예제 #1
 public static Cons GetLast(int num, Cons list)
     int len = GetLength(list);
     if (num > len)
         return null;
     return GetNthTail(len - num, list);
예제 #2
 public static int GetLength(Cons list)
     int len = 0;
     while (list != null) {
         list = list.Rest;
     return len;
예제 #3
        public Closure(Cons args, IEnvironment env, Interpreter interpreter, Location loc)
            InnerInterpreter = interpreter;
            InnerLocation = loc;
            ArgSpecs specs = AnalyzeArgSpec((Cons)args.First, env, loc);
            //create an env expanded by params in which to analyze body
            IEnvironment env2 = new Environment(specs.Parameters, null, env);

            InnerArgsSpecs = specs;
            InnerBody = interpreter.Analyze(new Cons(interpreter.BLOCK, args.Rest), env2, loc);
            InnerEnvironment = env;
예제 #4
 public ApplyExpression(Cons args, IEnvironment env, Interpreter interpreter, Location loc)
     InnerLocation = loc;
     InnerInterpreter = interpreter;
     InnerFExpression = interpreter.Analyze(args.First, env, loc);
     if (InnerFExpression is IVariable) {
         InnerFSymbol = ((IVariable)InnerFExpression).Symbol;
     Int32 len = Cons.GetLength(args.Rest);
     InnerArgsExpressions = new IExpression[len];
     args = args.Rest;
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < InnerArgsExpressions.Length; i++, args = args.Rest) {
         InnerArgsExpressions[i] = interpreter.Analyze(args.First, env, loc);
예제 #5
 public static Object GetFourth(Cons list)
     return GetThird(list.Rest);
예제 #6
 public static Cons Append(Cons x, Cons y)
     return (x != null) ? new Cons(x.First, Append(x.Rest, y)) : y;
예제 #7
 public static Object GetFirst(Cons list)
     return list.First;
예제 #8
        //returns an array of evaluated args corresponding to params of argspec,
        //including substitution of default values where none provided, construction of
        //rest list etc
        //suitable for extending the environment prior to evaluating body of closure
        protected virtual object[] BuildParamArray(object[] code, int offset, IEnvironment env)
            //do nothing if fixed params and matching number
            if (InnerArgsSpecs.GetParamCount() == InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq && InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq == code.Length)
                return code;

            Object[] argArray = new Object[GetParamCount()];
            int nargs = code.Length - offset;
            if (nargs < InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq)
                throw new LispException("Too few arguments to procedure, expected at least " + InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq
                                          + ", but found " + nargs + " arguments");

            int i;
            // Fill in the required parameters
            for (i = 0; i < InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq; i++) {
                argArray[i] = //evalArgs?Interpreter.execute(code[i+offset], env):
                                  code[i + offset];

            //now grab args to satisfy optionals
            if (InnerArgsSpecs.NumOpt > 0) {
                for (i = InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq; i < InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq + InnerArgsSpecs.NumOpt; i++) {
                    if (i < nargs) {
                        argArray[i] = //evalArgs?Interpreter.execute(code[i+offset], env):
                                          code[i + offset];
                        //if missing passed to optional, get default
                        if (argArray[i] == Missing.Value) {
                            argArray[i] = GetDefaultParamValue(InnerArgsSpecs.Parameters[i]);
                    } else //ran out of args, default the rest
                        argArray[i] = GetDefaultParamValue(InnerArgsSpecs.Parameters[i]);

            //build a rest list
            Cons rest = null;
            for (int x = code.Length - 1; x - offset >= i; --x) {
                Object val = //evalArgs?Interpreter.execute(code[x], env):
                rest = new Cons(val, rest);

            //search for key args in rest
            if (InnerArgsSpecs.NumKey > 0) {
                for (i = InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq + InnerArgsSpecs.NumOpt;
                    i < InnerArgsSpecs.NumReq + InnerArgsSpecs.NumOpt + InnerArgsSpecs.NumKey; i++) {
                    argArray[i] = FindKeyParamValue(InnerArgsSpecs.Parameters[i], rest);

            // Add the rest parameter (if there is one)
            if (InnerArgsSpecs.NumRest == 1) {
                argArray[i] = rest;

            return argArray;
예제 #9
 public void Reset()
     this.current = null;
     this.next = start;
예제 #10
 public static Object GetSecond(Cons list)
     return list.Rest.First;
예제 #11
 public Macro(Cons args, IEnvironment env, Interpreter interpreter, Location loc)
     : base(args, env, interpreter, loc)
예제 #12
 public static Object GetNth(int n, Cons list)
     return GetNthTail(n, list).First;
예제 #13
 public static Object GetRest(Cons list)
     return list.Rest;
예제 #14
 public static Object[] ToVector(Cons list)
     int len = GetLength(list);
     if (len == 0)
         return Util.EMPTY_VECTOR;
     else {
         Object[] result = new Object[len];
         for (int i = 0; list != null; i++, list = list.Rest) {
             result[i] = list.First;
         return result;
예제 #15
        public static object ToVectorOf(Type t, Cons list)
            int len = GetLength(list);
            Array result = Array.CreateInstance(t, len);
            for (int i = 0; list != null; i++, list = list.Rest)
                result.SetValue(list.First, i);

            return result;
예제 #16
 public static Cons Reverse(Cons list)
     Cons result = null;
     while (list != null) {
         result = new Cons(list.First, result);
         list = list.Rest;
     return result;
예제 #17
 public static Object MakeList(params Object[] args)
     Cons ret = null;
     for (int i = args.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
         ret = new Cons(args[i], ret);
     return ret;
예제 #18
 public static Object GetThird(Cons list)
     return GetSecond(list.Rest);
예제 #19
 protected object FindKeyParamValue(Parameter p, Cons args)
     for (; args != null; args = args.Rest) {
         Symbol first = args.First as Symbol;
         if (args.First == p.Key) {
             if (args.Rest != null) {
                 Object ret = Cons.GetSecond(args);
                 if (ret == Missing.Value) {
                     ret = GetDefaultParamValue(p);
                 return ret;
             } else
                 throw new LispException("Key args must be provided in pairs of [:key value]");
     return GetDefaultParamValue(p);
예제 #20
        protected Cons ReadDelimitedList(LocTextReader t, Int32 delim)
            Cons ret = null;
            Cons tail = null;

            Int32 ch = t.Peek();
            while (Char.IsWhiteSpace((Char)ch)) {
                ch = t.Peek();
            while (ch != delim) {
                Object o = DoRead(t, delim == ')' && ret == null);
                if (Eof(o)) {
                    throw new LispException("Read error - eof found before matching: "
                                              + (Char)delim + "\n File: " + t.File + ", line: " + t.Line);
                EndDelimiter ed = o as EndDelimiter;
                if (ed != null) {
                    if (ed.Delim == delim) {
                        return ret;
                    } else
                        throw new LispException("Read error - read unmatched: " + ed.Delim
                                                  + "\n File: " + t.File + ", line: " + t.Line);
                Cons link = new Cons(o, null);
                if (delim == ')' && ret == null && o is CompositeSymbol) {
                    ret = ((CompositeSymbol)o).SymbolAsList;
                    tail = ret.Rest;
                } else if (ret == null) {
                    ret = tail = link;
                } else {
                    tail.Rest = link;
                    tail = link;
                ch = t.Peek();
                while (Char.IsWhiteSpace((Char)ch)) {
                    ch = t.Peek();

            //eat delim
            return ret;
예제 #21
 protected bool EqualsFirst(Cons that)
     return (First == null) ? that.First == null :
예제 #22
        //parse out params from spec (which may contain &optional, &key, &rest, initforms etc
        protected ArgSpecs AnalyzeArgSpec(Cons arglist, IEnvironment env, Location loc)
            //count the params
            int nParams = 0;
            Cons a = arglist;
            while (a != null) {
                Object p = a.First;
                if (p != InnerInterpreter.AMPOPT && p != InnerInterpreter.AMPKEY && p != InnerInterpreter.AMPREST)
                a = a.Rest;

            ArgSpecs ret = new ArgSpecs(env);
            ret.Parameters = new Parameter[nParams];
            Parameter.Specification state = Parameter.Specification.REQ;

            int param = 0;
            a = arglist;
            while (a != null) {
                Object p = a.First;
                switch (state) {
                    case Parameter.Specification.REQ:
                        if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPOPT)
                            state = Parameter.Specification.OPT;
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPKEY)
                            state = Parameter.Specification.KEY;
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPREST)
                            state = Parameter.Specification.REST;
                        else {
                            if (p is Symbol) {
                                ret.Parameters[param++] =
                                new Parameter((Symbol)p, Parameter.Specification.REQ, null);
                            } else if (p is Cons) {
                                ret.Parameters[param] =
                                new Parameter((Symbol)((Cons)p).First, Parameter.Specification.REQ, null);
                                ret.Parameters[param].TypeSpec = InnerInterpreter.Eval(Cons.GetSecond((Cons)p), env);
                    case Parameter.Specification.OPT:
                        if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPOPT)
                            throw new LispException("&optional can appear only once in arg list");
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPKEY)
                            state = Parameter.Specification.KEY;
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPREST)
                            state = Parameter.Specification.REST;
                        else {
                            if (p is Symbol) {
                                ret.Parameters[param++] =
                                new Parameter((Symbol)p, Parameter.Specification.OPT, null);
                            } else if (p is Cons) {
                                ret.Parameters[param++] =
                                new Parameter((Symbol)((Cons)p).First, Parameter.Specification.OPT,
                                                  InnerInterpreter.Analyze(Cons.GetSecond((Cons)p), env, loc));
                            } else
                                throw new LispException("&optional parameters must be symbols or (symbol init-form)");
                    case Parameter.Specification.KEY:
                        if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPOPT)
                            throw new LispException("&optional must appear before &key in arg list");
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPKEY)
                            throw new LispException("&key can appear only once in arg list");
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPREST)
                            state = Parameter.Specification.REST;
                        else {
                            if (p is Symbol) {
                                ret.Parameters[param] =
                                new Parameter((Symbol)p, Parameter.Specification.KEY, null);
                                ret.Parameters[param].Key = InnerInterpreter.Intern(":" + ((Symbol)p).Name);
                            } else if (p is Cons) {
                                ret.Parameters[param] =
                                new Parameter((Symbol)((Cons)p).First, Parameter.Specification.KEY,
                                                  InnerInterpreter.Analyze(Cons.GetSecond((Cons)p), env, loc));
                                ret.Parameters[param].Key =
                                InnerInterpreter.Intern(":" + ((Symbol)((Cons)p).First).Name);
                            } else
                                throw new LispException("&key parameters must be symbols or (symbol init-form)");
                    case Parameter.Specification.REST:
                        if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPOPT)
                            throw new LispException("&optional must appear before &rest in arg list");
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPKEY)
                            throw new LispException("&key must appear before &rest in arg list");
                        else if (p == InnerInterpreter.AMPREST)
                            throw new LispException("&rest can appear only once in arg list");
                        else {
                            if (!(p is Symbol))
                                throw new LispException("&rest parameter must be a symbol");
                            else {
                                if (ret.NumRest > 0) //already got a rest param
                                    throw new LispException("Only one &rest arg can be specified");
                                ret.Parameters[param++] =
                                new Parameter((Symbol)p, Parameter.Specification.REST, null);

                a = a.Rest;

            return ret;
예제 #23
 public static Cons GetNthTail(int n, Cons list)
     while (n > 0) {
         list = list.Rest;
     return list;
예제 #24
 protected bool EqualsRest(Cons that)
     return (Rest == null) ? that.Rest == null :
예제 #25
 public CompositeSymbol(Cons symAsList)
     InnerSymbolAsList = symAsList;
예제 #26
 public ConsEnumerator(Cons start)
     this.start = start;
     this.current = null;
     this.next = start;
예제 #27
 protected Object ReadVector(params Object[] args)
     LocTextReader t = (LocTextReader)args[0];
     Int32 line = t.Line;
     Cons largs = ReadDelimitedList(t, ']');
     Object ret = new Cons(Interpreter.VECTOR, largs);
     //record the location
     LocationTable[ret] = new Location(t.File, line);
     return ret;
예제 #28
 public Cons(object first, Cons rest)
     InnerFirst = first;
     InnerRest = rest;
예제 #29
        protected Object MapToList(params Object[] args)
            Object f = Primitives.Arg(0, args);
            IEnumerator[] enums = new IEnumerator[args.Length - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < enums.Length; i++) {
                enums[i] = (IEnumerator)InnerGetEnumGF.Invoke(Primitives.Arg(i + 1, args));
            //n.b. setting up arg array which will be reused
            //mean functions cannot assume ownership of args w/o copying them
            Object[] fargs = new Object[enums.Length];
            Cons ret = null;
            Cons tail = null;
            while (true) {
                for (int i = 0; i < enums.Length; i++) {
                    if (enums[i].MoveNext())
                        fargs[i] = enums[i].Current;
                    else //bail on shortest
                        return ret;

                Object x = Util.InvokeObject(f, fargs);
                Cons node = new Cons(x, null);
                if (ret == null)
                    ret = tail = node;
                    tail = tail.Rest = node;
예제 #30
 public Boolean MoveNext()
     current = next;
     if (current != null)
         next = current.Rest;
     return current != null;