public bool ConfigOPCRules(OPCRulesForm orf, bool log_flag, bool add_delete) { string flag = null; string sql_rule = null; String opc_rules_from_client_to_server0 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s " + orf.getSrc_IP() + " -d " + orf.getDst_IP() + " --dport 135 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 1"; String opc_rules_from_client_to_server1 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s " + orf.getDst_IP() + " -d " + orf.getSrc_IP(); String opc_rules_from_client_to_server_log = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s " + orf.getSrc_IP() + " -d " + orf.getDst_IP() + " --dport 135 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j LOG --log-prefix " + "\"" + "ACCEPT&OPC&ESTABLISHED " + "\""; //String opc_rules_from_server_to_client = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s " + orf.getDst_IP() + " -d " + orf.getSrc_IP() + " --sport 135 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 1"; if (add_delete == true) { flag = "DPI1"; sql_rule = "INSERT INTO OPC values " + "(" + devform.getDev_IP() + "','" + orf.getDst_IP() + "','" + orf.getSrc_IP() + "','ACCEPT','" + log_flag + "')"; } else if (add_delete == false) { flag = "DPI0"; sql_rule = "DELETE FROM OPC where (dev_IP='" + devform.getDev_IP() + "' and dst_IP='" + orf.getDst_IP() + "' and src_IP='" + orf.getSrc_IP() + "' and method='ACCEPT')"; } string rule = flag + opc_rules_from_client_to_server_log + " && " + opc_rules_from_client_to_server0 + " && " + opc_rules_from_client_to_server1; DPIdb_operate.dboperate(sql_rule); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
public bool ConfigSNAT(string dev_IP, string EthName, string devIP, string EthIP, bool add_delete) { this.devform.setDev_IP(dev_IP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string flag = ""; string configEth_bridge = ""; string configInfo = ""; string configEth_IP = ""; string sql_rule = ""; string rule = "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s " + devIP + " -o br0 -j SNAT --to-source " + dev_IP; if (add_delete) { flag = "NAT1"; configEth_bridge = "brctl delif br0 " + EthName;//先将网口从网桥上删除 configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + EthIP + " netmask" + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_bridge + " && " + configEth_IP + " && " + rule; sql_rule = "INSERT INTO snat VALUES('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "', '" + devIP + "', '" + EthName + "', '" + EthIP + "', '" + StaticGlobal.FwMACandIP[StaticGlobal.firewallmac] + "'); "; } else if (!add_delete) { flag = "NAT0"; configEth_bridge = "brctl addif br0 " + EthName; configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_IP + " && " + configEth_bridge + " && " + rule; sql_rule = "DELETE FROM snat WHERE fwmac= '" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "' and origin_devIP='" + devIP + "'" + " and EthName= '" + EthName + "' and NATIP='" + EthIP + "' and EthIP='" + StaticGlobal.FwMACandIP[StaticGlobal.firewallmac] + "');"; } NATdb_operate.dboperate(sql_rule); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(configInfo)); }
public bool AddCNCRules(string devIP, bool log_flag, int connlimit, string srcIP, string dstIP, string sport, string dport) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string rule1 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --syn"; if (srcIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -s " + srcIP; } if (sport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --sport " + sport; } if (dstIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -d " + dstIP; } if (dport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --dport " + dport; } rule1 = rule1 + " -m connlimit --connlimit-above " + Convert.ToString(connlimit); string rule = "CNC1" + rule1 + " -j DROP"; if (log_flag) { rule = rule + " && " + rule1 + " -j LOG"; } string sql_str = "INSERT INTO cnc VALUES " + "('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "'," + log_flag.ToString() + ",'" + connlimit.ToString() + "','" + srcIP + "','" + dstIP + "','" + sport + "','" + dport + "')"; db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
public bool AddSTDRules(string devIP, bool log_flag, string protocol, string srcIP, string dstIP, string sport, string dport) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string rule1 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p " + protocol; if (srcIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -s " + srcIP; } if (sport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --sport " + sport; } if (dstIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -d " + dstIP; } if (dport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --dport " + dport; } string rule = "STD1" + rule1 + " -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT"; if (log_flag) { rule = rule + " && " + rule1 + " -m state --state NEW -j LOG"; } string sql_str = "INSERT INTO STD VALUES " + "('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "'," + log_flag.ToString() + ",'" + protocol + "','" + srcIP + "','" + dstIP + "','" + sport + "','" + dport + "')"; db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
public bool DefaultRouteConfig(string devIP, bool add_del_flag, string Iface, string gateway) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string rule; string sql_str; if (add_del_flag) { rule = "PRT1route add default "; sql_str = "INSERT INTO prt VALUES " + "('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "'," + "'默认路由','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + Iface + "','" + "" + "','" + gateway + "')"; } else { rule = "PRT0route del default "; sql_str = "DELETE FROM prt WHERE (fwmac='" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "' and route_type='默认路由'" + " and Iface='" + Iface + "' and gateway='" + gateway + "')"; } if (Iface != "") { rule = rule + " dev " + Iface; } if (gateway != "") { rule = rule + " gw " + gateway; } db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
public bool ApplicationProtocolControl(string devIP, string protocol, bool pro_status) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string port = protocol_port[protocol]; string rule1 = "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j ACCEPT && " + "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j ACCEPT && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --sport " + port + " -j ACCEPT && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j ACCEPT"; string rule2 = "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j DROP && " + "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j DROP && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --sport " + port + " -j DROP && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j DROP"; string rule; string sql_str; if (pro_status) { rule = "APC2" + rule1 + "#" + protocol; sql_str = "update apc set status='allow' where protocol='" + protocol + "'"; } else { rule = "APC2" + rule2 + "#" + protocol; sql_str = "update apc set status='forbid' where protocol='" + protocol + "'"; } db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
/// <summary> /// 发送配置信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="cmd">需要配置的规则</param> public bool SendConfigInfo(string cmd) { config_info_confirm = false; byte[] head = { 0x0f, 0x0e, 0x0d, 0x0c, 0x0b, 0x0a }; //自定义数据包包头 byte[] body = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd + "*"); byte[] data = head.Concat(body).ToArray(); ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); string yucon = encoding.GetString(data, 0, data.Length); Console.WriteLine("{0}", yucon); UdpClient client = null; IPAddress remoteIP = IPAddress.Parse(devform.getDev_IP()); int remotePort = devform.getDev_port(); IPEndPoint remotePoint = new IPEndPoint(remoteIP, remotePort); #if debug Console.WriteLine("start sending:"); #endif client = new UdpClient(); client.Send(data, data.Length, remotePoint); /* 监听无IP配置是否成功返回消息 */ UdpClient listener = new UdpClient(30333); listener.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 10000; IPEndPoint groupEP = null; //DateTime beforDT = System.DateTime.Now; try { while (!config_info_confirm) { byte[] content = listener.Receive(ref groupEP); string con = Encoding.Default.GetString(content); if (con == "success") { config_info_confirm = true; } if (con == "fail") { config_info_confirm = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); config_info_confirm = false; } finally { listener.Close(); } client.Close(); #if debug Console.WriteLine("send successfully!"); #endif return(config_info_confirm); }