public async Task AuthWithGoogleTokenAsync(SignIn signIn, GoogleUser user, Foundation.NSError error) { try { if (error == null) { IsAuthenticating = true; var token = user.Authentication.AccessToken; var authManager = ServiceContainer.Resolve <AuthManager> (); var authRes = await authManager.SignupWithGoogleAsync(token); // No need to keep the users Google account access around anymore signIn.DisconnectUser(); if (authRes != AuthResult.Success) { var email = user.Profile.Email; AuthErrorAlert.Show(this, email, authRes, AuthErrorAlert.Mode.Signup, googleAuth: true); } } else if (error.Code != -5) // Cancel error code. { new UIAlertView( "WelcomeGoogleErrorTitle".Tr(), "WelcomeGoogleErrorMessage".Tr(), null, "WelcomeGoogleErrorOk".Tr(), null).Show(); } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { var log = ServiceContainer.Resolve <ILogger> (); log.Info(Tag, ex, "Failed to authenticate (G+) the user."); } finally { IsAuthenticating = false; } }
private void HandleAuthResultHandlerSignUp(AuthDataResult data, Foundation.NSError error) { if (error != null) { AuthErrorCode errorCode; if (IntPtr.Size == 8) // 64 bits devices { errorCode = (AuthErrorCode)((long)error.Code); } else // 32 bits devices { errorCode = (AuthErrorCode)((int)error.Code); } // Posible error codes that CreateUser method could throw switch (errorCode) { case AuthErrorCode.InvalidEmail: case AuthErrorCode.EmailAlreadyInUse: case AuthErrorCode.OperationNotAllowed: case AuthErrorCode.WeakPassword: default: signUpResult = false; hasLoginResult = true; break; } } else { signUpResult = true; hasLoginResult = true; } tokenSource.Cancel(); }
public NSError(ErrorCode code, Foundation.NSError error) : base(new NSString(ErrorDomain), new nint((int)code), NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys( new NSObject[] { error, new NSString(error.LocalizedDescription) }, new NSObject[] { new NSString("error"), LocalizedDescriptionKey })) { }
private Foundation.NSFileAttributes GetAttributesReturnsSymLink(string path, out Foundation.NSError error) { error = new NSError(); return(new NSFileAttributes { Type = NSFileType.SymbolicLink }); }
private void HandleAuthResultLoginHandler(User user, Foundation.NSError error) { if (error != null) { loginResult = false; hasLoginResult = true; } else { loginResult = true; hasLoginResult = true; } tokenSource.Cancel(); }
private void HandleAuthResultLoginHandler(AuthDataResult data, Foundation.NSError error) { if (error != null) { AuthErrorCode errorCode; if (IntPtr.Size == 8) // 64 bits devices { errorCode = (AuthErrorCode)((long)error.Code); } else // 32 bits devices { errorCode = (AuthErrorCode)((int)error.Code); } // Posible error codes that SignIn method with email and password could throw // Visit for more information switch (errorCode) { case AuthErrorCode.OperationNotAllowed: case AuthErrorCode.InvalidEmail: case AuthErrorCode.UserDisabled: case AuthErrorCode.WrongPassword: default: loginResult = false; hasLoginResult = true; break; } } else { // Do your magic to handle authentication result loginResult = true; hasLoginResult = true; } tokenSource.Cancel(); }
public override void FinishedRecording(AVCaptureFileOutput captureOutput, Foundation.NSUrl outputFileUrl, Foundation.NSObject[] connections, Foundation.NSError error) { NSUrl urlCompressed = new NSUrl(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid() + ".mov"), false); compressVideo(outputFileUrl, urlCompressed); /* * NSData data = NSData.FromUrl(outputFileUrl); * byte[] dataBytes = new byte[data.Length]; * System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data.Bytes, dataBytes, 0, Convert.ToInt32(data.Length)); * UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(delegate * { * (Element as CustomVideoCamera).SetPhotoResult(outputFileUrl.ToString(), dataBytes, 0, 0); * activityIndicator.StopAnimating (); * }); */ //You can use captureOutput and outputFileUrl here.. //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static NSObject PropertyListWithData(NSData data, ref NSPropertyListFormat format, out NSError error) { return(PropertyListWithData(data, NSPropertyListReadOptions.Immutable, ref format, out error)); }
public void onLoginManagerRequestTokenHandler(Facebook.LoginKit.LoginManagerLoginResult result, Foundation.NSError error) { if (result.IsCancelled || this.IsLoggedIn == false) { this.OnLoginFailed(); } else { this.OnLoginSucessful(); } }
public NSFileSystemAttributes GetFileSystemAttributes(string path, out NSError error) { return(NSFileSystemAttributes.FromDictionary(_GetFileSystemAttributes(path, out error))); }
public void FailedWithError(NSUrlProtocol protocol, NSError error) { Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr(this.Handle, Selector.GetHandle(selUrlProtocolDidFailWithError_), protocol.Handle, error.Handle); }
public NSErrorEventArgs(NSError error) { Error = error; }
public bool CreateDirectory(string path, bool createIntermediates, NSFileAttributes attributes, out NSError error) { var dict = attributes == null ? null : attributes.ToDictionary(); return(CreateDirectory(path, createIntermediates, dict, out error)); }
public unsafe static NSData SendSynchronousRequest(NSUrlRequest request, out NSUrlResponse response, out NSError error) { IntPtr responseStorage = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr errorStorage = IntPtr.Zero; void * resp = &responseStorage; void * errp = &errorStorage; IntPtr rhandle = (IntPtr)resp; IntPtr ehandle = (IntPtr)errp; var res = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr_IntPtr( class_ptr, Selector.GetHandle(selSendSynchronousRequestReturningResponseError), request.Handle, rhandle, ehandle); if (responseStorage != IntPtr.Zero) { response = (NSUrlResponse)Runtime.GetNSObject(responseStorage); } else { response = null; } if (errorStorage != IntPtr.Zero) { error = (NSError)Runtime.GetNSObject(errorStorage); } else { error = null; } return((NSData)Runtime.GetNSObject(res)); }
public void OnForgotPasswordError(ForgotPasswordScreenlet screenlet, Foundation.NSError error) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Forgot password failed: {error.Description}"); }
public override void LoadFailed(UIWebView webView, Foundation.NSError error) { LoadFailedCalled = true; finished.TrySetException(new NSErrorException(error)); }
public void FailedToRegisterForRemoteNotifications(UIKit.UIApplication application, Foundation.NSError error) { CommonMethods.LogStatic("FailedToRegisterForRemoteNotifications, error: " + error.Description); }
static void HandleWKJavascriptEvaluationResult(Foundation.NSObject result, Foundation.NSError error) { return; }
public void Error(Twilio.Common.TwilioAccessManager accessManager, Foundation.NSError error) { Console.WriteLine("access manager error"); }
void ISessionDelegate.DidFailRequestForVisitable(Session session, IVisitable visitable, Foundation.NSError error) { var demoViewController = visitable as DemoViewController; if (demoViewController == null) { return; } var errorCode = (ErrorCode)(int)error.Code; switch (errorCode) { case ErrorCode.HttpFailure: var statusCode = error.UserInfo["statusCode"] as NSNumber; switch (statusCode.Int32Value) { case 401: PresentAuthenticationController(); break; case 404: demoViewController.PresentError(Error.HTTPNotFoundError); break; default: demoViewController.PresentError(new Error(statusCode.Int32Value)); break; } break; case ErrorCode.NetworkFailure: demoViewController.PresentError(Error.NetworkError); break; } }
public void DidFailToStartListening(Twilio.Conversations.TwilioConversationsClient conversationsClient, Foundation.NSError error) { listeningStatusLabel.Text = "Failed to start listening for Invites"; }
public static NSObject PropertyListWithStream(NSInputStream stream, ref NSPropertyListFormat format, out NSError error) { return(PropertyListWithStream(stream, NSPropertyListReadOptions.Immutable, ref format, out error)); }
static void HandleWKJavascriptEvaluationResult(Foundation.NSObject result, Foundation.NSError err) { if (err != null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"User-Agent API error = {err}"); useragent_wkwebview = err.ToString(); } if (result != null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"User-Agent API result = {result}"); useragent_wkwebview = result.ToString(); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"User-Agent API useragent_wkwebview = {useragent_wkwebview}"); return; }
public void DidStopListeningForInvites(Twilio.Conversations.TwilioConversationsClient conversationsClient, Foundation.NSError error) { if (error != null) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully stopped listening for Conversation invites"); twilio = null; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Stopped listening for Conversation invites (error): {error.Code}"); } }
public override void RestoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError(SKPaymentQueue queue, Foundation.NSError error) { // Failure, just fire with null TransactionsRestored?.Invoke(null); }
public void Error(Twilio.Common.TwilioAccessManager accessManager, Foundation.NSError error) { }
public override void DidCompleteWithError(Foundation.NSUrlSession session, Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask task, Foundation.NSError error) { // Add a breakpoint here if you encounter any errors. }
void GroupsEnumeratorFailed(Foundation.NSError error) { Console.WriteLine("Enumerator failed!"); }
public override void Failed(CLLocationManager manager, Foundation.NSError error) { }
public static nint WritePropertyList(NSObject plist, NSOutputStream stream, NSPropertyListFormat format, out NSError error) { return(WritePropertyList(plist, stream, format, NSPropertyListWriteOptions.Immutable, out error)); }