public static void CreateLocationLabel(GUI.GUIMapTile mapTile, WorldMapLocation wml) { //Debug.Log ("Creating location label for " + wml.Name); bool createIcon = true; bool createLabel = true; switch (wml.LabelStyle) { case MapLabelStyle.AlwaysVisible: default: createLabel = true; break; case MapLabelStyle.None: createLabel = false; break; case MapLabelStyle.Descriptive: createIcon = false; createLabel = true; break; } if (createIcon) { //sort it into the right list based on icon switch (wml.IconStyle) { case MapIconStyle.Small: mapTile.SmallLocations.Add(wml); break; case MapIconStyle.Medium: mapTile.MediumLocations.Add(wml); break; case MapIconStyle.Large: mapTile.LargeLocations.Add(wml); break; case MapIconStyle.AlwaysVisible: mapTile.ConstantLocations.Add(wml); break; case MapIconStyle.None: default: //Debug.Log("Icon style was none in " + wml.IconName); //NONE createIcon = false; //does it have a label? if (createLabel) { //if so, keep it in the constant list mapTile.ConstantLocations.Add(wml); } else { //otherwise, just ignore it //dont bother to create labels //return; } break; } } else { mapTile.ConstantLocations.Add(wml); } Vector3 mapTilePosition = new Vector3(wml.ChunkPosition.x, wml.ChunkPosition.z, 0f); //-(wml.ChunkPosition.y)); wml.LocationTransform = mapTile.TileBackground.gameObject.CreateChild(wml.Name).transform; mapTilePosition.z = NGUIWorldMap.GetWorldMapAtChunkPosition(mapTilePosition, mapTile.ChunkToDisplay.MiniHeightmap, 0f); wml.LocationTransform.localPosition = mapTilePosition; if (createLabel) { float mapTileScale = 1f; //Mathf.Clamp (location.Radius * gLocationRadiusMult, 1f, 5f); GameObject newWMLabelGo = NGUITools.AddChild(NGUIWorldMap.Get.LabelsPanel.gameObject, mapTile.WMLabelPrefab); UILabel label = newWMLabelGo.GetComponent <UILabel> (); = wml.Name; label.text = wml.Name; if (wml.LabelStyle == MapLabelStyle.Descriptive) { label.font = Mats.Get.CleanHandwriting42Font; } else { label.font = Mats.Get.CleanHandwriting42Font; //PrintingPress40Font; } wml.Label = label; if (!createIcon) { wml.LabelPosition =; } wml.LabelTransform = label.cachedTransform; wml.LabelTransform.localPosition = mapTilePosition + wml.LabelPosition + wml.IconOffset; wml.LabelTransform.localScale =; label.alpha = 0f; label.enabled = true; } if (createIcon) { GameObject newWMIconGo = NGUITools.AddChild(NGUIWorldMap.Get.IconsPanel.gameObject, mapTile.WMIconPrefab); UISprite icon = newWMIconGo.GetComponent <UISprite> (); WMIcon wmIcon = newWMIconGo.GetComponent <WMIcon> (); wmIcon.OnClick += wml.OnClick; wmIcon.Reference = wml.Reference; = wml.Name; icon.spriteName = wml.IconName; wml.Icon = icon; wml.IconTransform = wml.Icon.cachedTransform; wml.IconTransform.localPosition = mapTilePosition + wml.IconOffset; wml.IconTransform.localScale = * wml.IconScale; icon.alpha = 0f; icon.enabled = true; wml.Collider = newWMIconGo.AddComponent <SphereCollider> (); //for mouseovers if (wml.IsMarked || wml.IsNew) { NGUIWorldMap.Get.CreateMarkedLocationSprite(wml); } } else { //Debug.Log ("No create icon with icon name " + wml.IconName + " and icon style " + wml.IconStyle.ToString ()); } }
public void BlendEdges(List <GUIMapTile> chunksDisplayed) { if (ChunkToDisplay.IsEmpty) { //Debug.Log("We're empty"); return; } //Debug.Log("Blending " + ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID.ToString () + " with " + ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDTop.ToString() + ", " + ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDBottom.ToString() + ", " + ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDLeft.ToString() + ", " + ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDRight.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < chunksDisplayed.Count; i++) { GUIMapTile chunkDisplayed = chunksDisplayed[i]; if (chunkDisplayed == this) { //Debug.Log("Whoops, not blending with this"); continue; } if (BlendedWith.Contains(chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID)) { //Debug.Log("Already blended " + ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID.ToString() + " with " + chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID.ToString()); continue; } if ((ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDTop > 0 && chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID == ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDTop) || (ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDBottom > 0 && chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID == ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDBottom) || (ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDLeft > 0 && chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID == ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDLeft) || (ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDRight > 0 && chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID == ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDRight)) { //Debug.Log("Blending " + chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID.ToString() + " with " + ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID.ToString()); chunkDisplayed.BlendedWith.Add(ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID); Mesh mesh1 = HeightMeshFilter.sharedMesh; Mesh mesh2 = chunkDisplayed.HeightMeshFilter.sharedMesh; Vector3[] verts1 = mesh1.vertices; Vector3[] verts2 = mesh2.vertices; Vector3 vert1; Vector3 vert2; float blendedHeight; List <int> indices1 = null; List <int> indices2 = null; int index1 = 0; int index2 = 0; if (chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID == ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDTop) { indices1 = TopVertices; indices2 = BotVertices; } else if (chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID == ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDBottom) { indices1 = BotVertices; indices2 = TopVertices; } else if (chunkDisplayed.ChunkToDisplay.ChunkID == ChunkToDisplay.BlendIDLeft) { indices1 = LeftVertices; indices2 = RightVertices; } else { indices1 = RightVertices; indices2 = LeftVertices; } for (int v = 0; v < indices1.Count; v++) { index1 = indices1[v]; index2 = indices2[v]; vert1 = verts1[index1]; vert2 = verts2[index2]; blendedHeight = (vert1.y + vert2.y) / 2; vert1.y = blendedHeight; vert2.y = blendedHeight; verts1[index1] = vert1; verts2[index2] = vert2; } mesh1.vertices = verts1; mesh2.vertices = verts2; mesh1.RecalculateBounds(); mesh2.RecalculateBounds(); System.Array.Clear(verts1, 0, verts1.Length); System.Array.Clear(verts2, 0, verts2.Length); verts1 = null; verts2 = null; } } }