public void LoadProject(string projectFileName, InitializationWindow initializationWindow = null) { TimeManager.Initialize(); var topSection = Section.GetAndStartContextAndTime("All"); ////////////////// EARLY OUT!!!!!!!!! if (!File.Exists(projectFileName)) { GlueGui.ShowException("Could not find the project " + projectFileName + "\n\nOpening Glue without a project.", "Error Loading Project", null); return; } //////////////////// End EARLY OUT//////////////////////////////// FileWatchManager.PerformFlushing = false; bool closeInitWindow = PrepareInitializationWindow(initializationWindow); // close the project before turning off task processing... ClosePreviousProject(projectFileName); TaskManager.Self.WaitForAllTasksFinished(pumpEvents: true); // turn off task processing while this is loading, so that no background tasks are running while plugins are starting up. // Do this *after* closing previous project, because closing previous project waits for all tasks to finish. TaskManager.Self.IsTaskProcessingEnabled = false; SetInitWindowText("Loading code project"); var result = ProjectCreator.CreateProject(projectFileName); ProjectManager.ProjectBase = result.Project; bool shouldLoad = result.Project != null; if (shouldLoad && result.ShouldTryToLoadProject) { shouldLoad = DetermineIfShouldLoad(projectFileName); } if (shouldLoad) { ProjectManager.ProjectBase.Load(projectFileName); var sln = GlueState.Self.CurrentSlnFileName; if (sln == null) { GlueCommands.Self.PrintError("Could not find .sln file for project - this may cause file reference errors, and may need to be manually fixed"); } SetInitWindowText("Finding Game class"); FileWatchManager.UpdateToProjectDirectory(); FileManager.RelativeDirectory = FileManager.GetDirectory(projectFileName); // this will make other threads work properly: FileManager.DefaultRelativeDirectory = FileManager.RelativeDirectory; ElementViewWindow.AddDirectoryNodes(); #region Load the GlueProjectSave file if one exists string glueProjectFile = ProjectManager.GlueProjectFileName; bool shouldSaveGlux = false; if (!FileManager.FileExists(glueProjectFile)) { ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave = new GlueProjectSave(); // temporary - eventually this will just be done in the .glux itself, or by the plugin // but for now we do it here because we only want to do it on new projects Plugins.EmbeddedPlugins.CameraPlugin.CameraMainPlugin.CreateGlueProjectSettingsFor(ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave); ProjectManager.FindGameClass(); GluxCommands.Self.SaveGlux(); // no need to do this - will do it in PerformLoadGlux: //PluginManager.ReactToLoadedGlux(ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave, glueProjectFile); //shouldSaveGlux = true; //// There's not a lot of code to generate so we can do it on the main thread //// so we get the save to occur after //GlueCommands.Self.GenerateCodeCommands.GenerateAllCodeSync(); //ProjectManager.SaveProjects(); } PerformGluxLoad(projectFileName, glueProjectFile); #endregion SetInitWindowText("Cleaning extra Screens and Entities"); foreach (ScreenTreeNode screenNode in ElementViewWindow.AllScreens) { if (screenNode.SaveObject == null) { ScreenSave screenSave = new ScreenSave(); screenSave.Name = screenNode.Text; ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave.Screens.Add(screenSave); screenNode.SaveObject = screenSave; } } foreach (EntityTreeNode entityNode in ElementViewWindow.AllEntities) { if (entityNode.EntitySave == null) { EntitySave entitySave = new EntitySave(); entitySave.Name = entityNode.Text; entitySave.Tags.Add("GLUE"); entitySave.Source = "GLUE"; ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave.Entities.Add(entitySave); entityNode.EntitySave = entitySave; } } UnreferencedFilesManager.Self.RefreshUnreferencedFiles(true); MainGlueWindow.Self.Text = "FlatRedBall Glue - " + projectFileName; if (shouldSaveGlux) { GluxCommands.Self.SaveGlux(); } TaskManager.Self.AddSync(() => { // Someone may have unloaded the project while it was starting up if (GlueState.Self.CurrentGlueProject != null) { GlueCommands.Self.ProjectCommands.SaveProjects(); } }, "Save all projects after initial load"); FileWatchManager.PerformFlushing = true; FileWatchManager.FlushAndClearIgnores(); } if (closeInitWindow) { mCurrentInitWindow.Close(); } Section.EndContextAndTime(); TaskManager.Self.IsTaskProcessingEnabled = true; // If we ever want to make things go faster, turn this back on and let's see what's going on. //topSection.Save("Sections.xml"); }
public void LoadProject(string projectFileName, InitializationWindow initializationWindow) { TimeManager.Initialize(); var topSection = Section.GetAndStartContextAndTime("All"); ////////////////// EARLY OUT!!!!!!!!! if (!File.Exists(projectFileName)) { GlueGui.ShowException("Could not find the project " + projectFileName + "\n\nOpening Glue without a project.", "Error Loading Project", null); return; } //////////////////// End EARLY OUT//////////////////////////////// FileWatchManager.PerformFlushing = false; bool closeInitWindow = PrepareInitializationWindow(initializationWindow); ClosePreviousProject(projectFileName); SetInitWindowText("Loading code project"); ProjectManager.ProjectBase = ProjectCreator.CreateProject(projectFileName); bool shouldLoad = true; if (ProjectManager.ProjectBase == null) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show( "The project\n\n" + projectFileName + "\n\nis an unknown project type. Would you like more " + "info on how to fix this problem?", "Unknown Project Type", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } shouldLoad = false; } // see if this project references any plugins that aren't installed: var glueFileName = FileManager.RemoveExtension(projectFileName) + ".glux"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(glueFileName)) { try { var tempGlux = GlueProjectSaveExtensions.Load(glueFileName); var requiredPlugins = tempGlux.PluginData.RequiredPlugins; List <string> missingPlugins = new List <string>(); foreach (var requiredPlugin in requiredPlugins) { if (PluginManager.AllPluginContainers.Any(item => item.Name == requiredPlugin) == false) { missingPlugins.Add(requiredPlugin); } } if (missingPlugins.Count != 0) { var message = $"The project {glueFileName} requires the following plugins:"; foreach (var item in missingPlugins) { message += "\n" + item; } message += "\nWould you like to load the project anyway? It may not run, or may run incorrectly until all plugins are installed."; var result = MessageBox.Show(message, "Missing Plugins", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); shouldLoad = result == DialogResult.Yes; } } catch (Exception e) { GlueGui.ShowMessageBox($"Could not load .glux file {glueFileName}. Error:\n\n{e.ToString()}"); shouldLoad = false; } } if (shouldLoad) { ProjectManager.ProjectBase.Load(projectFileName); SetInitWindowText("Finding Game class"); FileWatchManager.UpdateToProjectDirectory(); FileManager.RelativeDirectory = FileManager.GetDirectory(projectFileName); // this will make other threads work properly: FileManager.DefaultRelativeDirectory = FileManager.RelativeDirectory; ElementViewWindow.AddDirectoryNodes(); #region Load the GlueProjectSave file if one exists string glueProjectFile = ProjectManager.GlueProjectFileName; bool shouldSaveGlux = false; if (!FileManager.FileExists(glueProjectFile)) { ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave = new GlueProjectSave(); // temporary - eventually this will just be done in the .glux itself Plugins.EmbeddedPlugins.CameraPlugin.CameraMainPlugin.CreateGlueProjectSettingsFor(ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave); ProjectManager.FindGameClass(); GluxCommands.Self.SaveGlux(); // no need to do this - will do it in PerformLoadGlux: //PluginManager.ReactToLoadedGlux(ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave, glueProjectFile); //shouldSaveGlux = true; //// There's not a lot of code to generate so we can do it on the main thread //// so we get the save to occur after //GlueCommands.Self.GenerateCodeCommands.GenerateAllCodeSync(); //ProjectManager.SaveProjects(); } PerformGluxLoad(projectFileName, glueProjectFile); #endregion SetInitWindowText("Cleaning extra Screens and Entities"); foreach (ScreenTreeNode screenNode in ElementViewWindow.AllScreens) { if (screenNode.ScreenSave == null) { ScreenSave screenSave = new ScreenSave(); screenSave.Name = screenNode.Text; ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave.Screens.Add(screenSave); screenNode.ScreenSave = screenSave; } } foreach (EntityTreeNode entityNode in ElementViewWindow.AllEntities) { if (entityNode.EntitySave == null) { EntitySave entitySave = new EntitySave(); entitySave.Name = entityNode.Text; entitySave.Tags.Add("GLUE"); entitySave.Source = "GLUE"; ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave.Entities.Add(entitySave); entityNode.EntitySave = entitySave; } } UnreferencedFilesManager.Self.RefreshUnreferencedFiles(true); MainGlueWindow.Self.Text = "FlatRedBall Glue - " + projectFileName; MainGlueWindow.Self.SaveRecentProject(projectFileName); if (shouldSaveGlux) { GluxCommands.Self.SaveGlux(); } TaskManager.Self.AddSync(GlueCommands.Self.ProjectCommands.SaveProjects, "Save all projects"); FileWatchManager.PerformFlushing = true; FileWatchManager.FlushAndClearIgnores(); } if (closeInitWindow) { mCurrentInitWindow.Close(); } Section.EndContextAndTime(); // If we ever want to make things go faster, turn this back on and let's see what's going on. //topSection.Save("Sections.xml"); }