예제 #1
        public IEnumerable <Tuple <string, MSheet> > FetchSheetDict()
            Sheets sheets = this.workbook.Sheets;

            foreach (Worksheet sheet in sheets)
                string sheetName = sheet.Name;
                List <Tuple <int, int, int, int> > ranges = TableHelper.SplitTable(sheet);
                foreach (Tuple <int, int, int, int> range in ranges)
                    MSheet mSheet   = new MSheet();
                    int    upRow    = range.Item1;
                    int    leftCol  = range.Item2;
                    int    downRow  = range.Item3;
                    int    rightCol = range.Item4;
                    int    rowNum   = downRow - upRow + 1;
                    int    colNum   = rightCol - leftCol + 1;
                    mSheet.StartRow = upRow;
                    mSheet.StartCol = leftCol;
                    mSheet.RowNum   = rowNum;
                    mSheet.ColNum   = colNum;
                        Range  beginCell    = sheet.Cells[upRow, leftCol];
                        Range  endCell      = sheet.Cells[downRow, rightCol];
                        string beginAddress = beginCell.get_Address().Replace("$", "");
                        string endAddress   = endCell.get_Address().Replace("$", "");
                        mSheet.Cells = sheet.get_Range(beginAddress, endAddress);
                    bool[,] vis           = new bool[rowNum, colNum];
                    DataType[,] typeTable = new DataType[rowNum, colNum];
                    for (int i = 0; i < rowNum; ++i)
                        for (int j = 0; j < colNum; ++j)
                            vis[i, j]       = false;
                            typeTable[i, j] = DataType.NONE;

                    for (int row = upRow; row <= downRow; ++row)
                        for (int col = leftCol; col <= rightCol; ++col)
                            if (vis[row - upRow, col - leftCol])
                            Range cell = sheet.Cells[row, col];
                            if (cell.MergeCells)
                                int rowCount = cell.MergeArea.Rows.Count;
                                int colCount = cell.MergeArea.Columns.Count;
                                mSheet.AddMergeCell(row, row + rowCount - 1, col, col + colCount - 1);
                                for (int i = row; i < row + rowCount; ++i)
                                    for (int j = col; j < col + colCount; ++j)
                                        vis[i - upRow, j - leftCol] = true;
                            string cellValue = Convert.ToString(cell.Value2);
                            string cellType  = (cell.NumberFormat as string);
                            if (cellValue == null || cellValue.Length == 0)
                            string cType   = this.getValueType(cellValue);
                            int    indents = cell.IndentLevel;

                            /* XlHAlign
                             * -4131 = xlHAlignLeft                  -> ALIGN_LEFT = 0x1
                             * -4152 = xlHAlignRight                 -> ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x3
                             * -4108 = xlHAlignCenter                -> ALIGN_CENTER = 0x2
                             * -4130 = xlHAlignJustify               -> ALIGN_JUSTIFY = 0x5
                             * -4117 = xlHAlignDistributed           ->
                             * 1     = xlHAlignGeneral               -> ALIGN_GENERAL = 0x0
                             * 5     = xlHAlignFill                  -> ALIGN_FILL = 0x4
                             * 7     = xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection ->
                            // int alignStyle = cell.HorizontalAlignment;
                            // int alignStyle = this.getFeatureAlignStyle(cell.HorizontalAlignment);
                            int alignStyle = cell.HorizontalAlignment;

                            /* XlLineStyle
                             * -4142 = xlLineStyleNone -> BORDER_NONE = 0x0
                             * -4119 = xlDouble        -> BORDER_DOUBLE = 0x6
                             * -4118 = xlDot           -> BORDER_HAIR = 0x7
                             * -4115 = xlDash          -> BORDER_DASHED = 0x3
                             * 1     = xlContinuous
                             * 4     = xlDashDot       -> BORDER_DASH_DOT = 0x9
                             * 5     = xlDashDotDot    -> BORDER_DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xB
                             * 13    = xlSlantDashDot  -> BORDER_SLANTED_DASH_DOT = 0xD
                            string borderStyle = this.getFeatureBorderStyle(cell.Borders);

                            /* XlColorIndex
                             * -4142 = xlColorIndexNone
                             * -4105 = xlColorIndexAutomatic
                            double bgColor    = cell.Interior.ColorIndex;
                            int    boldFlag   = this.getFeatureFontBold(cell.Font);
                            double height     = this.getFeatureFontHeight(cell.Font) * 20.0;
                            int    italicFlag = this.getFeatureFontItalic(cell.Font);
                            // XlUnderlineStyle
                            int      underlineFlag = this.getFeatureFontUnderline(cell.Font);
                            DataType dataType      = this.getDataType(cell.NumberFormat as string, cellValue);
                            mSheet.InsertCell(row, col, cType, indents, alignStyle, borderStyle,
                                              (int)bgColor, boldFlag, (int)height, italicFlag, underlineFlag, cellValue);
                            typeTable[row - upRow, col - leftCol] = dataType;
                    DataType[] columnTypes = new DataType[colNum];
                    this.findColumnType(typeTable, rowNum, colNum, columnTypes);
                    mSheet.SetColumnTypeTable(columnTypes, colNum);
                    yield return(new Tuple <string, MSheet>(sheetName, mSheet));
예제 #2
        // This method is out of date and should not be used!
        private Dictionary <string, MSheet> LoadSheetDictByTransposition()
            Dictionary <string, MSheet> sheetDict = new Dictionary <string, MSheet>();
            Sheets sheets = this.workbook.Sheets;

            foreach (Worksheet sheet in sheets)
                // List<Tuple<int, int, int, int>> ranges = TableHelper.SplitTable(sheet);
                string sheetName = sheet.Name;
                MSheet mSheet    = new MSheet();
                int    rowNum    = sheet.UsedRange.Cells.Rows.Count;
                int    colNum    = sheet.UsedRange.Cells.Columns.Count;
                int    stRow     = sheet.UsedRange.Row;
                int    stCol     = sheet.UsedRange.Column;
                mSheet.StartRow = stRow;
                mSheet.StartCol = stCol;
                mSheet.RowNum   = rowNum;
                mSheet.ColNum   = colNum;
                bool[,] vis     = new bool[rowNum, colNum];
                for (int i = 0; i < rowNum; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < colNum; ++j)
                        vis[i, j] = false;

                for (int row = stRow; row < stRow + rowNum; ++row)
                    for (int col = stCol; col < stCol + colNum; ++col)
                        Range cell = sheet.Cells[row, col];

                        if (vis[row - stRow, col - stCol])

                        if (cell.MergeCells)
                            int rowCount = cell.MergeArea.Rows.Count;
                            int colCount = cell.MergeArea.Columns.Count;
                            mSheet.AddMergeCell(col, col + colCount - 1, row, row + rowCount - 1);
                            for (int i = row; i < row + rowCount; ++i)
                                for (int j = col; j < col + colCount; ++j)
                                    vis[i - stRow, j - stCol] = true;
                        string cellValue = Convert.ToString(cell.Value2);
                        string cellType  = (cell.NumberFormat as string);
                        if (cellValue == null || cellValue.Length == 0)

                         * 0.00 means precision is 2
                         * #,## means to use , delimiter
                        string cType   = this.getValueType(cellValue);
                        string cStr    = cellValue;
                        int    indents = cell.IndentLevel;

                        /* XlHAlign
                         * -4131 = xlHAlignLeft                  -> ALIGN_LEFT = 0x1
                         * -4152 = xlHAlignRight                 -> ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x3
                         * -4108 = xlHAlignCenter                -> ALIGN_CENTER = 0x2
                         * -4130 = xlHAlignJustify               -> ALIGN_JUSTIFY = 0x5
                         * -4117 = xlHAlignDistributed           ->
                         * 1     = xlHAlignGeneral               -> ALIGN_GENERAL = 0x0
                         * 5     = xlHAlignFill                  -> ALIGN_FILL = 0x4
                         * 7     = xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection ->
                        // int alignStyle = cell.HorizontalAlignment;
                        // int alignStyle = this.getFeatureAlignStyle(cell.HorizontalAlignment);
                        int alignStyle = cell.HorizontalAlignment;

                        /* XlLineStyle
                         * -4142 = xlLineStyleNone -> BORDER_NONE = 0x0
                         * -4119 = xlDouble        -> BORDER_DOUBLE = 0x6
                         * -4118 = xlDot           -> BORDER_HAIR = 0x7
                         * -4115 = xlDash          -> BORDER_DASHED = 0x3
                         * 1     = xlContinuous
                         * 4     = xlDashDot       -> BORDER_DASH_DOT = 0x9
                         * 5     = xlDashDotDot    -> BORDER_DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xB
                         * 13    = xlSlantDashDot  -> BORDER_SLANTED_DASH_DOT = 0xD
                        string borderStyle = this.getFeatureBorderStyle(cell.Borders);

                        /* XlColorIndex
                         * -4142 = xlColorIndexNone
                         * -4105 = xlColorIndexAutomatic
                        double bgColor    = cell.Interior.ColorIndex;
                        int    boldFlag   = this.getFeatureFontBold(cell.Font);
                        double height     = this.getFeatureFontHeight(cell.Font) * 20.0;
                        int    italicFlag = this.getFeatureFontItalic(cell.Font);
                        // XlUnderlineStyle
                        int underlineFlag = this.getFeatureFontUnderline(cell.Font);
                        mSheet.InsertCell(col, row, cType, indents, alignStyle, borderStyle,
                                          (int)bgColor, boldFlag, (int)height, italicFlag, underlineFlag, cStr);
                sheetDict.Add(sheetName, mSheet);