예제 #1
        void OnAudioFilterRead(float [] data, int numChannels)
                        #if GAT_DEBUG
            if (_FiltersHandler.NbOfFilteredChannels != numChannels)
                Debug.LogError("This player was setup for " + GATInfo.NbOfChannels + " channels output, current is " + numChannels + ". Disabling player.");
                _shouldDisable = true;
            BufferedSample sample;
            bool           shouldRemove;
            int            i;
            int            dataLength;
            bool           noData = false;

            dataLength = data.Length;
            //First, we check if any samples in the scheduled queue need to be moved to the playing queue

            shouldRemove = false;
            sample       = _scheduledSamples.head.next;       // caching the first item of the linked queue: thread safe iteration

            if (sample != null)
                double nextBufferDSPTime = AudioSettings.dspTime + GATInfo.AudioBufferDuration;

                while (sample != null)
                    if (nextBufferDSPTime > sample.scheduledDspTime)                      //flag samples which need to be moved
                        sample.shouldBeRemoved = true;
                        shouldRemove           = true;
                        sample.OffsetInBuffer  = ( int )((sample.scheduledDspTime - AudioSettings.dspTime) * GATInfo.OutputSampleRate);
                    sample = sample.next;

                if (shouldRemove)                  //move to playing queue
                    lock ( _scheduledSamples )     // make sure no sample is added from the main thread whilst removing

                    _playingSamples.Enqueue(_discardedSamples);                       // no need to lock on the playing queue: it is only accessed by the audio thread

            //Second, we check the PlayImmediate queue

            lock ( _samplesToEnqueue )            //make sure no play immediate sample gets added by the main thread whilst we concatenate the 2 queues
                if (_samplesToEnqueue.head.next != null)
            //Third, we mix the samples of the Playing queue

            sample = _playingSamples.head.next;

            if (onPlayerWillMix != null)

            //Even if there is no samples to play, filters might add to the mix:
            if (sample == null)
                noData = true;

                //Check tracks
                for (i = 0; i < _tracks.Count; i++)
                    if (ReferenceEquals(_tracks[i], null) == false)
                        if (_tracks[i].FXAndMixTo(data))
                            noData = false;

                //Check Master Filters
                if (_FiltersHandler.HasFilters)
                    if (_FiltersHandler.ApplyFilters(data, 0, dataLength, noData))
                        noData = false;

                //Broadcast stream
                _audioThreadStreamProxy.BroadcastStream(data, 0, noData);

                //Stop there.
                if (onPlayerDidMix != null)


            shouldRemove = false;

            while (sample != null)
                if (sample.MixNow(data) == true)
                    shouldRemove = true;
                sample = sample.next;

            //Then, we remove samples which ended and clip the mix if needed
            if (shouldRemove)

            //Now, we check and mix tracks
            for (i = 0; i < _tracks.Count; i++)
                if (ReferenceEquals(_tracks[i], null) == false)

            //Filter the mix, includes a default gain filter which will clip if set so
            if (_FiltersHandler.HasFilters)
                _FiltersHandler.ApplyFilters(data, 0, dataLength, false);

            //Finally, we fire the last callback

            _audioThreadStreamProxy.BroadcastStream(data, 0, false);

            if (onPlayerDidMix != null)

            if (_releasePlaying)
                _releasePlaying = false;
                float deltaGain = 1f / (data.Length / numChannels);
                float gain      = 1f;
                for (i = 0; i < data.Length; i += numChannels)
                    data[i]     *= gain;
                    data[i + 1] *= gain;
                    gain        -= deltaGain;
예제 #2
        // Called by GATPlayer.
        // Applies effects, and pan-mixes
        // to the audio buffer.
        public bool FXAndMixTo(float[] audioBuffer)
            if (!_active)

            int  i;
            bool isEmptyData = false;

            if (_hasData == false)              //no sample overwrote the buffer, let's clear it
                if (_bufferIsDirty)
                    _bufferIsDirty = false;

                isEmptyData = true;

            if (_contributor != null)
                isEmptyData = !(_contributor.MixToTrack(_trackBuffer, _trackNb));

            if (_filtersHandler.HasFilters)
                if (_filtersHandler.ApplyFilters(_trackBuffer.ParentArray, _trackBuffer.MemOffset, GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel, isEmptyData))
                    isEmptyData = false;

            if (isEmptyData)
                _audioThreadStreamProxy.BroadcastStream(_trackBuffer.ParentArray, _trackBuffer.MemOffset, isEmptyData);

            if (_shouldToggleMute)
                if (_nextMute)
                    _mute = false;

                _shouldToggleMute = false;

            _bufferIsDirty = true;

            _audioThreadStreamProxy.BroadcastStream(_trackBuffer.ParentArray, _trackBuffer.MemOffset, false);

            if (_mute)

            GATDynamicChannelGain channelGain;

            for (i = 0; i < _panInfo.channelGains.Count; i++)
                channelGain = _panInfo.channelGains[i];
                if (channelGain.ShouldInterpolate)
                    _trackBuffer.SmoothedGainMixToInterlaced(audioBuffer, 0, 0, GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel, channelGain);

                if (channelGain.Gain != 0f)
                    _trackBuffer.GainMixToInterlaced(audioBuffer, 0, 0, GATInfo.AudioBufferSizePerChannel, channelGain);

            if (_nextMute)              //only set mute here to allow for mixing of faded data : elegant stop
                _mute = true;
