public Trigger_Threshold( ManagerJob_Hunting job ) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; Count = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( Utilities_Hunting.RawMeat, true ); }
public Trigger_Threshold(ManagerJob_Hunting job) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; TargetCount = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); // limit selection to food only. ParentFilter = new ThingFilter(); ParentFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ParentFilter.SetAllow(Utilities_Hunting.FoodRaw, true); }
public void DoContent(Rect rect) { // layout: settings | animals // draw background Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); // some variables float width = rect.width; float height = rect.height - _topAreaHeight - _button.y - _margin; var cols = 2; float colWidth = width / cols - _margin; var colRects = new List <Rect>(); var colTitleRects = new List <Rect>(); var buttonRect = new Rect(rect.width - _button.x, rect.height - _button.y, _button.x - _margin, _button.y - _margin); // set up rects for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { colRects.Add(new Rect(j * colWidth + j * _margin + _margin / 2, _topAreaHeight, colWidth, height)); colTitleRects.Add(new Rect(j * colWidth + j * _margin + _margin / 2, 0f, colWidth, _topAreaHeight)); } // keep track of location Vector2 cur =; // begin window GUI.BeginGroup(rect); // settings. Utilities.Label(colTitleRects[0], "FMH.Options".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.LowerLeft, lrMargin: _margin * 2, font: GameFont.Tiny); GUI.DrawTexture(colRects[0], Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); GUI.BeginGroup(colRects[0]); // target count (1) int currentCount = _selected.Trigger.CurCount; int corpseCount = _selected.GetMeatInCorpses(); int designatedCount = _selected.GetMeatInDesignations(); int targetCount = _selected.Trigger.Count; _selected.Trigger.DrawTriggerConfig(ref cur, colWidth, _entryHeight, true, "FMH.TargetCount".Translate(currentCount, corpseCount, designatedCount, targetCount), "FMH.TargetCountTooltip".Translate(currentCount, corpseCount, designatedCount, targetCount)); // allow human meat (2) var humanMeatRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight); Utilities.DrawToggle(humanMeatRect, "FMH.AllowHumanMeat".Translate(), _selected.Trigger.ThresholdFilter.Allows(Utilities_Hunting.HumanMeat), delegate { _selected.AllowHumanLikeMeat(true); }, delegate { _selected.AllowHumanLikeMeat(false); }); cur.y += _entryHeight; // unforbid corpses (3) var ufCorpseRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight); Widgets.DrawAltRect(ufCorpseRect); Utilities.DrawToggle(ufCorpseRect, "FMH.UnforbidCorpses".Translate(), ref _selected.UnforbidCorpses); cur.y += _entryHeight; // hunting grounds (4) var huntingGroundsTitleRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, colWidth - 2 * _margin, _entryHeight); Utilities.Label(huntingGroundsTitleRect, "FMH.HuntingGrounds".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, lrMargin: _margin); cur.y += _entryHeight; var huntingGroundsRect = new Rect(cur.x + _margin, cur.y, colWidth - 2 * _margin, _entryHeight); AreaAllowedGUI.DoAllowedAreaSelectors(huntingGroundsRect, ref _selected.HuntingGrounds, manager, AllowedAreaMode.Humanlike); cur.y += _entryHeight; GUI.EndGroup(); // animals. Utilities.Label(colTitleRects[1], "FMH.Animals".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.LowerLeft, lrMargin: _margin * 2, font: GameFont.Tiny); GUI.DrawTexture(colRects[1], Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); GUI.BeginGroup(colRects[1]); cur =; Rect outRect = colRects[1].AtZero().ContractedBy(1f); var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, outRect.width, _selected.AllowedAnimals.Count * _entryHeight); if (viewRect.height > outRect.height) { viewRect.width -= 16f; } // start scrolling view Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref _animalsScrollPosition, viewRect); // list of keys in allowed animals list (all animals in biome, static) var PawnKinds = new List <PawnKindDef>(_selected.AllowedAnimals.Keys); // toggle all var toggleAllRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight); Widgets.DrawAltRect(toggleAllRect); Dictionary <PawnKindDef, bool> .ValueCollection test = _selected.AllowedAnimals.Values; Utilities.DrawToggle(toggleAllRect, "<i>" + "FM.All".Translate() + "</i>", _selected.AllowedAnimals.Values.All(v => v), delegate { foreach ( PawnKindDef def in PawnKinds) { _selected.AllowedAnimals[ def ] = true; } }, delegate { foreach ( PawnKindDef def in PawnKinds) { _selected .AllowedAnimals[ def ] = false; } }); cur.y += _entryHeight; // toggle for each animal var i = 1; foreach (PawnKindDef kind in PawnKinds) { var toggleRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight); // highlight alternate rows if (i++ % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(toggleRect); } // draw the toggle Utilities.DrawToggle(toggleRect, kind.LabelCap, _selected.AllowedAnimals[kind], delegate { _selected.AllowedAnimals[kind] = !_selected.AllowedAnimals[kind]; }); // update current position cur.y += _entryHeight; } // close scrolling view Widgets.EndScrollView(); // close animal list GUI.EndGroup(); // do the button if (!_selected.Managed) { if (Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "FM.Manage".Translate())) { // activate job, add it to the stack _selected.Managed = true; Manager.For(manager).JobStack.Add(_selected); // refresh source list Refresh(); } } else { if (Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "FM.Delete".Translate())) { // inactivate job, remove from the stack. Manager.For(manager).JobStack.Delete(_selected); // remove content from UI _selected = null; // refresh source list Refresh(); } } // close window GUI.EndGroup(); }
public ManagerTab_Hunting(Manager manager) : base(manager) { _selected = new ManagerJob_Hunting(manager); }
public void DoLeftRow(Rect rect) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); // content float height = _leftRowHeight; var scrollView = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width, height); if (height > rect.height) { scrollView.width -= 16f; } Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref _scrollPosition, scrollView); Rect scrollContent = scrollView; GUI.BeginGroup(scrollContent); Vector2 cur =; var i = 0; foreach (ManagerJob_Hunting job in Jobs) { var row = new Rect(0f, cur.y, scrollContent.width, Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); if (_selected == job) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(row); } if (i++ % 2 == 1) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(row); } Rect jobRect = row; if (ManagerTab_Overview.DrawOrderButtons(new Rect(row.xMax - 50f, row.yMin, 50f, 50f), manager, job)) { Refresh(); } jobRect.width -= 50f; job.DrawListEntry(jobRect, false, true); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(jobRect)) { _selected = job; } cur.y += Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight; } // row for new job. var newRect = new Rect(0f, cur.y, scrollContent.width, Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(newRect); if (i++ % 2 == 1) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(newRect); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(newRect, "<" + "FMH.NewHuntingJob".Translate() + ">"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(newRect)) { Selected = new ManagerJob_Hunting(manager); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(newRect, "FMH.NewHuntingJobTooltip".Translate()); cur.y += Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight; _leftRowHeight = cur.y; GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public void DoContent(Rect rect) { // layout: settings | animals // draw background Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); // rects var optionsColumnRect = new Rect( rect.xMin, rect.yMin, rect.width * 3 / 5f, rect.height - Margin - ButtonSize.y); var animalsColumnRect = new Rect( optionsColumnRect.xMax, rect.yMin, rect.width * 2 / 5f, rect.height - Margin - ButtonSize.y); var buttonRect = new Rect( rect.xMax - ButtonSize.x, rect.yMax - ButtonSize.y, ButtonSize.x - Margin, ButtonSize.y - Margin); Vector2 position; float width; // options Widgets_Section.BeginSectionColumn(optionsColumnRect, "Hunting.Options", out position, out width); Widgets_Section.Section(ref position, width, DrawThresholdSettings, "FM.Threshold".Translate()); Widgets_Section.Section(ref position, width, DrawUnforbidCorpses); Widgets_Section.Section(ref position, width, DrawHuntingGrounds, "FM.Hunting.AreaRestriction".Translate()); Widgets_Section.EndSectionColumn("Hunting.Options", position); // animals Widgets_Section.BeginSectionColumn(animalsColumnRect, "Hunting.Animals", out position, out width); var refreshRect = new Rect( position.x + width - SmallIconSize - 2 * Margin, position.y + Margin, SmallIconSize, SmallIconSize); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(refreshRect, Resources.Refresh, Color.grey)) { _selected.RefreshAllowedAnimals(); } Widgets_Section.Section(ref position, width, DrawAnimalShortcuts, "FMH.Animals".Translate()); Widgets_Section.Section(ref position, width, DrawAnimalList); Widgets_Section.EndSectionColumn("Hunting.Animals", position); // do the button if (!_selected.Managed) { if (Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "FM.Manage".Translate())) { // activate job, add it to the stack _selected.Managed = true; Manager.For(manager).JobStack.Add(_selected); // refresh source list Refresh(); } } else { if (Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "FM.Delete".Translate())) { // inactivate job, remove from the stack. Manager.For(manager).JobStack.Delete(_selected); // remove content from UI _selected = null; // refresh source list Refresh(); } } }
public void DoContent( Rect rect ) { // layout: settings | animals // draw background Widgets.DrawMenuSection( rect ); // some variables float width = rect.width; float height = rect.height - _topAreaHeight - _button.y - _margin; int cols = 2; float colWidth = width / cols - _margin; List<Rect> colRects = new List<Rect>(); List<Rect> colTitleRects = new List<Rect>(); Rect buttonRect = new Rect( rect.width - _button.x, rect.height - _button.y, _button.x - _margin, _button.y - _margin ); // set up rects for ( int j = 0; j < cols; j++ ) { colRects.Add( new Rect( j * colWidth + j * _margin + _margin / 2, _topAreaHeight, colWidth, height ) ); colTitleRects.Add( new Rect( j * colWidth + j * _margin + _margin / 2, 0f, colWidth, _topAreaHeight ) ); } // keep track of location Vector2 cur; // begin window GUI.BeginGroup( rect ); // settings. Utilities.Label( colTitleRects[0], "FMH.Options".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.LowerLeft, lrMargin: _margin * 2, font: GameFont.Tiny ); GUI.DrawTexture( colRects[0], Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground ); GUI.BeginGroup( colRects[0] ); cur =; // target count (1) Rect targetCountTitleRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight ); int currentCount = _selected.Trigger.CurCount; int corpseCount = _selected.GetMeatInCorpses(); int designatedCount = _selected.GetMeatInDesignations(); int targetCount = _selected.Trigger.Count; Utilities.Label( targetCountTitleRect, "FMH.TargetCount".Translate( currentCount, corpseCount, designatedCount, targetCount ), "FMH.TargetCountTooltip".Translate( currentCount, corpseCount, designatedCount, targetCount ), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, _margin ); Widgets.DrawAltRect( targetCountTitleRect ); cur.y += _entryHeight; Rect targetCountRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, Utilities.SliderHeight ); Widgets.DrawAltRect( targetCountRect ); _selected.Trigger.Count = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider( targetCountRect, _selected.Trigger.Count, 0, 2000 ); cur.y += Utilities.SliderHeight; // allow human meat (2) Rect humanMeatRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight ); Utilities.DrawToggle( humanMeatRect, "FMH.AllowHumanMeat".Translate(), _selected.Trigger.ThresholdFilter.Allows( Utilities_Hunting.HumanMeat ), delegate { _selected.AllowHumanLikeMeat( true ); }, delegate { _selected.AllowHumanLikeMeat( false ); } ); cur.y += _entryHeight; // unforbid corpses (3) Rect ufCorpseRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight ); Widgets.DrawAltRect( ufCorpseRect ); Utilities.DrawToggle( ufCorpseRect, "FMH.UnforbidCorpses".Translate(), ref _selected.UnforbidCorpses ); cur.y += _entryHeight; // hunting grounds (4) Rect huntingGroundsTitleRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colWidth - 2 * _margin, _entryHeight ); Utilities.Label( huntingGroundsTitleRect, "FMH.HuntingGrounds".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, lrMargin: _margin ); cur.y += _entryHeight; Rect huntingGroundsRect = new Rect( cur.x + _margin, cur.y, colWidth - 2 * _margin, _entryHeight ); AreaAllowedGUI.DoAllowedAreaSelectors( huntingGroundsRect, ref _selected.HuntingGrounds, AllowedAreaMode.Humanlike ); cur.y += _entryHeight; GUI.EndGroup(); // animals. Utilities.Label( colTitleRects[1], "FMH.Animals".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.LowerLeft, lrMargin: _margin * 2, font: GameFont.Tiny ); GUI.DrawTexture( colRects[1], Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground ); GUI.BeginGroup( colRects[1] ); cur =; Rect outRect = colRects[1].AtZero().ContractedBy( 1f ); Rect viewRect = new Rect( 0f, 0f, outRect.width, _selected.AllowedAnimals.Count * _entryHeight ); if ( viewRect.height > outRect.height ) { viewRect.width -= 16f; } // start scrolling view Widgets.BeginScrollView( outRect, ref _animalsScrollPosition, viewRect ); // list of keys in allowed animals list (all animals in biome, static) List<PawnKindDef> PawnKinds = new List<PawnKindDef>( _selected.AllowedAnimals.Keys ); // toggle all Rect toggleAllRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight ); Widgets.DrawAltRect( toggleAllRect ); Dictionary<PawnKindDef, bool>.ValueCollection test = _selected.AllowedAnimals.Values; Utilities.DrawToggle( toggleAllRect, "<i>" + "FM.All".Translate() + "</i>", _selected.AllowedAnimals.Values.All( v => v ), delegate { foreach ( PawnKindDef def in PawnKinds ) { _selected.AllowedAnimals[def] = true; } }, delegate { foreach ( PawnKindDef def in PawnKinds ) { _selected.AllowedAnimals[def] = false; } } ); cur.y += _entryHeight; // toggle for each animal int i = 1; foreach ( PawnKindDef kind in PawnKinds ) { Rect toggleRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colWidth, _entryHeight ); // highlight alternate rows if ( i++ % 2 == 0 ) { Widgets.DrawAltRect( toggleRect ); } // draw the toggle Utilities.DrawToggle( toggleRect, kind.LabelCap, _selected.AllowedAnimals[kind], delegate { _selected.AllowedAnimals[kind] = !_selected.AllowedAnimals[kind]; } ); // update current position cur.y += _entryHeight; } // close scrolling view Widgets.EndScrollView(); // close animal list GUI.EndGroup(); // do the button if ( !_selected.Managed ) { if ( Widgets.TextButton( buttonRect, "FM.Manage".Translate() ) ) { // activate job, add it to the stack _selected.Managed = true; Manager.Get.JobStack.Add( _selected ); // refresh source list Refresh(); } } else { if ( Widgets.TextButton( buttonRect, "FM.Delete".Translate() ) ) { // inactivate job, remove from the stack. Manager.Get.JobStack.Delete( _selected ); // remove content from UI _selected = null; // refresh source list Refresh(); } } // close window GUI.EndGroup(); }
public void DoLeftRow( Rect rect ) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection( rect ); // content float height = _leftRowHeight; Rect scrollView = new Rect( 0f, 0f, rect.width, height ); if ( height > rect.height ) { scrollView.width -= 16f; } Widgets.BeginScrollView( rect, ref _scrollPosition, scrollView ); Rect scrollContent = scrollView; GUI.BeginGroup( scrollContent ); Vector2 cur =; int i = 0; foreach ( ManagerJob_Hunting job in Jobs ) { Rect row = new Rect( 0f, cur.y, scrollContent.width, Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight ); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover( row ); if ( _selected == job ) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected( row ); } if ( i++ % 2 == 1 ) { Widgets.DrawAltRect( row ); } Rect jobRect = row; if ( ManagerTab_Overview.DrawOrderButtons( new Rect( row.xMax - 50f, row.yMin, 50f, 50f ), job ) ) { Refresh(); } jobRect.width -= 50f; job.DrawListEntry( jobRect, false, true ); if ( Widgets.InvisibleButton( jobRect ) ) { _selected = job; } cur.y += Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight; } // row for new job. Rect newRect = new Rect( 0f, cur.y, scrollContent.width, Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight ); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover( newRect ); if ( i++ % 2 == 1 ) { Widgets.DrawAltRect( newRect ); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label( newRect, "<" + "FMH.NewHuntingJob".Translate() + ">" ); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if ( Widgets.InvisibleButton( newRect ) ) { Selected = new ManagerJob_Hunting(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion( newRect, "FMH.NewHuntingJobTooltip".Translate() ); cur.y += Utilities.LargeListEntryHeight; _leftRowHeight = cur.y; GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public ManagerTab_Hunting( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { _selected = new ManagerJob_Hunting( manager ); }