private static void AddTeamToLeague(FootballContext context, Team team, League league)
     if (league != null)
         if (team.Leagues.Contains(league))
             Console.WriteLine("Existing team in league: {0} belongs to {1}",
                 team.TeamName, league.LeagueName);
             Console.WriteLine("Added team to league: {0} to league {1}",
                 team.TeamName, league.LeagueName);
        private static void CreateTeamsIfNotExists(
           FootballContext context, IEnumerable<XElement> xTeams, League league)
            foreach (var xTeam in xTeams)
                // Find the team by team name and country name (if exists)
                var teamName = xTeam.Attribute("name").Value;
                var xCountry = xTeam.Attribute("country");
                string countryName = null;
                if (xCountry != null)
                    countryName = xCountry.Value;
                var team = context.Teams
                    .Include(t => t.Leagues)
                        t => t.TeamName == teamName &&
                        t.Country.CountryName == countryName);

                // Create the team if it does not exists
                if (team != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Existing team: {0} ({1})",
                        team.TeamName, countryName ?? "no country");
                    // Create a new team in the DB
                    team = new Team()
                        TeamName = teamName,
                        Country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(
                            c => c.CountryName == countryName),
                    Console.WriteLine("Created team: {0} ({1})",
                        team.TeamName, countryName ?? "no country");

                AddTeamToLeague(context, team, league);