public bool UnbanByName(string name, string UnBanner = "Console") { var id = ReturnACNByName2(name); var ip = ReturnACNByName(name); if (id == null) { return(false); } string red = "[color #FF0000]"; string green = "[color #009900]"; string white = "[color #FFFFFF]"; foreach (Fougerite.Player pl in Server.GetServer().Players) { if (pl.Admin || pl.Moderator) { pl.Message(red + name + white + " was unbanned by: " + green + UnBanner); } } IniParser ini = GlobalBanList; name = id; var iprq = ini.GetSetting("NameIps", ip); var idrq = ini.GetSetting("NameIds", id); ini.DeleteSetting("Ips", iprq); ini.DeleteSetting("Ids", idrq); ini.DeleteSetting("NameIps", name); ini.DeleteSetting("NameIds", name); ini.Save(); return(true); }
private void OnRustBusterUserMessage(API.RustBusterUserAPI user, Message msgc) { if (msgc.PluginSender == "WorldEditor") { if (msgc.MessageByClient == "worldeditadmin") { msgc.ReturnMessage = user.Player.Admin ? "yes" : "no"; } else if (msgc.MessageByClient == "worldedit_finished") { // this._protectedPlayers.Remove(user.SteamID); // user.Player.Notice("", "All custom objects loaded. You are no longer protected!", 10); user.Player.Notice("", "All custom objects loaded.", 10); } else if (msgc.MessageByClient.Contains("worldedit_spawn")) { var splitted = msgc.MessageByClient.Split('|'); foreach (var player in Server.GetServer().Players) { player.SendConsoleMessage("worldedit_spawn|" + splitted[1]); } } else if (msgc.MessageByClient == "worldedit_kick") { user.Player.Disconnect(); } } }
public void BanPlayer(Fougerite.Player player, string Banner = "Console", string reason = "You were banned.") { string red = "[color #FF0000]"; string green = "[color #009900]"; string white = "[color #FFFFFF]"; foreach (Fougerite.Player pl in Server.GetServer().Players) { if (pl.Admin || pl.Moderator) { pl.Message(red + player.Name + white + " was banned by: " + green + Banner); pl.Message(red + " Reason: " + reason); } } IniParser ini = GlobalBanList; ini.AddSetting("Ips", player.IP, player.Name); ini.AddSetting("Ids", player.SteamID, player.Name); ini.AddSetting("NameIps", player.Name, player.IP); ini.AddSetting("NameIds", player.Name, player.SteamID); ini.AddSetting("AdminWhoBanned", player.Name, Banner); ini.Save(); player.Message(red + " " + reason); player.Message(red + " Banned by: " + Banner); player.Disconnect(); }
public static void ClientMove(HumanController hc, Vector3 origin, int encoded, ushort stateFlags, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (info.sender != hc.networkView.owner) { return; } if (float.IsNaN(origin.x) || float.IsInfinity(origin.x) || float.IsNaN(origin.y) || float.IsInfinity(origin.y) || float.IsNaN(origin.z) || float.IsInfinity(origin.z)) { Logger.LogDebug("[TeleportHack] " + hc.netUser.displayName + " sent invalid packets. " + hc.netUser.userID); Server.GetServer().Broadcast(hc.netUser.displayName + " might have tried to teleport with hacks."); if (Fougerite.Bootstrap.BI) { Fougerite.Server.GetServer().BanPlayer(Fougerite.Server.Cache[hc.netUser.userID]); return; } hc.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true); return; } if (OnPlayerMove != null) { OnPlayerMove(hc, origin, encoded, stateFlags, info); } }
void ExecutePlayerUpdate() { foreach (Fougerite.Player player in Server.GetServer().Players) { if (player.IsOnline) { Hooks.PlayerUpdate(player); } } CTimer.SetTimer(() => ExecutePlayerUpdate(), 1000, 1); }
public void Disconnect(bool SendNotification = true) { if (this.IsOnline) { //Logger.LogError("Same? " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " - " + Bootstrap.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); if (Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId != Util.GetUtil().MainThreadID) { //Logger.LogError("Nope, invoking"); Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => { this.Disconnect(SendNotification); }); return; } Server.GetServer().RemovePlayer(uid); this.ourPlayer.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_RCON, false); IsDisconnecting = true; } }
public Entity(object Obj) { this._obj = Obj; if (this.IsStructureMaster()) { this._ownerid = (Obj as StructureMaster).ownerID; this._creatorid = (Obj as StructureMaster).creatorID; this._name = "Structure Master"; } if (this.IsStructure()) { StructureComponent comp = Obj as StructureComponent; if (comp != null && comp._master != null) { this._ownerid = comp._master.ownerID; this._creatorid = comp._master.creatorID; } string clone = this.GetObject <StructureComponent>().ToString(); var index = clone.IndexOf("(Clone)"); this._name = clone.Substring(0, index); } if (this.IsDeployableObject()) { DeployableObject dobj = Obj as DeployableObject; this._ownerid = dobj.ownerID; this._creatorid = dobj.creatorID; string clone = this.GetObject <DeployableObject>().ToString(); if (clone.Contains("Barricade")) { this._name = "Wood Barricade"; } else { var index = clone.IndexOf("(Clone)"); this._name = clone.Substring(0, index); } var deployable = Obj as DeployableObject; var inventory = deployable.GetComponent <Inventory>(); if (inventory != null) { this.hasInventory = true; this.inv = new EntityInv(inventory, this); } else { this.hasInventory = false; } } else if (this.IsLootableObject()) { this._ownerid = 76561198095992578UL; this._creatorid = 76561198095992578UL; var loot = Obj as LootableObject; this._name =; var inventory = loot._inventory; if (inventory != null) { this.hasInventory = true; this.inv = new EntityInv(inventory, this); } else { this.hasInventory = false; } } else if (this.IsSupplyCrate()) { this._ownerid = 76561198095992578UL; this._creatorid = 76561198095992578UL; this._name = "Supply Crate"; var crate = Obj as SupplyCrate; var inventory = crate.lootableObject._inventory; if (inventory != null) { this.hasInventory = true; this.inv = new EntityInv(inventory, this); } else { this.hasInventory = false; } } else if (IsResourceTarget()) { var x = (ResourceTarget)Obj; this._ownerid = 76561198095992578UL; this._creatorid = 76561198095992578UL; this._name =; this.hasInventory = false; } else { this.hasInventory = false; } if (Fougerite.Server.Cache.ContainsKey(_ownerid)) { this._ownername = Fougerite.Server.Cache[_ownerid].Name; } else if (Server.GetServer().HasRustPP) { if (Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().Cache.ContainsKey(_ownerid)) { this._ownername = Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().Cache[_ownerid]; } } else { this._ownername = "UnKnown"; } if (Fougerite.Server.Cache.ContainsKey(_creatorid)) { this._creatorname = Fougerite.Server.Cache[_creatorid].Name; } else if (Server.GetServer().HasRustPP) { if (Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().Cache.ContainsKey(_creatorid)) { this._creatorname = Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().Cache[_creatorid]; } } else { this._creatorname = "UnKnown"; } }