public void setupLinkSet(LinkSet ls) { if (ls != null) { this.currentLinkSet = ls; ls.setYOffset(currentHeight); } }
public void addInlineArea(InlineArea box, LinkSet ls) { addPending(); addChild(box); if (ls != null) { Rectangle lr = new Rectangle(finalWidth, 0, box.getContentWidth(), box.getContentHeight()); ls.addRect(lr, this, box); } prev = TEXT; finalWidth += box.getContentWidth(); }
public int addPageNumberCitation(string refid, LinkSet ls) { int width = currentFontState.GetWidth(currentFontState.MapCharacter(' ')); PageNumberInlineArea pia = new PageNumberInlineArea(currentFontState,,,, refid, width); pia.setYOffset(placementOffset); pendingAreas.Add(pia); pendingWidth += width; prev = TEXT; return(-1); }
public int addCharacter(char data, LinkSet ls, bool ul) { WordArea ia = null; int remainingWidth = this.getRemainingWidth(); int width = this.currentFontState.GetWidth(currentFontState.MapCharacter(data)); if (width > remainingWidth) { return(Character.DOESNOT_FIT); } else { if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(data) && whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.TRUE) { return(Character.OK); } ia = new WordArea(currentFontState,,,, data.ToString(), width); ia.setYOffset(placementOffset); ia.setUnderlined(ul); pendingAreas.Add(ia); if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(data)) { this.spaceWidth = +width; prev = LineArea.WHITESPACE; } else { pendingWidth += width; prev = LineArea.TEXT; } return(Character.OK); } }
public void setLinkSet(LinkSet ls) { }
public int addText(char[] odata, int start, int end, LinkSet ls, TextState textState) { if (start == -1) { return(-1); } bool overrun = false; int wordStart = start; int wordLength = 0; int wordWidth = 0; int whitespaceWidth = getCharWidth(' '); char[] data = new char[odata.Length]; char[] dataCopy = new char[odata.Length]; Array.Copy(odata, data, odata.Length); Array.Copy(odata, dataCopy, odata.Length); bool isText = false; bool isMultiByteChar = false; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int charWidth; char c = data[i]; if (!(isSpace(c) || (c == '\n') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\u2028'))) { charWidth = getCharWidth(c); isText = true; isMultiByteChar = (c > 127); if (charWidth <= 0 && c != '\u200B' && c != '\uFEFF') { charWidth = whitespaceWidth; } } else { if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\t')) { charWidth = whitespaceWidth; } else { charWidth = getCharWidth(c); } isText = false; isMultiByteChar = false; if (prev == WHITESPACE) { if (this.whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.FALSE) { if (isSpace(c)) { spaceWidth += getCharWidth(c); } else if (c == '\n' || c == '\u2028') { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } return(i + 1); } else if (c == '\t') { spaceWidth += 8 * whitespaceWidth; } } else if (c == '\u2028') { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } return(i + 1); } } else if (prev == TEXT || prev == MULTIBYTECHAR) { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); if (prevUlState) { isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); } if (prevOlState) { isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); } if (prevLTState) { isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); } addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } IEnumerator e = pendingAreas.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { Box box = (Box)e.Current; if (box is InlineArea) { if (ls != null) { Rectangle lr = new Rectangle(finalWidth, 0, ((InlineArea)box).getContentWidth(), fontState.FontSize); ls.addRect(lr, this, (InlineArea)box); } } addChild(box); } finalWidth += pendingWidth; pendingWidth = 0; pendingAreas = new ArrayList(); if (wordLength > 0) { addSpacedWord(new String(data, wordStart, wordLength), ls, finalWidth, 0, textState, false); finalWidth += wordWidth; wordWidth = 0; } prev = WHITESPACE; embeddedLinkStart = 0; spaceWidth = getCharWidth(c); if (this.whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.FALSE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\u2028') { return(i + 1); } else if (c == '\t') { spaceWidth = whitespaceWidth; } } else if (c == '\u2028') { return(i + 1); } } else { if (this.whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.FALSE) { if (isSpace(c)) { prev = WHITESPACE; spaceWidth = getCharWidth(c); } else if (c == '\n') { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); addChild(isp); return(i + 1); } else if (c == '\t') { prev = WHITESPACE; spaceWidth = 8 * whitespaceWidth; } } else { wordStart++; } } } if (isText) { int curr = isMultiByteChar ? MULTIBYTECHAR : TEXT; if (prev == WHITESPACE) { wordWidth = charWidth; if ((finalWidth + spaceWidth + wordWidth) > this.getContentWidth()) { if (overrun) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Area contents overflows area"); } if (this.wrapOption == WrapOption.WRAP) { return(i); } } prev = curr; wordStart = i; wordLength = 1; } else if (prev == TEXT || prev == MULTIBYTECHAR) { if (prev == TEXT && curr == TEXT || !canBreakMidWord()) { wordLength++; wordWidth += charWidth; } else { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); if (prevUlState) { isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); } if (prevOlState) { isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); } if (prevLTState) { isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); } addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; IEnumerator e = pendingAreas.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { Box box = (Box)e.Current; if (box is InlineArea) { if (ls != null) { Rectangle lr = new Rectangle(finalWidth, 0, ((InlineArea)box).getContentWidth(), fontState.FontSize); ls.addRect(lr, this, (InlineArea)box); } } addChild(box); } finalWidth += pendingWidth; pendingWidth = 0; pendingAreas = new ArrayList(); if (wordLength > 0) { addSpacedWord(new String(data, wordStart, wordLength), ls, finalWidth, 0, textState, false); finalWidth += wordWidth; } spaceWidth = 0; wordStart = i; wordLength = 1; wordWidth = charWidth; } prev = curr; } else { prev = curr; wordStart = i; wordLength = 1; wordWidth = charWidth; } if ((finalWidth + spaceWidth + pendingWidth + wordWidth) > this.getContentWidth()) { if (this.wrapOption == WrapOption.WRAP) { if (wordStart == start) { overrun = true; if (finalWidth > 0) { return(wordStart); } } else { return(wordStart); } } } } } if (prev == TEXT || prev == MULTIBYTECHAR) { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace pis = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); pis.setEatable(true); if (prevUlState) { pis.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); } if (prevOlState) { pis.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); } if (prevLTState) { pis.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); } pendingAreas.Add(pis); pendingWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } addSpacedWord(new String(data, wordStart, wordLength), ls, finalWidth + pendingWidth, spaceWidth, textState, true); embeddedLinkStart += wordWidth; wordWidth = 0; } if (overrun) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Area contents overflows area"); } return(-1); }
private void addSpacedWord(string word, LinkSet ls, int startw, int spacew, TextState textState, bool addToPending) { /* * Split string based on four delimeters: * \u00A0 - Latin1 NBSP (Non breaking space) * \u202F - unknown reserved character according to Unicode Standard * \u3000 - CJK IDSP (Ideographic space) * \uFEFF - Arabic ZWN BSP (Zero width no break space) */ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(word, "\u00A0\u202F\u3000\uFEFF", true); int extraw = 0; while (st.MoveNext()) { string currentWord = (string)st.Current; if (currentWord.Length == 1 && (isNBSP(currentWord[0]))) { // Add an InlineSpace int spaceWidth = getCharWidth(currentWord[0]); if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace ispace = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); extraw += spaceWidth; if (prevUlState) { ispace.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); } if (prevOlState) { ispace.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); } if (prevLTState) { ispace.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); } if (addToPending) { pendingAreas.Add(ispace); pendingWidth += spaceWidth; } else { addChild(ispace); } } } else { WordArea ia = new WordArea(currentFontState,,,, currentWord, getWordWidth(currentWord)); ia.setYOffset(placementOffset); ia.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); prevUlState = textState.getUnderlined(); ia.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); prevOlState = textState.getOverlined(); ia.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); prevLTState = textState.getLineThrough(); ia.setVerticalAlign(vAlign); if (addToPending) { pendingAreas.Add(ia); pendingWidth += getWordWidth(currentWord); } else { addChild(ia); } if (ls != null) { Rectangle lr = new Rectangle(startw + extraw, spacew, ia.getContentWidth(), fontState.FontSize); ls.addRect(lr, this, ia); } } } }
public static int addText(BlockArea ba, FontState fontState, float red, float green, float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls, int whiteSpaceCollapse, char[] data, int start, int end, TextState textState, int vAlign) { if (fontState.FontVariant == FontVariant.SMALL_CAPS) { FontState smallCapsFontState; try { int smallCapsFontHeight = (int)(((double)fontState.FontSize) * 0.8d); smallCapsFontState = new FontState(fontState.FontInfo, fontState.FontFamily, fontState.FontStyle, fontState.FontWeight, smallCapsFontHeight, FontVariant.NORMAL); } catch (FonetException ex) { smallCapsFontState = fontState; FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetError( "Error creating small-caps FontState: " + ex.Message); } char c; bool isLowerCase; int caseStart; FontState fontStateToUse; for (int i = start; i < end; ) { caseStart = i; c = data[i]; isLowerCase = (Char.IsLetter(c) && Char.IsLower(c)); while (isLowerCase == (Char.IsLetter(c) && Char.IsLower(c))) { if (isLowerCase) { data[i] = Char.ToUpper(c); } i++; if (i == end) { break; } c = data[i]; } if (isLowerCase) { fontStateToUse = smallCapsFontState; } else { fontStateToUse = fontState; } int index = addRealText(ba, fontStateToUse, red, green, blue, wrapOption, ls, whiteSpaceCollapse, data, caseStart, i, textState, vAlign); if (index != -1) { return index; } } return -1; } return addRealText(ba, fontState, red, green, blue, wrapOption, ls, whiteSpaceCollapse, data, start, end, textState, vAlign); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { string destination; int linkType; AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginInlineProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginInlineProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); if (!(destination ="internal-destination").GetString()).Equals("")) { linkType = LinkSet.INTERNAL; } else if (!(destination ="external-destination").GetString()).Equals("")) { linkType = LinkSet.EXTERNAL; } else { throw new FonetException("internal-destination or external-destination must be specified in basic-link"); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { string id ="id").GetString(); area.getIDReferences().InitializeID(id, area); this.marker = 0; } LinkSet ls = new LinkSet(destination, area, linkType); AreaContainer ac = area.getNearestAncestorAreaContainer(); while (ac != null && ac.getPosition() != Position.ABSOLUTE) { ac = ac.getNearestAncestorAreaContainer(); } if (ac == null) { ac = area.getPage().getBody().getCurrentColumnArea(); } int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; fo.SetLinkSet(ls); Status status; if ((status = fo.Layout(area)).isIncomplete()) { this.marker = i; return status; } } ls.applyAreaContainerOffsets(ac, area); area.getPage().addLinkSet(ls); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public int addText(char[] odata, int start, int end, LinkSet ls, TextState textState) { if (start == -1) { return -1; } bool overrun = false; int wordStart = start; int wordLength = 0; int wordWidth = 0; int whitespaceWidth = getCharWidth(' '); char[] data = new char[odata.Length]; char[] dataCopy = new char[odata.Length]; Array.Copy(odata, data, odata.Length); Array.Copy(odata, dataCopy, odata.Length); bool isText = false; bool isMultiByteChar = false; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int charWidth; char c = data[i]; if (!(isSpace(c) || (c == '\n') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\u2028'))) { charWidth = getCharWidth(c); isText = true; isMultiByteChar = (c > 127); if (charWidth <= 0 && c != '\u200B' && c != '\uFEFF') { charWidth = whitespaceWidth; } } else { if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\t')) { charWidth = whitespaceWidth; } else { charWidth = getCharWidth(c); } isText = false; isMultiByteChar = false; if (prev == WHITESPACE) { if (this.whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.FALSE) { if (isSpace(c)) { spaceWidth += getCharWidth(c); } else if (c == '\n' || c == '\u2028') { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } return i + 1; } else if (c == '\t') { spaceWidth += 8 * whitespaceWidth; } } else if (c == '\u2028') { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } return i + 1; } } else if (prev == TEXT || prev == MULTIBYTECHAR) { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); if (prevUlState) { isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); } if (prevOlState) { isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); } if (prevLTState) { isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); } addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } IEnumerator e = pendingAreas.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { Box box = (Box)e.Current; if (box is InlineArea) { if (ls != null) { Rectangle lr = new Rectangle(finalWidth, 0, ((InlineArea)box).getContentWidth(), fontState.FontSize); ls.addRect(lr, this, (InlineArea)box); } } addChild(box); } finalWidth += pendingWidth; pendingWidth = 0; pendingAreas = new ArrayList(); if (wordLength > 0) { addSpacedWord(new String(data, wordStart, wordLength), ls, finalWidth, 0, textState, false); finalWidth += wordWidth; wordWidth = 0; } prev = WHITESPACE; embeddedLinkStart = 0; spaceWidth = getCharWidth(c); if (this.whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.FALSE) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\u2028') { return i + 1; } else if (c == '\t') { spaceWidth = whitespaceWidth; } } else if (c == '\u2028') { return i + 1; } } else { if (this.whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.FALSE) { if (isSpace(c)) { prev = WHITESPACE; spaceWidth = getCharWidth(c); } else if (c == '\n') { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); addChild(isp); return i + 1; } else if (c == '\t') { prev = WHITESPACE; spaceWidth = 8 * whitespaceWidth; } } else { wordStart++; } } } if (isText) { int curr = isMultiByteChar ? MULTIBYTECHAR : TEXT; if (prev == WHITESPACE) { wordWidth = charWidth; if ((finalWidth + spaceWidth + wordWidth) > this.getContentWidth()) { if (overrun) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Area contents overflows area"); } if (this.wrapOption == WrapOption.WRAP) { return i; } } prev = curr; wordStart = i; wordLength = 1; } else if (prev == TEXT || prev == MULTIBYTECHAR) { if (prev == TEXT && curr == TEXT || !canBreakMidWord()) { wordLength++; wordWidth += charWidth; } else { InlineSpace isp = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); if (prevUlState) { isp.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); } if (prevOlState) { isp.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); } if (prevLTState) { isp.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); } addChild(isp); finalWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; IEnumerator e = pendingAreas.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { Box box = (Box)e.Current; if (box is InlineArea) { if (ls != null) { Rectangle lr = new Rectangle(finalWidth, 0, ((InlineArea)box).getContentWidth(), fontState.FontSize); ls.addRect(lr, this, (InlineArea)box); } } addChild(box); } finalWidth += pendingWidth; pendingWidth = 0; pendingAreas = new ArrayList(); if (wordLength > 0) { addSpacedWord(new String(data, wordStart, wordLength), ls, finalWidth, 0, textState, false); finalWidth += wordWidth; } spaceWidth = 0; wordStart = i; wordLength = 1; wordWidth = charWidth; } prev = curr; } else { prev = curr; wordStart = i; wordLength = 1; wordWidth = charWidth; } if ((finalWidth + spaceWidth + pendingWidth + wordWidth) > this.getContentWidth()) { if (this.wrapOption == WrapOption.WRAP) { if (wordStart == start) { overrun = true; if (finalWidth > 0) { return wordStart; } } else { return wordStart; } } } } } if (prev == TEXT || prev == MULTIBYTECHAR) { if (spaceWidth > 0) { InlineSpace pis = new InlineSpace(spaceWidth); pis.setEatable(true); if (prevUlState) { pis.setUnderlined(textState.getUnderlined()); } if (prevOlState) { pis.setOverlined(textState.getOverlined()); } if (prevLTState) { pis.setLineThrough(textState.getLineThrough()); } pendingAreas.Add(pis); pendingWidth += spaceWidth; spaceWidth = 0; } addSpacedWord(new String(data, wordStart, wordLength), ls, finalWidth + pendingWidth, spaceWidth, textState, true); embeddedLinkStart += wordWidth; wordWidth = 0; } if (overrun) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Area contents overflows area"); } return -1; }
public int addPageNumberCitation(string refid, LinkSet ls) { int width = currentFontState.GetWidth(currentFontState.MapCharacter(' ')); PageNumberInlineArea pia = new PageNumberInlineArea(currentFontState,,,, refid, width); pia.setYOffset(placementOffset); pendingAreas.Add(pia); pendingWidth += width; prev = TEXT; return -1; }
public virtual void SetLinkSet(LinkSet linkSet) { this.linkSet = linkSet; foreach (FONode child in children) { child.SetLinkSet(linkSet); } }
protected static int addRealText(BlockArea ba, FontState fontState, float red, float green, float blue, int wrapOption, LinkSet ls, int whiteSpaceCollapse, char[] data, int start, int end, TextState textState, int vAlign) { int ts, te; char[] ca; ts = start; te = end; ca = data; LineArea la = ba.getCurrentLineArea(); if (la == null) { return start; } la.changeFont(fontState); la.changeColor(red, green, blue); la.changeWrapOption(wrapOption); la.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse); la.changeVerticalAlign(vAlign); ba.setupLinkSet(ls); ts = la.addText(ca, ts, te, ls, textState); while (ts != -1) { la = ba.createNextLineArea(); if (la == null) { return ts; } la.changeFont(fontState); la.changeColor(red, green, blue); la.changeWrapOption(wrapOption); la.changeWhiteSpaceCollapse(whiteSpaceCollapse); ba.setupLinkSet(ls); ts = la.addText(ca, ts, te, ls, textState); } return -1; }
public override void SetLinkSet(LinkSet linkSet) { }
public int addCharacter(char data, LinkSet ls, bool ul) { WordArea ia = null; int remainingWidth = this.getRemainingWidth(); int width = this.currentFontState.GetWidth(currentFontState.MapCharacter(data)); if (width > remainingWidth) { return Character.DOESNOT_FIT; } else { if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(data) && whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.TRUE) { return Character.OK; } ia = new WordArea(currentFontState,,,, data.ToString(), width); ia.setYOffset(placementOffset); ia.setUnderlined(ul); pendingAreas.Add(ia); if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(data)) { this.spaceWidth = +width; prev = LineArea.WHITESPACE; } else { pendingWidth += width; prev = LineArea.TEXT; } return Character.OK; } }
public void addLinkSet(LinkSet linkSet) { linkSets.Add(linkSet); }