protected override void InitControl() { base.InitControl(); this.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, 26); lblPrimary = new FluidLabel("", 20, 0, 220, 20); lblPrimary.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near; lblPrimary.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; lblPrimary.Font = Theme.Current.ListPrimaryFont; Controls.Add(lblPrimary); lblSecondary = new FluidLabel("", 20, 14, 220, 14); lblSecondary.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near; lblSecondary.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; lblSecondary.Font = Theme.Current.ListSecondaryFont; lblSecondary.ForeColor = Theme.Current.ListSecondaryForeColor; Controls.Add(lblSecondary); image = new FluidButton("", 2, 3, 16, 16); image.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; image.BackColor = Color.Transparent; image.Shape = ButtonShape.Flat; //image.Image = Resources.Folder; image.Enabled = false; Controls.Add(image); }
void navigation_BeginTransition(object sender, ChangedEventArgs <int> e) { inTransition = true; int index = e.NewValue; transitionTabItem = pages[e.NewValue]; string title = Title; header.AnimLabel.Text = back ? title : transitionTabItem.Title; Title = back ? transitionTabItem.Title : title; #if SUPPORT_ALPHA ButtonGroup bg = EnsureAnimButtons(); bg.BeginInit(); bg.Buttons.Clear(); foreach (FluidButton b in tabs[index].Buttons) { bg.Buttons.Add(b); } bg.EndInit(); FluidButton back = EnsureAnimBackButton(); back.Alpha = 0; back.Visible = index > 0; back.Text = index > 0 ? tabs[index - 1].Title : ""; bg.Visible = bg.Buttons.Count > 0; bg.Alpha = 0; #endif }
private void ModifyAlpha(int alpha) { foreach (FluidControl c in controls) { FluidButton btn = (FluidButton)c; btn.Alpha = alpha; } }
private FluidButton EnsureAnimBackButton() { if (header.AnimBackButton == null) { FluidButton back = header.BackButton; FluidButton btn = new FluidButton(); btn.Shape = ButtonShape.Back; btn.Visible = false; btn.Font = back.Font; btn.ForeColor = back.ForeColor; btn.BackColor = back.BackColor; header.AnimBackButton = btn; btn.Bounds = header.BackButton.Bounds; animBackButton = btn; } return(animBackButton); }
public TextInputPanel(string labelText, int x, int y, int w, int h) : base(x, y, w, h) { Bounds = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x, y, w, h); lblTitle = new FluidLabel(labelText, 10, 5, w - 20, 30); lblTitle.ForeColor = Color.White; lblTitle.Anchor = AnchorBL; lblTitle.Font = Theme.Current.ModalFont; Controls.Add(lblTitle); txtData = new FluidTextBox("", 10, 25, w - 20, 30); txtData.ForeColor = Color.Black; txtData.Anchor = AnchorBL; txtData.Font = Theme.Current.ModalFont; Controls.Add(txtData); btnOK = new FluidButton("OK", 10, 65, 80, 32); btnOK.BackColor = Color.Green; btnOK.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnOK.Font = Theme.Current.ButtonFont; btnOK.Anchor = AnchorBL; btnOK.Click += new EventHandler(btnOK_click); Controls.Add(btnOK); btnKeyboard = new FluidButton("", 100, 65, 40, 32); btnKeyboard.Image = Resources.keyboard; btnKeyboard.BackColor = Color.White; btnKeyboard.Click += new EventHandler(btnKeyboard_Click); btnKeyboard.Anchor = AnchorBL; Controls.Add(btnKeyboard); btnCancel = new FluidButton("Cancel", 150, 65, 80, 32); btnCancel.BackColor = Color.Red; btnCancel.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnCancel.Anchor = AnchorBL; btnCancel.Click += new EventHandler(btnCancel_click); Controls.Add(btnCancel); modalBackground = new ModalBackground(); modalBackground.ShowMaximized(); Anchor = AnchorAll; Show(); }
void InternalButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { FluidButton btn = (FluidButton)sender; int index = (int)btn.Tag; ButtonType type = GetButtonType(index); if (OnButtonClick(index)) { return; } switch (type) { case ButtonType.Numeric: string chr = btn.Text.Substring(0, 1); OnInsertChar(chr); string text = chr; Text += text; break; case ButtonType.Back: if (Text.Length > 0) { Text = Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1); } break; case ButtonType.Del: Text = ""; break; case ButtonType.Special: OnSpecialKeyClick(); break; case ButtonType.Enter: OnEnter(); break; } }
protected override void InitControl() { base.InitControl(); Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, 100); BackColor = Color.Black; ForeColor = Color.White; GradientFill = true; GradientFillOffset = 24; EnableDoubleBuffer = true; FluidButton okBtn = new FluidButton("OK", 8, 68, 100, 24); okBtn.ForeColor = Color.White; okBtn.Anchor = AnchorBL; this.okBtn = okBtn; okBtn.BackColor = Color.Green; okBtn.Click += new EventHandler(okBtn_Click); FluidButton cancelBtn = new FluidButton("Cancel", 240 - 100 - 8, 68, 100, 24); this.cancelBtn = cancelBtn; cancelBtn.ForeColor = Color.White; cancelBtn.Anchor = AnchorBR; cancelBtn.BackColor = Color.Red; cancelBtn.Click += new EventHandler(cancelBtn_Click); Visible = false; FluidLabel textLabel = new FluidLabel("", 4, 12, Width - 8, 68 - 12 - 4); textLabel.Format.FormatFlags = 0; textLabel.Anchor = AnchorAll; textLabel.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; textLabel.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; this.textLabel = textLabel; Controls.Add(textLabel); Controls.Add(okBtn); Controls.Add(cancelBtn); }
protected override void InitControl() { base.InitControl(); Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, 300); BackColor = Color.Green; Anchor = AnchorAll; const int h = 32; lsbFolders.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, h, 240, 300 - h); lsbFolders.Anchor = AnchorAll; header.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, h); header.Anchor = AnchorTLR; header.Title = "/"; header.BackColor = Theme.Current.HeaderBackColor; header.ForeColor = Theme.Current.HeaderForeColor; header.GradientFill = Theme.Current.HeaderGradianted; header.BackButton.Click += new EventHandler(BackButton_Click); header.BackButton.BackColor = Theme.Current.HeaderBackButtonBackColor; header.BackButton.Visible = true; header.BackButton.Text = "Back"; header.BackButton.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; FluidButton addFolderButton = new FluidButton("Add"); addFolderButton.Click += new EventHandler(addFolderButton_Click); addFolderButton.BackColor = Theme.Current.HeaderSecondaryButtonBackColor; addFolderButton.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; header.Buttons.Add(addFolderButton); lsbFolders.FolderSelected += new EventHandler(lsbFolders_FolderSelected); Controls.Add(header); Controls.Add(lsbFolders); CurrentDir = new DirectoryInfo("/"); lsbFolders.Folders = MakeDirList(CurrentDir.GetDirectories()); }
void PaintInternalButtonText(object sender, FluidPaintEventArgs e) { FluidButton btn = (FluidButton)sender; string text = btn.Text; if (text.Length > 0) { Brush brush = IsDown ? downTextbrush : textBrush; string bigText = text.Substring(0, 1); string smallText = text.Substring(1); Graphics g = e.Graphics; Rectangle r = e.ControlBounds; if (IsDown) { r.Offset(ScaleX(1), ScaleY(1)); } stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; SizeF bigSize = g.MeasureString(bigText, bigFont); float smallWidth = string.IsNullOrEmpty(smallText) ? 0f : e.ScaleFactor.Width * 5f + g.MeasureString(smallText, smallFont).Width; int dw = (int)((btn.Width - smallWidth) / 2f); //int dh = (int)((btn.Height - bigSize.Height) / 2f); int dh = (int)(2f * e.ScaleFactor.Width); r.Inflate(-dw, -dh); RectangleF rf = RectFFromRect(r); g.DrawString(bigText, bigFont, brush, rf, stringFormat); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smallText)) { float width = bigSize.Width + 4f * e.ScaleFactor.Width; rf.X += width; g.DrawString(smallText, smallFont, brush, rf, stringFormat); } } }
private FluidButton EnsureAnimBackButton() { if (header.AnimBackButton == null) { FluidButton back = header.BackButton; FluidButton btn = new FluidButton(); btn.Shape = ButtonShape.Back; btn.Visible = false; btn.Font = back.Font; btn.ForeColor = back.ForeColor; btn.BackColor = back.BackColor; header.AnimBackButton = btn; btn.Bounds = header.BackButton.Bounds; animBackButton = btn; } return animBackButton; }
public void ShowSelectButton(string buttonText) { selectButton = new FluidButton(string.IsNullOrEmpty(buttonText) ? "Select" : buttonText); selectButton.Click += new EventHandler(selectButton_Click); selectButton.BackColor = Theme.Current.HeaderSecondaryButtonBackColor; selectButton.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; header.Buttons.Add(selectButton); }
protected override void InitControl() { Theme theme = Theme.Current; base.InitControl(); Bounds = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 240, ButtonHeight + LabelHeight); BackColor = theme.ButtonsBackColor; GradientFill = false; buttons[0] = btn1 = new FluidButton("", Space, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[1] = btn2 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 1, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[2] = btn3 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 2, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[3] = btn4 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 3, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[4] = btn5 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 4, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); //Camera buttons[0].Image =; //New Folder buttons[1].Image = Resources.folder_add; //Delete Folder buttons[2].Image = Resources.folder_delete; //Paste buttons[3].Image = Resources.page_paste; //Back buttons[4].Image = Resources.application_side_contract; btn1.Command = "A"; btn2.Command = "B"; btn3.Command = "C"; btn4.Command = "D"; btn5.Command = "E"; foreach (FluidButton b in buttons) { b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; b.Shape = ButtonShape.Flat; b.BackColor = theme.ButtonsButtonBackColor; b.ForeColor = Color.White; b.PressedBackColor = Color.LightGray; } Controls.Add(btn1); Controls.Add(btn2); Controls.Add(btn3); Controls.Add(btn4); Controls.Add(btn5); //now add the labels var labelFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 7, FontStyle.Regular); label1 = new FluidLabel("Camera", Space, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth, LabelHeight); label1.Font = labelFont; label2 = new FluidLabel("New", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 1 + 6, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth - 2, LabelHeight + 1); label2.Font = labelFont; label3 = new FluidLabel("Delete", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 2 + 2, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth, LabelHeight + 1); label3.Font = labelFont; label4 = new FluidLabel("Paste", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 3 + 4, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth - 3, LabelHeight + 1); label4.Font = labelFont; label5 = new FluidLabel("Back", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 4 + 8, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth - 6, LabelHeight + 1); label5.Font = labelFont; Controls.Add(label1); Controls.Add(label2); Controls.Add(label3); Controls.Add(label4); Controls.Add(label5); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a button to the group. /// </summary> /// <param name="button">The Button to add.</param> public void Add(FluidButton button) { buttons.Add(button); }
protected override void InitControl() { base.InitControl(); backButton = defaultBackButton; Anchor = AnchorTLR; if (Bounds.Size.IsEmpty) bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, 32); ForeColor = Color.White; // Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, 28); rightButtons.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 6f, FontStyle.Regular); Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 10f, FontStyle.Bold); BackColor = Color.SlateGray; int h = Height - 8; backButton.Visible = false; backButton.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 6f, FontStyle.Regular); backButton.Bounds = new Rectangle(2, 4, 48, h); backButton.Shape = ButtonShape.Back; backButton.Anchor = AnchorLTB; backButton.BackColor = ColorConverter.OpaqueColor(Color.SlateGray); rightButtons.Bounds = new Rectangle(Width - 60 - 4, 4, 60, h); rightButtons.Anchor = AnchorRTB; titleLabel.Anchor |= AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Top; titleLabel.ForeColor = Color.Empty; titleLabel.ShadowColor = Color.Black; titleLabel.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; titleLabel.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; rightButtons.ButtonsChanged += new EventHandler(rightButtons_ButtonsChanged); rightButtons.Visible = false; // InitTitleBounds(); titleLabel.bounds = ClientRectangle; controls.Add(titleLabel); controls.Add(backButton); controls.Add(rightButtons); }
protected override void InitControl() { Theme theme = Theme.Current; base.InitControl(); Bounds = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 240, ButtonHeight + LabelHeight); BackColor = theme.ButtonsBackColor; GradientFill = false; buttons[0] = btn1 = new FluidButton("", Space, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[1] = btn2 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 1, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[2] = btn3 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 2, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[3] = btn4 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 3, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); buttons[4] = btn5 = new FluidButton("", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 4, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); //Sync Button buttons[0].Image = Resources.arrow_refresh; //Browse Dropbox Button buttons[1].Image = Resources.brick_go; //Settings Button buttons[2].Image = Resources.cog; //Info Button buttons[3].Image = Resources.information; //Info Button buttons[4].Image = Resources.door_in; btn1.Command = "A"; btn2.Command = "B"; btn3.Command = "C"; btn4.Command = "D"; btn5.Command = "E"; foreach (FluidButton b in buttons) { b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; b.Shape = ButtonShape.Flat; b.BackColor = theme.ButtonsButtonBackColor; b.ForeColor = Color.White; b.PressedBackColor = Color.LightGray; } Controls.Add(btn1); Controls.Add(btn2); Controls.Add(btn3); Controls.Add(btn4); Controls.Add(btn5); //now add the labels var labelFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 7, FontStyle.Regular); label1 = new FluidLabel("Sync", Space + 8, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth - 6, LabelHeight); label1.Font = labelFont; label2 = new FluidLabel("Dropbox", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 1 - 1, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth + 2, LabelHeight + 1); label2.Font = labelFont; label3 = new FluidLabel("Settings", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 2, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth, LabelHeight + 1); label3.Font = labelFont; label4 = new FluidLabel("Info", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 3 + 8, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth - 6, LabelHeight + 1); label4.Font = labelFont; label5 = new FluidLabel("Exit", Space + (Space + ButtonWidth) * 4 + 8, ButtonHeight - 2, ButtonWidth - 6, LabelHeight + 1); label5.Font = labelFont; Controls.Add(label1); Controls.Add(label2); Controls.Add(label3); Controls.Add(label4); Controls.Add(label5); }
public void Add(FluidButton button) { buttons.Add(button); }
protected override void InitControl() { base.InitControl(); EnableDoubleBuffer = true; Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, 300); this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(33, 124, 197); this.PaintBackground += new EventHandler<FluidPaintEventArgs>(login_Paint); txtEmail = AddTextLabel("Email", 35, ref lblEmail, true); txtPassword = AddTextLabel("Password", 90, ref lblPassword, true); txtPassword.PasswordChar = '*'; txtEmail.GotFocus += new EventHandler(passwordTextBox_GotFocus); txtPassword.GotFocus += new EventHandler(passwordTextBox_GotFocus); btnRemember = new FluidButton("", 12, 150, 20, 20); btnRemember.BackColor = Color.White; btnRemember.PressedBackColor = Color.White; btnRemember.Image = null; btnRemember.Click += new EventHandler(btnRemember_Click); Controls.Add(btnRemember); lblRemember = new FluidLabel("Remember me?", 38, 150, 120, 20); lblRemember.Click += new EventHandler(btnRemember_Click); lblRemember.ForeColor = Color.Black; lblRemember.ShadowColor = Color.White; lblRemember.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(lblRemember); btnLogin = new FluidButton("Login", 10, this.Height - 35, 80, 32); btnLogin.BackColor = Color.Green; btnLogin.Click += new EventHandler(btnLogin_Click); btnLogin.ForeColor = Color.Black; btnLogin.Anchor = AnchorBL; btnLogin.Font = Theme.Current.ButtonFont; Controls.Add(btnLogin); btnKeyboard = new FluidButton("", 100, this.Height - 35, 40, 32); btnKeyboard.Image = Resources.keyboard; btnKeyboard.BackColor = Color.White; btnKeyboard.Click += new EventHandler(btnKeyboard_Click); btnKeyboard.Anchor = AnchorBL; btnKeyboard.ShadowColor = Color.Black; Controls.Add(btnKeyboard); btnExit = new FluidButton("Exit", 150, this.Height - 35, 80, 32); btnExit.BackColor = Color.Red; btnExit.Click += new EventHandler(btnExit_Click); btnExit.ForeColor = Color.Black; btnExit.Anchor = AnchorBL; btnExit.Font = Theme.Current.ButtonFont; Controls.Add(btnExit); if (Settings.Instance != null) { if (Settings.Instance.RememberMe) { ////not too sure what to do here... //txtEmail.Text = Settings.Instance.UserEmail; //txtPassword.Text = Settings.Instance.UserPassword; rememberMe = true; btnRemember.Image = Resources.accept; } } }
protected override void InitControl() { base.InitControl(); EnableDoubleBuffer = true; Anchor = AnchorAll; Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 240, 300); BackColor = Theme.Current.PanelBackColor; GradientFill = Theme.Current.PanelGradinated; header.Title = "Settings"; header.BackColor = Theme.Current.HeaderBackColor; header.ForeColor = Theme.Current.HeaderForeColor; header.GradientFill = Theme.Current.HeaderGradianted; header.BackButton.Click += new EventHandler(BackButton_Click); header.BackButton.BackColor = Theme.Current.HeaderBackButtonBackColor; header.BackButton.ForeColor = Theme.Current.HeaderBackButtonForeColor; header.BackButton.Visible = true; header.BackButton.Shape = ButtonShape.Back; header.BackButton.TextOffset = new Point(6, 0); header.BackButton.Text = "Back"; header.BackButton.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; Controls.Add(header); //Add the controls to the panel here... var lblLogin = new FluidLabel("Login", 10, 30, 60, 30); lblLogin.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(lblLogin); var lblForgetMe = new FluidLabel("Clear Login Details: ", 10, 55, 100, 25); lblForgetMe.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 8, FontStyle.Regular); Controls.Add(lblForgetMe); var btnForgetMe = new FluidButton("Forget Me", 110, 50, 60, 25); btnForgetMe.BackColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonBackColor; btnForgetMe.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnForgetMe.ForeColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonForeColor; btnForgetMe.Click += new EventHandler(btnForgetMe_Click); btnForgetMe.Font = Theme.Current.ButtonFont; Controls.Add(btnForgetMe); var line1 = new FluidLine(0, 80, Width); line1.Anchor = AnchorLR; Controls.Add(line1); var lblSync = new FluidLabel("Syncing", 10, 80, 80, 30); lblSync.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(lblSync); //File Size var lblFileSize = new FluidLabel("Max File Size: ", 10, 105, 80, 25); lblFileSize.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 8, FontStyle.Regular); Controls.Add(lblFileSize); lblFileSizeVal = new FluidLabel(string.Empty, 80, 102, 60, 25); lblFileSizeVal.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(lblFileSizeVal); ResetLabelSize(); var btnSizeDown = new FluidButton("-", 140, 97, 24, 24); btnSizeDown.BackColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonBackColor; btnSizeDown.ForeColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonForeColor; btnSizeDown.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnSizeDown.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); btnSizeDown.Click += new EventHandler(btnSizeDown_Click); Controls.Add(btnSizeDown); var btnSizeUp = new FluidButton("+", 170, 97, 24, 24); btnSizeUp.BackColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonBackColor; btnSizeUp.ForeColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonForeColor; btnSizeUp.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnSizeUp.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); btnSizeUp.Click += new EventHandler(btnSizeUp_Click); Controls.Add(btnSizeUp); var line2 = new FluidLine(0, 125, Width); line2.Anchor = AnchorLR; Controls.Add(line2); var lblMisc = new FluidLabel("Misc", 10, 125, 80, 30); lblMisc.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(lblMisc); //Camera Res var lblCameraRes = new FluidLabel("Camera Res: ", 10, 145, 80, 25); lblCameraRes.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 8, FontStyle.Regular); Controls.Add(lblCameraRes); lblCameraVal = new FluidLabel(string.Empty, 80, 142, 60, 25); lblCameraVal.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(lblCameraVal); ResetLabelCamera(); var btnCameraDown = new FluidButton("-", 140, 137, 24, 24); btnCameraDown.BackColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonBackColor; btnCameraDown.ForeColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonForeColor; btnCameraDown.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnCameraDown.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); btnCameraDown.Click += new EventHandler(btnCameraDown_Click); Controls.Add(btnCameraDown); var btnCameraUp = new FluidButton("+", 170, 137, 24, 24); btnCameraUp.BackColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonBackColor; btnCameraUp.ForeColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonForeColor; btnCameraUp.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnCameraUp.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); btnCameraUp.Click += new EventHandler(btnCameraUp_Click); Controls.Add(btnCameraUp); //Theme var lblTheme = new FluidLabel("Theme: ", 10, 175, 80, 25); lblTheme.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 8, FontStyle.Regular); Controls.Add(lblTheme); lblThemeVal = new FluidLabel(string.Empty, 80, 172, 60, 25); lblThemeVal.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(lblThemeVal); ResetLabelTheme(); var btnThemeDown = new FluidButton("-", 140, 167, 24, 24); btnThemeDown.BackColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonBackColor; btnThemeDown.ForeColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonForeColor; btnThemeDown.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnThemeDown.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); btnThemeDown.Click += new EventHandler(btnThemeDown_Click); Controls.Add(btnThemeDown); var btnThemeUp = new FluidButton("+", 170, 167, 24, 24); btnThemeUp.BackColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonBackColor; btnThemeUp.ForeColor = Theme.Current.SettingsButtonForeColor; btnThemeUp.GradientFill = Theme.Current.ButtonsGradianted; btnThemeUp.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); btnThemeUp.Click += new EventHandler(btnThemeUp_Click); Controls.Add(btnThemeUp); }