public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            var chain = FabrIkChain.Make(inputs, sourceBone, unposedSource, target);


예제 #2
         *  Given a point that has already had bone total-transform applied to it, retransform it as the rotation of this bone was adjusted by a delta.
        public Vector2 RetransformPoint(SkeletonInputs inputs, float rotationDelta, Vector2 point)
            Matrix3x2 parentTransform   = GetChainedTransform(Parent, inputs);
            Vector2   transformedCenter = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(parentTransform, Center);

            var retransform = Matrix3x2.Rotation(rotationDelta, transformedCenter);

            return(Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(retransform, point));
예제 #3
         * Returns the gradient of a transformed point with respect to the rotation parameter.
        public Vector2 GetGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation(SkeletonInputs inputs, Vector2 point)
            Matrix3x2 parentTransform   = GetChainedTransform(Parent, inputs);
            Vector2   transformedCenter = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(parentTransform, Center);

            Vector2 centeredPoint = point - transformedCenter;

            return(new Vector2(-centeredPoint.Y, centeredPoint.X));
예제 #4
        private void AdjustBone(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone bone, Vector2 source, Vector2 target, float weight)
            var transform = bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs);
            var center    = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, bone.Center);

            float rotationDelta = Vector2Utils.AngleBetween(source - center, target - center);

            bone.IncrementRotation(inputs, rotationDelta * weight);
        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2        posedSource  = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), unposedSource);
            List <Vector2> posedCenters = bones
                                          .Select(bone => Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), bone.Center))

            List <Vector2> boneVectors = posedCenters
                                         .Zip(posedCenters.Skip(1).Concat(new [] { posedSource }), (center, end) => end - center)

            List <float> weights = Enumerable.Range(0, bones.Count).Select(i => 1f / (bones.Count - i)).ToList();

            Vector <float> gradient = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(bones.Count);

            Matrix <float> hessian = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(bones.Count, bones.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; ++i)
                Vector2 bi = boneVectors[i];

                Vector2 temp = target - posedSource + bi;

                gradient[i]   = weights[i] * (bi.Y * temp.X - bi.X * temp.Y);
                hessian[i, i] = weights[i] * weights[i] * Vector2.Dot(bi, temp);

                for (int j = 0; j < bones.Count; ++j)
                    Vector2 bj = boneVectors[j];

                    if (i != j)
                        hessian[i, j] = weights[i] * weights[j] * Vector2.Dot(bi, bj);

            //var step = -hessian.Inverse().Multiply(gradient);
            var step = -hessian.PseudoInverse().Multiply(gradient);

            //var step = -0.5f * gradient;

             * // Ensure step is approaching a minimum and not a maximum
             * for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; ++i) {
             *      step[i] = -Math.Abs(step[i]) * Math.Sign(gradient[i]);
             * }

            for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; ++i)
                float localRotationDelta = step[i] - ((i > 0) ? step[i - 1] : 0);
                inputs.IncrementRotation(i, weights[i] * localRotationDelta);
예제 #6
        public BoneTest()
            bone0 = Bone.MakeWithOffset(0, null, Vector2.UnitX, MathUtil.Pi);
            bone1 = Bone.MakeWithOffset(1, bone0, Vector2.UnitX, MathUtil.Pi);
            bone2 = Bone.MakeWithOffset(2, bone1, Vector2.UnitX, MathUtil.Pi);

            inputs = new SkeletonInputs(3);
            bone0.SetRotation(inputs, +0.1f);
            bone1.SetRotation(inputs, -0.2f);
            bone2.SetRotation(inputs, +0.4f);
예제 #7
 private static Matrix3x2 GetChainedTransform(Bone bone, SkeletonInputs inputs)
     if (bone == null)
        public void ApplyToInputs(SkeletonInputs inputs)
            inputs.Translation = positions[bones.Count] - bones[bones.Count - 1].Center;

            for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; ++i)
                float parentRotation = (i + 1 < bones.Count) ? rotations[i + 1] : 0;
                float localRotation  = rotations[i] - parentRotation;

                bones[i].SetRotation(inputs, localRotation);
        public FlatIkApp()
            renderEnvironment = new WindowedDirect2dRenderEnvironment("FlatIkApp", false);
            context           = renderEnvironment.D2dContext;
            whiteBrush        = new SolidColorBrush(context, Color.White);
            redBrush          = new SolidColorBrush(context, Color.Red);

            bones  = MakeStandardBones();
            inputs = new SkeletonInputs(bones.Count);

            solver = new FabrIkSolver();
예제 #10
        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2 source = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);

            float decay  = 0.9f;
            float weight = 1 - decay;

            for (var bone = sourceBone; bone != null; bone = bone.Parent)
                AdjustBone(inputs, bone, source, target, weight);
                weight *= decay;
        public static FabrIkChain Make(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2 posedSource = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);

            List <Bone> bones = new List <Bone> {
            List <Vector2> unposedBoneVectors = new List <Vector2> {

            List <float> rotations = new List <float>();

            List <Vector2> positions = new List <Vector2> {


            Vector2 previousUnposedPosition = unposedSource;
            Vector2 previousPosedPosition   = posedSource;

            for (var bone = sourceBone; bone != null; bone = bone.Parent)
                var unposedCenter = bone.Center;
                var posedCenter   = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), unposedCenter);

                Vector2 unposedBoneVector = previousUnposedPosition - unposedCenter;
                Vector2 posedBoneVector   = previousPosedPosition - posedCenter;
                float   rotation          = Vector2Utils.AngleBetween(


                previousUnposedPosition = unposedCenter;
                previousPosedPosition   = posedCenter;

            var startTarget = target;
            var endTarget   = positions[bones.Count];

            return(new FabrIkChain(bones, unposedBoneVectors, rotations, positions, target, endTarget));
        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2        source    = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);
            Vector <float> residuals = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(2);

            residuals[0] = target.X - source.X;
            residuals[1] = target.Y - source.Y;

            List <Bone> bones     = GetBoneChain(sourceBone).ToList();
            int         boneCount = bones.Count;

            Matrix <float> jacobian = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(2, boneCount + 2);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                Vector2 boneGradient = bones[boneIdx].GetGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation(inputs, source);
                jacobian[0, boneIdx] = boneGradient.X;
                jacobian[1, boneIdx] = boneGradient.Y;
            jacobian[0, boneCount + 0] = RootTranslationWeight;
            jacobian[1, boneCount + 1] = RootTranslationWeight;

            Vector <float> step = jacobian.PseudoInverse().Multiply(residuals);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                var bone = bones[boneIdx];
                bone.IncrementRotation(inputs, step[boneIdx]);

            Vector2 rootTranslationStep = new Vector2(
                step[boneCount + 0],
                step[boneCount + 1]);

            inputs.Translation += rootTranslationStep * RootTranslationWeight;
예제 #13
 public void SetRotation(SkeletonInputs inputs, float rotation)
     inputs.SetRotation(Index, rotation);
        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2 source = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);

            List <Bone> bones     = GetBoneChain(sourceBone).ToList();
            int         boneCount = bones.Count;

            Vector <float> residuals = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(boneCount * 2 + 2);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                var bone        = bones[boneIdx];
                var posedCenter = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), bone.Center);

                var residual = bone.Center - posedCenter;
                //var residual = Vector2.Zero;
                residuals[boneIdx * 2 + 0] = BoneCenterWeight * residual.X;
                residuals[boneIdx * 2 + 1] = BoneCenterWeight * residual.Y;
            residuals[boneCount * 2 + 0] = IkTargetWeight * (target.X - source.X);
            residuals[boneCount * 2 + 1] = IkTargetWeight * (target.Y - source.Y);

            Matrix <float> jacobian = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(2 *boneCount + 2, boneCount);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                for (int targetIdx = 0; targetIdx < boneCount + 1; ++targetIdx)
                    Vector2 boneGradient;
                    if (targetIdx > boneIdx && targetIdx != boneCount)
                        //target is unaffected by this bone
                        boneGradient = Vector2.Zero;
                        Vector2 targetSource;
                        float   weight;

                        if (targetIdx < boneCount)
                            //target is a bone center
                            var targetBone = bones[targetIdx];
                            targetSource = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(targetBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), targetBone.Center);
                            weight       = BoneCenterWeight;
                            //target is IK target
                            targetSource = source;
                            weight       = IkTargetWeight;
                        boneGradient = weight * bones[boneIdx].GetGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation(inputs, targetSource);

                    jacobian[targetIdx * 2 + 0, boneIdx] = boneGradient.X;
                    jacobian[targetIdx * 2 + 1, boneIdx] = boneGradient.Y;
            Vector <float> step = jacobian.PseudoInverse().Multiply(residuals);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                var bone = bones[boneIdx];
                bone.IncrementRotation(inputs, step[boneIdx]);
예제 #15
 public float GetRotation(SkeletonInputs inputs)
예제 #16
 public void IncrementRotation(SkeletonInputs inputs, float rotationDelta)
     inputs.IncrementRotation(Index, rotationDelta);
예제 #17
        public Matrix3x2 GetChainedTransform(SkeletonInputs inputs)
            Matrix3x2 parentTransform = GetChainedTransform(Parent, inputs);

            return(GetLocalTransform(inputs) * parentTransform);
예제 #18
        public Matrix3x2 GetLocalTransform(SkeletonInputs inputs)
            float rotation = GetRotation(inputs);

            return(Matrix3x2.Rotation(rotation, Center));