private static void WriteDeleteView(SchemaMigrationContext context, ViewDefinition view, StreamWriter output)
            if ( context.FromDatabaseType == DatabaseType.SqlServer)
            output.WriteLine("\t\t\tExecute.WithDatabaseType(DatabaseType.SqlServer).Sql(\"DROP VIEW [{0}].[{1}]\");", view.SchemaName, view.Name);
            output.WriteLine("\t\t\tExecute.WithDatabaseType(DatabaseType.{0}).Sql(\"DROP VIEW {1}\");", context.FromDatabaseType, view.Name);

             foreach (var databaseType in context.GenerateAlternateMigrationsFor)
            output.WriteLine("\t\t\tExecute.WithDatabaseType(DatabaseType.{0}).Sql(\"DROP VIEW {1}\");", databaseType, view.Name);
        public virtual IList<ViewDefinition> ReadViews()
            string query = @"select  OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(v.[object_id],DB_ID()) AS [Schema], AS [View], sc.text As [Sql]
            FROM sys.views v
            INNER JOIN syscomments sc ON v.[object_id] = sc.[id]
            ORDER BY, sc.colid
               var ds = Read(query);
               var dt = ds.Tables[0];
               IList<ViewDefinition> views = new List<ViewDefinition>();

               foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
              var matches = (from t in views
                                               where t.Name == dr["View"].ToString()
                                               && t.SchemaName == dr["Schema"].ToString()
                                               select t).ToList();

              ViewDefinition viewDefinition = null;
              if (matches.Count > 0) viewDefinition = matches[0];

              // create the view if not found
              if (viewDefinition == null)
                 viewDefinition = new ViewDefinition()
                    Name = dr["View"].ToString(),
                    SchemaName = dr["Schema"].ToString()
                 viewDefinition.CreateViewSql = dr["Sql"].ToString();
                 // Append the sql as the create sql statement may span more than one row
                 viewDefinition.CreateViewSql += dr["Sql"];


               return views;
        public void CanMigrateTableAndView()
            // Arrange
             var create = new CreateTableExpression
            TableName = "Foo",
            Columns = new[]{
                   new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Id", Type = DbType.Int32 }

             var view = new ViewDefinition {Name = "FooView", CreateViewSql = "CREATE VIEW FooView AS SELECT * FROM Foo"};

             // Act
             MigrateToOracle(create, view, 2);

             // Assert
        public void CanMigrateTableAndExcludeView()
            // Arrange

             var create = new CreateTableExpression
            TableName = "Foo",
            Columns = new[]{
                   new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Id", Type = DbType.Int32 }

             var view = new ViewDefinition {Name = "FooView", CreateViewSql = "CREATE VIEW FooView AS SELECT * FROM Foo"};

             var context = GetDefaultContext();

             // Act
             MigrateToOracle(create, view, 1, c => c.ExcludeViews.Add("FooView"));

             // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrates a table from SQL Server to Oracle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="create">The table to be created in SQL Server</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view to be created in SQL Server</param>
        /// <param name="expectedMigrations">The expected number of migrations</param>
        /// <param name="contextAction">Delegates that alter the context before the migration is executed</param>
        private void MigrateToOracle(CreateTableExpression create, ViewDefinition view, int expectedMigrations, params Action<SchemaMigrationContext>[] contextAction)
            var context = GetDefaultContext();

             if (contextAction != null)
            foreach (var action in contextAction)


             if (view != null)


             if ( context.ExcludeTables.Contains(create.TableName))

 /// <summary>
 /// Basic implementation of SQL Server to Oracle view using string replace
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">The view to be converted</param>
 /// <returns>The altered CREATE VIEW statement</returns>
 private static string DefaultSqlServerToOracleViewConvertor(ViewDefinition view)
     return view.CreateViewSql
        .Replace("dbo.", "")
        .Replace("[dbo].", "")
        .Replace("[", "\"")
        .Replace("]", "\"")
        .Replace("GETDATE()", "sysdate")
        .Replace("ISNULL", "NVL");
        private void WriteView(SchemaMigrationContext context, ViewDefinition view, StreamWriter output)
            var scriptsDirectory = Path.Combine(context.WorkingDirectory, context.ScriptsDirectory);
             var scriptFile = Path.Combine(scriptsDirectory, string.Format("CreateView{0}_{1}.sql", view.Name, context.FromDatabaseType));
             if ( !File.Exists(scriptFile))
            if (!Directory.Exists(scriptsDirectory))
            File.WriteAllText(scriptFile, view.CreateViewSql);
             output.WriteLine("\t\t\tExecute.WithDatabaseType(DatabaseType.{0}).Script(@\"{1}\");", context.FromDatabaseType, Path.Combine(context.ScriptsDirectory, Path.GetFileName(scriptFile)));

             foreach (var databaseType in context.GenerateAlternateMigrationsFor)
            if (!context.ViewConvertor.ContainsKey(databaseType)) continue;

            var alterternateScriptFile = Path.Combine(scriptsDirectory, string.Format("CreateView{0}_{1}.sql", view.Name, databaseType));
            if (!File.Exists(alterternateScriptFile))
               File.WriteAllText(alterternateScriptFile, context.ViewConvertor[databaseType](view));
            output.WriteLine("\t\t\tExecute.WithDatabaseType(DatabaseType.{0}).Script(@\"{1}\");", databaseType, Path.Combine(context.ScriptsDirectory, Path.GetFileName(alterternateScriptFile)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the Migration Up() and Down()
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context that controls how the column should be generated</param>
 /// <param name="view">the view to generate the migration for</param>
 /// <param name="migration">The migration index to apply</param>
 /// <param name="output">The output stream to append the C# code to</param>
 private void WriteToStream(SchemaMigrationContext context, ViewDefinition view, int migration, StreamWriter output)
     WriteMigration(output, context, migration
     , () => context.MigrationViewClassNamer(migration, view)
     , () => WriteView(context, view, output)
     , () => WriteDeleteView(context, view, output));