public static void SetLanguage(string language) { DocStrings.translations = DocStrings.GetTranslations(language); }
static DocStrings() { DocStrings.LINKS_BY_LANGUAGE = new Dictionary <string, DocStrings.LinkToUrl> { { "en", new DocStrings.LinkToUrl { { DocStrings.Link.AndroidSetup, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.AndroidAddApp, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.IOSSetup, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.IOSAddApp, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.AnalyticsGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.AnalyticsReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.AuthGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.AuthReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.CloudMessagingGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.CloudMessagingReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.DatabaseGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.DatabaseReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.DynamicLinksGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.DynamicLinksReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.FunctionsGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.FunctionsReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.InvitesGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.InvitesReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.RemoteConfigGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.RemoteConfigReference, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.StorageGuide, "" }, { DocStrings.Link.StorageReference, "" } } } }; DocStrings.REFERENCE_BY_LANGUAGE = new Dictionary <string, DocStrings.DocRefToString> { { "en", new DocStrings.DocRefToString { { DocStrings.DocRef.Yes, "Yes" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.No, "No" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.Android, "Android" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.IOS, "iOS" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.FirebaseDescription, "Firebase gives you the tools and infrastructure from Google to help you develop, grow and earn money from your app." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.OpenConsole, "Open in Console" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.LearnMore, "Learn More" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AndroidConnected, "Ready to use Firebase on Android." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AndroidDisconnected, "To connect Firebase for Android, add the google-services.json from Firebase to your Assets." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.IOSConnected, "Ready to use Firebase on iOS." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.IOSDisconnected, "To connect Firebase for iOS, add the GoogleService-Info.plist from Firebase to your Assets." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AnalyticsName, "Analytics" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AnalyticsDescription, "Measure user activity and engagement with free, easy, and unlimited analytics." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AnalyticsGuideSummary, "Log an Analytics event" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AuthName, "Authentication" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AuthDescription, "Sign in and manage users with ease, accepting emails, Google Sign-In, Facebook and other login providers." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AuthGuideSummary, "Email and password authentication" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.CloudMessagingName, "Cloud Messaging" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.CloudMessagingDescription, "Deliver and receive messages and notifications reliably across cloud and device." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.CloudMessagingGuideSummary, "Set up Firebase Cloud Messaging" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DatabaseName, "Realtime Database" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DatabaseDescription, "Store and sync data across all clients in realtime." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DatabaseGuideSummary, "Set up Firebase Realtime Database" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DynamicLinksName, "Dynamic Links" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DynamicLinksDescription, "Send users to the right place in your app whether or not it is already installed." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DynamicLinksGuideSummary, "Set up Firebase Dynamic Links" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.FunctionsName, "Cloud Functions for Firebase" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.FunctionsDescription, "Call Cloud Functions directly from your app." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.FunctionsGuideSummary, "Set up Cloud Functions for Firebase" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.InvitesName, "Invites and Dynamic Links" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.InvitesDescription, "Let your existing users easily share your app, or their favorite in-app content, via email or SMS." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.InvitesGuideSummary, "Send Firebase invites from your app" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.RemoteConfigName, "Remote Config" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.RemoteConfigDescription, "Customize and experiment with app behavior using cloud-based configuration parameters." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.RemoteConfigGuideSummary, "Set up Firebase Remote Config" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.StorageName, "Storage" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.StorageDescription, "Store files with ease." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.StorageGuideSummary, "Set up Firebase Storage" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesAndroidGenerateXml, "Generated Firebase Android Resources file {0} from {1}\n\nExecuted {2}" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesAndroidFileMissing, "No {0} files found in your project so it is not possible to generate Firebase Android resources file {1}.\nBuilding without Firebase Android resources ({1}) will result in an app that will fail to initialize.\n\nTo resolve this problem, follow the setup instructions at {2}" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesIOSFileMissing, "No {0} files found in your project.\nBuilding without Firebase configuration will result in an app that will fail to initialize.\n\nTo resolve this problem, follow the setup instructions at {1}" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesFileMultipleFiles, "Multiple {0} files found in your project. Using {1} (bundle ID {2}) to configure Firebase.\n\nAll files present:\n{3}\n" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesMismatchedBundleId, "Incorrect Bundle ID" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesChangeBundleId, "Would you like to change your bundle ID from {0} to {1}?" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesFileBundleIdMissing, "Project Bundle ID {0} does not match any bundle IDs in your {1} files\nThis will result in an app that will fail to initialize.\n\nAvailable Bundle IDs:\n{2}\n\nYou need to either:\n* Fix your app's bundle ID under \"Player Settings --> Bundle Identifier\"\nor:\n* Add another app to your firebase project\n Goto {3}\n and add the new configuration file to your project.\n" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesAndroidGenerationFailed, "Generation of the Firebase Android resource file {0} from {1} failed.\nIf you have not included a valid Firebase Android resources in your app it will fail to initialize.\n{2}\n{3}\n\nYou can start to diagnose this issue by executing \"{2}\" from the command line." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.GoogleServicesToolMissing, "Unable to find command line tool {0} required for Firebase Android resource generation.\n{0} is required to generate the Firebase Android resource file {1} from {2}. Without Firebase Android resources, your app will fail to initialize.\n{0} was distributed with each Firebase Unity SDK plugin, was it deleted?\n\n{3}" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.UnableToCreateDirectory, "Failed to create directory {0}. Is the directory read-only?" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.IOSNotSupportedOnWindows, "Firebase iOS builds are not supported on Windows. Please build on a OSX machine instead." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.FailedToLoadIOSExtensions, "Failed to load the UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode dll.\nIs iOS support installed?" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.PropertyMissingForGoogleSignIn, "{0} file missing {1}, Google Sign-In will fail to initialize.\nTo resolve this issue follow the instructions at {2}" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DotNetSdkMismatchSummary, "Incorrect .Net Version." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DotNetSdkMismatch, "The Firebase Database requires the full .Net 2.0 SDK. It does not work with .Net 2.0 Subset.\n\nResolve this by changing the .Net SDK to \".NET 2.0\" in:\nBuild Settings -> Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Optimization -> Api Compatibility Level\n" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.DotNetSdkChange, "Change .Net version?" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AndroidSdkVersionMismatchSummary, "Incorrect Minimum Android Version." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AndroidSdkVersionMismatch, "Minimum Target Android SDK needs to be set to level 14 or above.\n\nChange the Android SDK version to at least \"API level 14\" in:\nBuild Settings -> Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Identification -> Minimum API Level\n" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.AndroidSdkVersionChange, "Change Android SDK Version?" }, { DocStrings.DocRef.CouldNotCopyFile, "Could not copy file {0} to {1}." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.CouldNotFindPlistOrJson, "Could not locate google-services.json or GoogleService-Info.plist files." }, { DocStrings.DocRef.CouldNotTranslatePlist, "Could not parse the file {0} as a plist file. Redownload from the firebase console?" } } } }; DocStrings.translations = null; DocStrings.SetLanguage("en"); }