protected override void OnMouseClick(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;
            var            g   = contentpanel.GridRowCol(e.Location);

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                if (dragging == -1 && lastselectionstart == lastselectionend)      // if not dragging sizing or area
                    if (g != null)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Click valid  {g.Row}");
                        MouseClickRowHeader(g.Row, e);
            else if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Right)
                if (g != null && dgv.ContextMenuRowHeaders != null)
                    g.Column = -1;
                    dgv.ContextMenuRowHeaders.Show(FindDisplay(), e.ScreenCoord, opentag: g);
        public Action <int, GLMouseEventArgs> MouseClickRowHeader;                // -1 for top left cell

        public GLDataGridViewRowHeaderPanel(string name, Rectangle location) : base(name, location)
            BorderColorNI          = DefaultVerticalScrollPanelBorderColor;
            BackColorGradientAltNI = BackColorNI = DefaultVerticalScrollPanelBackColor;
            autoscroll.Tick       += (t, tick) =>
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                if (lastmousemove.Y > 0)
                    if (dgv.LastCompleteLine() < dgv.Rows.Count - 1)     // and scroll to the end, until all lines are on screen
                    if (dgv.FirstDisplayIndex > 0)

        protected override void OnMouseMove(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (selectionstart != null)
                if (!dgv.AllowUserToDragSelectCells)     // disable drag

                if (e.Location.Y >= 0 && e.Location.Y <= ClientHeight)      // if within window, no scroll
                else if (!autoscroll.Running)
                    autoscroll.Start(50, 200);  // else autoscroll
                lastmousemove = e.Location;     // record this for autoscroll purposes
        private void MoveTo(int fdl)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            firstdisplayindex = dgv.Rows.Count > 0 ? Math.Max(0, Math.Min(fdl, dgv.Rows.Count)) : 0;

            // if FDL is within the drawn range of the bitmap

            if (firstdisplayindex >= gridfirstline && firstdisplayindex <= gridlastcompleteline)
                // offset of lines in the draw
                int lineoffset = firstdisplayindex - gridfirstline;
                // this will be our new scroll position..
                int ystart = gridrowoffsets[lineoffset];
                // what we have left in the bitmap
                int depthleft = girddrawndepth - ystart;

                //                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Move to {firstdisplayindex} lo {lineoffset} ys {ystart} {depthleft} >= {ClientHeight}");

                // if enough bitmap left.. OR we drew complete the last line, nothing to redraw. Move to pos
                if (depthleft >= ClientHeight || gridlastcompleteline == dgv.Rows.Count - 1)
                    ScrollOffset = new Point(ScrollOffset.X, ystart); // move the image down to this position
                    Invalidate();                                     // invalidate only, no need to redraw

        public GLDataGridViewContentPanel(string name, GLDataGridViewRowHeaderPanel rowheaderpanel, Rectangle location) : base(name, location)
            this.rowheaderpanel    = rowheaderpanel;
            BorderColorNI          = DefaultVerticalScrollPanelBorderColor;
            BackColorGradientAltNI = BackColorNI = Color.Red;// DefaultVerticalScrollPanelBackColor;

            autoscroll.Tick += (t, tick) =>
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                if (lastmousemove.Y > 0)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"First line {dgv.FirstDisplayIndex} last complete {dgv.LastCompleteLine()}");
                    if (LastCompleteLine() < dgv.Rows.Count - 1)     // and scroll to the end, until all lines are on screen
                    if (FirstDisplayIndex > 0)
        protected override void Paint(Graphics gr)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (dgv.UpperLeftBackColor != Color.Transparent)
                using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(dgv.UpperLeftBackColor))
                    gr.FillRectangle(b, new Rectangle(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight));

            if (dgv.CellBorderWidth > 0)
                using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(dgv.CellBorderColor))
                    using (Pen p = new Pen(b, dgv.CellBorderWidth))
                        gr.DrawLine(p, 0, 0, ClientWidth - 1, 0);       // draw a line across the top
                        gr.DrawLine(p, 0, 0, 0, ClientHeight - 1);

            if (dgv.UserPaintTopLeftHeader != null)
                Rectangle area = new Rectangle(dgv.CellBorderWidth, dgv.CellBorderWidth, ClientWidth - 2 * dgv.CellBorderWidth, ClientHeight - 2 * dgv.CellBorderWidth);
                dgv.UserPaintTopLeftHeader(gr, area);
        protected override void OnMouseWheel(GLMouseEventArgs e)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

예제 #8
        protected override void OnMouseMove(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            int xoff = e.Location.X + HorzScroll;

            if (dragging == 0)
                dgv.RowHeaderWidth = xoff + initialrowheaderwidth;
            else if (dragging == -2)
                dgv.ColumnHeaderHeight = e.Location.Y;
            else if (dragging > 0)
                int colx = xoff - dgv.ColumnPixelLeft(dragging - 1);
                dgv.SetColumnWidth(dragging - 1, colx);
                var over = Over(e.Location);
                Cursor = (over != null && over.Item1 == ClickOn.Divider) ? GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.EW :
                         (over != null && over.Item1 == ClickOn.Height) ? GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.NS :
        public void MoveToCell(GLMouseEventArgs e)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;
            var            g   = GridRowCol(e.Location); // find row/col

            if (g != null)
                if (g.Column < dgv.Rows[g.Row].CellCount)   // if within the range of cells of the current row
                    var newcell = CellPara(g, e);           // get cell and set up mouse event args

                    if (newcell == currentcell)
                        currentcell.OnMouseCellMove(e);     // same cell, its a move
                        if (currentcell != null)            // different cell, its a leave on last
                        currentcell = newcell;
                        currentcell?.OnMouseCellEnter(e);   // if we have a new cell, enter.

                    return;     // stop

            if (currentcell != null)                        // did not get a cell, but if we have a current cell, we need to leave
                currentcell = null;
        private void UpdateSelection(Point loc)
            var g = GridRowCol(loc);

            if (g != null)
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                // get the min/max ranges of selection, which can be the minimum/max of start/end and current loc

                int minrow = ObjectExtensionsNumbersBool.Min(lastselectionstart.Row, lastselectionend.Row, g.Row);
                int maxrow = ObjectExtensionsNumbersBool.Max(lastselectionstart.Row, lastselectionend.Row, g.Row);
                int mincol = ObjectExtensionsNumbersBool.Min(lastselectionstart.Column, lastselectionend.Column, g.Column);
                int maxcol = ObjectExtensionsNumbersBool.Max(lastselectionstart.Column, lastselectionend.Column, g.Column);

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Cursor {loc} at {g.Row} {g.Column} minr {minrow} maxr {maxrow}");

                for (int row = minrow; row <= maxrow; row++)
                    for (int col = mincol; col <= maxcol && col < dgv.Rows[row].CellCount; col++)
                        bool selrow = g.Row < selectionstart.Row ? row >= g.Row && row <= selectionstart.Row : row >= selectionstart.Row && row <= g.Row;
                        bool selcol = g.Column < selectionstart.Column ? col >= g.Column && col <= selectionstart.Column : col >= selectionstart.Column && col <= g.Column;
                        //       System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{col} {row} = {selrow} {selcol}");
                        dgv.Rows[row].Cells[col].Selected = selrow && selcol;

                lastselectionstart = selectionstart;
                lastselectionend   = g;
예제 #11
        protected override void OnMouseClick(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                if (dragging == -1)
                    var over = Over(e.Location);
                    if (over != null && over.Item1 != ClickOn.Divider)
                        MouseClickColumnHeader(over.Item2, e);
            else if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Right)
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;
                if (dgv.ContextMenuColumnHeaders != null)
                    var over = Over(e.Location);

                    if (over != null && over.Item1 == ClickOn.Header)
                        dgv.ContextMenuColumnHeaders.Show(FindDisplay(), e.ScreenCoord, opentag: new GLDataGridView.RowColPos()
                            Column = over.Item2, Row = -1, Location = over.Item3
        // returns real row number
        public GLDataGridView.RowColPos GridRowCol(Point p)
            if (gridrowoffsets.Count > 0)
                int y = ScrollOffset.Y + Math.Max(0, Math.Min(p.Y, ClientHeight));      // if mouse if captured, y may be well beyond grid, clip to it

                int gridrow = gridrowoffsets.FindLastIndex(a => a < y);

                if (gridrow >= 0 && gridrow < gridrowoffsets.Count - 1)        // last entry is end of grid, either reject or accept
                    GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                    int xoffset = ScrollOffset.X + Math.Max(0, Math.Min(p.X, ClientWidth));     // clip X

                    for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Columns.Count; i++)
                        int left = dgv.ColumnPixelLeft(i);
                        if (xoffset >= left && xoffset < left + dgv.Columns[i].Width)
                            Point off     = new Point(xoffset - left, y - gridrowoffsets[gridrow]);
                            Point cellloc = new Point(left, gridrowoffsets[gridrow] + dgv.CellBorderWidth);
                            gridrow += gridfirstline;
                            return(new GLDataGridView.RowColPos()
                                Row = gridrow, Column = i, Location = off, CellLocation = cellloc

        protected override void OnMouseClick(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;
            var            g   = GridRowCol(e.Location);

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                if (lastselectionstart == lastselectionend)
                    if (g != null)
                        var orgbounds = e.Bounds;
                        var orgbloc   = e.BoundsLocation;
                        var orgloc    = e.Location;

                        var newcell = CellPara(g, e);        // may return null if cell not there

                        if (e.Handled == false) // and if it did not, call global click
                            e.Bounds         = orgbounds;
                            e.BoundsLocation = orgbloc;
                            e.Location       = orgloc;
                            MouseClickOnGrid(g.Row, g.Column, e);
                        MouseClickOnGrid(-1, -1, e);
            else if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Right)
                if (dgv.ContextMenuGrid != null)
                    if (g == null)      // out of cell, return pos of click
                        g = new GLDataGridView.RowColPos()
                            Column = -1, Row = -1, Location = e.Location
                        if (dgv.SelectRowOnRightClick)
                            dgv.Rows[g.Row].Selected = true;

                    dgv.ContextMenuGrid.Show(FindDisplay(), e.ScreenCoord, opentag: g);
        public void DrawHeaders(int firstline, int lastline, int drawndepth, int ystart)
            yoffset = ystart;

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (!dgv.RowHeaderEnable || dgv.Rows.Count == 0 || dgv.Columns.Count == 0)        // sanity check

            int headerwidth = dgv.RowHeaderWidth + dgv.CellBorderWidth;

            if (gridbitmap == null || gridbitmap.Height < drawndepth || gridbitmap.Width < headerwidth)
                gridbitmap = new Bitmap(dgv.RowHeaderWidth + dgv.CellBorderWidth, drawndepth);

            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(gridbitmap))

                using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(dgv.CellBorderColor))
                    using (Pen p = new Pen(b, dgv.CellBorderWidth))
                        int vpos = 0;

                        for (var rowno = firstline; rowno < dgv.Rows.Count && vpos < gridbitmap.Height; rowno++)
                            var row = dgv.Rows[rowno];

                            if (dgv.CellBorderWidth > 0)
                                gr.DrawLine(p, 0, vpos, headerwidth, vpos);       // draw a line across the top
                                vpos += dgv.CellBorderWidth;

                            Rectangle area = new Rectangle(dgv.CellBorderWidth, vpos, dgv.RowHeaderWidth, row.Height);
                            row.Paint(gr, area);
                            dgv.UserPaintRowHeaders?.Invoke(row, gr, area);

                            vpos += row.Height;

                        if (dgv.CellBorderWidth > 0)
                            gr.DrawLine(p, 0, vpos, headerwidth, vpos); // draw a line across the bottom
                            gr.DrawLine(p, 0, 0, 0, vpos);              // and one on the left

        protected override void Paint(Graphics gr)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (gridbitmap != null)
                //using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(Color.Red))   gr.FillRectangle(b, ClientRectangle);

                Rectangle drawarea = new Rectangle(0, 0, gridbitmap.Width, gridbitmap.Height - yoffset);
                gr.DrawImage(gridbitmap, drawarea, 0, yoffset, drawarea.Width, drawarea.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
        protected override void OnMouseMove(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (dragging >= 0)      // row height
                dgv.Rows[dragging].Height = e.Location.Y - draggingstart;
            else if (dragging == -2)    // header width
                dgv.RowHeaderWidth = e.Location.X;
            else if (selectionstart != -1)              // multi selection of line
                if (!dgv.AllowUserToSelectMultipleRows) // disable drag

                if (e.Location.Y >= 0 && e.Location.Y <= ClientHeight)      // if within window, no scroll
                else if (!autoscroll.Running)
                    autoscroll.Start(50, 200);                              // else autoscroll
                lastmousemove = e.Location;
                if (dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumns && e.Location.X >= Width + leftmargin)
                    Cursor = GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.EW;

                GLDataGridView.RowColPos g;
                if (dgv.AllowUserToResizeRows && (g = contentpanel.GridRowCol(e.Location)) != null && g.Location.Y >= dgv.Rows[g.Row].Height - bottommargin)
                    Cursor = dgv.Rows[g.Row].AutoSize == false ? GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.NS : GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.Normal;

                Cursor = GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.Normal;
예제 #17
        private Tuple <ClickOn, int, Point> Over(Point p)
            GLDataGridView dgv  = Parent as GLDataGridView;
            int            xoff = p.X + HorzScroll;

            if (dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumns)
                foreach (var c in dgv.Columns)  // horz part, col headers
                    int hoff = xoff - dgv.ColumnPixelLeft(c.Index);

                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"loc {p} col {c.Index} {c.HeaderBounds} {hoff}");
                    if (hoff >= leftmargin && hoff <= rightmargin)
                        // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Header mouse over divider {c.Index} {p}");
                        return(new Tuple <ClickOn, int, Point>(ClickOn.Divider, c.Index, Point.Empty));

                if (dgv.Columns.Count > 0 && dgv.ColumnFillMode != GLDataGridView.ColFillMode.FillWidth)
                    int hoff = xoff - dgv.ColumnPixelRight(dgv.Columns.Count - 1);
                    if (hoff >= leftmargin && hoff <= rightmargin)
                        return(new Tuple <ClickOn, int, Point>(ClickOn.Divider, dgv.Columns.Count, new Point(hoff, p.Y)));

            if (p.Y >= Height - bottommargin && dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumnHeight)
                return(new Tuple <ClickOn, int, Point>(ClickOn.Height, -1, Point.Empty));

            foreach (var c in dgv.Columns)  // horz part, col headers
                int left = dgv.ColumnPixelLeft(c.Index);
                if (xoff > left && xoff < left + c.Width)
                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Header mouse over {c.Index} {p}");
                    return(new Tuple <ClickOn, int, Point>(ClickOn.Header, c.Index, new Point(xoff - left, p.Y)));

        // Get the cell from the rowcolpos, and set event args
        private GLDataGridViewCell CellPara(GLDataGridView.RowColPos g, GLMouseEventArgs e)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (g.Column < dgv.Rows[g.Row].CellCount)
                var newcell = dgv.Rows[g.Row].Cells[g.Column];
                e.Bounds         = new Rectangle(g.CellLocation.X, g.CellLocation.Y, dgv.Columns[g.Column].Width, dgv.Rows[g.Row].Height);
                e.BoundsLocation = g.Location;
                e.Location       = new Point(g.Location.X - newcell.Style.Padding.Left, g.Location.Y - newcell.Style.Padding.Top);
        protected override void OnMouseDown(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;
                if (e.Location.X >= Width + leftmargin && dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumns)
                    dragging = 0;
                else if (e.Location.Y >= Height - bottommargin && dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumnHeight)
                    dragging = 1;
        protected override void OnMouseUp(GLMouseEventArgs e)
            lastselectionstart = lastselectionend = selectionstart = null;

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                var g = GridRowCol(e.Location);
                if (g != null)
                    var newcell = CellPara(g, e);       // may return null if cell not there
        protected override void Paint(Graphics gr)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (gridredraw)    // do we need to redisplay
                gridredraw = false;

            // the drawn rectangle is whats left of the bitmap after ScrollOffset..

            Rectangle drawarea = new Rectangle(0, 0, LevelBitmap.Width - ScrollOffset.X, LevelBitmap.Height - ScrollOffset.Y);

            gr.DrawImage(LevelBitmap, drawarea, ScrollOffset.X, ScrollOffset.Y, drawarea.Width, drawarea.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            if (rowheaderpanel.Visible)
        protected override void OnMouseDown(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                if (dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumns && e.Location.X >= Width + leftmargin)
                    dragging = -2;

                var g = contentpanel.GridRowCol(e.Location);

                if (g != null)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Grid {g.Row} {g.Column} {g.Location}");
                    if (dgv.AllowUserToResizeRows && g.Location.Y >= dgv.Rows[g.Row].Height - bottommargin)
                        dragging      = g.Row;
                        draggingstart = e.Location.Y - g.Location.Y;       // compute where top line, based on location, would be
                    else if (dgv.AllowUserToSelectRows)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Selection start on {g.Row}");
                        bool itwason = dgv.Rows[g.Row].Selected;


                        if (!itwason)
                            lastselectionstart = lastselectionend = selectionstart = g.Row;
                            dgv.Rows[selectionstart].Selected = true;
예제 #23
        protected override void Paint(Graphics gr)
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (!dgv.ColumnHeaderEnable || dgv.Columns.Count == 0)

            int vpos = 0;

            using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(dgv.CellBorderColor))
                using (Pen p = new Pen(b, dgv.CellBorderWidth))
                    int colright = dgv.ColumnPixelWidth - 1;

                    gr.DrawLine(p, 0, vpos, colright, vpos);                  // draw across horz top
                    vpos += dgv.ColumnHeaderHeight + dgv.CellBorderWidth;

                    int hpos = -horzscroll;

                    foreach (var c in dgv.Columns)  // horz part, col headers
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Paint | {hpos}");
                        gr.DrawLine(p, hpos, 0, hpos, vpos);            // draw verticle
                        hpos += dgv.CellBorderWidth;

                        Rectangle area = new Rectangle(hpos, dgv.CellBorderWidth, c.Width, dgv.ColumnHeaderHeight);
                        c.Paint(gr, area);
                        dgv.UserPaintColumnHeaders?.Invoke(c, gr, area);

                        hpos += c.Width;

                    gr.DrawLine(p, hpos, 0, hpos, vpos);        // last verticle
        protected override void OnMouseMove(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (dragging == 0)
                dgv.RowHeaderWidth = e.Location.X;
            else if (dragging == 1)
                dgv.ColumnHeaderHeight = e.Location.Y;
                Cursor = (e.Location.X >= Width + leftmargin && dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumns) ? GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.EW :
                         (e.Location.Y >= Height - bottommargin && dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumnHeight) ? GLWindowControl.GLCursorType.NS :
        private void UpdateSelection(Point p)
            var g = contentpanel.GridRowCol(p);

            if (g != null)
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                int minrow = ObjectExtensionsNumbersBool.Min(lastselectionstart, lastselectionend, g.Row);
                int maxrow = ObjectExtensionsNumbersBool.Max(lastselectionstart, lastselectionend, g.Row);

                for (int i = minrow; i <= maxrow; i++)
                    dgv.Rows[i].Selected = g.Row < selectionstart ? i >= g.Row && i <= selectionstart : i >= selectionstart && i <= g.Row;

                lastselectionstart = selectionstart;
                lastselectionend   = g.Row;

                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Selection {lastselectionstart}..{selectionstart}..{lastselectionend}");
예제 #26
        protected override void OnMouseDown(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                var over = Over(e.Location);
                if (over != null)
                    GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                    if (over.Item1 == ClickOn.Divider && dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumns)
                        dragging = over.Item2;
                        initialrowheaderwidth = dgv.RowHeaderWidth;
                    else if (over.Item1 == ClickOn.Height && dgv.AllowUserToResizeColumnHeight)
                        dragging = -2;
        protected override void OnMouseDown(GLMouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

                var g = GridRowCol(e.Location);
                if (g != null)
                    var newcell = CellPara(g, e);       // may return null if cell not there

                    if (!e.Handled && dgv.AllowUserToSelectCells && g.Column < dgv.Rows[g.Row].CellCount)
                        lastselectionstart = lastselectionend = selectionstart = g;
                        dgv.Rows[g.Row].Cells[g.Column].Selected = true;
        private void DrawTable()
            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Redraw Table");
            int backup = 10;

            while (true)
                using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(LevelBitmap))


                    if (dgv.Columns.Count == 0 || dgv.Rows.Count == 0)
                        ScrollOffset = Point.Empty;

                    gridfirstline = Math.Max(0, firstdisplayindex - backup);      // back up a little

                    using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(dgv.CellBorderColor))
                        using (Pen p = new Pen(b, dgv.CellBorderWidth))
                            int gridwidth = dgv.ColumnPixelWidth - 1;      // width of grid incl cell borders
                            int vpos      = 0;

                            for (var rowno = gridfirstline; rowno < dgv.Rows.Count && vpos < LevelBitmap.Height; rowno++)
                                var row = dgv.Rows[rowno];

                                if (row.AutoSize)

                                gridrowoffsets.Add(vpos);       // this row at this border line offset

                                if (dgv.CellBorderWidth > 0)
                                    gr.DrawLine(p, 0, vpos, gridwidth, vpos);       // draw a line across the top
                                    vpos += dgv.CellBorderWidth;

                                int hpos = dgv.CellBorderWidth;

                                for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Columns.Count; i++)
                                    var col = dgv.Columns[i];

                                    if (i < row.CellCount)
                                        var       cell = row.Cells[i];
                                        Rectangle area = new Rectangle(hpos, vpos, col.Width, row.Height);
                                        cell.Paint(gr, area);

                                    hpos += col.Width + dgv.CellBorderWidth;

                                vpos += row.Height;
                                //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Row {rowno} Start {gridrowoffsets.Last()}..{vpos} bitmap H {LevelBitmap.Height}");
                                if (vpos < LevelBitmap.Height)
                                    gridlastcompleteline = rowno;

                            int endpos = Math.Min(vpos + 1, LevelBitmap.Height); // maximum height (not line) we drew to is vpos or the end of the bitmap
                            gridrowoffsets.Add(endpos);                          // add final row vpos for searching purposes
                            girddrawndepth = endpos;

                            if (dgv.CellBorderWidth > 0)
                                gr.DrawLine(p, 0, vpos, gridwidth, vpos);   // final bottom line

                                int hpos = 0;

                                for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Columns.Count; i++)
                                    //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Cell boundary {hpos}");
                                    gr.DrawLine(p, hpos, 0, hpos, vpos);    // each column one
                                    hpos += dgv.CellBorderWidth + dgv.Columns[i].Width;

                                gr.DrawLine(p, hpos, 0, hpos, vpos);        // final one

                    if (firstdisplayindex > gridlastcompleteline)     // if not got to first display index, backup too much, decrease
                        if (backup > 0)
                            backup /= 2;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"DGV **** Error in drawing {firstdisplayindex} {gridfirstline} {gridlastcompleteline}");
                        int ystart = gridrowoffsets[firstdisplayindex - gridfirstline];
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Draw grid backed {backup} {LevelBitmapfirstline}..{firstdisplayindex}..{LevelBitmaplastcompleteline} {LevelBitmapdrawndepth}");

                        // if we backed up, and the backup is very large, we may not have enough bitmap to draw into to fill up the client area
                        // this does not apply if we drew to the end
                        // and stop it continuing forever just in case with backup>0
                        if (backup > 0 && gridlastcompleteline != dgv.Rows.Count - 1 &&
                            girddrawndepth < ystart + Height)       // what we have drawn is less than ystart (y=0 on client) + client height
                            backup /= 2;
                            ScrollOffset = new Point(ScrollOffset.X, ystart);

                            if (rowheaderpanel.Visible)
                                rowheaderpanel.DrawHeaders(gridfirstline, gridlastcompleteline + 1, girddrawndepth, ystart);

        // we have just been layedout by parent, we know our size
        // set up columns

        protected override void PerformRecursiveLayout()

            GLDataGridView dgv = Parent as GLDataGridView;

            if (dgv.ColumnFillMode == GLDataGridView.ColFillMode.FillWidth)
                int   pixelsforborder     = (dgv.Columns.Count + 1) * dgv.CellBorderWidth;
                int   cellpixels          = Width - pixelsforborder;
                float filltotalallcolumns = dgv.Columns.Select(x => x.FillWidth).Sum();

                bool[] minwidths = new bool[dgv.Columns.Count];

                float hfillfinaltotal = 0;

                foreach (var col in dgv.Columns)
                    int width = (int)(cellpixels * col.FillWidth / filltotalallcolumns); // candidate width for all columns
                    if (width < col.MinimumWidth)                                        // if less than min width, set it to that, take this column out of the fill equation
                        col.WidthNI          = col.MinimumWidth;
                        cellpixels          -= col.Width;
                        minwidths[col.Index] = true;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{col.Index} less than min width");
                        hfillfinaltotal += col.FillWidth;

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{hfillfinaltotal} cell pixels {cellpixels}");
                int pixels = 0;

                foreach (var col in dgv.Columns)
                    if (!minwidths[col.Index])  // if not min width it, set it to the width, to the column minimum width
                        col.WidthNI = Math.Max(col.MinimumWidth, (int)(cellpixels * col.FillWidth / hfillfinaltotal));
                        // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{col.Index} auto size to {col.Width}");
                        pixels += col.Width;

                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Cell pixels {cellpixels} total {pixels}");

                int colno = 0;
                while (pixels < cellpixels && dgv.Columns.Count > 0)      // add 1 pixel to each column in turn until back to count
                    dgv.Columns[colno].WidthNI += 1;
                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Distribute pixel to {colno}");
                    colno = (colno + 1) % dgv.Columns.Count;
            {   // normal width fill ,just make sure not below min width
                foreach (var col in dgv.Columns)
                    if (col.Width < col.MinimumWidth)
                        col.WidthNI = col.MinimumWidth;

            //int hpos = dgv.CellBorderWidth;   foreach (var col in dgv.Columns) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Col {col.Index} {hpos} {col.Width}"); hpos += dgv.CellBorderWidth + col.Width; }

            int gridwidth = Math.Max(1, dgv.ColumnPixelWidth);                                                 // width of grid

            if (LevelBitmap == null || LevelBitmap.Width < gridwidth || LevelBitmap.Height < ClientHeight * 2) // if bitmap not there, or different width needed
                MakeLevelBitmap(Math.Max(gridwidth, 10), Math.Max(Height * DepthMult, 10));
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Make Grid bitmap {LevelBitmap.Width} {LevelBitmap.Height}");
                gridredraw = true;