private async void Randomize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (working) { return; } ReadControlFlags(this); // TODO: Allow this to be empty string gameDir = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exe.Text)) { gameDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(exe.Text); if (!File.Exists($@"{gameDir}\Data0.bdt")) { SetError("Error: Data0.bdt not found for the mod to merge. Leave it blank to use Fog Gate Randomizer by itself."); return; } if (new DirectoryInfo(gameDir).FullName == Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) { SetError("Error: Data0.bdt is not from a different mod! Leave it blank to use Fog Gate Randomizer by itself."); return; } } if (fixedseed.Text.Trim() != "") { if (uint.TryParse(fixedseed.Text.Trim(), out uint seed)) { options.Seed = (int)seed; } else { SetError("Invalid fixed seed"); return; } } else { options.Seed = new Random().Next(); } fixedseed.Text = options.Seed.ToString(); UpdateOptions(null, null); // Can split up maybe SetError(); working = true; string prevText = randb.Text; randb.Text = $"Randomizing..."; setStatus("Randomizing..."); RandomizerOptions rand = options.Copy(); randb.BackColor = Color.LightYellow; Randomizer randomizer = new Randomizer(); await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Directory.CreateDirectory("spoiler_logs"); string runId = $@"spoiler_logs\{DateTime.Now.ToString("")}_log_{rand.Seed}_{rand.ConfigHash()}.txt"; TextWriter log = File.CreateText(runId); TextWriter stdout = Console.Out; Console.SetOut(log); try { ItemReader.Result itemInfo = randomizer.Randomize(rand, FromGame.DS3, gameDir, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); setStatus($"Done. Info in {runId} | Restart your game!" + (itemInfo.Randomized ? $" | Key item hash: {itemInfo.ItemHash}" : ""), success: true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); SetError($"Error encountered: {ex.Message}\r\n\r\nIt may work to try again with a different seed. {(gameDir == null ? "" : "The merged mod might also not be compatible. ")}See most recent file in spoiler_logs directory for the full error."); setStatus($"Error! See error message in {runId}", true); } finally { log.Close(); Console.SetOut(stdout); } }); randb.Enabled = true; randb.Text = prevText; randb.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; working = false; UpdateExePath(); }