private async void loginBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Check not null if (username.Text == "" || password.Password == "") { //Notify NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("账号或密码不能为空!"); notifyPopup.Show(); return; } //Get usr and pwd string stunum = username.Text, passwd = password.Password; localSettings.Values["muser"] = stunum; localSettings.Values["passwd"] = passwd; /* //base64 for pwd byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(passwd); passwd = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); LogInVerification(stunum,passwd); */ bool loginCheck; toggleLoginState(); loginCheck = await MockJwch.MockLogin(); toggleLoginState(); if (!loginCheck) { return; } await MockJwch.MockGetCurrentUser(); //get week and term try { await MockJwch.MockGetCurrentCalendar(); } catch { } if (loginCheck) { Frame.Navigate(typeof(AppShell)); } else { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("网络错误"); notifyPopup.Show(); } }
private bool ShowResult(bool IsNextPage) { if (!IsNextPage) { bookSearchResult.ItemsSource = null; try { b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BookSearchResult>(jsonData); } catch { return false; } } if(b.errMsg == "图书馆请求信息失败") { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup(b.errMsg); notifyPopup.Show(); return false; } bookSearchResult.ItemsSource =; page++; return true; }
private async Task MockGet(bool IsRefresh) { if (IsRefresh) { bool status = await MockJwch.MockGetScore(); if (!status) { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("获取成绩失败"); notifyPopup.Show(); return; } try { //Get data from storage StorageFolder fzuhelperDataFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("FzuhelperData"); StorageFile score = await fzuhelperDataFolder.GetFileAsync("score.dat"); htmlStr = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(score); } catch { } } else { try { //Get data from storage StorageFolder fzuhelperDataFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("FzuhelperData"); StorageFile score = await fzuhelperDataFolder.GetFileAsync("score.dat"); htmlStr = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(score); } catch { bool status = await MockJwch.MockGetScore(); if (!status) { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("获取成绩失败"); notifyPopup.Show(); } else { await MockGet(false); } } } }
/*private async void IniList(bool IsRefresh) { refreshIndicator.IsActive = true; if (!IsRefresh) { try { //Get data from storage StorageFolder fzuhelperDataFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("FzuhelperData"); StorageFile score = await fzuhelperDataFolder.GetFileAsync("score.dat"); jsonData = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(score); } catch { if (firstTimeLoad) { IniList(true); firstTimeLoad = false; return; } MainPage.SendToast("获取数据出错,请刷新"); refreshIndicator.IsActive = false; return; } } else { try { jsonData = await HttpRequest.GetScore(); if (jsonData == "error") { MainPage.SendToast("获取数据出错"); refreshIndicator.IsActive = false; return; } } catch { MainPage.SendToast("获取数据出错"); refreshIndicator.IsActive = false; return; } } try { srv = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ScoreReturnValue>(jsonData); markArr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ScoreArr>>(["markArr"].ToString()); Groups = CreateGroups(); cvsGroups.Source = Groups; listViewZoomOutView.ItemsSource = cvsGroups.View.CollectionGroups; GetAllGradePoint(IsRefresh); //Unknown error, just login again if (markArr.Count == 0 && getAgain) { getAgain = false; await HttpRequest.ReLogin(); IniList(true); } } catch { getAgain = true; MainPage.SendToast("获取数据出错,请刷新"); } refreshIndicator.IsActive = false; }*/ private async Task GetAllGradePoint(bool IsRefresh) { gradePointListView.ItemsSource = null; gradePointArr.Clear(); string year = "", term = ""; foreach (string item in countTime) { year = item.Substring(0, 4); term = item.Substring(4); if (IsRefresh) { try { jsonData = await HttpRequest.GetGradePoint(year, term); } catch { return; } } else { try { //from storage StorageFolder fzuhelperDataFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("FzuhelperData"); StorageFile gradePointFile = await fzuhelperDataFolder.GetFileAsync(year + term + ".dat"); jsonData = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(gradePointFile); } catch { jsonData = await HttpRequest.GetGradePoint(year, term); } } try { gprv = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GradePointReturnValue>(jsonData); GradePointArr gpArr = new GradePointArr(); gpArr.term = item; gpArr.point =["point"]; gpArr.rank_total =["rank"] + "/" +["totalStudents"]; gradePointArr.Add(gpArr); } catch { if (IsRefresh) { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup(year + term + "绩点更新失败"); notifyPopup.Show(); } } } gradePointListView.ItemsSource = gradePointArr; }
public static async Task<bool> MockLogin() { HttpClient request = CreateHttpClient(); try { HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(); request.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Origin", ""); request.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Referer", ""); //request.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //Prepare post data string muser = localSettings.Values["muser"].ToString(); string passwd = localSettings.Values["passwd"].ToString(); FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("muser", muser), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("passwd", passwd), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("x", "0"), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("y", "0"), }); //Get response response = await request.PostAsync(mockLoginUri, content); string responseStr1 = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (responseStr1.Contains("alert")) { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("账号或密码错误"); notifyPopup.Show(); request.Dispose(); return false; } //response.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie"); Uri redirectUri = response.Headers.Location; request.DefaultRequestHeaders.Remove("Origin"); response = await request.GetAsync(redirectUri); string responseStr2 = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //ASP.NET_SessionId try { string[] respCookie = (string[])response.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie"); string aspDotNetSessionCookie = respCookie[0].Split(';')[0]; localSettings.Values["AspDotNetSessionCookie"] = aspDotNetSessionCookie; } catch { } if (responseStr2.Contains("alert")) { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("账号或密码错误"); notifyPopup.Show(); request.Dispose(); return false; } //id string queryId = response.Headers.Location.Query.Substring(4); localSettings.Values["QueryId"] = queryId; localSettings.Values["IsLogedIn"] = true; request.Dispose(); return true; } catch { request.Dispose(); return false; } }
public static async Task<string> GetFromJwch(string method,string purpose,HttpFormUrlEncodedContent content,bool tokenRequire = false) { string uri; switch (purpose) { case "Login": uri = Login; break; case "getTimetable": uri = getTimetable; break; case "getScore": uri = getScore; break; case "getExamRoom": uri = getExamRoom; break; case "getBookSearchResult": uri = getBookSearchResult; break; case "getJwchNotice": uri = getJwchNotice; break; case "getGradePoint": uri = getGradePoint; break; case "getEmptyRoom": uri = getEmptyRoom; break; case "getCurrentWeek": uri = getCurrentWeek; break; default: uri = ""; break; } HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(); string httpResponseBody = ""; try { if (method == "post") { httpResponse = await httpClient.PostAsync(new Uri(uri), content); } else { string con = await content.ReadAsStringAsync(); uri = uri + "?" + con; httpResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync(new Uri(uri)); } httpResponse.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); httpResponseBody = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Check if the return data is correct try { if (tokenRequire) { CheckJwch c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CheckJwch>(httpResponseBody); if (c.errMsg != "" && c.errMsg != null) { await ReLogin(); return "relogin"; } } return httpResponseBody; } catch { return httpResponseBody; } } catch { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("网络错误"); notifyPopup.Show(); return "error"; } }
public static async Task ReLogin() { try { //Get accInfo StorageFolder fzuhelperDataFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("FzuhelperData"); StorageFile accInfo = await fzuhelperDataFolder.GetFileAsync("accInfo.dat"); String info = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(accInfo); string[] usr = info.Split('\n'); //Create HttpContent HttpFormUrlEncodedContent content = new HttpFormUrlEncodedContent( new[] { new KeyValuePair<string,string>("stunum",usr[0]), new KeyValuePair<string,string>("passwd",usr[1]), }); //Login string response = ""; try { response = await GetFromJwch("post", "Login", content); if (response == "error") { return; } } catch { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("网络错误"); notifyPopup.Show(); return; } LogInReturnValue l = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LogInReturnValue>(response); StorageFile usrInfo = await fzuhelperDataFolder.CreateFileAsync("usrInfo.dat", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(usrInfo,["stuname"] + "\n" +["token"]); } catch { NotifyPopup notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("身份过期,请重新登录"); notifyPopup.Show(); return; } }