예제 #1
        public object OnSceneGUI(object element)
            try {
                if (_cycleScene == null)
                    _cycleScene = new fiCycleDetector(_cycleEdit, _cycleHeight);

                // cycle; don't do anything
                if (_cycleScene.TryMark(element) == false)

                // Not showing a scene GUI for the object for this frame should be fine
                if (element == null)

                var inspectedProperties = _metadata.GetProperties(InspectedMemberFilters.InspectableMembers);
                for (int i = 0; i < inspectedProperties.Count; ++i)
                    var property = inspectedProperties[i];

                    var             editorChain = PropertyEditor.Get(property.StorageType, property.MemberInfo);
                    IPropertyEditor editor      = editorChain.FirstEditor;

                    object currentValue = property.Read(element);
                    object updatedValue = editor.OnSceneGUI(currentValue);

                    // We use EqualityComparer instead of == because EqualityComparer will properly unbox structs
                    if (EqualityComparer <object> .Default.Equals(currentValue, updatedValue) == false)
                        property.Write(element, updatedValue);

            finally {
                if (_cycleScene.Depth == 0)
                    _cycleScene = null;
예제 #2
        public float GetElementHeight(GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            try {
                if (_cycleHeight == null)
                    _cycleHeight = new fiCycleDetector(_cycleEdit, _cycleScene);

                if (_cycleHeight.TryMark(element) == false)
                    return(EditorStyles.label.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 100));

                float height = HasLabel(label) ? TitleHeight + fiRectUtility.IndentVertical : 0;

                if (element == null)
                    // if the user want's an instance, we'll create one right away. We also check to
                    // make sure we should automatically instantiate references, as if we're pretty
                    // far down in the nesting level there may be an infinite recursion going on
                    if (fiSettings.InspectorAutomaticReferenceInstantation &&
                        _metadata.HasDefaultConstructor &&
                        element     = _metadata.CreateInstance();
                        GUI.changed = true;

                    // otherwise we show a button to create an instance
                        height += ButtonHeight;

                if (element != null)
                    // figure out which members we should display
                    List <InspectedMember> displayableMembers;
                    var categories = _metadata.GetCategories(InspectedMemberFilters.InspectableMembers);
                    if (categories.Count > 0)
                        var selectedCategoryMetadata = metadata.GetMetadata <SelectedCategoryMetadata>();
                        height            += CategoryToolbarHeight + fiLateBindings.EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
                        displayableMembers = categories.Values.ElementAt(selectedCategoryMetadata.SelectedCategoryIndex);
                        displayableMembers = _metadata.GetMembers(InspectedMemberFilters.InspectableMembers);

                    // compute the height of the members we will display
                    for (int i = 0; i < displayableMembers.Count; ++i)
                        var member = displayableMembers[i];

                        // requested skip
                        if (ShouldShowMemberDynamic(element, member.MemberInfo) == false)

                        var childMetadata = metadata.Enter(member.Name);

                        if (member.IsMethod)
                            height += ButtonHeight;
                            fiGraphMetadataCallbacks.PropertyMetadataCallback(childMetadata.Metadata, member.Property);
                            height += fiEditorGUI.EditPropertyHeight(element, member.Property, childMetadata);

                        height += DividerHeight;

                    // Remove the last divider
                    if (displayableMembers.Count > 0)
                        height -= DividerHeight;

            finally {
                if (_cycleHeight.Depth == 0)
                    _cycleHeight = null;
예제 #3
        public object Edit(Rect region, GUIContent label, object element, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            try {
                if (_cycleEdit == null)
                    _cycleEdit = new fiCycleDetector(_cycleHeight, _cycleScene);

                if (_cycleEdit.TryMark(element) == false)
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(region, label, new GUIContent("<cycle>"));

                if (HasLabel(label))
                    region = DrawLabel(region, label);

                if (element == null)
                    // if the user want's an instance, we'll create one right away We also check to
                    // make sure we should automatically instantiate references, as if we're pretty
                    // far down in the nesting level there may be an infinite recursion going on
                    if (fiSettings.InspectorAutomaticReferenceInstantation &&
                        _metadata.HasDefaultConstructor &&
                        element     = _metadata.CreateInstance();
                        GUI.changed = true;

                    // otherwise we show a button to create an instance
                        string buttonMessage = "null - create instance (ctor)?";
                        if (_metadata.HasDefaultConstructor == false)
                            buttonMessage = "null - create instance (unformatted)?";
                        if (fiEditorGUI.LabeledButton(region, _metadata.ReflectedType.Name, buttonMessage))
                            element     = _metadata.CreateInstance();
                            GUI.changed = true;


                return(EditPropertiesButtons(label, region, element, metadata));
            finally {
                if (_cycleEdit.Depth == 0)
                    _cycleEdit = null;