public static Dictionary <string, StudentRecord> addRecordtoDict(Dictionary <string, StudentRecord> recordDict) { string lastName = getString("last name"); string firstName = getString("first name"); string studentHobby = getString("hobby"); string faveFood = getString("favorite food"); string shoeSize = getString("shoe size"); StudentRecord newRecord = new StudentRecord(firstName, lastName, studentHobby, faveFood, shoeSize); //return newRecord; //object record = createRecord(); string keylastname = newRecord.lastName; string keyfirstname = newRecord.firstName; string keyLNFN = createKey(keylastname, keyfirstname); recordDict.Add(keyLNFN, newRecord); return(recordDict); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //////StudentRecord newRecord = new StudentRecord(firstName, lastName, studentHobby, faveFood, shoeSize); StudentRecord NanaRecord = new StudentRecord("Nana", "Banahene", "coding", "Empanadas", "unknown"); StudentRecord TimRecord = new StudentRecord("Tim", "Broughton", "coding", "Chicken Parm", "unknown"); StudentRecord LinZRecord = new StudentRecord("Lin-Z", "Chang", "coding", "Ice Cream", "unknown"); StudentRecord TaylorRecord = new StudentRecord("Taylor", "Everts", "wordsmithing", "James Cordon but blue", "unknown"); StudentRecord MichaelRecord = new StudentRecord("Michael", "Hern", "coding", "Chicken Wings", "unknown"); StudentRecord MadelynRecord = new StudentRecord("Madelyn", "Hilty", "NO COMMENT", "Korean BBQ", "bigfoot"); StudentRecord JordanRecord = new StudentRecord("Jordan", "Owiesny", "coding", "Burgers", "unknown"); StudentRecord ShahRecord = new StudentRecord("Shah", "Shahid", "coding", "Chicken Wings", "unknown"); StudentRecord BlakeRecord = new StudentRecord("Blake", "Shaw", "coding", "Cannoli", "unknown"); StudentRecord JonRecord = new StudentRecord("Jon", "Shaw", "coding", "Ribs", "unknown"); StudentRecord JayRecord = new StudentRecord("Jay", "Stiles", "coding", "Pickles", "unknown"); StudentRecord RoachRecord = new StudentRecord("Roach", "Toles", "coding", "Space Cheese", "unknown"); StudentRecord BobRecord = new StudentRecord("Bob", "Valentic", "coding", "Pizza", "unknown"); StudentRecord AbbyRecord = new StudentRecord("Abby", "Wessels", "roller derby", "Soup", "unknown"); StudentRecord JoshuaRecord = new StudentRecord("Joshua", "Zimmerman", "coding", "Turkey", "unknown"); Dictionary <string, StudentRecord> studentDictionary = new Dictionary <string, StudentRecord>() { { "BANAHENENANA", NanaRecord }, { "BROUGHTONTIM", TimRecord }, { "CHANGLIN-Z", LinZRecord }, { "EVERTSTAYLOR", TaylorRecord }, { "HERNMICHAEL", MichaelRecord }, { "HILTYMADELYN", MadelynRecord }, { "OWIESNYJORDAN", JordanRecord }, { "SHAHIDSHAH", ShahRecord }, { "SHAWBLAKE", BlakeRecord }, { "SHAWJON", JonRecord }, { "STILESJAY", JayRecord }, { "TOLESROACH", RoachRecord }, { "VALENTICBOB", BobRecord }, { "WESSELSABBY", AbbyRecord }, { "ZIMMERMANJOSHUA", JoshuaRecord }, }; bool killswitch = true; while (killswitch) { Console.WriteLine(@" What would you like to do? 1. View Student Directory 2. View Student Details 3. Add a Student to Directory 4. Exit"); string mainMenuInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (mainMenuInput == "1") { Console.WriteLine(@" Student Directory ============================================="); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StudentRecord> kvp in studentDictionary.OrderBy(key => key.Key)) { StudentRecord record = kvp.Value; Console.WriteLine($"{record.firstName} {record.lastName}"); } } else if (mainMenuInput == "2") { Console.WriteLine(accessRecord(studentDictionary)); } else if (mainMenuInput == "3") { studentDictionary = addRecordtoDict(studentDictionary); } else if (mainMenuInput == "4") { killswitch = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("That is not an option."); continue; } } }
public static string accessRecord(Dictionary <string, StudentRecord> recordDict) { while (true) { try { Console.WriteLine(@" Which student do you want to get more information about? (Enter the student's name in Firstname Lastname format) "); //allows student to input first and last name, creates the key from them to look up student string nameInput = Console.ReadLine(); List <string> regexList = new List <string>(Regex.Split(nameInput.ToUpper(), @"[ ]+")); string keyInput = createKey(regexList[1], regexList[0]); bool killswitch = true; while (killswitch) { try { StudentRecord reffedRecord = recordDict[keyInput]; Console.WriteLine(@"What would you like to know about the student? 1. Hobby 2. Favorite Food 3. Shoe Size 4. Choose Another Student 5. Return to Main Menu"); string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (userInput == "1" || userInput == "HOBBY") { return($"{reffedRecord.firstName}'s main hobby is {reffedRecord.hobby}."); } else if (userInput == "2" || userInput == "FAVORITE FOOD" || userInput == "FOOD") { return($"{reffedRecord.firstName}'s favorite food is {reffedRecord.faveFood}."); } else if (userInput == "3" || userInput == "SHOE SIZE" || userInput == "SHOE") { return($"{reffedRecord.firstName}'s shoe size is {reffedRecord.shoeSize}."); } else if (userInput == "4") { killswitch = false; } else if (userInput == "5") { return(""); } else { Console.WriteLine("Not a valid input."); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("That student doesn't exist."); killswitch = false; } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("That student doesn't exist."); } } }