public static Ui.DataGrid GetViewChargeSummaryGrid(int FeeType, int CategoryID, string SummaryType, int ContractID, string guid, string orderBy, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, string keywords) { long totalRows = 0; List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); conditions.Add("1=1"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords)) { conditions.Add("[Name] like @keywords"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@keywords", "%" + keywords + "%")); } if (FeeType > 0) { conditions.Add("[FeeType]=@FeeType"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FeeType", FeeType)); } if (CategoryID > 0) { conditions.Add("[CategoryID]=@CategoryID"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryID", CategoryID)); } else if (CategoryID == 0) { conditions.Add("[CategoryID] not in (select ID from Category)"); } if (ContractID > 0) { conditions.Add("[ID] in (select [ChargeID] from [Contract_ChargeSummary] where [ContractID]=@ContractID)"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ContractID", ContractID)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { conditions.Add("[ID] in (select [ChargeID] from [Contract_ChargeSummary] where [GUID]=@GUID)"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@GUID", guid)); } string fieldList = "[ViewChargeSummary].*,'" + SummaryType + "' as [SummaryType] "; string Statement = " from [ViewChargeSummary] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()); ViewChargeSummary[] list = new ViewChargeSummary[] { }; list = GetList <ViewChargeSummary>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, orderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray(); DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid dg = new Ui.DataGrid(); dg.rows = list; = totalRows; = pageSize; return(dg); }
public static bool InsertRoomFee(List <int> ProjectIDList, List <int> RoomIDList, ViewChargeSummary summary, string StartTime, string EndTime, int IsCycleFee = 0) { return(InsertRoomFee(ProjectIDList, RoomIDList, StartTime, EndTime, 0, summary.SummaryUnitPrice, string.Empty, summary, string.Empty, includenopeople: true, IsCycleFee: IsCycleFee)); }
public static bool InsertRoomFee(List <int> ProjectIDList, List <int> RoomIDList, string StartTime, string EndTime, int ContractID, decimal UnitPrice, string Remark, ViewChargeSummary summary, string NewEndTime, decimal TotalCost = 0, decimal UseCount = 0, int Contract_RoomChargeID = 0, bool includenopeople = true, int IsCycleFee = 0) { string sqltext = string.Empty; List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime)) { StartTime = summary.SummaryStartTime == DateTime.MinValue ? "NULL" : "'" + summary.SummaryStartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; } else { StartTime = "'" + StartTime + "'"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime)) { EndTime = "NULL"; } else { EndTime = "'" + EndTime + "'"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewEndTime)) { NewEndTime = "NULL"; } else { NewEndTime = "'" + NewEndTime + "'"; } TotalCost = TotalCost > 0 ? TotalCost : 0; UseCount = UseCount > 0 ? UseCount : 0; string AddUserName = "******" + User.GetCurrentUserName() + "'"; if (RoomIDList.Contains(0)) { sqltext += @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[RoomFee] ([RoomID] ,[UseCount] ,[StartTime] ,[EndTime] ,[NewEndTime] ,[Cost] ,[Remark] ,[AddTime] ,[IsCharged] ,[ChargeFeeID] ,[ChargeID] ,[IsStart] ,[UnitPrice] ,[ChargeFee] ,[ContractID] ,[Contract_RoomChargeID] ,[IsCycleFee] ,[AddUserName]) values( 0," + UseCount + "," + StartTime + "," + EndTime + "," + NewEndTime + "," + TotalCost + ",'" + Remark + @"',getdate(),0,0," + summary.ID + ",1,'" + UnitPrice + "',0," + ContractID + "," + Contract_RoomChargeID + "," + IsCycleFee + "," + AddUserName + ");"; RoomIDList.Remove(0); } List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); conditions.Add("[isParent]=0"); conditions.Add("isnull([IsLocked],0)=0"); if (!includenopeople && new Utility.SiteConfig().CheckOwnerInStatus) { List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>(); cmdlist.Add("[ID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomPhoneRelation])"); cmdlist.Add("[ID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomRelation] where [GUID] in (select [GUID] from [RoomRelation] where [RoomID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomPhoneRelation])))"); conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")"); } if (ProjectIDList.Count > 0) { List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>(); cmdlist.Add("[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", ProjectIDList.ToArray()) + ")"); foreach (var ProjectID in ProjectIDList) { cmdlist.Add("[AllParentID] like '%," + ProjectID + ",%'"); } conditions.Add("((" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + "))"); } if (RoomIDList.Count > 0) { conditions.Add("[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", RoomIDList.ToArray()) + ")"); } string cmdcolumn = ",(select [IsLocked] from [RoomBasic] where [RoomID]=[Project].ID) as IsLocked"; if (ContractID > 0) { cmdcolumn += ",(select top 1 ID from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [RoomID]=[Project].ID and [ContractID]=@ContractID) as RelationID,(select top 1 RelationName from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [RoomID]=[Project].ID and [ContractID]=@ContractID) as RelationName"; parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ContractID", ContractID)); } else { cmdcolumn += ",(select top 1 ID from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [RoomID]=[Project].ID and IsDefault = 1) as RelationID,(select top 1 RelationName from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [RoomID]=[Project].ID and IsDefault = 1) as RelationName"; } if (RoomIDList.Count > 0 || ProjectIDList.Count > 0) { sqltext += @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[RoomFee] ([RoomID] ,[UseCount] ,[StartTime] ,[EndTime] ,[NewEndTime] ,[Cost] ,[Remark] ,[AddTime] ,[IsCharged] ,[ChargeFeeID] ,[ChargeID] ,[IsStart] ,[UnitPrice] ,[ChargeFee] ,[ContractID] ,[Contract_RoomChargeID] ,[IsCycleFee] ,[AddUserName] ,[DefaultChargeManID] ,[DefaultChargeManName]) select [ID]," + UseCount + "," + StartTime + "," + EndTime + "," + NewEndTime + "," + TotalCost + ",'" + Remark + @"',getdate(),0,0," + summary.ID + ",1,'" + UnitPrice + "',0," + ContractID + "," + Contract_RoomChargeID + "," + IsCycleFee + "," + AddUserName + ",A.RelationID,A.RelationName from (select [ID],[AllParentID],[isParent]" + cmdcolumn + " from [Project])A where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + ";"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqltext)) { using (SqlHelper helper = new SqlHelper()) { try { helper.BeginTransaction(); helper.Execute(sqltext, CommandType.Text, parameters); helper.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { helper.Rollback(); return(false); } } } return(false); }