/// <summary> /// Defines the entry point of the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> public static void Main(string[] args) { char condition; do { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for : Replace the string"); Console.WriteLine("Press 2 for : Probability Percentage for flip coin"); Console.WriteLine("Press 3 for : Identify leap year or not"); Console.WriteLine("Press 4 for : Print Power Of two"); Console.WriteLine("Press 5 for : To print harmonic series"); Console.WriteLine("Press 6 for : To print Prime Factors"); Console.WriteLine("Press 7 for : Gambler Play"); Console.WriteLine("Press 8 for : Distinct Coupons"); Console.WriteLine("Press 9 for : Two Dimentional Array"); Console.WriteLine("Press 10 for : Print Triplet sums to zero"); Console.WriteLine("Press 11 for : Print Euclidean Distance of point(x,y) from origin (0,0)"); Console.WriteLine("Press 12 for : Print roots of quadratic equation"); Console.WriteLine("Press 13 for : Calculate the Wind Chill "); Console.WriteLine("Press 14 for : Calulate Elapsed Time "); Console.WriteLine("Press 15 for : Play Tic-Tac-Toe Game"); int ch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (ch) { case 1: ReplaceString rs = new ReplaceString(); rs.ReplaceString1(); break; case 2: FlipCoin fp = new FlipCoin(); fp.FlipCoin1(); break; case 3: Leapyear1 lp = new Leapyear1(); lp.CalcLeapYear(); break; case 4: PowerOfTwo p = new PowerOfTwo(); p.Input(); break; case 5: HarmonicSeries hs = new HarmonicSeries(); hs.Harmonic(); break; case 6: PrimeFactor pf = new PrimeFactor(); pf.Factor(); break; case 7: Gambler g = new Gambler(); g.GamblerPlay(); break; case 8: Coupon c = new Coupon(); c.DistinctCoupon(); break; case 9: TwoDArray td = new TwoDArray(); td.TwoDArrays(); break; case 10: Triplet t = new Triplet(); t.Tripletsumzero(); break; case 11: Distance d = new Distance(); d.EuclideanDistance(); break; case 12: Quadratic q = new Quadratic(); q.RootsOfQuadraticEquation(); break; case 13: WindChill wc = new WindChill(); wc.CalculateWindChill(); break; case 14: StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); sw.CalculateElapsedTime(); break; case 15: TicTacToeTest tp = new TicTacToeTest(); tp.PlayTicTacToeTest(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("no not in range"); break; } Console.WriteLine("enter Y to continue and enter N to exit"); condition = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); }while (condition == 'y'); }
/// <summary> /// Defines the entry point of the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Your Choice"); int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (n) { case 0: string str = "ABC"; int n1 = str.Length; Practice.permute(str, 0, n1 - 1); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 1: Distance d = new Distance(); Distance.calculateDistance(); break; case 2: ReplaceString r = new ReplaceString(); r.replaceString(); break; case 3: FlipCoin f = new FlipCoin(); f.calculateFlipCoin(); break; case 4: LeapYear l = new LeapYear(); l.leafYear(); break; case 5: PowerOf2 p = new PowerOf2(); p.powerOf2(); break; case 6: Harmonic h = new Harmonic(); h.harmonic(); break; case 7: PrimeFactor.calculatePrimeFactor(); break; case 8: Gambler.gambler(); break; case 9: // int min = 1; Console.WriteLine("Enter The Number"); int number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int a = DistinctCoupon.collect(number); Console.WriteLine(a); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 10: Array2D.calculat2Darray(); break; case 11: Triplets.calculateTriple(); break; case 12: StopWatch s = new StopWatch(); s.stopWatch(); break; case 13: Quadratic.quadraticEquations(); break; case 14: WindChill.calculateWindTemp(); break; case 15: Console.WriteLine("Enter The String"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); string permute = (string)Permutation.permute(name, 0, name.Length - 1); Console.WriteLine(permute); Console.Read(); break; default: Console.WriteLine(); break; } }