Database filter that logs all the transactions
상속: FdbDatabaseFilter
		public async Task Test_Allocator()

			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey(Slice.FromString("hca"));
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				var hpa = new FdbHighContentionAllocator(location);

				long id;
				var ids = new HashSet<long>();

				// allocate a single new id
				using (var tr = logged.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
					id = await hpa.AllocateAsync(tr);
					await tr.CommitAsync();

				await DumpSubspace(db, location);

				// allocate a batch of new ids
				for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
					using (var tr = logged.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
						id = await hpa.AllocateAsync(tr);
						await tr.CommitAsync();

					if (ids.Contains(id))
						await DumpSubspace(db, location);
						Assert.Fail("Duplicate key allocated: {0} (#{1})", id, i);

				await DumpSubspace(db, location);

				foreach(var log in list)
		public async Task Test_Can_Change_Layer_Of_Existing_Directory()
			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey("DL");
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);
				var directory = FdbDirectoryLayer.Create(location);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				var folder = await directory.CreateAsync(logged, "Test", layer: Slice.FromString("foo"), cancellationToken: this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);
				Assert.That(folder, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(folder.Layer.ToUnicode(), Is.EqualTo("foo"));

				// change the layer to 'bar'
				var folder2 = await folder.ChangeLayerAsync(logged, Slice.FromString("bar"), this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);
				Assert.That(folder2, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(folder2.Layer.ToUnicode(), Is.EqualTo("bar"));
				Assert.That(folder2.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Test"));
				Assert.That(folder2.Path, Is.EqualTo(FdbTuple.Create("Test")));
				Assert.That(folder2.Key, Is.EqualTo(folder.Key));

				// opening the directory with the new layer should succeed
				var folder3 = await directory.OpenAsync(logged, "Test", layer: Slice.FromString("bar"), cancellationToken: this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(folder3, Is.Not.Null);

				// opening the directory with the old layer should fail
				Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(async () => await directory.OpenAsync(logged, "Test", layer: Slice.FromString("foo"), cancellationToken: this.Cancellation));

				foreach (var log in list)
		public async Task Test_Remove_Folder()
			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey("DL");
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);
				var directory = FdbDirectoryLayer.Create(location);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				// RemoveAsync

				string[] path = new[] { "CrashTestDummy" };
				await directory.CreateAsync(logged, path, this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);

				// removing an existing folder should succeeed
				await directory.RemoveAsync(logged, path, this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);
				//TODO: call ExistsAsync(...) once it is implemented!

				// Removing it a second time should fail
				Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(async () => await directory.RemoveAsync(logged, path, this.Cancellation), "Removing a non-existent directory should fail");

				// TryRemoveAsync

				await directory.CreateAsync(logged, path, this.Cancellation);

				// attempting to remove a folder should return true
				bool res = await directory.TryRemoveAsync(logged, path, this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(res, Is.True);

				// further attempts should return false
				res = await directory.TryRemoveAsync(logged, path, this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(res, Is.False);

				// Corner Cases

				// removing the root folder is not allowed (too dangerous)
				Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(async () => await directory.RemoveAsync(logged, new string[0], this.Cancellation), "Attempting to remove the root directory should fail");

				foreach (var log in list)
		public async Task Test_List_SubFolders()
			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())
				// we will put everything under a custom namespace
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey("DL");
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);
				var directory = FdbDirectoryLayer.Create(location);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				// linear subtree "/Foo/Bar/Baz"
				await directory.CreateOrOpenAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" }, this.Cancellation);
				// flat subtree "/numbers/0" to "/numbers/9"
				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) await directory.CreateOrOpenAsync(logged, new[] { "numbers", i.ToString() }, this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);

				var subdirs = await directory.ListAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo" }, this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(subdirs, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(subdirs.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
				Assert.That(subdirs[0], Is.EqualTo("Bar"));

				subdirs = await directory.ListAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo", "Bar" }, this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(subdirs, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(subdirs.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
				Assert.That(subdirs[0], Is.EqualTo("Baz"));

				subdirs = await directory.ListAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" }, this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(subdirs, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(subdirs.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));

				subdirs = await directory.ListAsync(logged, new[] { "numbers" }, this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(subdirs, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(subdirs.Count, Is.EqualTo(10));
				Assert.That(subdirs, Is.EquivalentTo(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList()));

				foreach (var log in list)
		public async Task Test_Move_Folder()
			// Create a folder ("foo", "bar", "baz") and ensure that all the parent folder are also creating and linked properly

			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())
				// we will put everything under a custom namespace
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey("DL");
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				// put the nodes under (..,"DL",\xFE,) and the content under (..,"DL",)
				var directory = FdbDirectoryLayer.Create(location);

				// create a folder at ('Foo',)
				var original = await directory.CreateOrOpenAsync(logged, "Foo", this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);
				Assert.That(original, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(original.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Foo"));
				Assert.That(original.Path, Is.EqualTo(new[] { "Foo" }));

				// rename/move it as ('Bar',)
				var renamed = await original.MoveToAsync(logged, new[] { "Bar" }, this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);
				Assert.That(renamed, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(renamed.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Bar"));
				Assert.That(renamed.Path, Is.EqualTo(new[] { "Bar" }));
				Assert.That(renamed.Key, Is.EqualTo(original.Key));

				// opening the old path should fail
				Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(async () => await directory.OpenAsync(logged, "Foo", this.Cancellation));

				// opening the new path should succeed
				var folder = await directory.OpenAsync(logged, "Bar", this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(folder, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(folder.FullName, Is.EqualTo(renamed.FullName));
				Assert.That(folder.Path, Is.EqualTo(renamed.Path));
				Assert.That(folder.Key, Is.EqualTo(renamed.Key));

				// moving the folder under itself should fail
				Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(async () => await folder.MoveToAsync(logged, new[] { "Bar", "Baz" }, this.Cancellation));
				foreach (var log in list)
		public async Task Test_CreateOrOpen_SubFolder()
			// Create a folder ("foo", "bar", "baz") and ensure that all the parent folder are also creating and linked properly

			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())

				// we will put everything under a custom namespace
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey("DL");
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				// put the nodes under (..,"DL",\xFE,) and the content under (..,"DL",)
				var directory = FdbDirectoryLayer.Create(location);

				FdbDirectorySubspace folder;
				using (var tr = logged.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))

					folder = await directory.CreateOrOpenAsync(tr, new [] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" });
					await tr.CommitAsync();
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);

				Assert.That(folder, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(folder.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Foo/Bar/Baz"));
				Assert.That(folder.Path, Is.EqualTo(new[] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" }));

				// all the parent folders should also now exist
				var foo = await directory.OpenAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo" }, this.Cancellation);
				var bar = await directory.OpenAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo", "Bar" }, this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(foo, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(bar, Is.Not.Null);

				foreach (var log in list)
		public async Task Test_CreateOrOpen_With_Layer()
			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())
				// we will put everything under a custom namespace
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey("DL");
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				// put the nodes under (..,"DL",\xFE,) and the content under (..,"DL",)
				var directory = FdbDirectoryLayer.Create(location);

				Assert.That(directory.ContentSubspace, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(directory.ContentSubspace, Is.EqualTo(location));
				Assert.That(directory.NodeSubspace, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(directory.NodeSubspace.Key, Is.EqualTo(location.Key + Slice.FromByte(254)));

				// first call should create a new subspace (with a random prefix)
				var foo = await directory.CreateOrOpenAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo" }, Slice.FromString("AcmeLayer"), this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);

				Assert.That(foo, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(foo.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Foo"));
				Assert.That(foo.Path, Is.EqualTo(new[] { "Foo" }));
				Assert.That(foo.Layer.ToUnicode(), Is.EqualTo("AcmeLayer"));
				Assert.That(foo.DirectoryLayer, Is.SameAs(directory));

				// second call should return the same subspace
				var foo2 = await directory.OpenAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo" }, Slice.FromString("AcmeLayer"), this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(foo2, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(foo2.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Foo"));
				Assert.That(foo2.Path, Is.EqualTo(new[] { "Foo" }));
				Assert.That(foo2.Layer.ToUnicode(), Is.EqualTo("AcmeLayer"));
				Assert.That(foo2.DirectoryLayer, Is.SameAs(directory));
				Assert.That(foo2.Key, Is.EqualTo(foo.Key), "Second call to CreateOrOpen should return the same subspace");

				// opening it with wrong layer id should fail
				Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(async () => await directory.OpenAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo" }, Slice.FromString("OtherLayer"), this.Cancellation), "Opening with invalid layer id should fail");

				// opening without specifying a layer should disable the layer check
				var foo3 = await directory.OpenAsync(logged, "Foo", layer: Slice.Nil, cancellationToken: this.Cancellation);
				Assert.That(foo3, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(foo3.Layer.ToUnicode(), Is.EqualTo("AcmeLayer"));

				// CheckLayer with the correct value should pass
				Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => foo3.CheckLayer(Slice.FromString("AcmeLayer")), "CheckLayer should not throw if the layer id is correct");

				// CheckLayer with the incorrect value should fail
				Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => foo3.CheckLayer(Slice.FromString("OtherLayer")), "CheckLayer should throw if the layer id is not correct");

				// CheckLayer with empty string should do nothing

				foreach (var log in list)
		public async Task Test_CreateOrOpen_Simple()
			using (var db = await OpenTestDatabaseAsync())
				// we will put everything under a custom namespace
				var location = db.Partition.ByKey("DL");
				await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>();
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { list.Add(tr.Log); });
				var logged = db;

				// put the nodes under (..,"DL",\xFE,) and the content under (..,"DL",)
				var directory = FdbDirectoryLayer.Create(location);

				Assert.That(directory.ContentSubspace, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(directory.ContentSubspace.Key, Is.EqualTo(location.Key));
				Assert.That(directory.NodeSubspace, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(directory.NodeSubspace.Key, Is.EqualTo(location.Key + Slice.FromByte(254)));

				// first call should create a new subspace (with a random prefix)
				FdbDirectorySubspace foo;

				using (var tr = logged.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
					foo = await directory.CreateOrOpenAsync(tr, new[] { "Foo" });
					await tr.CommitAsync();

				await DumpSubspace(db, location);

				Assert.That(foo, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(foo.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Foo"));
				Assert.That(foo.Path, Is.EqualTo(new[] { "Foo" }));
				Assert.That(foo.Layer, Is.EqualTo(Slice.Empty));
				Assert.That(foo.DirectoryLayer, Is.SameAs(directory));

				// second call should return the same subspace

				FdbDirectorySubspace foo2;

				foo2 = await directory.OpenAsync(logged, new[] { "Foo" }, this.Cancellation);
				await DumpSubspace(db, location);
				Assert.That(foo2, Is.Not.Null);
				Assert.That(foo2.FullName, Is.EqualTo("Foo"));
				Assert.That(foo2.Path, Is.EqualTo(new[] { "Foo" }));
				Assert.That(foo2.Layer, Is.EqualTo(Slice.Empty));
				Assert.That(foo2.DirectoryLayer, Is.SameAs(directory));
				Assert.That(foo2.Key, Is.EqualTo(foo.Key), "Second call to CreateOrOpen should return the same subspace");

				foreach (var log in list)
		public async Task Test_Log_Queue()
			int NUM = 100;

			using (var db = await OpenTestPartitionAsync())
				var location = await GetCleanDirectory(db, "queue");

				var list = new List<FdbTransactionLog>(NUM);
				var logged = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (tr) => { lock (list) { list.Add(tr.Log); } });
				var logged = db;

				await RunMultiClientTest(logged, location, false, "simple queue", 4, NUM, this.Cancellation);
				foreach (var log in list)


				await RunMultiClientTest(logged, location, true, "high contention queue", 4, NUM, this.Cancellation);
				foreach (var log in list)



		private async Task RunAsync(IFdbDatabase db, IFdbDynamicSubspace location, CancellationToken ct, Action done, int N, int K, int W)
			if (db == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("db");

			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

			db = new FdbLoggedDatabase(db, false, false, (log) =>

				var workerPool = new FdbWorkerPool(location);
				Console.WriteLine("workerPool at " + location.Key.ToAsciiOrHexaString());

				var workerSignal = new AsyncCancelableMutex(ct);
				var clientSignal = new AsyncCancelableMutex(ct);

				int taskCounter = 0;

				int msgSent = 0;
				int msgReceived = 0;

				Func<FdbWorkerMessage, CancellationToken, Task> handler = async (msg, _ct) =>
					Interlocked.Increment(ref msgReceived);

					//await Task.Delay(10 + Math.Abs(msg.Id.GetHashCode()) % 50);
					await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);


				Func<int, Task> worker = async (id) =>
					await workerSignal.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
					Console.WriteLine("Worker #" + id + " is starting");
						await workerPool.RunWorkerAsync(db, handler, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
						Console.WriteLine("Worker #" + id + " has stopped");

				Func<int, Task> client = async (id) =>
					await clientSignal.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
					await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);

					var rnd = new Random(id * 111);
					for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
						var taskId = Slice.FromString("T" + Interlocked.Increment(ref taskCounter));
						var taskBody = Slice.FromString("Message " + (i + 1) + " of " + N + " from client #" + id);

						await workerPool.ScheduleTaskAsync(db, taskId, taskBody, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
						Interlocked.Increment(ref msgSent);

						//if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) Console.WriteLine("@@@ Client#" + id + " pushed " + (i + 1) + " / " + N + " messages");

						switch (rnd.Next(5))
							case 0: await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false); break;
							case 1: await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); break;
							case 2: await Task.Delay(500).ConfigureAwait(false); break;
					Console.WriteLine("@@@ Client#" + id + " has finished!");

				Func<string, Task> dump = async (label) =>
					Console.WriteLine("<dump label='" + label + "' key='" + location.Key.ToAsciiOrHexaString() + "'>");
					using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(ct))
						await tr.Snapshot
							.ForEachAsync((kvp) =>
								Console.WriteLine(" - " + location.Keys.Unpack(kvp.Key) + " = " + kvp.Value.ToAsciiOrHexaString());

				var workers = Enumerable.Range(0, W).Select((i) => worker(i)).ToArray();
				var clients = Enumerable.Range(0, K).Select((i) => client(i)).ToArray();

				DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
				DateTime last = start;
				int lastHandled = -1;
				using (var timer = new Timer((_) =>
					var now = DateTime.Now;
					Console.WriteLine("@@@ T=" + now.Subtract(start) + ", sent: " + msgSent.ToString("N0") + ", recv: " + msgReceived.ToString("N0"));
					Console.WriteLine("### Workers: " + workerPool.IdleWorkers + " / " + workerPool.ActiveWorkers + " (" + new string('#', workerPool.IdleWorkers) + new string('.', workerPool.ActiveWorkers - workerPool.IdleWorkers) + "), sent: " + workerPool.MessageScheduled.ToString("N0") + ", recv: " + workerPool.MessageReceived.ToString("N0") + ", delta: " + (workerPool.MessageScheduled - workerPool.MessageReceived).ToString("N0") + ", busy: " + workerPool.WorkerBusyTime + " (avg " + workerPool.WorkerAverageBusyDuration.TotalMilliseconds.ToString("N3") + " ms)");

					if (now.Subtract(last).TotalSeconds >= 10)
						last = now;
						if (lastHandled == msgReceived)
						{ // STALL ?
							Console.WriteLine("STALL! ");
						lastHandled = msgReceived;

					if (msgReceived >= K * N)

				}, null, 1000, 1000))

					var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

					// start the workers
					workerSignal.Set(async: true);
					await Task.Delay(500);

					await dump("workers started");

					// start the clients
					clientSignal.Set(async: true);

					await Task.WhenAll(clients);
					Console.WriteLine("Clients completed after " + sw.Elapsed);

					await Task.WhenAll(workers);
					Console.WriteLine("Workers completed after " + sw.Elapsed);
				Console.WriteLine("Transaction logs:");
