertyAttribute[] attrs = p.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (PropertyAttribute), true) as PropertyAttribute [];
                    if (attrs.Length == 0)
                    PropertyAttribute property_attr = attrs [0];
                    PropertyInfo declared_prop = t.GetProperty (p.Name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    if (declared_prop == null)
                    IntPtr param_spec = FindInterfaceProperty (adapter.GType, property_attr.Name);

                    Properties [param_spec] = declared_prop;
예제 #11
파일: Value.cs 프로젝트: knocte/gtk-sharp
		void InitForProperty (GType gtype, string name)
			IntPtr p_name = Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name);
			IntPtr spec_ptr = g_object_class_find_property (gtype.GetClassPtr (), p_name);
			Marshaller.Free (p_name);

			if (spec_ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new Exception (String.Format ("No property with name '{0}' in type '{1}'", name, gtype.ToString()));
			ParamSpec spec = new ParamSpec (spec_ptr);
			g_value_init (ref this, spec.ValueType.Val);
예제 #12
        static void OverrideClassStruct(GLib.GType gtype, GstMiniObjectClass class_struct)
            IntPtr class_ptr = gtype.GetClassPtr();

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(class_struct, class_ptr, false);