/*logic for leaving program when user finishes user creation*/ #region Exit Prompt public void Exit() {// when user is created, exit program string sYNtest = cDisplayer.ReadInfoDisplay("Do you want to search or edit again? (y/n)"); sYNtest = sYNtest.ToLower(); if (sYNtest == "y") { CommandInput input = new CommandInput(); input.InputReader(); } else { cDisplayer.DumbInfoDisplay("Please press any key to close program"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CommandInput input = new CommandInput(); input.InputReader(); }
public void Search(string sSearchParamater, string type) { List <string> lFoundStudent = new List <string>();//this array will be used to send the found information to the next class lFoundStudent.Add(""); string sArchiveSearch = "";//used to hold FirstNames found in the xml file string sArchiveUID = ""; string sSearchedUID = ""; bool bStudentFound = false;//will be set to true if student is found int iCourseCounter = 0; string SearchNode = ""; XmlDocument xmlArchive = new XmlDocument(); XMLPATH path = new XMLPATH(); string spath = path.Path; xmlArchive.Load(spath);//loads the precreated xml doc,takes the path string found in the XML_Creator class XmlNodeList XNList = xmlArchive.SelectNodes("/Students/Student"); XmlNodeList XNListCourses = xmlArchive.SelectNodes("/Students/Student/Courses/Course"); switch (type)//here starts a check for each type of search(ID, First Name and Last Name) { case "sid": SearchNode = "SID"; break; case "fname": SearchNode = "FName"; break; case "lname": SearchNode = "LName"; break; default: //If no type was properly selected Console.WriteLine("search paramaters incorrect please see system analyst"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } foreach (XmlNode Node in XNList) { sArchiveSearch = Node[SearchNode].InnerText.ToLower(); if (sArchiveSearch == sSearchParamater)//if the searched name equal and achieved name then sFoundStudent is filled with the the information from the archieve { bStudentFound = true; lFoundStudent.Add(Node["SID"].InnerText); sSearchedUID = Node["SID"].InnerText; lFoundStudent.Add(Node["FName"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(Node["LName"].InnerText); foreach (XmlNode xNode in XNListCourses) { sArchiveUID = xNode["UID"].InnerText; if (sArchiveUID == sSearchedUID) { iCourseCounter++; lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["CourseID"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["CourseNumber"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["CourseName"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["Credits"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["Year"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["Semester"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["CourseType"].InnerText); lFoundStudent.Add(xNode["CourseGrade"].InnerText); } lFoundStudent[0] = Convert.ToString(iCourseCounter); } } } if (bStudentFound == true) { Output Displayer = new Output(); if (usingGUI) { studentsFoundInQuery = lFoundStudent; } else { Displayer.InfoDisplay(lFoundStudent); CommandInput input = new CommandInput(); input.InputReader(); } } else { if (usingGUI) { return; } else { Output Display = new Output(); Display.DumbInfoDisplay("search failed"); Console.ReadKey(); CommandInput input = new CommandInput(); input.InputReader(); } } }