public static void CreateChargeFeePriceRangeByImportFeeIDList(SqlHelper helper, List <int> ImportFeeIDList = null, List <int> RoomFeeIDList = null, int RoomFeeID = 0, int HistoryRoomFeeID = 0) { string cmdtext = string.Empty; var parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); if (HistoryRoomFeeID > 0 && RoomFeeID > 0) { RoomFeeHistory.UpdateRoomFeeHistoryID(helper, RoomFeeID: RoomFeeID, HistoryRoomFeeID: HistoryRoomFeeID); cmdtext = "update [ChargeFeePriceRange] set [RoomFeeID]=@RoomFeeID where [RoomFeeID]=@HistoryRoomFeeID;"; cmdtext += "update [RoomFeeHistory] set [ID]=@RoomFeeID where [ID]=@HistoryRoomFeeID;"; parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RoomFeeID", RoomFeeID)); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@HistoryRoomFeeID", HistoryRoomFeeID)); helper.Execute(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, parameters); return; } if (ImportFeeIDList == null && RoomFeeIDList == null && RoomFeeID == 0) { return; } List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); conditions.Add("RoomFee.ID not in (select RoomFeeID from [ChargeFeePriceRange])"); conditions.Add("[RoomFee].ChargeID in (select SummaryID from [ChargePriceRange])"); if (ImportFeeIDList != null && ImportFeeIDList.Count > 0) { conditions.Add("[RoomFee].[ImportFeeID] in (" + string.Join(",", ImportFeeIDList.ToArray()) + ")"); } if (RoomFeeIDList != null && RoomFeeIDList.Count > 0) { conditions.Add("[RoomFee].[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", RoomFeeIDList.ToArray()) + ")"); } if (RoomFeeID > 0) { conditions.Add("[RoomFee].ID=@RoomFeeID"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RoomFeeID", RoomFeeID)); } cmdtext = @"insert into [ChargeFeePriceRange] ([RoomFeeID] ,[ChargePriceRangeID] ,[SummaryID] ,[MinValue] ,[MaxValue] ,[BasePrice] ,[BaseType] ,[IsActive] ,[AddTime]) select [RoomFee].ID as RoomFeeID, [ChargePriceRange].ID as ChargePriceRangeID, [ChargePriceRange].SummaryID, [ChargePriceRange].MinValue,[ChargePriceRange].MaxValue, [ChargePriceRange].BasePrice, [ChargePriceRange].BaseType, [ChargePriceRange].IsActive, getdate() from [RoomFee] left join [ChargePriceRange] on SummaryID=RoomFee.ChargeID where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()); helper.Execute(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, parameters); }
public static RoomFeeHistory[] GetInCorrectRoomFeeHistoryList() { List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); string Statement = "select * from RoomFeeHistory where ID in (Select ID from RoomFee) and ChargeState=1 order by (Select DefaultOrder from Project where ID=RoomFeeHistory.RoomID) asc"; RoomFeeHistory[] list = new RoomFeeHistory[] { }; list = GetList <RoomFeeHistory>(Statement, parameters).ToArray(); return(list); }
public static RoomFeeHistory[] GetRoomFeeHistoryListByContractDivideIDList(List <int> DivideIDList) { List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); conditions.Add("[ChargeState] in (1,4)"); if (DivideIDList.Count == 0) { return(new RoomFeeHistory[] { }); } conditions.Add("isnull(ContractDivideID,0) in (" + string.Join(",", DivideIDList.ToArray()) + ")"); string Statement = " select * from [RoomFeeHistory] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()); RoomFeeHistory[] list = new RoomFeeHistory[] { }; list = GetList <RoomFeeHistory>(Statement, parameters).ToArray(); return(list); }
public static RoomFeeHistory GetPreRoomFeeHistory(int RoomFeeID, DateTime StartTime, SqlHelper helper, out RoomFeeHistory nextRoomFeeHistory) { List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); string cmdwhere1 = string.Empty; string cmdwhere2 = string.Empty; conditions.Add("[ID]=@RoomFeeID"); conditions.Add("[IsCuiShou]=1"); conditions.Add("[ChargeState]=5"); if (StartTime > DateTime.MinValue) { cmdwhere1 = " and [StartTime]<@StartTime"; cmdwhere2 = " and [StartTime]>@StartTime"; parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StartTime", StartTime)); } parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RoomFeeID", RoomFeeID)); nextRoomFeeHistory = GetOne <RoomFeeHistory>("select top 1 * from [RoomFeeHistory] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + cmdwhere2 + " order by [StartTime] asc", parameters, helper); return(GetOne <RoomFeeHistory>("select top 1 * from [RoomFeeHistory] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + cmdwhere1 + " order by [StartTime] desc", parameters, helper)); }
public static ImportFee GetOrCreateImportFeeByID(int ID, SqlHelper helper, bool CanCreate = true) { var data = ImportFee.GetImportFee(ID, helper); if (!CanCreate) { return(data); } if (data != null) { return(data); } #region 除备份还原 List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", ID)); var bak_data = GetOne <ImportFeeBak>("select * from [ImportFeeBak] where [ID] = @ID", parameters, helper); if (bak_data != null) { string cmdtext = string.Empty; cmdtext += "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ImportFee] ON;"; cmdtext += @" insert into [ImportFee] ([ID] ,[RoomID] ,[ChargeDate] ,[ChargeID] ,[StartPoint] ,[EndPoint] ,[TotalPoint] ,[UnitPrice] ,[TotalPrice] ,[WriteDate] ,[StartTime] ,[EndTime] ,[AddTime] ,[ChargeStatus] ,[ImportCoefficient] ,[ImportBiaoCategory] ,[ImportBiaoName] ,[ChargeBiaoID] ,[ProjectBiaoID] ,[ImportBiaoGuiGe] ,[ImportRate] ,[ImportReducePoint] ,[ImportChargeRoomNo]) select [ID] ,[RoomID] ,[ChargeDate] ,[ChargeID] ,[StartPoint] ,[EndPoint] ,[TotalPoint] ,[UnitPrice] ,[TotalPrice] ,[WriteDate] ,[StartTime] ,[EndTime] ,getdate() ,[ChargeStatus] ,[ImportCoefficient] ,[ImportBiaoCategory] ,[ImportBiaoName] ,[ChargeBiaoID] ,[ProjectBiaoID] ,[ImportBiaoGuiGe] ,[ImportRate] ,[ImportReducePoint] ,[ImportChargeRoomNo] from [ImportFeeBak] where ID=@ID;"; cmdtext += @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ImportFee] OFF;"; int count = helper.Execute(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, parameters); if (count > 0) { data = ImportFee.GetImportFee(ID, helper); } } #endregion #region 账单明细还原 if (data == null) { var roomfee = RoomFee.GetRoomFeeByImportFeeID(ID, helper); if (roomfee != null) { decimal EndPoint = roomfee.UseCount > 0 ? roomfee.UseCount : 0; decimal UnitPrice = roomfee.UnitPrice > 0 ? roomfee.UnitPrice : 0; decimal RealCost = roomfee.RealCost > 0 ? roomfee.RealCost : 0; string WriteDate = "'" + (roomfee.RoomFeeWriteDate > DateTime.MinValue ? roomfee.RoomFeeWriteDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) + "'"; string StartTime = roomfee.StartTime > DateTime.MinValue ? "'" + roomfee.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" : "NULL"; string EndTime = roomfee.EndTime > DateTime.MinValue ? "'" + roomfee.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" : "NULL"; decimal ImportCoefficient = roomfee.RoomFeeCoefficient > 0 ? roomfee.RoomFeeCoefficient : 0; string cmdtext = string.Empty; cmdtext += "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ImportFee] ON;"; cmdtext += @"insert into [ImportFee] ([ID] ,[RoomID] ,[ChargeDate] ,[ChargeID] ,[StartPoint] ,[EndPoint] ,[TotalPoint] ,[UnitPrice] ,[TotalPrice] ,[WriteDate] ,[StartTime] ,[EndTime] ,[AddTime] ,[ChargeStatus] ,[ImportCoefficient] ,[ImportBiaoCategory] ,[ImportBiaoName] ,[ChargeBiaoID] ,[ProjectBiaoID] ,[ImportBiaoGuiGe] ,[ImportRate] ,[ImportReducePoint] ,[ImportChargeRoomNo]) values( " + ID + @" ," + roomfee.RoomID + @" ,NULL ," + roomfee.ChargeID + @" ,0 ," + EndPoint + @" ," + EndPoint + @" ," + UnitPrice + @" ," + RealCost + @" ," + WriteDate + @" ," + StartTime + @" ," + EndTime + @" ,getdate() ,0 ," + ImportCoefficient + @" ,NULL ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,NULL );"; cmdtext += @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ImportFee] OFF;"; int count = helper.Execute(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, new List <SqlParameter>()); if (count > 0) { data = ImportFee.GetImportFee(ID, helper); } } } #endregion #region 历史单据还原 if (data == null) { var roomfee = RoomFeeHistory.GetRoomFeeHistoryByImportFeeID(ID, helper); if (roomfee != null) { decimal EndPoint = roomfee.UseCount > 0 ? roomfee.UseCount : 0; decimal UnitPrice = roomfee.UnitPrice > 0 ? roomfee.UnitPrice : 0; decimal RealCost = roomfee.RealCost > 0 ? roomfee.RealCost : 0; string WriteDate = "'" + (roomfee.RoomFeeWriteDate > DateTime.MinValue ? roomfee.RoomFeeWriteDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) + "'"; string StartTime = roomfee.StartTime > DateTime.MinValue ? "'" + roomfee.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" : "NULL"; string EndTime = roomfee.EndTime > DateTime.MinValue ? "'" + roomfee.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" : "NULL"; decimal ImportCoefficient = roomfee.RoomFeeCoefficient > 0 ? roomfee.RoomFeeCoefficient : 0; string cmdtext = string.Empty; cmdtext += "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ImportFee] ON;"; cmdtext += @"insert into [ImportFee] ([ID] ,[RoomID] ,[ChargeDate] ,[ChargeID] ,[StartPoint] ,[EndPoint] ,[TotalPoint] ,[UnitPrice] ,[TotalPrice] ,[WriteDate] ,[StartTime] ,[EndTime] ,[AddTime] ,[ChargeStatus] ,[ImportCoefficient] ,[ImportBiaoCategory] ,[ImportBiaoName] ,[ChargeBiaoID] ,[ProjectBiaoID] ,[ImportBiaoGuiGe] ,[ImportRate] ,[ImportReducePoint] ,[ImportChargeRoomNo]) values( " + ID + @" ," + roomfee.RoomID + @" ,NULL ," + roomfee.ChargeID + @" ,0 ," + EndPoint + @" ," + EndPoint + @" ," + UnitPrice + @" ," + RealCost + @" ," + WriteDate + @" ," + StartTime + @" ," + EndTime + @" ,getdate() ,0 ," + ImportCoefficient + @" ,NULL ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,NULL );"; cmdtext += @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ImportFee] OFF;"; int count = helper.Execute(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, new List <SqlParameter>()); if (count > 0) { data = ImportFee.GetImportFee(ID, helper); } } } #endregion return(data); }
public static Ui.DataGrid GetViewContractDivideGridByKeywords(string Keywords, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, string orderBy, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, List <int> ProjectIDList, List <int> RoomIDList, int ContractID, bool canexport = false) { ReSetParams(); long totalRows = 0; List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); List <string> conditions = new List <string>(); conditions.Add("1=1"); #region 关键字查询 string cmd = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords)) { conditions.Add("([ContractNo] like @Keywords or [ContractName] like @Keywords)"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Keywords", "%" + Keywords + "%")); } #endregion if (StartTime > DateTime.MinValue) { conditions.Add("[WriteDate]>=@StartTime"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StartTime", StartTime)); } if (EndTime > DateTime.MinValue) { conditions.Add("[WriteDate]<=@EndTime"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTime", EndTime)); } if (ContractID > 0) { conditions.Add("[ContractID]=@ContractID"); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ContractID", ContractID)); } if (ProjectIDList.Count > 0) { List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>(); foreach (var ProjectID in ProjectIDList) { cmdlist.Add("([AllParentID] like '%," + ProjectID + ",%' or [ID] =" + ProjectID + ")"); } conditions.Add("[ContractID] in (select [ContractID] from [Contract_Room] where [RoomID] in (select [ID] from [Project] where (" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")))"); } if (RoomIDList.Count > 0) { conditions.Add("[ContractID] in (select [ContractID] from [Contract_Room] where [RoomID] in (" + string.Join(",", RoomIDList.ToArray()) + "))"); } string fieldList = "[ViewContractDivide].*"; string Statement = " from [ViewContractDivide] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + cmd; ViewContractDivide[] list = new ViewContractDivide[] { }; if (canexport) { list = GetList <ViewContractDivide>("select " + fieldList + Statement + " " + orderBy, parameters).ToArray(); } else { list = GetList <ViewContractDivide>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, orderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray(); } if (list.Length > 0) { var idlist = list.Where(p => p.ChargeStatus != 2).Select(p => p.ID).ToList(); feelist = RoomFeeAnalysis.GetRoomFeeAnalysisListByContractDivideIDList(idlist); historylist = RoomFeeHistory.GetRoomFeeHistoryListByContractDivideIDList(idlist); int MinContractID = list.Min(p => p.ContractID); int MaxContractID = list.Max(p => p.ContractID); var contractList = GetList <Contract>("select ID,ContractBasicRentCost from [Contract] where ID between " + MinContractID + " and " + MaxContractID, new List <SqlParameter>()).ToArray(); foreach (var item in list) { var myContract = contractList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == item.ContractID); if (myContract != null) { item.ContractBasicRentCost = myContract.ContractBasicRentCost; } } } DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid dg = new Ui.DataGrid(); dg.rows = list; = totalRows; = pageSize; return(dg); }