public Margin(Value <float> left, Value <float> top, Value <float> right, Value <float> bottom, tkControl <T, TContext> control) { _left = left; _top = top; _right = right; _bottom = bottom; _control = control; }
public Foldout(fiGUIContent label, FontStyle fontStyle, bool defaultToExpanded, tkControl <T, TContext> control) { _label = label; _foldoutStyle = new GUIStyle(fiLateBindings.EditorStyles.foldout) { fontStyle = fontStyle }; _defaultToExpanded = defaultToExpanded; _control = control; }
public Foldout(fiGUIContent label, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(label, FontStyle.Normal, control) { }
public Box(tkControl <T, TContext> control) { _control = control; }
public Margin(Value <float> margin, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(margin, margin, margin, margin, control) { }
public DisableHierarchyMode(tkControl <T, TContext> childControl) { _childControl = childControl; }
public ShowIf(Value <bool> shouldDisplay, tkControl <T, TContext> control) { _shouldDisplay = shouldDisplay; _control = control; }
/// <summary> /// Create a rule with the specific width. /// </summary> public void Add(float width, tkControl <T, TContext> rule) { InternalAdd(false, width, 0, rule); }
/// <summary> /// Create an rule with auto width. /// </summary> public void Add(tkControl <T, TContext> rule) { InternalAdd(false, 0, 1, rule); }
public Label(Value <fiGUIContent> label, FontStyle fontStyle, tkControl <T, TContext> control) { GUIContent = label; _fontStyle = fontStyle; _control = control; }
public Label(fiGUIContent label, FontStyle fontStyle, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(Val(label), fontStyle, control) { }
public Label(Value <fiGUIContent> .Generator label, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(label, FontStyle.Normal, control) { }
private void InternalAdd(tkControl <T, TContext> rule) { _items.Add(new SectionItem { Rule = rule }); }
public void Add(tkControl <T, TContext> rule) { InternalAdd(rule); }
public Margin(Value <float> left, Value <float> top, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(left, top, left, top, control) { }
public Foldout(fiGUIContent label, FontStyle fontStyle, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(label, fontStyle, true, control) { }
public Label(Value <fiGUIContent> .Generator label, FontStyle fontStyle, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(Val(label), fontStyle, control) { }
public Indent(tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(15, control) { }
/// <summary> /// Create a rule with auto width that can control if it matches the parent height. /// </summary> /// <param name="matchParentHeight">If true, then the height of the rect passed to the /// rule will be equal to the height of the overall rect passed to this horizontal group.</param> public void Add(bool matchParentHeight, tkControl <T, TContext> rule) { InternalAdd(matchParentHeight, 0, 1, rule); }
public Indent(Value <float> indent, tkControl <T, TContext> control) { _indent = indent; _control = control; }
private void InternalAdd(bool matchParentHeight, float width, float fillStrength, tkControl <T, TContext> rule) { if (width < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("width must be >= 0"); } if (fillStrength < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("fillStrength must be >= 0"); } _items.Add(new SectionItem { MatchParentHeight = matchParentHeight, MinWidth = width, FillStrength = fillStrength, Rule = rule }); }
public tkTypeProxy(tkControl <TFrom, TContextFrom> control) { _control = control; }
public ShowIf(Value <bool> .GeneratorNoContext shouldDisplay, tkControl <T, TContext> control) : this(new Value <bool>(shouldDisplay), control) { }
public CenterVertical(tkControl <T, TContext> centered) { _centered = centered; }
public tkControl <T, TContext> With(tkControl <T, TContext> control) { _control = control; return(this); }
public StyleProxy(tkControl <T, TContext> control) { Control = control; }