private void Container_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Width = 55 + ANDGate.width; // Width of all gate
            this.Height = 20 + ANDGate.height; // height of all gate
            this.BackColor = Color.Black;

            Form Form1 = this.FindForm();
            Control panel1 = this.Parent;
            ContainerRectangle.Width = this.Width;
            ContainerRectangle.Height = this.Height;

            ContainerRectangle.Location = this.Location; // created a rectangle at the same location of this container

            ContainerScreenLocation = new Point(ContainerRectangle.X, ContainerRectangle.Y);
            //ContainerScreenLocation = panel1.PointToClient(ContainerScreenLocation);
            // created a point of the location of the rectangle relative to screen

            ANDGate andgate = new ANDGate(panel1);
            //this.Visible = false;
예제 #2
        private void Container_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Width     = 55 + ANDGate.width;  // Width of all gate
            this.Height    = 20 + ANDGate.height; // height of all gate
            this.BackColor = Color.Black;

            Form    Form1  = this.FindForm();
            Control panel1 = this.Parent;

            ContainerRectangle.Width  = this.Width;
            ContainerRectangle.Height = this.Height;

            ContainerRectangle.Location = this.Location; // created a rectangle at the same location of this container

            ContainerScreenLocation = new Point(ContainerRectangle.X, ContainerRectangle.Y);
            //ContainerScreenLocation = panel1.PointToClient(ContainerScreenLocation);
            // created a point of the location of the rectangle relative to screen

            ANDGate andgate = new ANDGate(panel1);
            //this.Visible = false;