public void UnLink(AbstractSocket socket) { if ((socket == null) || !socket.IsConnected()) { return; } if (socket.IsInput()) { InputSocket inputSocket = (InputSocket)socket; if (inputSocket.Connection != null) { this.UnLink(inputSocket, inputSocket.Connection.Output); } } if (socket.IsOutput()) { OutputSocket outputSocket = (OutputSocket)socket; Connection[] connectionCopy = new Connection[outputSocket.Connections.Count]; outputSocket.Connections.CopyTo(connectionCopy); foreach (Connection edge in connectionCopy) { this.UnLink(edge.Input, outputSocket); } } }
public void Draw(EditorWindow window, Rect region, AbstractSocket currentDragingSocket) { if (this.centeredLabelStyle == null) { this.centeredLabelStyle ="Label"); } this.centeredLabelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; EditorZoomArea.Begin(this.Zoom, region); if (this.Style.normal.background == null) { this.Style.normal.background = this.CreateBackgroundTexture(); } GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(this.DrawArea, this.Style.normal.background, new Rect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)); this.DrawArea.Set(this.Position.x, this.Position.y, CanvasSize, CanvasSize); GUILayout.BeginArea(this.DrawArea); this.DrawEdges(); window.BeginWindows(); this.DrawNodes(); window.EndWindows(); this.DrawDragEdge(currentDragingSocket); for (int i = 0; i < this.Graph.GetNodeCount(); i++) { this.Graph.GetNodeAt(i).GUIDrawSockets(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); EditorZoomArea.End(); }
public static void TriggerOnUnLinkedSockets(Graph graph, AbstractSocket socket01, AbstractSocket socket02) { if (OnUnLinkedSockets != null) { OnUnLinkedSockets(graph, socket01, socket02); } }
public static Vector2 GetTangentPosition(AbstractSocket socket, Vector2 position) { if (socket.IsInput()) { return(position + Vector2.left * NodeEditorConfig.EdgeTangent); } return(position + Vector2.right * NodeEditorConfig.EdgeTangent); }
public AbstractSocket GetOtherSocket(AbstractSocket socket) { if (socket == this.Input) { return(this.Output); } return(this.Input); }
private void DrawDragEdge(AbstractSocket currentDragingSocket) { if (currentDragingSocket != null) { this._tmpVector01 = Connection.GetEdgePosition(currentDragingSocket, this._tmpVector01); this._tmpVector02 = Connection.GetTangentPosition(currentDragingSocket, this._tmpVector01); Connection.DrawEdge(this._tmpVector01, this._tmpVector02, Event.current.mousePosition, Event.current.mousePosition, currentDragingSocket.Type); } }
private void HandleSocketDrop(AbstractSocket dropTarget) { if ((dropTarget != null) && (dropTarget.GetType() != this._dragSourceSocket.GetType())) { if (dropTarget.IsInput()) { this._currentCanvas.Graph.Link((InputSocket)dropTarget, (OutputSocket)this._dragSourceSocket); } Event.current.Use(); } this._dragSourceSocket = null; this.Repaint(); }
/// <summary> Returns the socket at the window position.</summary> /// <param name="windowPosition"> The position to get the Socket from in window coordinates</param> /// <returns>The socket at the posiiton or null or null.</returns> public AbstractSocket GetSocketAt(Vector2 windowPosition) { Vector2 projectedPosition = this.ProjectToCanvas(windowPosition); for (int i = 0; i < this.Graph.GetNodeCount(); i++) { Node node = this.Graph.GetNodeAt(i); AbstractSocket socket = node.SearchSocketAt(projectedPosition); if (socket != null) { return(socket); } } return(null); }
private void HandleSocketDrag(AbstractSocket dragSource) { if (dragSource != null) { if (dragSource.IsInput() && dragSource.IsConnected()) { this._dragSourceSocket = ((InputSocket)dragSource).Connection.GetOtherSocket(dragSource); this._currentCanvas.Graph.UnLink((InputSocket)dragSource, (OutputSocket)this._dragSourceSocket); } if (dragSource.IsOutput()) { this._dragSourceSocket = dragSource; } Event.current.Use(); } this.Repaint(); }
public static Vector2 GetEdgePosition(AbstractSocket socket, Vector2 position) { if (socket.Parent.Collapsed) { float width = NodeEditorConfig.SocketSize; if (socket.IsOutput()) { width = 0; } position.Set(socket.X + width, socket.Parent.WindowRect.y + 8); } else { float width = 0; if (socket.IsOutput()) { width = NodeEditorConfig.SocketSize; } position.Set(socket.X + width, socket.Y + NodeEditorConfig.SocketSize / 2f); } return(position); }
/// <summary> Returns true if this node contains the assigned socket.</summary> /// <param name="socket"> The socket to use.</param> /// <returns>True if this node contains the assigned socket.</returns> public bool ContainsSocket(AbstractSocket socket) { return(this.Sockets.Contains(socket)); }