상속: ShaderResource
예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtCube"></param>
        public void CopyFromRenderTargetCube(int index, RenderTargetCube rtCube)
            if (rtCube.MipCount != this.MipCount)
                throw new GraphicsException("CopyFromRenderTargetCube: source and destination have different mip count");

            if (rtCube.Width != this.Width)
                throw new GraphicsException("CopyFromRenderTargetCube: source and destination have different width");
            if (rtCube.Height != this.Height)
                throw new GraphicsException("CopyFromRenderTargetCube: source and destination have different height");

            int subResourceCount = 6 * rtCube.MipCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < subResourceCount; i++)
                int srcIndex = i;
                int dstIndex = i + subResourceCount * index;

                GraphicsDevice.DeviceContext.CopySubresourceRegion(rtCube.TextureResource, srcIndex, null, texCubeArray, dstIndex);
예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rtCube"></param>
		public void CopyFromRenderTargetCube ( int index, RenderTargetCube rtCube )
			if (rtCube.MipCount!=this.MipCount) {
				throw new GraphicsException("CopyFromRenderTargetCube: source and destination have different mip count");

			if (rtCube.Width!=this.Width) {
				throw new GraphicsException("CopyFromRenderTargetCube: source and destination have different width");
			if (rtCube.Height!=this.Height) {
				throw new GraphicsException("CopyFromRenderTargetCube: source and destination have different height");

			int subResourceCount = 6 * rtCube.MipCount;
			for (int i=0; i<subResourceCount; i++) {
				int srcIndex = i;
				int dstIndex = i + subResourceCount * index;

				GraphicsDevice.DeviceContext.CopySubresourceRegion( rtCube.TextureResource, srcIndex, null, texCubeArray, dstIndex );
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dst"></param>
		/// <param name="cubeSrc"></param>
		/// <param name="sampleCount"></param>
		public void PrefilterEnvMap ( RenderTargetCube envMap )

			int width  = envMap.Width / 2;
			int height = envMap.Height / 2;

			using( new PixEvent("PrefilterEnvMap") ) {

				var sides =	new[]{ ShaderFlags.PREFILTER_ENVMAP | ShaderFlags.POSX, ShaderFlags.PREFILTER_ENVMAP | ShaderFlags.NEGX, 
								   ShaderFlags.PREFILTER_ENVMAP | ShaderFlags.POSY, ShaderFlags.PREFILTER_ENVMAP | ShaderFlags.NEGY, 
								   ShaderFlags.PREFILTER_ENVMAP | ShaderFlags.POSZ, ShaderFlags.PREFILTER_ENVMAP | ShaderFlags.NEGZ };

				//	loop through mip levels from second to last specular mip level :
				for (int mip=1; mip<RenderSystem.EnvMapSpecularMipCount; mip++) {

					float roughness = (float)mip / (float)(RenderSystem.EnvMapSpecularMipCount-1);
					float step		= 1.0f / width;

					vectorCB.SetData( new Vector4( roughness, step,0,0 ) );
					for (int face=0; face<6; face++) {

						rs.SetTargets( null, envMap.GetSurface( mip, (CubeFace)face ) );
						rs.SetViewport( 0,0, width, height );

						rs.PixelShaderConstants[0]	=	vectorCB;
						rs.PipelineState			=	factory[ (int)sides[face] ];
						rs.VertexShaderResources[0] =	envMap.GetCubeShaderResource( mip-1 );
						rs.PixelShaderResources[0]	=	envMap.GetCubeShaderResource( mip-1 );
						rs.PixelShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.LinearWrap;
						rs.VertexShaderConstants[0]	=	matrixCB;

						rs.Draw( 3, 0 );

					width /= 2;
					height /= 2;

예제 #4
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public override void Initialize() 
			skyCube		=	new RenderTargetCube( rs, ColorFormat.Rgba16F, 128, true );
			skyConstsCB	=	new ConstantBuffer( rs, typeof(SkyConsts) );


			Game.Reloading += (s,e) => LoadContent();

			var skySphere	=	SkySphere.GetVertices(4).Select( v => new SkyVertex{ Vertex = v } ).ToArray();
			skyVB			=	new VertexBuffer( Game.GraphicsDevice, typeof(SkyVertex), skySphere.Length );
			skyVB.SetData( skySphere );

			randVectors	=	new Vector3[64];

			for (int i=0; i<randVectors.Length; i++) {
				Vector3 randV;
				do {
					randV = rand.NextVector3( -Vector3.One, Vector3.One );
				} while ( randV.Length()>1 && randV.Y < 0 );

				randVectors[i] = randV.Normalized();
예제 #5
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view"></param>
		/// <param name="projection"></param>
		internal void RenderLighting ( StereoEye stereoEye, Camera camera, HdrFrame hdrFrame, RenderWorld viewLayer, RenderTargetCube envLight )
			using ( new PixEvent("TiledLighting") ) {
				var view		=	camera.GetViewMatrix( stereoEye );
				var projection	=	camera.GetProjectionMatrix( stereoEye );

				var device = Game.GraphicsDevice;

				var width	=	hdrFrame.HdrBuffer.Width;
				var height	=	hdrFrame.HdrBuffer.Height;

				ICSMController csmCtrl	=	viewLayer.LightSet.DirectLight.CSMController ?? csmController;

				int activeCascadeCount	=	Math.Min( cascadedShadowMap.CascadeCount, csmCtrl.GetActiveCascadeCount() );

				//	Setup compute shader parameters and states :
				try {

					var cbData	=	new LightingParams();
					var invView	=	Matrix.Invert( view );
					var invVP	=	Matrix.Invert( view * projection );
					var viewPos	=	invView.TranslationVector;

					cbData.DirectLightDirection		=	new Vector4( viewLayer.LightSet.DirectLight.Direction, 0 );
					cbData.DirectLightIntensity		=	viewLayer.LightSet.DirectLight.Intensity.ToVector4();
					cbData.Projection				=	projection;

					cbData.CSMViewProjection0		=	csmCtrl.GetShadowViewMatrix(0) * csmCtrl.GetShadowProjectionMatrix(0);
					cbData.CSMViewProjection1		=	csmCtrl.GetShadowViewMatrix(1) * csmCtrl.GetShadowProjectionMatrix(1);
					cbData.CSMViewProjection2		=	csmCtrl.GetShadowViewMatrix(2) * csmCtrl.GetShadowProjectionMatrix(2);
					cbData.CSMViewProjection3		=	csmCtrl.GetShadowViewMatrix(3) * csmCtrl.GetShadowProjectionMatrix(3);

					cbData.View						=	view;
					cbData.ViewPosition				=	new Vector4(viewPos,1);
					cbData.InverseViewProjection	=	invVP;
					cbData.CSMFilterRadius			=	new Vector4( CSMFilterSize );

					cbData.AmbientColor				=	viewLayer.LightSet.AmbientLevel;
					cbData.Viewport					=	new Vector4( 0, 0, width, height );
					cbData.ShowCSLoadOmni			=	ShowOmniLightTileLoad ? 1 : 0;
					cbData.ShowCSLoadEnv			=	ShowEnvLightTileLoad  ? 1 : 0;
					cbData.ShowCSLoadSpot			=	ShowSpotLightTileLoad ? 1 : 0;

					cbData.CascadeCount				=	activeCascadeCount;
					cbData.CascadeScale				=	1.0f / (float)cascadedShadowMap.CascadeCount;

					ComputeOmniLightsTiles( view, projection, viewLayer.LightSet );
					ComputeSpotLightsTiles( view, projection, viewLayer.LightSet );
					ComputeEnvLightsTiles(  view, projection, viewLayer.LightSet );

					//	set states :
					device.SetTargets( null, hdrFrame.HdrBuffer.Surface );

					lightingCB.SetData( cbData );

					device.ComputeShaderSamplers[0]	=	SamplerState.PointClamp;
					device.ComputeShaderSamplers[1]	=	SamplerState.LinearClamp;
					device.ComputeShaderSamplers[2]	=	SamplerState.ShadowSampler;
					device.ComputeShaderSamplers[3]	=	SamplerState.LinearPointWrap;

					device.ComputeShaderResources[0]	=	hdrFrame.DiffuseBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[1]	=	hdrFrame.SpecularBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[2]	=	hdrFrame.NormalMapBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[3]	=	hdrFrame.ScatteringBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[4]	=	hdrFrame.DepthBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[5]	=	cascadedShadowMap.ColorBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[6]	=	spotColor;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[7]	=	viewLayer.LightSet.SpotAtlas==null ? rs.WhiteTexture.Srv : viewLayer.LightSet.SpotAtlas.Texture.Srv;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[8]	=	omniLightBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[9]	=	spotLightBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[10]	=	envLightBuffer;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[11]	=	rs.SsaoFilter.OcclusionMap;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[12]	=	viewLayer.RadianceCache;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[13]	=	viewLayer.ParticleSystem.SimulatedParticles;
					device.ComputeShaderResources[14]	=	cascadedShadowMap.ParticleShadow;

					device.ComputeShaderConstants[0]	=	lightingCB;

					device.SetCSRWTexture( 0, hdrFrame.LightAccumulator.Surface );
					device.SetCSRWTexture( 1, hdrFrame.SSSAccumulator.Surface );
					device.SetCSRWBuffer(  2, viewLayer.ParticleSystem.ParticleLighting );

					//	Dispatch solids :
					using (new PixEvent("Solid Lighting")) {
						device.PipelineState	=	factory[ (int)LightingFlags.SOLIDLIGHTING ];
						device.Dispatch( MathUtil.IntDivUp( width, BlockSizeX ), MathUtil.IntDivUp( height, BlockSizeY ), 1 );

					//	Dispatch particles :
					using (new PixEvent("Particle Lighting")) {
						if (stereoEye!=StereoEye.Right) {
							int threadGroupCount	=	MathUtil.IntDivUp( ParticleSystem.MaxSimulatedParticles, ParticleSystem.BlockSize );
							device.PipelineState	=	factory[ (int)LightingFlags.PARTICLES ];
							device.Dispatch( threadGroupCount, 1, 1 );
				} catch ( UbershaderException e ) {
					Log.Warning("{0}", e.Message );

				//	Add accumulated light  :
				rs.Filter.OverlayAdditive( hdrFrame.HdrBuffer.Surface, hdrFrame.LightAccumulator );

				//	Uncomment to enable SSS :
				#if false
				rs.Filter.GaussBlur( hdrFrame.SSSAccumulator, hdrFrame.LightAccumulator, 5, 0 ); 
				rs.Filter.OverlayAdditive( hdrFrame.HdrBuffer.Surface, hdrFrame.SSSAccumulator );


				if (rs.ShowLightCounters) {
					var ls = viewLayer.LightSet;
					Log.Message("lights: {0,5} omni {1,5} spot {2,5} env", ls.OmniLights.Count, ls.SpotLights.Count, ls.EnvLights.Count );
예제 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates ViewLayerHDR instance
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Game">Game engine</param>
		/// <param name="width">Target width.</param>
		/// <param name="height">Target height.</param>
		public RenderWorld ( Game game, int width, int height ) : base( game )
			var vp	=	Game.GraphicsDevice.DisplayBounds;

			if (width<=0) {
				width	=	vp.Width;
			if (height<=0) {
				height	=	vp.Height;

			HdrSettings		=	new HdrSettings();
			SkySettings		=	new SkySettings();
			DofSettings		=	new DofSettings();

			Instances		=	new List<MeshInstance>();
			LightSet		=	new LightSet( Game.RenderSystem );

			debug			=	new DebugRender( Game );
			particleSystem	=	new ParticleSystem( Game.RenderSystem, this );

			MeasuredOld		=	new RenderTarget2D( Game.GraphicsDevice, ColorFormat.Rgba32F,   1,  1 );
			MeasuredNew		=	new RenderTarget2D( Game.GraphicsDevice, ColorFormat.Rgba32F,   1,  1 );

			radianceFrame	=	new HdrFrame( Game, 512,512 );

			Radiance		=	new RenderTargetCube( Game.GraphicsDevice, ColorFormat.Rgba16F, RenderSystem.EnvMapSize, true );
			RadianceCache	=	new TextureCubeArray( Game.GraphicsDevice, 128, RenderSystem.MaxEnvLights, ColorFormat.Rgba16F, true );

			Resize( width, height );