public static MsCrmResultObject GetArticleInfo(Guid articleId, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT A.new_articleId ArticleId ,A.new_name Name ,A.new_summary Summary ,A.new_content [Description] ,A.new_imageurl [Image] ,CAST({2}.dbo.fn_UTCToTzSpecificLocalTime(A.CreatedOn, us.TimeZoneBias, us.TimeZoneDaylightBias,us.TimeZoneDaylightYear, us.TimeZoneDaylightMonth, us.TimeZoneDaylightDay, us.TimeZoneDaylightHour,us.TimeZoneDaylightMinute, us.TimeZoneDaylightSecond, 0, us.TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek,us.TimeZoneStandardBias, us.TimeZoneStandardYear, us.TimeZoneStandardMonth, us.TimeZoneStandardDay,us.TimeZoneStandardHour, us.TimeZoneStandardMinute, us.TimeZoneStandardSecond, 0,us.TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek) as DATETIME) CreatedOn FROM new_article A (NoLock) INNER JOIN dbo.UserSettingsBase US (NoLock) ON US.SystemUserId ='{1}' WHERE A.new_articleId = '{0}'" ; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, articleId, Globals.AdminId, Globals.DatabaseName)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Article _article = new Article(); _article.ArticleId = (Guid)dt.Rows[0]["ArticleId"]; _article.Name = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); _article.Summary = dt.Rows[0]["Summary"].ToString(); _article.Description = dt.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(); _article.ImagePath = dt.Rows[0]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["Image"].ToString() : "no_image_available.png"; _article.CreatedOnString = dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value ? ((DateTime)dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy ddddd HH:mm", new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)) : string.Empty; #region | GET COMMENTS | MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetArticleComments(articleId, sda); if (commentResult.Success) { _article.CommentList = (List <Comment>)commentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion #region | GET ATTACHMENTS | MsCrmResultObject attachmentResult = AttachmentFileHelper.GetArticleAttachmentFiles(articleId, sda); if (attachmentResult.Success) { _article.AttachmentFileList = (List <AttachmentFile>)attachmentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = _article; } else { returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M020"; //"İstenilen makaleye ait detay bulunamadı!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return(returnValue); }
public static MsCrmResultObject GetGraffities(Guid portalId, int commentCount, int startRow, int endRow, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT A.* FROM ( SELECT PG.new_graffitiId GraffitiId ,PG.new_content [Description] ,PG.new_userId PortalUserId ,PG.new_userIdName PortalUserIdName ,PG.new_portalId BrandId ,PG.new_portalIdName BrandIdName ,PG.new_imageurl [Image] ,U.new_imageurl UserImage ,CAST({4}.dbo.fn_UTCToTzSpecificLocalTime(PG.CreatedOn, us.TimeZoneBias, us.TimeZoneDaylightBias,us.TimeZoneDaylightYear, us.TimeZoneDaylightMonth, us.TimeZoneDaylightDay, us.TimeZoneDaylightHour,us.TimeZoneDaylightMinute, us.TimeZoneDaylightSecond, 0, us.TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek,us.TimeZoneStandardBias, us.TimeZoneStandardYear, us.TimeZoneStandardMonth, us.TimeZoneStandardDay,us.TimeZoneStandardHour, us.TimeZoneStandardMinute, us.TimeZoneStandardSecond, 0,us.TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek) as DATETIME) CreatedOn ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY PG.CreatedOn DESC) AS RowNumber ,( SELECT COUNT(0) FROM new_comment AS c (NOLOCK) WHERE c.new_graffitiId=PG.new_graffitiId ) AS CommentCount ,( SELECT COUNT(0) FROM new_likerecord AS lr (NOLOCK) WHERE lr.new_graffitiId=PG.new_graffitiId ) AS LikeCount FROM new_graffiti PG (NoLock) INNER JOIN new_user U (NoLock) ON PG.new_portalId = '{0}' AND PG.statecode = 0 AND U.new_userId = PG.new_userId INNER JOIN dbo.UserSettingsBase US (NoLock) ON US.SystemUserId ='{1}' WHERE PG.statecode=0 AND PG.statuscode=1 --Active )A WHERE A.RowNumber BETWEEN {2} AND {3} ORDER BY A.RowNumber ASC"; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, portalId, Globals.AdminId, startRow, endRow, Globals.DatabaseName)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <Graffiti> returnList = new List <Graffiti>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Graffiti _graffiti = new Graffiti(); _graffiti.GraffitiId = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["GraffitiId"]; _graffiti.Description = dt.Rows[i]["Description"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString() : string.Empty; _graffiti.ImagePath = dt.Rows[i]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Image"].ToString() : string.Empty; _graffiti.PortalUserImage = dt.Rows[i]["UserImage"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["UserImage"].ToString() : "nouserprofile.jpg"; _graffiti.CreatedOnString = dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value ? ((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy, HH:mm", new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)) : string.Empty; _graffiti.HasMedia = dt.Rows[i]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? true : false; _graffiti.LikeCount = (int)dt.Rows[i]["LikeCount"]; _graffiti.CommentCount = (int)dt.Rows[i]["CommentCount"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value) { _graffiti.CreatedOn = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]; } if (dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.LogicalName = "new_user"; er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserId"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserIdName"] != DBNull.Value) { er.Name = dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserIdName"].ToString(); } _graffiti.PortalUser = er; } if (dt.Rows[i]["BrandId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.LogicalName = "new_brand"; er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["BrandId"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["BrandIdName"] != DBNull.Value) { er.Name = dt.Rows[i]["BrandIdName"].ToString(); } _graffiti.Portal = er; } #region | GET COMMENTS | MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetGraffitiComments(_graffiti.GraffitiId, 0, commentCount, sda); //MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetGraffitiComments(_graffiti.GraffitiId, sda); if (commentResult.Success) { _graffiti.CommentList = (List <Comment>)commentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion returnList.Add(_graffiti); } returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = returnList; } else { returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M013"; //"Duvar yazısı bulunamadı!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return(returnValue); }
public static MsCrmResultObject GetVideoInfo(Guid videoId, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT E.new_videoId AS Id ,E.new_name Name ,E.new_summary Summary ,E.new_imageurl [Image] ,E.new_videourl AS [Video] ,E.new_youtubeurl AS [YoutubeUrl] ,CAST({2}.dbo.fn_UTCToTzSpecificLocalTime(E.CreatedOn, us.TimeZoneBias, us.TimeZoneDaylightBias,us.TimeZoneDaylightYear, us.TimeZoneDaylightMonth, us.TimeZoneDaylightDay, us.TimeZoneDaylightHour,us.TimeZoneDaylightMinute, us.TimeZoneDaylightSecond, 0, us.TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek,us.TimeZoneStandardBias, us.TimeZoneStandardYear, us.TimeZoneStandardMonth, us.TimeZoneStandardDay,us.TimeZoneStandardHour, us.TimeZoneStandardMinute, us.TimeZoneStandardSecond, 0,us.TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek) as DATETIME) CreatedOn FROM new_video E (NoLock) INNER JOIN dbo.UserSettingsBase US (NoLock) ON US.SystemUserId ='{1}' WHERE E.new_videoId = '{0}'" ; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, videoId, Globals.AdminId, Globals.DatabaseName)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Video _video = new Video(); _video.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[0]["Id"]; _video.Name = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); _video.Summary = dt.Rows[0]["Summary"].ToString(); _video.ImagePath = dt.Rows[0]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["Image"].ToString() : "no-video-bg.png"; _video.VideoPath = dt.Rows[0]["Video"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["Video"].ToString() : string.Empty; _video.YouTubeUrl = dt.Rows[0]["YoutubeUrl"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["YoutubeUrl"].ToString() : string.Empty; _video.CreatedOnString = dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value ? ((DateTime)dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy ddddd HH:mm", new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)) : string.Empty; #region | GET COMMENTS | MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetEntityComments(videoId, "new_video", 0, 100, sda); if (commentResult.Success) { _video.CommentList = (List <Comment>)commentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion MsCrmResultObject likeResult = LikeHelper.GetEntityLikeInfo(_video.Id, "new_video", sda); if (likeResult.Success) { _video.LikeDetail = (LikeInfo)likeResult.ReturnObject; } returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = _video; } else { returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M023"; //"Video detayı bulunamadı!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return(returnValue); }
public static MsCrmResultObject GetEducationInfo(Guid educationId, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT E.new_educationId EducationId ,E.new_name Name ,E.new_summary Summary ,E.new_content [Description] ,E.new_imageurl [Image] ,CAST({2}.dbo.fn_UTCToTzSpecificLocalTime(E.CreatedOn, us.TimeZoneBias, us.TimeZoneDaylightBias,us.TimeZoneDaylightYear, us.TimeZoneDaylightMonth, us.TimeZoneDaylightDay, us.TimeZoneDaylightHour,us.TimeZoneDaylightMinute, us.TimeZoneDaylightSecond, 0, us.TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek,us.TimeZoneStandardBias, us.TimeZoneStandardYear, us.TimeZoneStandardMonth, us.TimeZoneStandardDay,us.TimeZoneStandardHour, us.TimeZoneStandardMinute, us.TimeZoneStandardSecond, 0,us.TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek) as DATETIME) CreatedOn FROM new_education E (NoLock) INNER JOIN dbo.UserSettingsBase US (NoLock) ON US.SystemUserId ='{1}' WHERE E.new_educationId = '{0}'" ; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, educationId, Globals.AdminId, Globals.DatabaseName)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Education _education = new Education(); _education.EducationId = (Guid)dt.Rows[0]["EducationId"]; _education.Name = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); _education.Summary = dt.Rows[0]["Summary"].ToString(); _education.Description = dt.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(); _education.ImagePath = dt.Rows[0]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["Image"].ToString() : "no_image_available.png"; _education.CreatedOnString = dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value ? ((DateTime)dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy ddddd HH:mm", new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)) : string.Empty; MsCrmResultObject resultLike = LikeHelper.GetEntityLikeInfo(_education.EducationId, "new_graffiti", sda); if (resultLike.Success) { _education.LikeDetail = (LikeInfo)resultLike.ReturnObject; } #region | GET COMMENTS | MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetEducationComments(educationId, sda); if (commentResult.Success) { _education.CommentList = (List <Comment>)commentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion #region | GET ATTACHMENTS | MsCrmResultObject attachmentResult = AttachmentFileHelper.GetEducationAttachmentFiles(educationId, sda); if (attachmentResult.Success) { _education.AttachmentFileList = (List <AttachmentFile>)attachmentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = _education; } else { returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M017"; //"Eğitim kaydına ulaşılamadı."; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return(returnValue); }
public static MsCrmResultObject GetForumSubjectInfo(Guid forumSubjectId, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT fs.new_forumsubjectId AS Id ,fs.new_name AS Name ,fs.new_userId AS UserId ,fs.new_userIdName AS UserIdName ,fs.new_content AS Content ,fs.CreatedOn ,u.new_imageurl ImageUrl FROM new_forumsubject AS fs (NOLOCK) JOIN new_user AS u (NOLOCK) ON u.new_userId=fs.new_userId WHERE fs.new_forumsubjectId='{0}' AND fs.statecode=0 AND fs.statuscode=1 --Active" ; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, forumSubjectId)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ForumSubject fs = new ForumSubject(); fs.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[0]["Id"]; fs.Name = dt.Rows[0]["Name"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() : string.Empty; fs.Content = dt.Rows[0]["Content"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["Content"].ToString() : string.Empty; fs.PortalUserImage = dt.Rows[0]["ImageUrl"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["ImageUrl"].ToString() : "nouserprofile.jpg"; fs.CreatedOn = (DateTime)dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"]; fs.CreatedOnString = ((DateTime)dt.Rows[0]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy ddddd HH:mm", new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)); if (dt.Rows[0]["UserId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[0]["UserId"]; er.Name = dt.Rows[0]["UserIdName"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["UserIdName"].ToString() : string.Empty; er.LogicalName = "new_user"; fs.User = er; } MsCrmResultObject resComment = CommentHelper.GetEntityComments(fs.Id, "new_forumsubject", 0, 10, sda); if (resComment.Success) { fs.CommentList = (List <Comment>)resComment.ReturnObject; } MsCrmResultObject resultLike = LikeHelper.GetEntityLikeInfo(fs.Id, "new_forumsubject", sda); if (resultLike.Success) { fs.LikeDetail = (LikeInfo)resultLike.ReturnObject; } returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = fs; } else { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = "M049"; //"Forum konu başlığına ait bilgi bulunamadı!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return(returnValue); }
public static MsCrmResultObject GetForumSubjects(Guid forumId, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT fs.new_forumsubjectId AS Id ,fs.new_name AS Name ,fs.new_userId AS UserId ,fs.new_userIdName AS UserIdName ,fs.new_content AS Content ,fs.CreatedOn FROM new_forumsubject AS fs (NOLOCK) WHERE fs.new_forumId='{0}' AND fs.statecode=0 AND fs.statuscode=1 --Active ORDER BY fs.CreatedOn DESC" ; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, forumId)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <ForumSubject> lstSub = new List <ForumSubject>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { ForumSubject fs = new ForumSubject(); fs.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["Id"]; fs.Name = dt.Rows[i]["Name"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() : string.Empty; fs.Content = dt.Rows[i]["Content"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Content"].ToString() : string.Empty; fs.CreatedOn = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]; fs.CreatedOnString = ((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"); if (dt.Rows[i]["UserId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["UserId"]; er.Name = dt.Rows[i]["UserIdName"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["UserIdName"].ToString() : string.Empty; er.LogicalName = "new_user"; fs.User = er; } MsCrmResultObject resComment = CommentHelper.GetEntityComments(fs.Id, "new_forumsubject", 0, 10, sda); if (resComment.Success) { fs.CommentList = (List <Comment>)resComment.ReturnObject; } lstSub.Add(fs); } returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = lstSub; } else { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = "M048"; //"Foruma ait konu başlığı bulunmamaktadır!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return(returnValue); }