private void listViewCustom1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewCustom1.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { SelectedIndex = listViewCustom1.SelectedIndices[0]; SelectedTexSettings = settings[listViewCustom1.SelectedIndices[0]]; formatComboBox.SelectedItem = SelectedTexSettings.Format; SetupSettings(SelectedTexSettings); MipmapNum.Maximum = STGenericTexture.GenerateTotalMipCount( SelectedTexSettings.TexWidth, SelectedTexSettings.TexHeight) + 1; //Force the mip counter to be the selected mip counter //Some textures like bflim (used for UI) only have 1 if (OverrideMipCounter) { MipmapNum.Maximum = SelectedTexSettings.MipCount; MipmapNum.Minimum = SelectedTexSettings.MipCount; } MipmapNum.Value = SelectedTexSettings.MipCount; SwizzleNum.Value = SelectedTexSettings.SwizzlePattern; } }
public void LoadSettings(GTXImporterSettings setting) { settings.Add(setting); listViewCustom1.Items.Add(setting.TexName).SubItems.Add(setting.Format.ToString()); listViewCustom1.Items[0].Selected = true; listViewCustom1.Select(); }
public void SetupSettings(GTXImporterSettings setting) { if (setting.Format == GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat.INVALID || SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if (Thread != null && Thread.IsAlive) { Thread.Abort(); } if (formatComboBox.SelectedItem is GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat) { setting.Format = (GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat)formatComboBox.SelectedItem; listViewCustom1.Items[SelectedIndex].SubItems[1].Text = setting.Format.ToString(); } HeightLabel.Text = $"Height: {setting.TexHeight}"; WidthLabel.Text = $"Width: {setting.TexWidth}"; Bitmap bitmap = Toolbox.Library.Imaging.GetLoadingImage(); pictureBox1.Image = bitmap; Thread = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { setting.IsFinishedCompressing = false; ToggleOkButton(false); var mips = setting.GenerateMipList(); setting.DataBlockOutput.Clear(); setting.DataBlockOutput.Add(Utils.CombineByteArray(mips.ToArray())); ToggleOkButton(true); setting.Compress(); bitmap = FTEX.DecodeBlockGetBitmap(mips[0], setting. TexWidth, setting.TexHeight, FTEX.ConvertFromGx2Format( (Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat)setting.Format), new byte[0]); if (pictureBox1.InvokeRequired) { pictureBox1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { pictureBox1.Image = bitmap; pictureBox1.Refresh(); int size = Utils.GetSizeInBytes(mips); dataSizeLbl.Text = $"Data Size: {STMath.GetFileSize(size, 5)}"; }); } mips.Clear(); })); Thread.Start(); }
private void listViewCustom1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewCustom1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { SelectedTexSettings = settings[listViewCustom1.SelectedIndices[0]]; formatComboBox.SelectedItem = SelectedTexSettings.Format; SetupSettings(); MipmapNum.Maximum = SelectedTexSettings.GetTotalMipCount() + 1; MipmapNum.Value = SelectedTexSettings.MipCount; } }
public void LoadSetting(GTXImporterSettings setting) { settings.Add(setting); if (setting.UseBc4Alpha) { chkBc4Alpha.Checked = true; } listViewCustom1.Items.Add(setting.TexName).SubItems.Add(setting.Format.ToString()); listViewCustom1.Items[0].Selected = true; listViewCustom1.Select(); }
public static GX2.GX2Surface CreateGx2Texture(byte[] imageData, GTXImporterSettings setting) { return(GX2.CreateGx2Texture(imageData, setting.TexName, setting.tileMode, (uint)setting.AAMode, setting.TexWidth, setting.TexHeight, setting.Depth, (uint)setting.Format, setting.Swizzle, (uint)setting.SurfaceDim, setting.MipCount)); }
public static GTXImporterSettings SetImporterSettings(string name) { var importer = new GTXImporterSettings(); string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(name); ext = ext.ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".dds": importer.LoadDDS(name); break; default: importer.LoadBitMap(name); break; } return(importer); }
public static GTX.GX2Surface CreateGx2Texture(byte[] imageData, GTXImporterSettings setting, uint tileMode, uint AAMode) { var Format = (GTX.GX2SurfaceFormat)setting.Format; Console.WriteLine("Format " + Format + " " + setting.TexName); var surfOut = GTX.getSurfaceInfo(Format, setting.TexWidth, setting.TexHeight, 1, 1, tileMode, 0, 0); uint imageSize = (uint)surfOut.surfSize; uint alignment = surfOut.baseAlign; uint pitch = surfOut.pitch; uint mipSize = 0; uint dataSize = (uint)imageData.Length; uint bpp = GTX.surfaceGetBitsPerPixel((uint)setting.Format) >> 3; if (dataSize <= 0) { throw new Exception($"Image is empty!!"); } if (surfOut.depth != 1) { throw new Exception($"Unsupported Depth {surfOut.depth}!"); } uint s = 0; switch (tileMode) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 16: s = 0; break; default: s = 0xd0000 | setting.swizzle << 8; break; } uint blkWidth, blkHeight; if (GTX.IsFormatBCN(Format)) { blkWidth = 4; blkHeight = 4; } else { blkWidth = 1; blkHeight = 1; } List <uint> mipOffsets = new List <uint>(); List <byte[]> Swizzled = new List <byte[]>(); for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < setting.MipCount; mipLevel++) { var result = TextureHelper.GetCurrentMipSize(setting.TexWidth, setting.TexHeight, blkWidth, blkHeight, bpp, mipLevel); uint offset = result.Item1; uint size = result.Item2; Console.WriteLine("Swizzle Size " + size); Console.WriteLine("Swizzle offset " + offset); Console.WriteLine("bpp " + bpp); Console.WriteLine("TexWidth " + setting.TexWidth); Console.WriteLine("TexHeight " + setting.TexHeight); Console.WriteLine("blkWidth " + blkWidth); Console.WriteLine("blkHeight " + blkHeight); Console.WriteLine("mipLevel " + mipLevel); byte[] data_ = new byte[size]; Array.Copy(imageData, offset, data_, 0, size); uint width_ = Math.Max(1, setting.TexWidth >> mipLevel); uint height_ = Math.Max(1, setting.TexHeight >> mipLevel); if (mipLevel != 0) { surfOut = GTX.getSurfaceInfo(Format, setting.TexWidth, setting.TexHeight, 1, 1, tileMode, 0, mipLevel); if (mipLevel == 1) { mipOffsets.Add(imageSize); } else { mipOffsets.Add(mipSize); } } data_ = Utils.CombineByteArray(data_, new byte[surfOut.surfSize - size]); byte[] dataAlignBytes = new byte[RoundUp(mipSize, surfOut.baseAlign) - mipSize]; if (mipLevel != 0) { mipSize += (uint)(surfOut.surfSize + dataAlignBytes.Length); } byte[] SwizzledData = GTX.swizzle(width_, height_, surfOut.height, (uint)Format, surfOut.tileMode, s, surfOut.pitch, surfOut.bpp, data_); Swizzled.Add(dataAlignBytes.Concat(SwizzledData).ToArray()); } GTX.GX2Surface surf = new GTX.GX2Surface(); surf.depth = setting.Depth; surf.width = setting.TexWidth; surf.height = setting.TexHeight; surf.depth = 1; surf.use = 1; surf.dim = (uint)setting.SurfaceDim; surf.tileMode = tileMode; surf.swizzle = s; surf.resourceFlags = 0; surf.pitch = pitch; surf.bpp = bpp; surf.format = (uint)setting.Format; surf.numMips = setting.MipCount; surf.aa = AAMode; surf.mipOffset = mipOffsets.ToArray(); surf.numMips = (uint)Swizzled.Count; surf.alignment = alignment; surf.mipSize = mipSize; surf.imageSize = imageSize; = Swizzled[0]; List <byte[]> mips = new List <byte[]>(); for (int mipLevel = 1; mipLevel < Swizzled.Count; mipLevel++) { mips.Add(Swizzled[mipLevel]); Console.WriteLine(Swizzled[mipLevel].Length); } surf.mipData = Utils.CombineByteArray(mips.ToArray()); mips.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("// ----- GX2Surface Swizzled Info ----- "); Console.WriteLine(" dim = 1"); Console.WriteLine(" width = " + surf.width); Console.WriteLine(" height = " + surf.height); Console.WriteLine(" depth = 1"); Console.WriteLine(" numMips = " + surf.numMips); Console.WriteLine(" format = " + surf.format); Console.WriteLine(" aa = 0"); Console.WriteLine(" use = 1"); Console.WriteLine(" imageSize = " + surf.imageSize); Console.WriteLine(" mipSize = " + surf.mipSize); Console.WriteLine(" tileMode = " + surf.tileMode); Console.WriteLine(" swizzle = " + surf.swizzle); Console.WriteLine(" alignment = " + surf.alignment); Console.WriteLine(" pitch = " + surf.pitch); Console.WriteLine(" data = " +; Console.WriteLine(" mipData = " + surf.mipData.Length); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" GX2 Component Selector:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" bits per pixel = " + (surf.bpp << 3)); Console.WriteLine(" bytes per pixel = " + surf.bpp); Console.WriteLine(" realSize = " + imageData.Length); return(surf); }
public void SetupSettings(GTXImporterSettings setting, bool setFormat = true) { if (setting.Format == GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat.INVALID || SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if (Thread != null && Thread.IsAlive) { Thread.Abort(); } if (formatComboBox.SelectedItem is GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat && setFormat) { setting.Format = (GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat)formatComboBox.SelectedItem; if (setting.Format == GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat.T_BC4_UNORM && DisplayBC4Alpha || setting.Format == GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat.T_BC4_SNORM && DisplayBC4Alpha) { chkBc4Alpha.Visible = true; } else { chkBc4Alpha.Visible = false; } listViewCustom1.Items[SelectedIndex].SubItems[1].Text = setting.Format.ToString(); } if (setting.MipCountOriginal >= 0) { chkOriginalMipCount.Enabled = true; } else { chkOriginalMipCount.Enabled = false; } HeightLabel.Text = $"Height: {setting.TexHeight}"; WidthLabel.Text = $"Width: {setting.TexWidth}"; Bitmap bitmap = Toolbox.Library.Imaging.GetLoadingImage(); pictureBox1.Image = bitmap; Thread = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { setting.IsFinishedCompressing = false; ToggleOkButton(false); var mips = setting.GenerateMipList(); setting.DataBlockOutput.Clear(); setting.DataBlockOutput.Add(Utils.CombineByteArray(mips.ToArray())); ToggleOkButton(true); setting.IsFinishedCompressing = true; bitmap = FTEX.DecodeBlockGetBitmap(mips[0], setting. TexWidth, setting.TexHeight, FTEX.ConvertFromGx2Format( (Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.GX2.GX2SurfaceFormat)setting.Format), new byte[0]); if (setting.FlipY) { bitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY); } if (setting.UseBc4Alpha) { bitmap = BitmapExtension.SetChannel(bitmap, STChannelType.Red, STChannelType.Red, STChannelType.Red, STChannelType.Red); } if (pictureBox1.InvokeRequired) { pictureBox1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { pictureBox1.Image = bitmap; pictureBox1.Refresh(); int size = Utils.GetSizeInBytes(mips); dataSizeLbl.Text = $"Data Size: {STMath.GetFileSize(size, 5)}"; }); } mips.Clear(); })); Thread.Start(); }