public static Ui.DataGrid GetViewCKProudctInDetailGridBySummaryID(int SummaryID, int ServiceID, string orderBy, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, List <int> InIDList = null) { DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid dg = new Ui.DataGrid(); long totalRows = 0; List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); conditions.Add("1=1"); if (InIDList != null && InIDList.Count > 0) { conditions.Add("[InSummaryID] in (" + string.Join(",", InIDList.ToArray()) + ")"); } else if (SummaryID > 0) { conditions.Add("[InSummaryID]=@SummaryID"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SummaryID", SummaryID)); } else if (ServiceID > 0) { conditions.Add("[ServiceID]=@ServiceID"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ServiceID", ServiceID)); } else { dg.rows = new ViewCKProudctInDetail[] { }; = 0; = 1; return(dg); } string fieldList = "[ViewCKProudctInDetail].*"; string Statement = " from [ViewCKProudctInDetail] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()); ViewCKProudctInDetail[] list = new ViewCKProudctInDetail[] { }; list = GetList <ViewCKProudctInDetail>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, orderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray(); dg.rows = new ViewCKProudctInDetail[] { }; dg.rows = list; = totalRows; = pageSize; return(dg); }
public static Ui.DataGrid GetViewCKProudctInDetailGridByKeywords(string Keywords, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, string orderBy, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, int CKCategoryID, List <int> IDList = null, int ProductCategoryID = 0, bool canexport = false) { long totalRows = 0; List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); conditions.Add("1=1"); if (ProductCategoryID > 0) { conditions.Add("[ProductID] in (select ID from [CKProduct] where [CategoryID] in (select ID from CKProductCategory where ID=@ProductCategoryID))"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ProductCategoryID", ProductCategoryID)); } if (IDList != null && IDList.Count > 0) { conditions.Add("[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", IDList.ToArray()) + ")"); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords)) { conditions.Add("([AddUserName] like @Keywords or [OrderNumber] like @Keywords or [ContractName] like @Keywords or [WarehouseName] like @Keywords or [CategoryName] like @Keywords or [ProductName] like @Keywords or [ModelNumber] like @Keywords)"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Keywords", "%" + Keywords + "%")); } if (StartTime > DateTime.MinValue) { conditions.Add("convert(nvarchar(10),[InTime],120)>=@StartTime"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StartTime", StartTime)); } if (EndTime > DateTime.MinValue) { conditions.Add("convert(nvarchar(10),[InTime],120)<=@EndTime"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTime", EndTime)); } var CKCategoryIDList = new List <int>(); if (CKCategoryID > 1) { var child_categories = Foresight.DataAccess.CKCategory.GetCKCategoriesByParentID(CKCategoryID); if (child_categories.Length > 0) { CKCategoryIDList = child_categories.Select(p => p.ID).ToList(); } CKCategoryIDList.Add(CKCategoryID); } if (CKCategoryIDList.Count > 0) { conditions.Add("[CKCategoryID] in (" + string.Join(",", CKCategoryIDList.ToArray()) + ")"); } } string fieldList = "[ViewCKProudctInDetail].*"; string Statement = " from [ViewCKProudctInDetail] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()); ViewCKProudctInDetail[] list = new ViewCKProudctInDetail[] { }; if (canexport) { list = GetList <ViewCKProudctInDetail>("select " + fieldList + Statement + " " + orderBy, parameters).ToArray(); } else { list = GetList <ViewCKProudctInDetail>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, orderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray(); } DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid dg = new Ui.DataGrid(); dg.rows = list; = totalRows; = pageSize; return(dg); }