예제 #1
        internal static void CalcTextBox(IFlxGraphics Canvas, TFontCache FontCache, real Zoom100, RectangleF CellRect, real Clp, bool MultiLine, real Alpha, bool Vertical, TRichString OutText, Font AFont, TAdaptativeFormats AdaptativeFormats, out SizeF TextExtent, out TXRichStringList TextLines, out TFloatList MaxDescent)
            TextExtent = new SizeF(0, 0);
            TextLines  = new TXRichStringList();

            MaxDescent = new TFloatList();
            real MaxTextWidth;

            if (MultiLine || Vertical)
                real Md;
                real TextHeight = RenderMetrics.CalcTextExtent(Canvas, FontCache, Zoom100, AFont, new TRichString("M"), out Md).Height; //not perfect since the rich string might have different fonts, but a good approx.
                MaxTextWidth = CalcMaxTextWidth(ref CellRect, Clp, Alpha, TextHeight);

                RenderMetrics.SplitText(Canvas, FontCache, Zoom100, OutText, AFont, MaxTextWidth, TextLines, out TextExtent, Vertical, MaxDescent, AdaptativeFormats);
                TextLines.Add(new TXRichString(OutText, false, 0, 0, AdaptativeFormats));
                real mdx = 0;
                TextExtent           = RenderMetrics.CalcTextExtent(Canvas, FontCache, Zoom100, AFont, OutText, out mdx);
                TextLines[0].XExtent = TextExtent.Width;
                TextLines[0].YExtent = TextExtent.Height;
                MaxTextWidth         = CalcMaxTextWidth(ref CellRect, Clp, Alpha, TextExtent.Height);

            if (AdaptativeFormats != null && AdaptativeFormats.WildcardPos >= 0)
                MaxTextWidth -= 2 * Clp; //Add some extra clipping so the text doesn't go through the line.
                if (Vertical)
                    AddWildcard(Canvas, FontCache, Zoom100, AFont, MaxTextWidth, TextLines, ref TextExtent);