public ClothesStore GetQuantity(char key) { ClothesStore clothesQuant = null; if (clothes.ContainsKey(key)) { clothesQuant = clothes[key]; } else { switch (key) { case 'W': clothesQuant = new WomenClothes(); break; case 'M': clothesQuant = new ManClothes(); break; case 'K': clothesQuant = new KidsClothes(); break; } clothes.Add(key, clothesQuant); } return(clothesQuant); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Please add to cart what do you want to buy!"); Console.WriteLine("Use characters W for women clothes, K for kids clothes, M for man clothes with no spaces."); Console.WriteLine("You can add more than one product. (Ex. WMKKWM)"); ClothesFactory factory = new ClothesFactory(); int count = 0; var order = Console.ReadLine(); char[] chars = order.ToCharArray(); int countItem = 0; foreach (char c in chars) { count++; ClothesStore store = factory.GetClothes(c); store.ViewClothes(count); } foreach (char c in chars) { countItem++; ClothesStore store = factory.GetQuantity(c); store.SellItem(countItem); } Console.ReadLine(); }