public void Set(GCHourTime d) { hour = d.hour; min = d.min; sec = d.sec; mili = d.mili; }
public string ShortSandhyaString() { GCHourTime start, end; start = new GCHourTime(this, -96); end = new GCHourTime(this, -48); return(string.Format("{0}-{1}", start.ToShortTimeString(), end.ToShortTimeString())); }
public string ShortMuhurtaString(int nMuhurta) { GCHourTime start, end; start = new GCHourTime(this, nMuhurta * 48); end = new GCHourTime(this, nMuhurta * 48 + 48); return(string.Format("{0}-{1}", start.ToShortTimeString(), end.ToShortTimeString())); }
public GCHourTime(GCHourTime rise, int p) { // TODO: Complete member initialization hour = rise.hour; min = rise.min; sec = rise.sec; mili = rise.mili; longitude = 0.0; longitudeMoon = 0.0; Ayanamsa = 0.0; AddMinutes(p); }
public static GCHourTime CalcSunrise(GregorianDateTime vct, GCEarthData earth) { double tempSunrise = 180.0; GCSunData sun = new GCSunData(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sun.SunPosition(vct, earth, tempSunrise - 180.0); double x; // definition of event double eventdef = 0.01454; /* switch(ed.obs) * { * case 1: // civil twilight * eventdef = 0.10453; * break; * case 2: // nautical twilight * eventdef = 0.20791; * break; * case 3: // astronomical twilight * eventdef = 0.30902; * break; * default:// center of the sun on the horizont * eventdef = 0.01454; * break; * }*/ eventdef = (eventdef / GCMath.cosDeg(earth.latitudeDeg)) / GCMath.cosDeg(sun.declinationDeg); x = GCMath.tanDeg(earth.latitudeDeg) * GCMath.tanDeg(sun.declinationDeg) + eventdef; if ((x >= -1.0) && (x <= 1.0)) { // time of sunrise tempSunrise = 90.0 - earth.longitudeDeg - GCMath.arcSinDeg(x) + sun.equationOfTime; } else { // initial values for the case // that no rise no set for that day tempSunrise = -360.0; break; } } GCHourTime result = new GCHourTime(); result.longitude = sun.longitudeDeg; result.SetDegTime(tempSunrise + earth.OffsetUtcHours * 15.0); return(result); }
/*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Calculation of tithi, paksa, naksatra, yoga for given */ /* Gregorian date */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ public int DayCalc(GregorianDateTime date, GCEarthData earth) { double d; // sun position on sunrise on that day sunRise = GCSunData.CalcSunrise(date, earth); sunSet = GCSunData.CalcSunset(date, earth); // arunodaya is 96 min before sunrise // sunrise_deg is from range 0-360 so 96min=24deg sunArunodaya.TotalDays = sunRise.TotalDays - 96 / 1440.0; sunArunodaya.longitude = sunRise.longitude - (24.0 / 365.25); // noon sunNoon.TotalDays = (sunSet.TotalDays + sunRise.TotalDays) / 2; sunNoon.longitude = (sunRise.longitude + sunSet.longitude) / 2; date.shour = sunRise.TotalDays; // date.shour is [0..1] time of sunrise in local timezone time this.JulianDay = date.GetJulianDetailed(); // moon position at sunrise on that day sunRise.longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(date, earth); this.Ayanamsa = GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(this.JulianDay); sunArunodaya.Ayanamsa = this.Ayanamsa; sunRise.Ayanamsa = this.Ayanamsa; sunNoon.Ayanamsa = this.Ayanamsa; sunSet.Ayanamsa = this.Ayanamsa; // masa this.Masa = -1; date.shour = sunSet.TotalDays; sunSet.longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(date, earth); date.shour = sunArunodaya.TotalDays; sunArunodaya.longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(date, earth); return(1); }
public static GCHourTime CalcSunset(GregorianDateTime vct, GCEarthData earth) { double tempSunset = 180.0; GCSunData sun = new GCSunData(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sun.SunPosition(vct, earth, tempSunset - 180.0); double x; // definition of event double eventdef = GCSunData.RiseAngleLevel; eventdef = (eventdef / GCMath.cosDeg(earth.latitudeDeg)) / GCMath.cosDeg(sun.declinationDeg); x = GCMath.tanDeg(earth.latitudeDeg) * GCMath.tanDeg(sun.declinationDeg) + eventdef; if ((x >= -1.0) && (x <= 1.0)) { // time of sunset tempSunset = 270.0 - earth.longitudeDeg + GCMath.arcSinDeg(x) + sun.equationOfTime; } else { // initial values for the case // that no rise no set for that day tempSunset = -360.0; break; } } GCHourTime result = new GCHourTime(); result.longitude = sun.longitudeDeg; result.SetDegTime(tempSunset + earth.OffsetUtcHours * 15.0); return(result); }
public bool IsLessOrEqualThan(GCHourTime dt) { if (hour <= dt.hour) { return(true); } else if (hour > dt.hour) { return(false); } if (min <= dt.min) { return(true); } else if (min > dt.min) { return(false); } if (sec <= dt.sec) { return(true); } else if (sec > dt.sec) { return(false); } if (mili <= dt.mili) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool IsGreaterOrEqualThan(GCHourTime dt) { if (hour >= dt.hour) { return(true); } else if (hour < dt.hour) { return(false); } if (min >= dt.min) { return(true); } else if (min < dt.min) { return(false); } if (sec >= dt.sec) { return(true); } else if (sec < dt.sec) { return(false); } if (mili >= dt.mili) { return(true); } return(false); }
public GCHourTimeObject(GCHourTime v) { Value = v; }
public GCHourTimeObject() { Value = new GCHourTime(); }
//================================================================================== // //================================================================================== public static void CalcMoonTimes(GCEarthData e, GregorianDateTime vc, double biasHours, out GCHourTime rise, out GCHourTime set) { double UT; int i; double prev_elev; int nType, nFound = 0; double a, ae, b, be, c = 0, ce = 0, elev; rise = new GCHourTime(); set = new GCHourTime(); rise.SetValue(-1); set.SetValue(-1); // inicializacia prvej hodnoty ELEVATION vc.shour = (-biasHours - 1.0) / 24.0; prev_elev = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonElevation(e, vc); // prechod cez vsetky hodiny for (UT = (-0.1 - biasHours); UT <= (24.1 - biasHours); UT += 1.0) { vc.shour = UT / 24.0; elev = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonElevation(e, vc); if (prev_elev * elev <= 0.0) { if (prev_elev <= 0.0) { nType = 0x1; } else { nType = 0x2; } a = UT - 1.0; ae = prev_elev; b = UT; be = elev; for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { c = (a + b) / 2.0; vc.shour = c / 24.0; ce = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonElevation(e, vc); if (ae * ce <= 0.0) { be = ce; b = c; } else { ae = ce; a = c; } } if (nType == 1) { rise.SetDayTime((c + biasHours) / 24.0); } else { set.SetDayTime((c + biasHours) / 24.0); } nFound |= nType; if (nFound == 0x3) { break; } } prev_elev = elev; } }
public static int writeGaurabdaTithiXml(string fileName, GCLocation loc, GaurabdaDate vaStart, GaurabdaDate vaEnd) { int gyearA = vaStart.gyear; int gyearB = vaEnd.gyear; int gmasa = vaStart.masa; int gpaksa = vaStart.tithi / 15; int gtithi = vaStart.tithi % 15; if (gyearB < gyearA) { gyearB = gyearA; } using (StreamWriter xml = new StreamWriter(fileName)) { xml.Write("<xml>\n"); xml.Write("\t<request name=\"Tithi\" version=\""); xml.Write(GCStrings.getString(130)); xml.Write("\">\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"longitude\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.Longitude); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"latitude\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.Latitude); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"timezone\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.OffsetUtcHours); xml.Write("\" />\n"); if (gyearA > 1500) { xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"year-start\" val=\""); xml.Write(gyearA); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"year-end\" val=\""); xml.Write(gyearB); xml.Write("\" />\n"); } else { xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"gaurabdayear-start\" val=\""); xml.Write(gyearA); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"gaurabdayear-end\" val=\""); xml.Write(gyearB); xml.Write("\" />\n"); } xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"masa\" val=\""); xml.Write(gmasa); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"paksa\" val=\""); xml.Write(gpaksa); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"tithi\" val=\""); xml.Write(gtithi); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t</request>\n"); xml.Write("\t<result name=\"Tithi\">\n"); GCEarthData earth = loc.GetEarthData(); GregorianDateTime vcs = new GregorianDateTime(), vce = new GregorianDateTime(), today = new GregorianDateTime(); GCHourTime sun = new GCHourTime(); int A, B; double sunrise; GCAstroData day = new GCAstroData(); int oTithi, oPaksa, oMasa, oYear; if (gyearA > 1500) { A = gyearA - 1487; B = gyearB - 1485; } else { A = gyearA; B = gyearB; } for (; A <= B; A++) { vcs.Set(GCTithi.CalcTithiEnd(A, gmasa, gpaksa, gtithi, earth, out vce)); if (gyearA > 1500) { if ((vcs.year < gyearA) || (vcs.year > gyearB)) { continue; } } oTithi = gpaksa * 15 + gtithi; oMasa = gmasa; oPaksa = gpaksa; oYear = 0; xml.Write("\t<celebration\n"); // xml.Write("\t\t<tithi\n"; xml.Write("\t\trtithi=\""); xml.Write(GCTithi.GetName(oTithi)); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\trmasa=\""); xml.Write(GCMasa.GetName(oMasa)); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\trpaksa=\""); xml.Write(oPaksa != 0 ? "Gaura" : "Krsna"); xml.Write("\"\n"); // test ci je ksaya today.Set(vcs); today.shour = 0.5; sun = GCSunData.CalcSunrise(today, earth); sunrise = sun.TotalDays; if (sunrise < vcs.shour) { today.Set(vce); sun = GCSunData.CalcSunrise(today, earth); sunrise = sun.TotalDays; if (sunrise < vce.shour) { // normal type vcs.NextDay(); xml.Write("\t\ttype=\"normal\"\n"); } else { // ksaya vcs.NextDay(); day.DayCalc(vcs, earth); oTithi = day.sunRise.Tithi; oPaksa = day.sunRise.Paksa; oMasa = day.MasaCalc(vcs, earth); oYear = day.GaurabdaYear; xml.Write("\t\ttype=\"ksaya\"\n"); } } else { // normal, alebo prvy den vriddhi today.Set(vce); sun = GCSunData.CalcSunrise(today, earth); if (sun.TotalDays < vce.shour) { // first day of vriddhi type xml.Write("\t\ttype=\"vriddhi\"\n"); } else { // normal xml.Write("\t\ttype=\"normal\"\n"); } } xml.Write("\t\tdate=\""); xml.Write(vcs); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\totithi=\""); xml.Write(GCTithi.GetName(oTithi)); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\tomasa=\""); xml.Write(GCMasa.GetName(oMasa)); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\topaksa=\""); xml.Write(GCPaksa.GetName(oPaksa)); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t/>\n"); } xml.Write("\t</result>\n"); xml.Write("</xml>\n"); } return(1); }
public static int writeXml(string fileName, GCLocation loc, GregorianDateTime vc) { String str; GregorianDateTime date; using (StreamWriter xml = new StreamWriter(fileName)) { xml.Write("<xml>\n"); xml.Write("\t<request name=\"Tithi\" version=\""); xml.Write(GCStrings.getString(130)); xml.Write("\">\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"longitude\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.Longitude); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"latitude\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.Latitude); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"timezone\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.OffsetUtcHours); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"startdate\" val=\""); xml.Write(vc); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t</request>\n"); xml.Write("\t<result name=\"Tithi\">\n"); GregorianDateTime d = new GregorianDateTime(); d.Set(vc); GregorianDateTime d1, d2; d.TimezoneHours = loc.OffsetUtcHours; GregorianDateTime dn; GCHourTime dt = new GCHourTime(); GCEarthData earth = loc.GetEarthData(); GCAstroData day = new GCAstroData(); day.DayCalc(vc, earth); d.shour = day.sunRise.TotalDays; GCTithi.GetPrevTithiStart(earth, d, out d1); GCTithi.GetNextTithiStart(earth, d, out d2); { dt.SetDegTime(d1.shour * 360); // start tithi at t[0] xml.Write("\t\t<tithi\n\t\t\tid=\""); xml.Write(day.sunRise.Tithi); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\t\tname=\""); xml.Write(GCTithi.GetName(day.sunRise.Tithi)); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\t\tstartdate=\""); xml.Write(d1); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\t\tstarttime=\""); xml.Write(dt); xml.Write("\"\n"); dt.SetDegTime(d2.shour * 360); xml.Write("\t\t\tenddate=\""); xml.Write(d2); xml.Write("\"\n"); xml.Write("\t\t\tendtime=\""); xml.Write(dt); xml.Write("\"\n />"); } xml.Write("\t</result>\n"); xml.Write("</xml>\n"); } return(1); }
public static int writeXml(string fileName, GCLocation loc, GregorianDateTime vc, int nDaysCount) { using (StreamWriter xml = new StreamWriter(fileName)) { xml.Write("<xml>\n"); xml.Write("\t<request name=\"Naksatra\" version=\""); xml.Write(GCStrings.getString(130)); xml.Write("\">\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"longitude\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.Longitude); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"latitude\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.Latitude); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"timezone\" val=\""); xml.Write(loc.OffsetUtcHours); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"startdate\" val=\""); xml.Write(vc); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t<arg name=\"daycount\" val=\""); xml.Write(nDaysCount); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t</request>\n"); xml.Write("\t<result name=\"Naksatra\">\n"); GregorianDateTime d = new GregorianDateTime(); d.Set(vc); d.TimezoneHours = loc.OffsetUtcHours; GregorianDateTime dn; GCHourTime dt = new GCHourTime(); int nak; GCEarthData earth = loc.GetEarthData(); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { nak = GCNaksatra.GetNextNaksatra(earth, d, out dn); d.Set(dn); xml.Write("\t\t<day date=\""); xml.Write(d); xml.Write("\">\n"); //str.Format("%d.%d.%d",, d.month, d.year); //n = m_list.InsertItem(50, GetNaksatraName(nak)); //m_list.SetItemText(n, 1, str); xml.Write("\t\t\t<naksatra id=\""); xml.Write(nak); xml.Write("\" name=\""); xml.Write(GCNaksatra.GetName(nak)); xml.Write("\"\n"); dt.SetDegTime(d.shour * 360); //time_print(str, dt); xml.Write("\t\t\t\tstarttime=\""); xml.Write(dt); xml.Write("\" />\n"); //m_list.SetItemText(n, 2, str); //time_print(str, sun.rise); //m_list.SetItemText(n, 3, str); xml.Write("\t\t\t<sunrise time=\""); xml.Write(GCSunData.CalcSunrise(d, earth)); xml.Write("\" />\n"); xml.Write("\t\t</day>\n"); // increment for non-duplication of naksatra d.Set(dn); d.shour += 1.0 / 8.0; } xml.Write("\t</result>\n"); xml.Write("</xml>\n"); } return(1); }