예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the user credentials and the account, and if if valid, returns the user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email">Email Address</param>
        /// <param name="password">Password</param>
        /// <exception cref="LoginException">Thrown if email or password is missing, account is not found, or password is invalid</exception>
        /// <exception cref="LoginSecurityException">Thrown if the account is pending admin approval, inactive, suspended, or the IP address is unknown and home access is not enabled</exception>
        /// <exception cref="UserPendingEmailConfirmationException">Thrown if the account is pending email confirmation</exception>
        /// <exception cref="AccountExpiredException">Thrown if the account is expired</exception>
        /// <exception cref="PasswordExpiredException">Thrown if the password is expired</exception>
        public static User Login(string email, string password)
            // Remove space around posted values
            email    = email.Trim();
            password = password.Trim();

            // Ensure email and password exists
            if (email.Length == 0 || password.Length == 0)
                throw new LoginException("Please enter email and password", User.Empty);

            // Get user matching email
            User user = User.GetByEmail(email);

            // Ensure user was found
            if (user.IsNull)
                throw new LoginException("User account not found", user);

            // Get any info about bad logins
            BadLoginInfo badLoginInfo = user.GetBadLoginInfo(m_BadLoginLockoutMinutes);

            // Check that the account isn't locked based on the bad login info
            if (AccountIsLocked(badLoginInfo))
                throw new LoginException("User account is locked. Please try again in " + m_BadLoginLockoutMinutes + " minutes.", user);

            // Get the IP address as we'll need it later
            string ipAddress = BusinessHelper.GetCurrentIpAddress();

            // Ensure password is correct
            if (!user.CheckPassword(password))
                // Update log
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login failed for {0}, UserId: {1}  Invalid password.", user.FullName, user.UserId);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, "Login Failed.  Invalid Password.");

                // Update bad login info
                badLoginInfo.LastBadLoginDate = DateTime.Now;

                // Check to see if this failed login has locked the account
                if (AccountIsLocked(badLoginInfo))
                    throw new LoginException("Too many bad login attempts. Please try again in " + m_BadLoginLockoutMinutes + " minutes.", user);

                // Otherwise, bad login but account isn't locked
                throw new LoginException("Invalid Password", user);

            // Ensure user is not pending admin approval
            if (user.UserStatus == UserStatus.PendingAdminApproval)
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login failed for {0}, UserId: {1}  Account is pending admin approval.", user.FullName, user.UserId);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, "Login Failed.  Account pending admin approval.");
                throw new LoginSecurityException(user, "This account is awaiting approval", ipAddress);

            // Ensure user is not pending email confirmation
            if (user.UserStatus == UserStatus.PendingEmailConfirmation)
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login failed for {0}, UserId: {1}  Account is pending email confirmation.", user.FullName, user.UserId);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, "Login Failed.  Account pending email confirmation.");
                throw new UserPendingEmailConfirmationException("This account is pending email confirmation", user);

            // Ensure user is not rejected
            if (user.UserStatus == UserStatus.Rejected)
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login failed for {0}, UserId: {1}  Account is rejected.", user.FullName, user.UserId);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, "Login Failed.  Account status is rejected.");
                throw new LoginSecurityException(user, "This account is inactive", ipAddress);

            // Ensure user is not suspended
            if (user.IsSuspended)
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login failed for {0}, UserId: {1}  Account is suspended.", user.FullName, user.UserId);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, "Login Failed.  Account is suspended.");
                throw new LoginSecurityException(user, "This account has been suspended", ipAddress);

            // Ensure user can login from unapproved ip address if they are logging in from an unapproved ip address
            if (Settings.IpAddressRestrictionEnabled && !UserSecurityManager.IsApprovedIpAddress(ipAddress) && !user.IsAllowedExternalAccess)
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login failed for {0}, UserId: {1}  The IP address '{2}' is unapproved and account does not have external access enabled.", user.FullName, user.UserId, ipAddress);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, string.Format("Login Failed.  The IP address '{0}' is unapproved and user account does not have home access rights.", ipAddress));
                throw new LoginSecurityException(user, "Unable to log in. Unknown IP Address.", ipAddress);

            // Ensure the user account has not expired
            if (user.GetAccountExpiryDate() < DateTime.Now)
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login succeeded for {0}, UserId: {1} but account is expired", user.FullName, user.UserId);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, "Login succeeded, but account has expired.");
                throw new AccountExpiredException("This account has expired.", user);

            // Ensure the password has not expired
            if (user.GetPasswordExpiryDate() < DateTime.Now)
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Login succeeded for {0}, UserId: {1} but password is expired", user.FullName, user.UserId);
                AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.UserLogin, "Login succeeded, but password has expired");
                throw new PasswordExpiredException("This account's password has expired", user);

            //create new session api token
            if (!UserManager.APISessionIsValid(user))

            // Update login date, audit login, etc

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Used for public registrations
        /// </summary>
        public static void Register(User user)
            // Initialise the approved company to a null instance
            Company company = Company.Empty;

            // Get the IP Address
            string ipAddress = BusinessHelper.GetCurrentIpAddress();

            // Only check for an approved company if email is not blank.
            if (!StringUtils.IsBlank(user.Email))
                company = UserSecurityManager.GetCompanyByDomain(user.Email);

            //Process depends on the value defined in the AppSettings key "RegisterUserRequiresKnownEmailFormat".
            switch (RegistrationEmailFormat)
            case RegistrationEmailFormatType.Empty:
                if (user.IsEmployee && !company.IsNull)
                    user.UserStatus = UserStatus.PendingEmailConfirmation;
                    user.UserStatus = UserStatus.PendingAdminApproval;


            case RegistrationEmailFormatType.InternalUsers:
                if (user.IsEmployee)
                    if (company.IsNull)
                        throw new RegistrationSecurityException(user, "Your email address is not recognised as being from a company authorised to use this website. Please contact the system administrator for further information.", ipAddress);

                    user.UserStatus = UserStatus.PendingEmailConfirmation;
                    user.UserStatus = UserStatus.PendingAdminApproval;


            case RegistrationEmailFormatType.AllUsers:
                if (company.IsNull)
                    throw new RegistrationSecurityException(user, "Your email address is not recognised as being from a company authorised to use this website. Please contact the system administrator for further information.", ipAddress);

                user.UserStatus = UserStatus.PendingEmailConfirmation;


            // Check if user is employee or belongs to an internal company
            // (If a user belongs to an internal company, then they are effectively an employee)
            bool isEmployeeOrInternal = (user.IsEmployee || company.IsInternal);

            // They are an employee or their email belongs to an internal company, but their ip address isn't approved so quit
            if (Settings.IpAddressRestrictionEnabled && isEmployeeOrInternal && !UserSecurityManager.IsApprovedIpAddress(ipAddress))
                throw new RegistrationSecurityException(user, "Your IP address is not recognised as being from a company authorised to use this website. Please contact the system administrator for further information.", ipAddress);

            // Everything passed, update some standard user settings
            user.IsAccountNonExpiring  = false;
            user.IsPasswordNonExpiring = false;
            user.UserRole     = UserRole.Normal;
            user.RegisterDate = DateTime.Now;

            // Set up default user rules and expiry dates
            user.IsAllowedExternalAccess = !user.IsEmployee;
            user.EnableFilePathIngestion = false;
            user.AccountExpiryDate       = DateTime.Now.AddDays(AccountExpiryDays);
            user.PasswordExpiryDate      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(PasswordExpiryDays);

            // Validate standard business objecr requirements
            ErrorList errors = ValidateUser(user);

            // Throw an error if the user fields are not all valid
            if (errors.Count > 0)
                throw new InvalidUserException(errors, user);

            // Save the user
            User u = SaveUser(user);


            AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(u, AuditUserAction.Register, string.Format("Registration successful. Registered from IP Address: {0}.  Account status is: {1}", ipAddress, u.UserStatus));