public void CaluclatorTest() { string taxFile = "Taxes"; string productFile = "Products"; string testFIle = "testFile"; var saveInput = new List<Order>(); var testOrder = new Order(); var tax = new TaxRepository(); var taxList = tax.LoadTaxesAndStatesFromFile(); }
private void GetStateAndTax(Order newOrder) { var taxloader = new TaxRepository(); List<Tax> taxList = taxloader.LoadTaxesAndStatesFromFile(); int count = 0; bool isNotValidState = true; do { Console.Write("We operate in the following States:\n"); foreach (var tax in taxList) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", tax.State); } Console.WriteLine("\nWhich of these states are you in?: "); string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); foreach (var taxSchedule in taxList) { if (taxSchedule.State == userInput) { count++; newOrder.State = userInput; newOrder.TaxRate = taxSchedule.TaxRate; isNotValidState = false; } } if (count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("You entered:{0}. That is not a valid state! Make sure you abbreviate, i.e.'OH' ", userInput); } } while (isNotValidState); }
public void UpdateOrderInformation(Order selectedOrder) { Console.WriteLine( "To edit the order, enter a new value for each field or leave blank to keep the existing one..."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("First Name ({0})", selectedOrder.Name); //UpdateName method string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput)) selectedOrder.Name = userInput; bool isValidState = false; // UpdateState method do { Console.Write("State ({0})", selectedOrder.State); userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); var taxLoader = new TaxRepository(); List<Tax> taxList = taxLoader.LoadTaxesAndStatesFromFile(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput)&&(taxList.Exists(t=>t.State==userInput))) { isValidState = true; selectedOrder.State = userInput; UpdateTaxRate(selectedOrder); UpdateCosts(selectedOrder); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput)) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid entry for State. We operate in:", userInput); foreach (var tax in taxList) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", tax.State); } } } while (!isValidState); bool isValidProduct = false; //update Product Method do { Console.Write("Product Type ({0})", selectedOrder.ProductType); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); var productLoader = new ProductRespository(); List<Product> productList = productLoader.LoadProductsFromFile(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput) && (productList.Exists(p => p.ProductType.ToUpper() == userInput.ToUpper()))) { isValidProduct = true; selectedOrder.ProductType = userInput; UpdateProductInfo(selectedOrder); UpdateCosts(selectedOrder); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput)) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not in our inventory. We carry the following products: ", userInput); foreach (var product in productList) { Console.WriteLine("{0}",product.ProductType ); } } } while (!isValidProduct); Console.Write("Area - ({0}):", selectedOrder.Area); //updateArea method userInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput)) { bool res; decimal userArea; do { // Console.Write("Area: ({0})", selectedOrder.Area); // userInput = Console.ReadLine(); res = decimal.TryParse(userInput, out userArea); if (!res) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice"); Console.Write("Area - ({0}):", selectedOrder.Area); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); res = decimal.TryParse(userInput, out userArea); } } while (!res); selectedOrder.Area = userArea; UpdateCosts(selectedOrder); } ConfirmAndUpdateOrder(selectedOrder); }
private void UpdateTaxRate(Order selectedOrder) { TaxRepository t = new TaxRepository(); var taxList = t.LoadTaxesAndStatesFromFile(); var res = taxList.Find(p => p.State == selectedOrder.State); //or where instead of find and extra line? selectedOrder.TaxRate = res.TaxRate; //Tax taxObj = res.First(); //selectedOrder.TaxRate = taxObj.TaxRate; }